Interesting facts about white blue-eyed cats

Balinese cat

These eyes are opposite...

The second name of the breed is the Balinese cat. Until the 50s of the last century, “Balinese” were considered a long-haired species of Siamese cat. But there was a breeder of the breed who did not agree with this opinion. Helen Smith - that was the woman's name - declared Balinese cats as an independent breed.

Luxurious, long-haired, with huge deep blue eyes - Balinese cats will not leave anyone indifferent. Beauty, coupled with a sweet character, makes the breed a favorite of “cat lovers”. Well, the Balinese have a charming character: cats are talkative, very smart, trainable and affectionate.

Signs about red cats

They say that when a ginger cat leaves its owners, it takes their secrets with it, but it will bring joy, harmony and comfort, and with them wealth, to its new home. If she looks into the house completely by chance, you should expect a cash flow.

She feels a kindred spirit from a very long distance and chooses the owner for herself (not the other way around). So such a cat does not appear by chance.

Fire cats are among the most magical animals. Their aura is so great that both the people nearby and the house itself are influenced by it. While wiping itself at your feet, the animal will not beg for anything (although this also happens), it will leave an astral trace, share its happiness and part of its magic. Especially when the pet has green eyes. Such, by transmitting his fire, is said to be capable of making a person a carrier of superb brightness.

To push a pet away means for him a rejection of energy, of his gift. And the animal will no longer share its energy; it can even take it away from the person.

They also say that brownies live in ginger cats. Therefore, they do not live long when they have to move from one place to another.

Mekong Bobtail

A very interesting breed

Beauty comes from Asia. Initially, Mekong Bobtails were considered “rejected” Siamese cats. This is due to the unusual, short tail of Asian cats.

Despite its enormous popularity in its homeland, the breed was recognized by the WCF only in 1994. Russian breeders played a huge role in the recognition of Mekong Bobtails. They managed to prove that these cats are distinguished from Siamese not only by their short tail. Animals have completely different body types.

Representatives of the breed, for the most part, have rich blue eyes, a mischievous character and affection for the owner.

Caring for gray cats

Gray cats

, both blacks and tabbies are enviably healthy. They have strong immunity and are very cold-resistant. But there is one thing: color. Show cats have to limit themselves in many ways in order to shine with the ideal ash shade of their coat. Direct sunlight, excessive humidity, the presence of a large amount of iodine in food - all this leads to the appearance of yellowish spots on the coat, and as a result, underestimates the assessment of beauty according to breed standards.

A gray cat is not suitable for every owner. For example, children may find it boring and uninteresting. She is calm and balanced. You can't make her run for hours after a toy or jump from chair to chair. She has a special temperament and noble manners. The mysticism running through the history of its origin prophesies female happiness. Maybe a gray cat

can really give a strong family and love to those who really need it? As history has shown, on the “ashes” of her wool you still manage to build your own warm and cozy hearth, or at least place warmth in your heart.

Oriental cat

They look like aliens

Improved breed from Siam (Thailand). Magnificent cats, for a long time, were “closed” from the world, living in the temples of Thailand. Only in the 19th century did the world learn about the “overseas” beauty.

Today, the Oriental cat is one of the most popular in the world. The unusual color and blue eyes give the animal a special cuteness. There is an opinion among people that “Orientals” are evil and aggressive monsters. This is complete absurdity, because representatives of this breed are distinguished by extraordinary devotion to their owner, do not tolerate loneliness well and are easy to train.

As for the supposedly viciousness of the breed, any cat is capable of fighting back for itself if it is pissed off. Orientals don’t like familiarity, that’s all.

Cat breeds with different eyes

There are several snow-white breeds that often give birth to kittens with different eyes.

Turkish van

The breed got its name from the Van district in Turkey. Cats of this family are active and cheerful. They love contact with people, quickly get used to the family and then do not get off their hands.

In addition to the pure white color, the Turkish Van can be tortoiseshell. There is wool interspersed with red, black and gray, as well as brown shades. As a rule, the eyes are different, most often yellow and blue.

Turkish Vans often have individuals with heterochromia

Cats have very soft fur that is pleasant to the touch. Turkish Vans have good jumping abilities. “Taking” the mezzanine from its place is a piece of cake. These cats, like no other, love to bathe and swim, and are easy to train. Commands such as “sit” and “lie down” are mastered no worse than dogs. It is very easy to teach them to fetch a ball or give a paw.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is another breed with white fur and multi-colored eyes. Although there are representatives with a marbled coat, black and cream. The breed got its name in honor of the city of Angora, located in Byzantium, from where it was brought to Europe. The weight of an adult cat is only 3–4 kg. She has an elegant physique, developed muscles and a stable immune system.

The Turkish Angora is distinguished by fluffy, soft fur and an almost complete absence of undercoat. Like other representatives of odd-eyed cats, the ear on the side of the blue eye is predisposed to deafness. A hearing defect can be compensated by devotion to only one person, peacefulness and tolerant attitude towards other pets in the house. Turkish Angora cats are very picky eaters. The diet of such an animal must be selected carefully.

