Toyger: features of the cat breed, photo, kitten price, description of appearance, character, maintenance and care

The idea of ​​​​breeding a breed of domestic cat with the external features of a wild tiger belongs to the American breeder Judy Sugden. In 1993, the first kitten of this breed was born. The basis of the breed was given by the Bengal cat, this is not by chance, because Judy’s mother, also a famous breeder Jane Mill, was the one who bred the Bengal cat breed. Judy chose a Bengal with stripes and used non-Bengals to achieve the traits she was looking for to match the image of a small tiger. DescriptionCharacterCost

History of the origin of the Toyger cat breed

The Toyger breed appeared quite recently: its origin dates back to the 80s of the last century, when the American Judy Sugden decided to improve the appearance of the tabby mackerel, turning the domestic cat into a real tiger, at least externally. The character of the cats had to remain pleasant for communication with other inhabitants of the apartment.

The purpose of such breeding work was to attract attention to the problems of exterminating striped predators.

The Toyger cat is a kind of cat puzzle: the mother of the breed is a domestic pet Bengal with striped marks and a short-haired domestic cat.

Additional genes were provided by a street cat brought by a breeder from India. Other breeders also got involved in the work, attracting additional breeds.

The toyger was officially registered in 1993, but cats have been able to take part in exhibitions only since 2007.

Domestic tigers live mainly in America and Europe. There are nurseries for this breed in Russia, but the kitten will not be able to bear offspring. Manufacturers can only be purchased abroad. And such charm will cost several thousand euros.

Cost of a kitten

Toygers are a new breed that is still in development. To make the cat look more like a toy tiger, breeders try to give cats its features: a wide nose, rounded ears, light areas of the belly and chest.

Kittens born with color irregularities or too long hair lose the opportunity to participate in exhibitions, but retain the character of their breed, which is why they become excellent companions.

Rarity explains the reason for the high cost of toygers:

  • Pet class - from fifty thousand rubles.
  • Breed class - about two hundred thousand.
  • Show class - up to two hundred thousand.

A kitten purchased from a nursery will belong to the pet class, so it will be sterilized before being handed over to the owner. When purchasing, it is recommended to check the pedigree and vaccinations.

Appearance of Toyger cats

Photos of a toyger always attract attention, but in reality these animals look even cuter, although very often ignorant people mistake them for ordinary bengals.

The main features of the breed are shiny red fur lined with dark vertical stripes, a powerful graceful body reminiscent of a wild animal, and a massive chin. The pet should not look too elegant, but it should not become a clumsy sofa cushion either.

A medium-sized head, a muzzle slightly reminiscent of an inverted heart, small yellowish-green eyes, miniature ears ending in a rounded tip, a long tail with a blunt end - these are the main features of a domestic tiger cub. At the same time, cats look much prettier than their companions due to their more developed muscles.

Toyger cat fur

Although the cat is a short-haired member of its family, the toyger must have thick and soft fur. A unique 3D effect gives a natural fur coat a special charm: the hairs on the strips are a little longer and look more voluminous.

Toyger cat color

The cat should have a brindle color: dark stripes are set off by a golden-red background. A small grayish undercoat is allowed. The rules of the breed provide for heterogeneity of the fundamental tone. Light areas on the belly, chest and inside of the legs will be an advantage at any show.

The snow toyger is characterized by a pale cream, almost white base tone and light brown stripes. But this breed variety has not yet been standardized.


Toygers are long-lived breeds. Its representatives live on average 15 years, but with proper care they can live up to 18-20 years.

The “tiger cubs” have not had their own genetic diseases, but they may suffer from pathologies characteristic of Bengals.

Among them:

  • cardiomyopathy;
  • cataract;
  • cardiac hypotrophy.

Males may develop urolithiasis. It also occurs in cats, but much less frequently.

Toygers are not insured against common infectious diseases. The most common is feline leukemia. The only way to protect your pet from mortal danger is timely vaccination.

There is an opinion that if a cat does not go outside, there is no need to vaccinate it. This is wrong. Most pathogens that cause life-threatening diseases remain active in the environment. Owners can bring them home, for example, on shoes or dirty hands.

The vaccination schedule is drawn up by a veterinarian, based on data received from the breeder and the general health of the pet.

Most often they follow the following scheme:

  • 8-12 weeks – first vaccination;
  • after 2-3 weeks - revaccination;
  • at 12 months – the third vaccination.

Further vaccination is carried out annually. At least 10 days before the procedure, the animal must be dewormed and free of fleas. The breeder will tell you what medications to use.

Character of the Toyger cat

Kotyarka miraculously combines all the best features of her diverse ancestors.

He is distinguished by his affectionate nature, but will not be too annoying with his desire to rub against his beloved owner, mobility, but will not rush around the apartment, demolishing everything that stands in the way of the playful animal, good nature and the ability to quickly forget all the troubles that happened to him.

And troubles can be very diverse: toyger kittens and older animals cannot help but stick their curious nose into an open closet door, the folded lid of a sofa, suitcase, or travel bag, and check the contents of the washing machine, oven, refrigerator and balcony.

