Snoopy the cat. Description, features, care and price of the Snoopy cat

A star is born

For a long time it was believed that Snoopy was a Japanese cat breed, although the stunning kitten Snoopy was born in Changdu, Sichuan Province, China. Miss Ning, the owner of the unique cat, from the first days posted photographs of her cute pet on the Chinese social network Weibo, and then on worldwide networks. Fans all over the world began to have kittens that look like Snoopy.

This is where the most important secret is hidden. Snoopy is an Exotic Shorthair cat, but people insist on calling all exotics Snoopy.

Mating cats of the Snoopy breed

If the acquired Snoopy kitten belongs to the pet class, then mating is impossible - such an animal must be castrated or sterilized. The operation can be performed as early as 7–8 months of age; this is the most favorable time for representatives of the breed.

Cats of the Snoopy breed can only be bred if the animal is classified as breed or show class. When the owner of a Snoopy cat thinks about organizing a business for breeding and selling furry cats, he needs to collect documents (veterinary passport and pedigree of the animal, a diploma of veterinary, zootechnical or medical education, or a document confirming completion of the relevant courses) and create a nursery (registered in a felinological club consisting in one of the international associations of cat lovers). To become a full-fledged participant in breeding, you need to regularly bring Snoopy “out into the world” to participate in competitions. Snoopy breeders often face a number of problems:

  • probability of breeding - half of the kittens in the litter may be long-haired;
  • searching for a pair is only among “well-born” and completely healthy inhabitants of official nurseries.

Those who are faced with the need to breed Snoopy cats should remember the following important points:

  • Puberty in exotics occurs at 7–9 months;
  • The first “date” should be scheduled no earlier than 12 months of age;
  • A cat's pregnancy lasts 63–67 days (the first 10 days are accompanied by nausea and weakness in the morning).

History of the breed

Work on this breed began in the sixties of the last century in America. Breeders tried to improve short-haired cats by adding the rounded shapes and colors of Persian beauties to the exterior. The result of such a crossing showed that the Persian gene is much stronger than the gene of American shorthair cats. Disputes and disagreements began among breeders about whether the newly obtained cats should be considered a subspecies of the Persian cat or isolated as a separate breed.

In 1966, at a meeting of the CFA board of directors, American breeder Jane Markink insisted that exotics take their place on the list of breeds. Then the standards changed a little more, and in 2000 the work on improving the breed was completed.

As can be seen from history, short-haired exotic cats are not Japanese at all, but American, although Snoopy, thanks to whom exotics got a second, unofficial name in 2011, was actually a Chinese cat.

Snoopy cat price

Since 2011, one of the most popular queries in search engines has been the question: how much does Snoopy the cat cost ? There is still no clear answer.

Firstly, not all exotics look like a Chinese plush kitten. Some representatives have an “unusable” color or minor defects. For example, a blue-eyed white baby may be deaf.

Like all purebred animals, the price of a Snoopy cat depends on its class. The most expensive are show class kittens, in the middle are breeds, and the cheaper ones are pets. On average, the price tag ranges between 10 and 25 thousand rubles.

On the Internet you can find Snoopy much cheaper than in a nursery. True, no one can guarantee that this is a real purebred cat. Sometimes exotic animals are given away just like that, due to allergies and relocation. You should not ignore such advertisements.

The fact is that greenhouse exotics are not able to survive in outdoor conditions. These cats need a roof over their heads, a loving owner and responsible hands. Snoopy will repay his savior with devoted friendship and tender love.


The exotic shorthair cat is an absolutely charming creature that looks like a little teddy bear. Short soft plush fur, a massive body on plump paws, a round head and stunningly round, huge eyes - this is the first thing that catches your eye when you first meet this cute bear. Exotic breed cats have well-developed bones, a flat back, a round head, and generally smooth outlines.

The nose is small, flattened, even slightly depressed, with the obligatory “stop”. The head is crowned with small, widely spaced ears. The round eyes create an expression of endless wonder at everything these cute cats see.

Snoopy's face should give the impression of kindness and a certain sweetness. If a representative of the Snoopy cat breed has an angry expression on her face, then she will never win the championship title.

