CHINESE (MOUNTAIN) CAT: A rare recluse with excellent hearing | Interesting facts about cats


Chinese mountain cats have a wide and stocky body. The legs are relatively short. The tail is ringed, with a black tip, occupying about 40% (32-35 cm) of the body length. The coat changes color depending on the season, being light gray in winter and brown during summer. There are dark brown tassels at the tip of each ear.

The body length from the nose to the base of the tail varies between 68-84 cm. The maximum recorded weight of a male in captivity was about 9 kg, and a female - 6.5 kg. The average weight of wild individuals is 5.5 kg. Height at withers 35-45 cm.

In the wild, Gobi gray cats are often confused with forest cats (F. silvestris ornata), Pallas cats (Otocolobus manul) and common lynxes (Lynx lynx).


Now let's get acquainted with the famous breeds of Chinese cats.

Dragons - this is what the Li Hua breed is called in its homeland, due to the fact that it lives in mountainous areas. China is the birthplace of mountain cats

Please note that the mountain cat still exists today and is considered one of the most beautiful cats. But at the moment the population is under threat and amounts to about 10 thousand individuals

The mountain cat is the ancestor of Li Hua, and now the preservation of the population is the main task of US zoologists studying these animals. But scientists believe that one should not go too deep into knowledge about mountain cats, because this could harm the population even more, which threatens not only the extinction of this species, but also the extermination of Li Hua.

The history of the origin of Maneki-neko begins back in 1615. One monk sheltered a stray kitten and settled him in his temple, but the condition of the premises was terrible. And one day he turned to the cat with the phrase: “I don’t blame you for not helping, you’re just a kitten. Now, if you were a person, you would be more useful.” Just a few days later, the ruling prince, who was passing by, was caught in a storm and, in search of shelter, stopped under a tree near the temple. But he saw the building only thanks to the cat beckoning to him with its paw

The monk, naturally, received such an important guest properly. The prince, as a token of gratitude, allocated funds for the restoration of the temple


The Gobi gray cat is the only known endemic cat in China. The range is limited to the mountains of China. It has been spotted in the provinces of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet. Chinese cats are mainly confined to high grasslands and in 2004 were found only in the northwestern region of Sichuan and eastern Qinghai. Records of their presence in more northern desert areas are likely erroneous and are based on the range of domestic and Asian wild cats (Felis silvestris ornata).


Until 1998, the only evidence of this cat's existence were two photographs. It was then that Jim Sanderson took up his quest to find the Andean mountain cat. Sanderson saw and photographed one in Chile in 1998 near Chile's northern border with Peru. In 2004, he joined a Bolivian research group and helped radio-collar the Andean cat in Bolivia. In April 2005, this cat was found dead, possibly having been caught in a poacher's trap.

Sanderson is still heavily associated with the Andean cat. With colleagues Constanza Napolitano, Lilian Villalboy, and Eliseo Delgado and others in the Andean Cat Union, the Small Cat Conservation Union forged conservation agreements with Fundación Biodiversitas, a Chilean non-profit organization, and CONAF, the government agency responsible for managing production forests and national parks. CONAF agreed to allow SCCA to renovate a building for the Andean Cat Conservation and Control Center at their already functioning compound in San Pedro de Atacama in Chile.

Villalba of the Andean Cat Union conducted a major research program, including radio-telemetry studies, from 2001 to 2006 in the Khastor region of southern Bolivia.

Conservation efforts are also being made by the Cat Conservation Federation to preserve this species.


They live in alpine meadows, steppe pastures, mountain shrublands, and on the edges of high-mountain coniferous forests from 2500 to 5000 meters above sea level. Their dense fur helps them withstand extreme mountain climates. Although Felis bieti is sometimes called the “Chinese desert cat,” this species does not live in desert areas.


The Chinese desert cat is listed in the Red Book, so keeping an animal at home is punishable by law.

Despite the prohibitions, you can find exotic animal babies on the black market. When purchasing a wild animal that is not adapted to living at home, you need to understand that improper care, territorial limitations and nutrition can lead to negative consequences.

A Chinese cat, accustomed to freedom and harsh natural conditions, can get sick and die in the house.

When feeding domesticated predators with natural products, the owner faces difficulties in selecting and balancing the diet, but for experienced breeders this is not a problem.