The Turkish Angora is characterized by a white color, which is often combined with heterochromia

Khao mani

Thailand became the birthplace of khao mani. The name of the breed can be translated as “white pearl”. Such cats were kept only in the courts of kings. Hundreds of years later, these beauties began to appear in the homes of ordinary people. However, not everyone can afford to buy a Khao Mani kitten. Their prices are very high. Representatives of this breed have short fur, a small body size and a slightly elongated muzzle. Keeping them is a real pleasure. Kao mani are unpretentious in food, clean

These animals love attention and cannot stand loneliness.

Kao mani is another representative of animals from the world of odd-eyed animals

Petersburg Sphinx

Russian beauty

The ancestors of the breed are the Don Sphynx and the Oriental cat. The kittens from this mating, born in Murino (Leningrad region), became the first in the new breed.

Unusual appearance is the calling card of the St. Petersburg sphinxes. Some cats of this breed, depending on their color, can also boast blue eyes.

The St. Petersburg Sphinx is a sophisticated, unusual and positive creature. Cats are more like dogs in character than their own kind. Owners of Peterbalds, as representatives of the breed are also called, assure that their pets are extremely smart and very people-oriented.

By the way, Peterbalds can be either completely hairless or woolly. There are several types of coat of the breed.

And one more fact about the St. Petersburg sphinxes. Hairless kittens are born with open eyes; those with fur open their eyes on the 5th day after birth.

British and Persian

The muscular and squat Briton has the largest palette of eye shades: from blue to dark copper, and in a white cat with different eyes, one eye can be blue and the other gold.

However, blue eyes in representatives of this species are quite rare. The animal is balanced, devoted to its owner and can become a true friend, although it behaves somewhat coldly and does not like encroachments on its freedom. Its plush soft skin and puffy cheeks make it look like a teddy bear.

Persians can also be snow-white and blue-eyed, although standard Persians have the right to 3 eye color options: blue, orange and different, when one eye is blue and the other is orange.

Considering the length of Persian hair and the white color of the coat, you need to understand how long it will take to care for such an animal, and what a labor-intensive process it is. But Persians do not cause any other trouble: they are phlegmatic, even lazy, and lie calmly in one place for hours.

Blue eyed cat

Piercing gaze

This is how the name of the breed is translated from Spanish. Most “cat lovers” know this cat under the name “Ojos Azules”. The breed was bred in America in the 80s of the last century. Widespread in its homeland, practically nothing is known about Ojos Azules outside its borders.

Representatives of the breed are small (from 2.5 to 5 kg), very calm, with an unusual color and eye color. American breeders claim that the temperament of blue-eyed cats is so calm that the animals can be kept even in the smallest apartments. Ojos Azules are considered one of the most gentle breeds in the world; there is an opinion that these cats will never respond to aggression with aggression, preferring to hide somewhere rather than use their claws and teeth.

Not included in the top ten

Among the breeds of blue-eyed cats, there are several more in which this trait appears only from time to time.


Complaisant blue-eyed beauties, whom breeders bred specifically for large families with small children. They are quite phlegmatic, but allow themselves to be drawn into games, large, proportionally built, with medium-length hair and a thick undercoat. Despite the fact that the weight of this wonderful creature can reach 10 kilograms, it seems like a plush toy to children and will never offend them, even if they are careless.

This is interesting! Ragdoll will prefer to go where they can’t reach him, to hide, but will not show aggression. This breed is characterized by a quiet purr; they make almost no other sounds.

Russian white

A graceful beauty with a silky dense coat of medium length, a fragile physique, and a calm, balanced character. Along with blue, both amber and green eyes are allowed.

But blue-eyed kittens are in particular demand.


The result of the work of breeders who crossed Abyssinian cats with Siamese. The result is remarkable: the grace of the Abyssinians with the independence of the Siamese and a huge variety of colors.

Only pure white Javanese and light representatives who inherited the color from the Siamese have blue eyes.

White sphinx

Sphinxes are winning more and more hearts. White sphinxes with pinkish skin have blue eyes - one of the signs of purebredness.

These cats require special care and attention; they are affectionate and calm only in their own home, when their owner is nearby.

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Thai cat

An old-type “Siamese” or a separate breed?

The breed is closed, it is almost impossible to purchase a kitten. “Thais” are distinguished from modern Siamese cats by a richer coat color and a completely different type of face and body build. It is believed that the modern Thai breed is the old-type Siamese cat, as it was in the 17th-19th centuries.

The predominant color of “Thais” is color point. The mask on the face, ears, paws and tail are darker than the main color of the coat.

Animals' eyes are usually deep blue. Cats with blue eyes can be found, but are considered a waste. Such “Thais” are not allowed to breed.