Keeping snoopy cats

Despite the fact that these purrs have short fur, Snoopies scatter it no worse than their Persian ancestors.
Therefore, it is important to regularly comb your pets, as well as observe other mandatory hygiene procedures. It is also important to have a healthy diet for your pet, ensuring a balance of vitamins and minerals in the exotic cat’s body.


Among Snoopy cat breeders, there is no consensus on which food is better for plush purrs - industrial or natural. In the first case, the animal receives all the necessary “benefits” in a comprehensive manner, in the second, it gets rid of the danger of harmful chemical compounds entering the body. However, to avoid this when feeding with ready-made food, you should choose only premium products or holistic food.

Snoopy cats should be fed only high-quality food.

Experts call the most suitable food for Snoopy cats:

  • Hill's Nature's Best - Made in the Netherlands, contains Omega-3 fatty acids, main ingredient chicken or tuna;
  • Bosch Sanabelle Adult Ostrich - a product from Germany, containing chicken and ostrich meat, a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • Acana Orijen Cat & Kitten - Canadian food based on poultry (chicken, turkey), fish (flounder, herring, sardines, mackerel) and eggs;
  • Innova Evo - produced in the USA, containing premium meat, lactose-free milk and vegetable extracts;
  • Eukanuba Adult Hairball Indoor is a Dutch food that helps get rid of swallowed hairballs and strengthens the immune system.

If you turn to a natural diet, you should choose environmentally friendly products for your pet:

  • veal, lean beef;
  • poultry meat;
  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat sea fish (no more than once every 7 days);
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • boiled vegetables (zucchini, carrots);
  • cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice).

Photo gallery: food suitable for feeding Snoopy cats

If the menu contains only natural food, be sure to add vitamin and mineral complexes to the dishes for a balanced diet.

Snoopy is fed depending on age:

  • from birth to 6 months - 6 times a day;
  • from 7 months to 1 year - 4 times a day;
  • from 1 year - 2 times a day.

The serving size is calculated based on the weight of the pet and is 45 g per 1 kg of live weight. Dry food contains instructions on the packaging for determining the amount of food, which on average does not exceed 80 g per day.

Necessary accessories

Like other felines, Snoopy needs privacy and a place where he will not be disturbed.

Therefore, it is important to purchase a house of suitable size for your plush pet in advance. The closer the shelter is to the owner’s room, the more confident the mustache will feel

Your own house will help Snoopy the cat feel safe

In addition, the following will help ensure comfortable living conditions for the cat:

  • bowls for food and water (not combined, with low sides);
  • cat toys;
  • scratching post;
  • a tray tailored to the size of the animal (placed away from the aisles, where there is less traffic);
  • toilet filler;
  • hygiene products (comb, eye and ear drops, nail clipper).


Snoopy's thick coat with a dense undercoat requires washing every month, and his eyes, which are prone to tearing, require constant wiping with a cotton pad soaked in special drops (for example, Diamond Eyes) or saline solution. The ears should be cleaned once a week with cotton pads treated with lotion or drops against mites (it is better to do both in turn).

Due to physiology, Snoopy cats cannot take care of their own cleanliness.

Cosmetics for hair care include:

  • Beaphar Pro Vitamine;
  • Doctor Zoo;
  • Ms. Kiss;
  • Royal Groom “Shine and Moisturizing”;
  • Cliny "Nutrition and Shine".

When it comes to cutting nails, you need to show maximum care and precision. You can cut only the upper edge, where there are no vessels (2.5–3 mm from the tip of the claw). The working tool is a nail clipper, sold in pet stores.

If you are not confident in your ability to trim claws, you should use anti-scratch guards.

It is important to remember that these caps are attached to the purr's claws using special glue. Substances included in its composition may cause an allergic reaction in Snoopy.

In addition, opponents of anti-scratch devices claim psychological discomfort for pets wearing such devices. Because mustaches feel uncomfortable feeling foreign objects on their bodies.


