12 cats with big ears - from native breeds to rare hybrids and domesticated wild species

Cats with big ears delight the eye with their appearance. Huge ears add elegance to the silhouette, a certain grace and tenderness. Due to their original appearance, cat breeds with large ears have a huge number of fans around the world. And some new breeds of eared cats are record holders for the cost of a kitten.

There are now a huge number of cat breeds that have larger than average ears:

  • abyssinian cats,
  • Balinese cats or Balinese cats,
  • Devon Rex and Gherkin Rex,
  • Canadian, Don Sphynxes, as well as Peterbalds,
  • kanaani,
  • Maine Coon,
  • orientals,
  • savannas,
  • Serengeti,
  • Somali or Abyssinian longhaired cats,
  • Ukrainian Levkoi,
  • elves

Abyssinian cats

It is representatives of this breed that are depicted on the walls of Egyptian pyramids and temples. The Abyssinian cat was worshiped not only in Egypt, but also in Mesopotamia.

Expert opinion

Danilova Maria Alekseevna

Therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, express tests, ratologist, groomer.

Cats of this breed are very sociable, curious, and do not tolerate loneliness well. They prefer active games and a high point of observation of household members.

It is optimal to provide them with the opportunity to climb and jump - mobility is the key to the health of this breed. Abyssinians have a high life expectancy: 15-20 years.


The Balinese cat is a direct descendant of the Siamese cat, but did not inherit from the latter a tendency towards aggressive behavior, vindictiveness and capriciousness. The Balinese also differs from the Siamese in the type of coat: it is soft, long and without undercoat.

Cats of this breed are quite intelligent and very attached to their owner. Often such affection is a burden, since the pet will follow relentlessly on your heels. But the Balinese are quite capricious at the same time: they will not do what they do not like, and will achieve what they want by any means.


Breeders crossed the American Curl and the Canadian Sphynx, giving rise to a wonderful breed of hairless cats - the Elf. The breed borrowed the best qualities from its parents and quickly began to conquer human hearts.

The Elf is a small cat, with a well-developed body and correct proportions. The breed is characterized by a slightly protruding rounded belly. Another outstanding feature of the cat is its ears. Not only are they large and protruding, but they also have tips that curve back. This gives the already curious face even more surprise and tenderness.


Cats are hairless and often lack whiskers and eyebrows. The breed's skin is warm and feels like cashmere.

Such a pet requires special care. Elves are terribly afraid of drafts, so you need to be careful. So that the cat doesn't get too cold. It is also necessary to be careful with the musk in the winter. If she likes to relax, looking out the window, then it is best to insulate the window sill.

Despite the difficulties in caring for an elf, such a pet becomes your best friend from the first days of meeting you.

Devon Rex and Gherkin Rex

The Devon Rex breed, bred in England, quickly conquered the world. The cats have a nice short, slightly curled coat, with huge ears sometimes topped with tufts.

Expert opinion

Slanimsky Alexey Georgievich

Veterinarian of the highest qualification category. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating diseases in animals.

You are unlikely to find a more loyal cat than the Devon Rex. Cats of this breed are very smart, easily learn commands, and cases have been recorded of Devon Rex protecting their owners.

In their behavior, Devons and Cornishes are the epitome of aristocracy: they do not steal food from the table, they are instantly litter-trained, they are as clean as possible, they are not vengeful and do not bite. They can be easily walked on a leash and experience virtually no stress when traveling or moving.


The Pudelcat breed was created not so long ago. The cats have soft, curly fur and resemble a poodle in appearance. Representatives can have straight ears (straight), and there are also fold ears.

Since the Pudelcat breed appeared not so long ago, it has not yet become so popular, many people still do not know about it. Cats and cats have an easy-going and friendly character; they quickly adapt to home conditions and tolerate loneliness.

Important! A distinctive feature of the Pudelcat breed is the presence of fine curls of hair. Their ears are usually long and slightly drooping. The muzzle is small, short, with large round eyes located on it.

Maine Coons

The origin of this cat is surrounded by myths: they claim that the breed was obtained by crossing a cat and a lynx. But that's not true. Initially, the breed was very common in Maine. Severe snowy winters have led to the appearance of cats with thick, long hair, large paws and tufted ears.