Little is known about the breeding system of Gobi gray cats, but they are closely related to jungle cats, which exhibit mate promiscuity, meaning that both sexes, males and females, mate with multiple partners. This species lives in solitary burrows, except during the breeding season, when the female and male live together.

The breeding system is polygynous. Mating occurs from January to March, and kittens are born in May. The gestation period is unknown. The number of kittens in a litter varies from 2 to 4. Mothers care for the young generation in burrows, where they are safe from predators. Kittens become independent after 7-8 months. Wolves (Canis lupus) and brown bears (Ursus arctos) can kill cubs.

There is no information regarding parental involvement in raising the offspring, but among their relatives, the marsh lynxes (Felis chaus), females are responsible for raising and feeding the kittens. Fathers sometimes stay close to defend the territory.

Distribution and origin

Thanks to archaeological activities, in 2001 a group of archaeologists discovered bones that belonged to cats that existed more than 3 thousand years ago. Scientists have long proven that, unlike other countries, cats developed naturally in China, so China can be called the homeland of cats.

Due to the fact that China was a closed state for many years, all indigenous breeds have common characteristic features: elongated ears and muzzle, the size of cats is slightly larger than European standard breeds. Cats began to enter Europe after the opening of China's economic borders with other countries. But not all Chinese cats were domesticated by humans.


Chinese cats hunt at dawn and dusk. Analysis of their feces showed that the diet consists of 90% small mammals.

Pikas (Ochotona), zokors (Myospalacinae), mole rats (Bathyergidae), voles (Microtinae), marmots (Marmota), hamsters (Cricetinae), gerbils (Gerbillinae) and birds such as partridges and pheasants are included in the diet of these animals. They use their keen hearing to track prey.

The usual hunting method involves stalking prey slowly and silently, and then quickly leaping. To kill the prey, they bite its neck.

History Edit

The ancient mountain clan was founded by the Ancients who came to the mountains in search of a better life. They chose a large cave behind the waterfall. Traveling and living in the mountains turned out to be a difficult test for cats, so many believed that they needed to go to other places. Then a Sparrow appeared to the wanderers from the future, known to them under the name Sparrow Wing. He convinced them that they needed to stay and live in the mountains. Sparrow knew that in the future these cats would become the Falling Water Clan, so he did his best to help them get comfortable. So, he remembered the hunting techniques of the Falling Water Clan and taught the mountain cats to hunt birds of prey.

At the instigation of Elder Cliff, Sparrow chose the clan's first healer, Half Moon, who was able to read the lunar sign on the cave walls. Sparrow solemnly named her the Teller of Pointed Stones and disappeared.

Having become the Stone Teller, Half the Moon led the mountain clan for many years. When she was already old, her charges faced a terrible famine, which seemed ready to destroy the entire clan. Then the Stone Teller saw a vision of the solar path: in the dead of night, a ray of sunlight entered the cave through a wall of water. The cat understood this as a sign that some of the cats needed to go east in search of better lands. Thus, some were given a chance to find a new home, and some had more food left in the mountains. When Stoneteller voiced her decision, a cat named Shadow Moss volunteered to lead volunteers east. He gave one moon for everyone to decide whether they wanted to leave or stay.

Not all of the clan's cats welcomed Shadow Moss's decision. They considered those who wanted to leave to be cowards running away from difficulties, while the volunteers themselves insisted that their journey would be dangerous and that they were embarking on it to help their comrades who themselves preferred to sit at home. When a dispute broke out between the two sides, the Stone Teller decided to resort to the old way of resolving disagreements - throwing stones. She even allowed kittens to vote. The cats took turns placing their stone in one of two piles - for or against leaving. At the end of the voting, it seemed that the groups were the same, but the supporters of the trip still won, so soon a group of enthusiasts left the clan. These volunteers later settled in the forest area and played an important role in the formation of the tribes, and the remnants of the ancient mountain clan eventually became the Falling Water Clan.


The only behavior that was recorded was based on observations of individuals living in captivity. Chinese mountain cats are solitary. They are nocturnal or crepuscular animals and sleep during the day in the safety of shallow burrows. Their refuges are often found in rock crevices or under boulders and tend to face south. Sometimes they rest in abandoned burrows of marmots or badgers.

Home range

The home range of Chinese mountain cats is unknown, but their close relatives, the jungle cats, maintain a territory of 45 to 180 square kilometers. The boundaries are presumably marked by olfactory signs.