Snoopy can come in all the different colors that Persian cat breeds are famous for. The colors must meet the breed standards, and there are about hundreds of them. But there are basic, basic colors of exotics:

  • Solid color without spots or color markings. Can be brown, black, red, red, cream and gray. The eyes are copper or muted orange;
  • The tortoiseshell color usually results from a combination of black and red or blue and cream. But there may be other color combinations like chocolate or lilac with cream. The eyes in this case can be bright red or copper in color;
  • Tabby or merle color with amazing patterns on the coat in black or red. The letter M may be formed on the forehead;
  • Smoky (smoky) - almost monochromatic, the undercoat is always lighter than the main pile, which creates the feeling of a colored haze. The eyes are copper or red;
  • Bicolor – basic white color combined with contrasting color markings. The eyes are rich red or copper;
  • Calico is a combination of tortoiseshell and bicolor. Found exclusively in cats. The belly always remains white, but the outer shirt can be tortoiseshell. Dark orange or deep copper eyes;
  • Chinchilla has the most charming colors, as if barely noticeable droplets of paint had settled on the fur, sprayed into the air. May be silver or gold. The eyes are green, bluish-green;
  • Color point – easily recognizable Siamese color and deep blue or blue eyes.

What breed is the Japanese cat Snoopy?

The charming cat belongs to the breed of exotic shorthair cat, also called exotic.

The cats of extraordinary beauty were obtained by crossing an American shorthair and a Persian cat. But the popularity of the cute cat with a fluffy tail is so high that exotic cats began to be called “the Snoopy cat breed.” To the credit of the exotic breed, all its representatives are fabulously sweet and funny.

A questioning, sad-surprised expression seemed to be frozen on the muzzle. There is not the slightest chance of not wanting to cuddle a touching cat. When you touch an exotic cat, you immediately feel the softness of their fur, which has a plush texture. The cat Snoopy is considered an example of a bright breed, a kind of standard that is the calling card of exotic pussies.

The breed is relatively young; its breeding began in the 60s of the last century. The cats inherited their plushness and beautiful fur from the Persians. Such a delightful-looking coat of Persians requires careful care, which did not become a problem for exotics: their coat has a different structure, and therefore does not require special care.

By the way, felinologists did not try to breed a new cat, they wanted to get more interesting colors for the standard American Shorthair cat. The very first litter of kittens turned out to be the same snub-nosed as the Persians, but they received a set of wonderful genes from both varieties of cats.

Character of the breed

The charming Snoopy breed has a character that is quite consistent with the appearance of the exotic. Very friendly, cheerful, active, inquisitive cats. They are quite calm, but not at all lazy bears. They retain play activity and curiosity until old age (they live up to 15 years).

They can be amazingly loyal companions. They love one person in the family unconditionally, but they treat other family members with due respect and never show aggression.

These teddy bears are completely non-aggressive, easy to train and always remain optimistic.

It is highly desirable that the exotic has a sufficient number of toys so that he can at least sometimes entertain himself. But in general, exotics cannot stand loneliness; they feel comfortable and harmonious in someone’s company, especially in the company of their beloved owner.

Character traits

By nature, Snoopy is reminiscent of other four-legged friends - dogs. They also become very attached to humans. In this case, only one of the family members is chosen as the owner, and the rest are treated friendly.

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Exotics are unusually docile and melancholic. Such traits have a number of advantages: they get along easily with other animals, and are kind and patient with small children. But they don’t like being touched by strangers, so they can warn strangers with a hiss and even hit them with their paws.

Snoopies are quiet by nature. They do not have the habit of “talking” to their owner or screaming for food. A cat can only speak in an emergency situation.

But don’t think that these cats are lazy and inactive. On the contrary, from time to time they are overly cheerful and love to run around the house and play. Snoopy is also characterized by curiosity, good memory, and developed intelligence. Therefore, you definitely won’t be bored with such a pet.

Loneliness is difficult for such a cat, so you should not leave him alone for a long time. Some breeders take Snoopy with them on trips, claiming that he handles the road well.

Maintenance and care

Representatives of the exotic shorthair cat breed are prone to the same problems that arise in Persians: breathing problems due to a short nose, increased tearing, requiring daily washing of the eyes, and there may be problems with the heart and kidneys. But in general, Snoopy cats are considered healthier than Persians. This is due to the presence of healthier American Shorthair cats in the pedigree.

Typical grooming for Snoopy cats includes daily brushing and eye, ear, claw and teeth care. Preventive vaccinations and regular veterinary examinations are required. Exotics are bathed once a month.