The Maine Coon breed gets along well with people, but is not overly tame. They are moderately sociable, calm, and in their youth they prefer to climb trees. Coons inherited a passion for hunting from their ancestors, and kittens of this breed love to play with balls and toy mice.\

Rare and non-standard cat breeds

Poodlecat - curly beauty

Both varieties of poodle cats - with erect and hanging ears - deserve attention in this article. However, breeders strongly recommend breeding representatives with erect ears to avoid skeletal problems. Poodlecats stand out not only for their large ears, but also for their unusually curly coat that does not require special care. They have a very kind and affectionate character and get along well with adults, children and other pets. They do not tolerate loneliness well.

Havana cat

One of the oldest specially bred cat breeds almost disappeared completely during the Second World War, but in the 50s of the last century they began to be specially bred in Britain, and then registered in 1958. Havana cats will spend all their time with you or other pets; they are one of the most sociable breeds. And therefore, from loneliness, they easily become depressed and get sick. They are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, are easy to educate and train, and will never use their claws and teeth without a good reason.

Toyger - domestic mini-tiger

Of course, when these cats are called tigers, they mean striped color.
The weight of the cat itself can reach up to 9-11 kilograms, which is slightly more than average. The character differs little from ordinary cats; they are docile and unobtrusive. Toygers are big fans of sharpening their claws, so it is important to teach the kitten to do this with a scratching post.

Absolutely all individuals of this cat breed are controlled by the parent nursery of Judy Sugden and selection to improve this breed is currently ongoing.



The breed was obtained by crossing a Serval and a Siamese cat and was registered only in 1996.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by great intelligence and intelligence, they are easy to train and are able to remember several commands. The character is very playful and sociable, the cat does not tolerate loneliness. The Savannah has a long maturation period; it will take about three years for the character to be fully formed.

Useful video

All about the domestic serval:

Hybrid big-eared cats

Hybrid breeds are those obtained by crossing wild cats with domestic ones. Among these representatives of the cat family there are many specimens with large ears:

  1. The Savannah, obtained from the union of the Serval and the Abyssinian cat, is distinguished by the largest size among its kind. Purchasing and maintaining such elite pets, similar in appearance to Servals, will not be cheap.
  2. By crossing the Abyssinian with a jungle cat, the breeders got Shauzi, whose appearance resembles a Caracal. These beauties, who have inherited the hunting instincts of their wild ancestor, are recommended to be kept in a spacious enclosure. The color of the animal can be black or ticked (silver, sorrel).
  3. The Caracat hybrid, which inherited the genetic material from the Abyssinian and the steppe Caracal, is only slightly different in appearance from its wild ancestor. Caracats have an even temperament, curiosity and large size. The tips of the pet's ears are decorated with black tassels.


A new and still expensive cat breed was officially registered only in 1994, but does not yet have the status to participate in exhibitions. Despite the fact that the name is similar to the wild serval, the breed was obtained by crossing a spotted oriental cat with a Bengal cat.

The cat's vocabulary is incredibly rich - she will follow the owner's heels and purr, sing, and click. It is worth considering the increased activity and some aggressiveness of the breed. They need to hunt and will do this by attacking their legs and arms. They are very active, stubborn and demanding.


This breed is experimental, obtained by crossing a domestic cat with a wild Libyan cat. The homeland of the Kanaani is Israel, where this breed is considered the heritage of the country. The breed received official international recognition in 2009. However, Kanaani kittens can only be purchased in Israel and Germany. This breed is not found anywhere else.

Kanaani is a fairly large, muscular cat with short, coarse hair. A characteristic feature of the breed: the hind legs are much longer than the front . The Kananny is very similar to the Oriental cat, so they are often confused.

Sphinxes: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg

The most controversial cat breed is the Sphynx. Bald, with large ears, and an abundance of folds of skin, they evoke either boundless love or the same boundless disgust. The first representatives of the breed were obtained in the mid-20th century in Canada. Now there are three lines: Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg.

Sphynxes seem to be an incredibly loving breed: they will prefer to sit in their owner's arms and sleep with them. But don’t be fooled – it’s just cool for them in our apartments.

Ukrainian Levkoy

The breed originated from crossing the Don Sphynx and Scottish Fold cats. The result was a hairless cat with an oriental body type, a slightly rounded muzzle and large, round, curved ears. The breed was named after the flower that resembles the folded ears of the Ukrainian Levkoy.