Purchasing a kitten

Purchasing a wild animal with the character of a predator is a responsible decision. The animal needs a large territory and loneliness; individuals, accustomed to living alone in nature, are forced to be in the spotlight and show aggression.

It is especially dangerous to keep a Mountain Cat with other animals. Pets will conflict and can cause irreparable harm to each other. Victory will be on the side of the wild animal, which is stronger and larger than domestic ones.

Breeders need to know that sterilization of the Chinese mountain cat is contraindicated. He does not tolerate anesthesia well and if he survives, his character changes for the worse. Keeping such animals outside the cage is dangerous for the owner.

When purchasing a pair, even experienced breeders take risks. It is impossible to be sure that animals will be able to reproduce in captivity, since the choice of a mate in cats usually occurs during the breeding season. During the rut, animals that have not found a mate become aggressive towards their own kind, and at home they can attack the owner, perceiving him as a rival.

There is no question of the Mountain Cat living in an apartment. This is deliberate murder. Living in a closed space leads to illness and death of the pet. It is impossible to toilet train an animal; it will mark its territory no matter what, as this happens in nature.

Considering the characteristics of the animal, it is better to leave it to live in nature or, in extreme cases, in a reserve or zoo with excellent conditions and competent specialists. For the home, it is recommended to purchase artificially bred breeds adapted for small spaces and constant contact with humans.

Security status

The total number of the species includes less than 10,000 individuals and there is a tendency to decrease. There are two main threats to Chinese mountain cats, both involving human activity. First, these cats are hunted for their fur. The skins are used to make clothing and traditional hats. Although hunting Gobi gray cats is illegal, their skins are still found in Chinese stores. The second main threat is poisoning of pikas and various rodent pests that these predators feed on. They are listed in Appendix II of CITES.

What to feed a Chinese cat

The gray Gobi cat, as a true predator, should eat exclusively natural products, close to those that it can get in its natural habitat. The use of dry food and human food is absolutely not suitable for this breed.

The basis of the diet should be meat products. Potential owners should be prepared for the fact that their pet's menu must include both raw meat and live food rodents.

If this rule is not followed, the animal’s metabolic processes are disrupted, serious problems with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system develop, and the susceptibility to fractures and injuries increases.

To maintain an optimally balanced diet, it is recommended to include a small amount of fish and specialized vitamin and mineral supplements in the menu.


Discussions about the ancient purebred cats of China are impossible without mentioning the legendary fold-eared breed. The Chinese Fold is the subject of controversy, scandals and numerous scientific disputes in the world of cat lovers. Chinese felinologists insist on the ancient history of selection and breeding of the lop-eared species, confirming the information with numerous references in historical documents and images on the crafts of blacksmiths, engravers, painters and potters of the Celestial Empire. Chinese historians claim: fold-eared cats lived in the palaces of the Chinese nobility and were used to hunt small game, but at a certain point they went out of fashion and were lost as a species.

The world expert community responds by referring to the British history of the specific design of cat ears. The debate has been going on for a long time and to no avail. The bottom line is the only fact: not a single world federation recognizes the existence of the Chinese fold breed.


* We invite you to watch a video about the Rusty Cat breed. In fact, in front of you is a playlist in which you can select and watch any of 20 videos about a given cat breed by simply clicking on the button in the upper right corner of the window. In addition, the material contains quite a lot of photos. By looking at them you can find out what a Rusty Cat looks like.

Among lovers of exotic-looking pets, it is often customary to keep wild felines in their homes. For this, fairly large animals are usually chosen: servals, ocelots, cheetahs, lynxes. A miniature Asian predator, the rusty cat attracts the owner both with its unusual color and its external resemblance to a domestic cat.

Material content:

Interesting Facts

Many sites write about supposedly another breed of Chinese cats, Maneki-neko, a symbol that brings happiness. In fact, this figurine, which is often made of porcelain or ceramics, came from Japan, not the Middle Kingdom, and looks like a cat waving its paw. It is sold in souvenir shops and is believed to bring prosperity and happiness to the home.

The history of Maneki-neko began in the early 17th century, when one poor monk sheltered a wild mountain kitten dying of hunger. The temple in which the man lived was in a terrible state. One day, out of melancholy and hopelessness, the monk spoke to the animal, saying that he did not blame him for being useless, but if the cat were a person, he could be more useful.