Food includes ready-made dry or wet food of at least premium quality or natural food common to cats: lean meat, poultry, vegetables, grains. The plush beauties are fed twice a day and provided with a constant supply of clean water. Overeating should not be allowed, as a result of which exotics may develop obesity. Obesity threatens heart disease and worsening breathing problems.

If you provide the cat Snoopy with proper nutrition and care, he can live more than 15 years, there are cases of longevity up to twenty.

Health of the snoopy-cat breed

The breed of exotic smooth-haired cat was bred artificially, which means a high probability of genetic diseases in these purrs. At the same time, the life expectancy of Snoopy cats is quite respectable - up to 14–16 years with good care and careful attention to health.

Snoopy cats are susceptible to genetic diseases

Ailments that most often overtake exotic cats:

  • deformation of the teeth and jaws - the specific structure of the skull provokes protrusion of the lower jaw (due to which the pet cannot eat normally) or a change in the position of the teeth (requires surgical intervention);
  • increased tearfulness - associated with deformation of the tear ducts against the background of irregular structure of the muzzle and nose;
  • chronic disease of the sinuses - due to Snoopy’s small nose, the sinuses are often clogged, where microbes accumulate and inflammation begins (if the animal begins to sniffle, the veterinarian will prescribe suitable drops);
  • kidney disease (polycystic disease) - symptoms appear in adult animals and are expressed in loss of body weight, lack of appetite, constant vomiting (it is impossible to cure a pet, but a special diet and therapeutic procedures will help alleviate the condition);
  • difficulty breathing (an extreme case is brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome) - associated with a short nasal passage in which bacteria accumulate (a runny nose appears, colds are common) or a genetic disease (the structure of the trachea and larynx changes, can be treated surgically);
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - an incurable disease characterized by lethargy and refusal to eat, increased fatigue (males get sick more often than females), maintenance therapy is prescribed;
  • dental diseases (gingivitis, tartar) - you can recognize it by the pet’s bad breath and behavior (Snoopy will refuse to eat), the doctor will prescribe a diet and prescribe suitable medications to relieve inflammation.


Choosing a Snoopy kitten

It is better to go to trusted and officially recognized nurseries for a small plush exotic that looks like the Internet star Snoopy.

When examining a purr, you need to pay attention to their appearance and mood. The cat's fur coat should not have receding hairlines, and its eyes should radiate kindness and curiosity.

The animal's ears, eyes, and nose must be clean, and its tummy must be moderately round, without bloating or thinness.

Snoopy kittens look like Persians

The distinctive features of Snoopy kittens are:

  • equally dense hair on the body and on the tail (the Persian counterparts have a tail that is fluffier than the body);
  • up to three weeks the pile looks a little disheveled and sticking out;
  • the fibers along the ridge are stiffer than in other areas.

The following nurseries will help you choose a Snoopy pet in Russia:

  • Palmer Cats (Moscow);
  • Maxima Best (Moscow);
  • DT Beatrix (Novosibirsk);
  • LumiCat (Moscow);
  • S-Matrix (Rostov-on-Don).

The cost of kittens ranges from 10 thousand rubles (pet class - home use) to 30-50 thousand rubles (breeding classes - breeding, and show classes - show pets).

Choosing a Snoopy kitten

It is better to go to trusted and officially recognized nurseries for a small plush exotic that looks like the Internet star Snoopy.

When examining a purr, you need to pay attention to their appearance and mood. The cat's fur coat should not have receding hairlines, and its eyes should radiate kindness and curiosity.

The animal's ears, eyes, and nose must be clean, and its tummy must be moderately round, without bloating or thinness. Snoopy kittens are similar to Persian kittens. The distinctive features of Snoopy kittens are:

  • equally dense hair on the body and on the tail (the Persian counterparts have a tail that is fluffier than the body);
  • up to three weeks the pile looks a little disheveled and sticking out;
  • the fibers along the ridge are stiffer than in other areas.

The following nurseries will help you choose a Snoopy pet in Russia:

  • Palmer Cats (Moscow);
  • Maxima Best (Moscow);
  • DT Beatrix (Novosibirsk);
  • LumiCat (Moscow);
  • S-Matrix (Rostov-on-Don).

The cost of kittens ranges from 10 thousand rubles (pet class - home use) to 30-50 thousand rubles (breeding classes - breeding, and show classes - show pets).

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