More information about the Ukrainian Levkoy breed

Features of cats with big ears: myths and reality

  • MYTH 1. There is a common misconception that a cat's large ears somehow affect the acuity of its hearing. The animal hears better and therefore representatives of some breeds can potentially be better mouse hunters.

The size of the ears does not affect the cat’s hearing in any way: it is no worse and no sharper than that of representatives of other breeds.

  • MYTH 2. Cats with big ears are unsociable and independent.

This is wrong. The character of a cat depends on both the breed and the personality characteristics of the animal. Some representatives of large-eared breeds are indeed not very sociable and extremely independent, but Abyssinian cats, Ukrainian Levkoys and Maine Coons have a very positive attitude towards people, despite their impressive size and menacing appearance.

  • MYTH 3. Big ears are the result of a mutation; such cats are not entirely healthy.

No, large ears are characteristic of those cat breeds whose representatives inhabited hot Africa and Asia. It was precisely because of high temperatures and increased requirements for thermoregulation that natural selection left the most large-eared representatives of the feline genus.

Only a small part of cat breeds with large ears were bred by breeders specifically for decorative purposes. Representatives of such breeds may have some health characteristics.

  1. REALITY. A cat's large ears allow it to cool itself more efficiently and quickly.

The ears contain a huge number of blood vessels. When the kotofey overheats, the blood cools through numerous capillaries that approach the surface, including in the area of ​​the ears.

  1. REALITY. Big-eared cats are freezing.

Yes, most breeds of large-eared cats have either very short hair or are completely bald, and therefore are picky about room temperature. The exceptions are Maine Coons, Savannahs and Serengeti. These dogs have a dense undercoat that allows them to feel comfortable even in cold weather.

Eared record holders


The Abyssinian was and will be one of the brightest eared record holders. Beautiful and strong, this cat remains cheerful in any weather. Thanks to huge locators, Murka feels good even in the most exhausting heat.


Not many cats can boast such an original appearance. The Abyssinian breed is distinguished by its oriental “shroud” coloring, strong build and cat-like “makeup” - black eyeliner. The exterior is complemented by the famous ears: wide-set and large.

The cat itself is strong and muscular, its legs are long, its paws are neat. A special feature of the Abyssinian is the absolute inability to remain in place for more than a minute. This is a lively pet, active and playful.


Descendant of the Abyssinian breed. Murka has medium-length fur, neat shape and, of course, beautiful ears.

The Somali cat is a real beauty. Her main “trump card” is a luxurious fur coat. This fur is reddish. A special feature of the fur coat is ticking (each fur has stripes of a different shade). The unusual color is complemented by a chic collar and wonderful pants. The whole outfit creates an extremely elegant image of a domestic predator.

In addition to the “suit,” the cat is distinguished by a neat physique and graceful gait. The Somali cat is the embodiment of grace and charm. And her character is so versatile and delightful that having met such a cat, you can hardly resist falling in love.

Oriental cat breed

Oriental cats are special. This applies to both appearance and character. This Murka comes from the east. Having become the progenitor of many modern cat breeds, the Oriental is a representative of the most remarkable qualities that nature could endow with independent cats.

This is a very friendly breed. The devotion of Orientals is legendary. Many people compare the temperament of these cats to that of a dog. And for good reason. Having chosen an owner, the oriental cat will be faithful to him in any matter.

Oriental cats have a bright appearance. Many people underestimate the exterior of these cats, considering them too clumsy in appearance. And in vain. The elongated body of the Oriental is very flexible and graceful. Long limbs are dexterous like a cat.

Eared Oriental

The ears of the Oriental deserve special attention. The breed standard clearly outlines the traits that should be present in the locators of a purebred cat. The ears should be pointed, triangular, and their line should continue the line of the cheekbones.

Devon Rex

The eared record holder is the Devon Rex. The first thing that catches your eye when looking at this pet is its ears. They are really huge. The wide base of the shell ends in a rounded tip. The ears are set relatively close to each other, but due to their size, the locators look almost to the sides.

Devon rex

The Devon Rex is often compared to a feline alien. He is so different from other cats. In addition to prominent ears, the Rex has large, expressive eyes. The “smile” complements the already curious mustachioed muzzle.

These cats come in a wide variety of colors. However, there is relatively little wool itself. At some time these cats can be almost hairless. Later, the fur coat grows back with a vengeance.

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