The next day a thunderstorm broke out. A prince was driving past the monastery and saw a Chinese cat on the road waving its paw. The beast showed the way to the shelter, where the traveler found food and shelter. The next day, a wealthy guest allocated funds for the restoration of the monastery.

Since then, Maneki-neko has been in every home and it is believed that happiness and good luck always follow it.


Thai cats are clean and can lick their fur for several hours. Even due to increased activity, pets do not damage furniture. But a small kitten still needs to be accustomed to a scratching post and a tray.

A warm climate is very important for a pet. Since keeping them in cold conditions, in addition to colds and other diseases, can cause color changes.

It is imperative to provide the cat with free space where she can play and frolic.


Like any other short-haired breed, it is enough to brush the coat 1-2 times a week. You can also remove lost hair from the body by simply running a wet hand over the cat’s body several times; the excess hair will remain on your hands.

If the cat is a participant in exhibitions, then it is advisable to bathe it. This should be done in warm, but not hot water, and use a special shampoo for animals so that the fur remains soft and silky. This procedure is performed once a month.


Immediately after purchasing a cat, you need to make a decision regarding the type of pet food: natural food or special dry food.

In the case of industrial feed, you just need to choose a suitable brand, at least premium.

If the decision has been made to feed the cat natural food, their menu should be balanced and nutritious. Food should be served slightly warmed.

Adult cats need to be fed 2-3 times a day, and kittens 5 to 6 times (this is explained by the fact that they are more active).

Be sure to add to the diet:

  • chicken and beef meat;
  • yolk of chicken or quail eggs;
  • fermented milk products with reduced fat content;
  • boiled fish;
  • low fat pork.

It is strictly forbidden to pamper your cat with food such as:

  • products with a high percentage of fat content;
  • sweets;
  • smoked meats and spices;
  • coloring vegetables.

Caring for ears, eyes and claws

When caring for a Thai cat, you need to pay attention to the following parts of the body:

  1. Eyes. Thai cats normally have moderate discharge from the eyes, so this can be removed with a damp cloth. If your cat has a lot of discharge from the eyes or no discharge at all, it is recommended that you contact your veterinarian.
  2. Ears. Despite the fact that the ears of Thai cats are small, they also need to be cleaned of dust and dirt. To do this, use cotton swabs and liquid for wetting. But do not clean too deeply, as there is a risk of damaging the ear.
  3. Teeth. It is recommended to clean with a toothbrush and a special paste for cats. If it is not possible to purchase such a paste, then you can simply wipe your teeth with wet and dry gauze. It is recommended to do this regularly, several times a week.
  4. Claws. They need to be trimmed to avoid injuries that the cat can inflict on itself by getting caught on furniture and clothes. For the procedure, scissors or nail clippers are used. It is necessary to cut off the transparent part without touching the vessels and living tissue.

Walking your pet

Thai cats take walks very well.

Recommendations for walking an animal:

  • It is better to take the cat out on a leash so that it cannot run away and get lost;
  • Before walking, you should put on a flea collar and treat the fur with insect repellent;
  • the walk should take place in a place where there are no dogs;
  • Do not walk during estrus.

On the street, a cat is more interested in warmth rather than vitamin D, since this is genetically inherent in them


The habits and lifestyle of Leopardus jacobitus are poorly understood. Like most other felines, they are solitary, territorial animals. When meeting with a fellow tribesman or potential enemy, they prefer to avoid the conflict.


Andean mountain cats are not shy - when meeting people, if they do not try to catch the animal, they do not pay attention to the person. Several zoologists were able to observe hunting, the process of marking territory, play, and serene sleep on a stone. The cats saw them but did not show any concern.

In 2004, Bolivians put a collar with a direction finder on a captured female. This made it possible to establish that Andean cats exhibit increased crepuscular activity. Assumptions about a nocturnal lifestyle were not confirmed - during the day they also cover considerable distances. Perhaps this is due to the depletion of hunting grounds.


The high mountainous regions of the Andes are poor in vegetation. Only viscachas were found in abundance here - rodents related to chinchillas, similar to rabbits with a squirrel tail. Unpretentious animals feed on moss and lichens, live in colonies, and are active in the morning and evening.