Cats of this breed simply cannot accumulate grudges, so an inadvertently crushed tail or pinched whiskers will not become a reason for long-thought-out revenge. The Toyger will prefer to forget minor disappointments, actively continuing to engage in any activity that is suitable for the given moment.

But one should not consider the toyger incapable of defending its rights and reminding its owners of their responsibilities. The cat will certainly express all its complaints verbally, meowing loudly about the violation of freedoms.

In the same way, she will defend the territory (or what she wishes to consider as her territory) from the invasion of her relatives or other four-legged representatives of the animal world.

Lifestyle of a Toyger cat

The cat has a dozen things to do. In addition to periodically checking closets and searching bags, the toyger loves to play with its owner, his wife and children. And even a stranger who shows affection to a pet tiger cub is temporarily transferred to the category of friends.

The best resting place is considered to be the knees, back or stomach of the inhabitants of the house, on which you can sleep or massage with strong paws, purring with pleasure.

With no less delight, the toyger will begin to eat house flowers, so they will either have to be carefully protected from the encroachments of the ubiquitous cat, or show an iron will, explaining that plants are not at all a suitable option for lunch or play.

A sociable cat can hardly tolerate loneliness, so it is better not to leave the cat alone for a long time.

Relationships of the Toyger breed to other animals

The toyger is not considered a breed that has retained hunting instincts, but it is unlikely that he will be able to make friends with a canary or hamster. The animal will consider the smaller inhabitants of the house as just another toy designed to brighten up the cat’s loneliness.

When walking, the toyger must be kept on a harness. Otherwise, the cat can easily get into a fight with the dogs or run away, becoming interested in a new object.

Diet for Toyger cats

Completely unpretentious to food, toygers will not require the preparation of special delicacies. With equal pleasure they eat both ready-made food and homemade dishes, not denying themselves the pleasure of stealing a tasty morsel from the owners’ plate or asking for more.

The tiger cat, transferred to the home menu, is especially fond of lean meat or offal with a side dish of cereals and vegetables. But in this case, the cat will have to buy special vitamins that maintain the balance of minerals.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a pet, it is important to take into account the characteristics inherent in a particular breed. This will help ensure your pet receives proper care and maintenance. The main positive and negative features of Toygers are shown in the table.

good healththere is a threat of obesity
sharp mind, kindnessmanipulative
suitable for any type of feedingmany prohibited foods
exotic appearancehigh cost of kittens
devotion to the ownerneed for constant attention
low maintenanceneeds physical activity
long life expectancycompulsory vaccination
communication skillsPossibility of breeding only in nurseries

Toygers have much more advantages than disadvantages. The latter can be easily corrected with competent education and care.

Caring for Toyger cats

The cat does not cause much trouble for its owners. He easily gets accustomed to the tray, is not afraid of water, so he can easily tolerate bathing procedures.

Short hair practically does not shed and does not require combing, although cats will appreciate a massage with a slicker brush.

Contents in the house

Pets of this breed are unpretentious and do not have any peculiarities in their maintenance. A plush coat does not require constant brushing; you should not bathe your cat more than twice a month.

Little tigers, like any true predator, need to use their growing claws. It is necessary to monitor their condition and also purchase a scratching post.

The toyger needs standard “cat procedures” - cleaning the ears, eyes, teeth.

This breed requires a thoughtful and balanced diet. Toygers are indiscriminate eaters and eat whatever their owner gives them. This often leads to digestive problems and a shortened lifespan of the animal. When choosing ready-made mixtures, you should give preference to premium food, developed taking into account the age and needs of the pet.

However, if the breeder prefers to feed the pet natural food, then you should know some nuances. The cat's diet is predominantly protein, the main food being meat, poultry, and offal. Be sure to add vegetables and cereals. Fish is not recommended for consumption. Vitamin supplements, chosen in consultation with your veterinarian, will improve your pet's health.

No genetic diseases have been identified at the moment; toygers are strong and healthy cats and rarely get sick. With proper nutrition and healthy complementary foods, there will be no problems. However, an unbalanced diet often leads to obesity, and cats have problems with the urinary tract.

Training of Toyger cats

Toygers are quite trainable. Of course, you shouldn’t expect them to carry out all the orders of a dog trained by a specially trained dog handler, but the cat can easily remember and repeat simple commands, perceiving it as a new and fun game.

It is necessary to raise kittens from early childhood; adult animals are not very willing to accept prohibitions and restrictions.

Interesting Facts

The name Toyger cats comes from a combination of two English words: “toy” (toy) and “tiger” (tiger).

The pattern on the fur of toygers is never repeated. It is as unique as a person's fingerprint.

Toygers are among the TOP most expensive cats in the world. The minimum cost of a kitten not intended for selection is 60,000 rubles. The price for elite manufacturers reaches 300,0000 rubles.

There is a hypothesis that during the selection process these animals lost their “sense of the trail.” If they get lost, they will not be able to find their way home on their own.

Photos of Toyger cats

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