As for its character, almost nothing is known about it due to the rarity of the animal. A few breeders claim that representatives of the breed are affectionate, talkative, like modern “Siamese”, have a sense of self-esteem and a well-developed intellect.

The influence of genetics on cat color

There are two main colors responsible for variations in the colors of a cat’s fur coat:

  • black;
  • red.

Each color is formed due to a complex pigment - melanin, which is divided into two chemical subtypes:

  • zumelanin (gene B) - is responsible for the black color and its derivatives;
  • pheomelanin (gene A) - produces all shades of red.

The genes responsible for producing red (O - dominant) or black (o - recessive) offspring are located on the X chromosome. The color of a kitten's fur directly depends on the gender of the parents:

  • cats have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (XY);
  • Cats have two X chromosomes (XX).

The kitten inherits one of the chromosomes from each parent. From the mother it will always be X, and from the father X or Y.

Just like in humans, female cats have a set of XX chromosomes, and males have XY chromosomes.

Two cat chromosomes (XX) are responsible for three basic colors:

  • OO - red;
  • oo - black;
  • Oo - tortoiseshell (red-black).

The color of cats directly depends on which gene is carried by the only X chromosome of the parent - O or o. If there is an “O” gene on the only X chromosome of a cat, the cat will be red, but if there is an “o”, it will be black. Tortoiseshell cats appear only in the case of gene mutations and cannot have offspring.

If the parent X chromosome carries the O gene, the cat will be red, and if O, the cat will be black.

The white color stands out separately (although it is not a color at all, but rather its absence). If a cat is not an albino, then it is a carrier of some color.

Genetics of gray color

In felinology, the gray color of a cat's coat is called blue. In fact, the blue color is a bleached black. In gray pets, the dominant black gene B (Black) is diluted by the recessive light gene d. The black pigment (zumelanin), under the influence of the light gene, is not distributed evenly in the hair, but as if sticking together into lumps. The white spaces between the clumped zumelanin granules create a lightening effect. The less black pigment in the hair, the lighter the color of the cat.


One shoe for all the shoes

Snow-white slipper, bred as a result of mating a Siamese cat and an American Shorthair. A distinctive feature of the snowshu is an inverted “tick” on its face, “slippers” on its front legs and huge blue eyes.

Representatives of the breed have a very specific disposition. Most cats are affectionate and sociable, but there are “alternatively gifted” individuals. Woe to anyone who owns such a cat. These individuals are aggressive, have a loud voice, and scream with or without reason. For the most part, snowshoes are silent people, attached to people. Some of our “alternatively gifted” brothers, on the contrary, love solitude and prefer to solve problems with a loud cry coupled with hitting the irritant with a clawed paw.

Turkish Angora

Gorgeous appearance

National treasure of Turkey. No, this is not a joke. The breed was recognized as such in 1930. Despite its unusual appearance, being the pride of the country, the Turkish Angora has long been considered an aboriginal cat; the WCF did not recognize the breed. Only in the 70s of the last century was justice achieved and the Turkish Angora was finally recognized. Today, the breed is recognized by all felinological organizations.

In the 20th century, only white cats were officially recognized. Nowadays, other colors are also acceptable. Moreover, completely white, blue-eyed cats have not been exported from Turkey for a long time, but animals with a different color are welcome, as many as you like.

Despite their luxurious appearance, Angoras are characteristic companions. Representatives of the breed are famous for their willfulness and independence. Communication with the owner is necessary, but is not the meaning of life for this breed. And the lack of the ability to climb and jump to heights leads to the fact that the cat begins to waste away. Angoras are very active animals; they love to jump, run and sit at heights. The best entertainment is hunting for a toy mouse. By the way, representatives of the breed will not refuse a live mouse.

Signs and superstitions

Gray cats have long been considered mystical creatures, surrounded by many secrets. Therefore, events associated with the owners of the blue fur coat were given special significance:

  1. Both an ordinary and a purebred gray cat are considered a money talisman. Therefore, everyone who wants to improve their financial situation is recommended to get such a pet.
  2. Gray cats get along well with brownies. And those who want to pacify an aggressive household spirit can try to do this with the help of a blue pet.
  3. Gray cats are called family psychologists. It is believed that owners of blue wool contribute to the harmonization of relationships between loved ones.
  4. If a smoky cat crosses the road, you need to say: “A gray cat is a happy path,” and then good luck and happiness will accompany the person.
  5. Animals with ash-blue fur protect their owners from damage and the evil eye. Therefore, if a gray cat comes into the house, you should not chase it away.
  6. To protect yourself from troubles for the whole day, the first thing you need to do after waking up is pet your smoky pet.
  7. It is generally accepted that the owners from whom a gray cat has escaped are in for trouble.

Although gray cats are much less common than white-red, black or cream-colored cats, they have managed to gain a reputation as aristocratic and highly intelligent animals. Moreover, many owners of blue fur coats sincerely believe that their pets attract prosperity and success into the house.

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