Whiscachas make up up to 90% of the Andean cat's diet - you won't find anything else this high. But the locals exterminate them for their valuable skins and meat. Predators die when caught in rodent traps caught by hunting dogs. The viscacha population is declining due to gas and oil production, farming, cattle breeding, and tourism.


The territory occupied by the male exceeds 50 m2, and it is divided between two or three females. Nothing is known about mating rituals; kittens are born in spring and summer. One, or less often two, kittens are born. Cats don't help raise offspring. Zoologists twice met a female with kittens - the babies were hiding among the stones, the mother was hunting without showing aggression.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Asian leopard cat


The young stay close to their mother for up to a year. Physiological maturity occurs by two years, males mature faster. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed. So far, scientists have not found any features of this sphere of life that would distinguish Leopardus jacobitus from other small cat species.

Breeds of cats with brindle color

In almost every yard there is a cat or she-cat with a brindle color. Therefore, for many, this color is associated with purebredness. However, in the world everything is completely different and a tiger cat in the house is a sign of wealth, since tabby cats are very popular.


Cat breed Toyger

Outwardly similar to a tiger. The toyger is a large animal with a muscular build, wide bones, and high shoulders. The head is long, medium in size with small rounded ears. The eyes are brightly colored and round. The upper eyelid is slightly drooping. The nose is long.

Females weigh 3.5-5, males 5-7.5 kg.

The paw pads and tip of the tail are black. The classic “tiger” pattern is the standard for the toyger. The color includes black, brown and yellow-brown shades. Circular stripes on the muzzle.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Terrarium for grape snails

Toygers are calm, flexible, friendly, and sociable. They are smart, easy to learn games and tricks. They love water and swimming. They communicate well with children and other inhabitants of the house.

There is a nursery in Moscow where these animals are cared for; the cost of a kitten starts from 60 thousand rubles.


Cat breed Oncilla

Its color and build resembles a jaguar. She has a bright spotted color. She is the size of a regular house cat. Oncilla is a wild animal with a crepuscular lifestyle. Loves to climb trees and swims well. The beast is cruel and aggressive. It's better not to keep him at home. An unusual pet is usually kept in an enclosure.

The character is obstinate, loves loneliness. Activity at night, jumping ability, hunting for small animals cause trouble for the owner.

It is better to feed the animal beef and live food with mineral and vitamin supplements. The animal is fed once a day.

Bengal cat

Bengal cat

Looks like a leopard. This is a large-sized cat with an elongated, muscular body. Their hind legs are longer than their front legs. Thick, silky coat with dense undercoat, patterned with stripes, spots or rosettes. Color from light golden to chocolate brown

Important! Paw pads and tail tip are black

Bengal cats are sociable, playful with a peaceful, affectionate nature. They are attached to their owner and love to walk with him down the street on a leash. Bengals are mobile, active, friendly with children and household members. They like games at heights. Bengals love water and love to swim. There is no need to comb them out.

It is better to feed cats natural food: meat, poultry and dairy products. You can use ready-made premium brand food with all the necessary vitamins. Bengal cats have good health and live up to 15 years.

Kittens cost 35-40 thousand rubles. In Russia there are nurseries in large cities where you can pick up a cheerful, active kitten who is easy to get along with.

The color of cats is striped or spotted, similar to a tiger. Animals are calm, affectionate, energetic, and inquisitive.

Tabbies are homebodies, love solitude, and relax in a secluded corner. They don't need anyone's company

Important! Suitable for single, busy people. Tolerant of people and pets

Feed 3-4 times a day in small portions, preferably natural products.

Tabbies have good health, strong immunity, and live 15-20 years.

There are only two nurseries with this breed in Russia. The price of a kitten ranges from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.


Sokoke cat breed

Cats are sensitive, prone to nervous disorders, neuroses, and seizures.

Animals are fed balanced feed with vitamin E and taurine to strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve metabolism. There is only one nursery in Moscow dedicated to this breed. A kitten costs from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.


Savannah cat breed

Caring for them has its own characteristics. Savannahs do not like the cold, they love to jump, swim in the pool or in the nearest body of water. Long walks are recommended for pussies. An adult cat is almost half a meter tall and weighs up to 14 kg.

Cats of this breed live a long time - 17-20 years.

The animal must be fed meat and offal. Dairy products and foods high in grains should not be given. Can be fed with premium dry food. There is only one nursery with this breed, it is not in Russia. Kittens can cost from 500 thousand to 1.5 million rubles.

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