10 most striped cat breeds from native to those not recognized by world associations

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Tabby cat breeds
  2. Features of Australian Mist
  3. American Wirehair
  4. American Curl
  5. Asian tabby
  6. Jungala
  7. Kurilian, American Bobtail
  8. Maine Coon
  9. Manx
  10. Pixiebob
  11. Toyger
  12. Ceylon cat
  13. Siberian cat

The most common color among domestic cats is dark stripes against a lighter coat. Striping is not a distinctive feature of any breed. Many types of domestic cats can boast tiger stripes on their fur coats.

Features of tabby cats

Tabby is a “wild” coloring that was common among the ancestors of modern cat breeds. The striped color allowed wild cats to camouflage themselves in tall grass while hunting. A mandatory feature of all tabby cats is the pronounced letter “M” on the animal’s forehead.

Tabby cats are believed to have strong immunity. This is not a coincidence, because the streaking gene is directly related to health. It promotes the formation of a strong immune system.

The character of tabby cats is balanced. These are strong, dexterous and energetic animals. They are freedom-loving and independent. These cats are inquisitive and love to be the boss of the house.


First of all, it is important to remember that, despite the fact that all gray-white cats are united by color, they themselves are individual animals that are not similar to each other. Therefore, the character and behavior of one cat may differ significantly from these indicators in another. It is easiest to predict and analyze the character of purebred animals, because they are well researched and studied by scientists. It is much more difficult to judge the character of yard gray-white cats.

Despite this diversity, many owners of gray-white cats still highlight some similar features of these animals. Thus, in terms of their behavioral patterns, such pets are quite calm and docile. Some of them may show increased activity and playfulness, but such characteristics are due to the characteristics of a particular breed.

Gray-white cats are quite friendly towards their owners and household members. At the same time, it is worth considering that such animals can remember the insult for a long time and try to take revenge.

Therefore, you should not show unreasonable aggression and anger towards your pet. In addition, such animals are easy to train and learn; they quickly begin to use the tray and know their place. Such signs are due, first of all, to the high intellectual abilities that nature has endowed gray-white furry pets with.


Cat mackerel

  1. Mackerel cat. The stripes on his back are narrow and continuous, they gently curve. There are dark markings on the paws and near the tail. Dark lines run along the animal's cheeks to the corners of the eyes.
  2. Spotted tabby cat. In this variety, the stripes are very broken, they are more like spots.
  3. Classic striped color. There are circulating spots of dark brown, black or gray on the sides. Three narrow stripes stretch along the spine, the central stripe is painted in a darker shade.

Popularity of the red and gray tabby cat

Since ancient times, the red tabby cat was considered a talisman against various diseases and misfortunes. The red coat color symbolizes joy, happiness and wealth. These are cunning, slightly arrogant cats. But their playful nature makes up for these shortcomings. You won't be bored with them.

The gray tabby cat is the hero of many folk tales and songs. Such cats are often used to advertise an active, cheerful pet. They are believed to charge a person with positive energy and bring him good luck.

Let's move directly to the list of the most popular breeds that have striped coloring.

Mating white cats

If you want to breed, for example, white Persians, then find a second equally snow-white representative of the breed. Although there may be surprises here too.

After all, white is a genetically disguised color of any other color.

Very often, kittens are born with spots on their heads, which disappear over time; the domesticated predator turns white.

But these marks are a sign that the cat’s offspring will be gray. Not necessarily all newborns, but definitely a couple.

The pedigree of the father and mother plays a very important role.

If in some tribe one of them had red or gray cats, then perhaps after a few generations this gene will become dominant in one of the newborns and the kitten will turn out to be red.

White color is a genetically disguised color of any other color. Very often, kittens are born with spots on their heads, which disappear over time; the domesticated predator turns white

So, it is very difficult to be one hundred percent sure of the color of the offspring. There may be surprises.

If you are lucky and the parents are homozygous - not causing segregation in future generations, then you can be calm about snow-whiteness.

American Bobtail

This breed arose by chance. In the 60s last century, a kitten with an unusually short tail was found. It turned out that this is a manifestation of a dominant gene. It was this baby who became the ancestor of the entire breed.

Most American Bobtails are born with short tails, but there are tabby kittens that are born without a tail at all. True, such individuals are not allowed to exhibit.

These cats have long, strong legs. The head resembles a wedge. The muzzle is wide and has well-defined cheeks. The cat's nose is wide, slightly snub. Adults have tassels on their ears. The coat is dense and fluffy.

The length of the tail does not exceed 8 cm.

American Bobtails are distinguished by their poise and calmness. These cats are very playful and sociable. They are very friendly and get along well with other pets. They can't stand loneliness. They love walks and active games, and love to accompany their owner on trips.

Eye colors

The eye color of a gray-white cat can be almost any; there are no restrictions in this regard :

However, it is worth noting that those individuals who have blue eyes are most valued. Thus, a kitten with blue eyes and a gray-white color can cost several times more than its counterparts on the zoological market.

In fact, eye color has little effect on any physiological or psychological characteristics of the animal - it simply increases its aesthetic appeal. Therefore, if you are ready to sacrifice financial resources for the sake of a pleasant appearance, then feel free to give preference to blue-eyed gray-white cats.


This is another tabby cat with a short tail. The ancestors of this breed come from Maine. They were obtained by crossing a short-tailed cat with a long-haired breed. She is very rare. By the way, the breed is called the Celtic tribe.

The Cymric has a large, rounded head. They have large cheeks and a large chin. The ears are set wide apart and are rounded at the tips. The compact body is well developed. The back of the body is slightly raised (the hind legs of the animal are longer than the front). The tail is missing; in its place there is a small, inconspicuous cartilage.

Cymriki are friendly and playful. The animal does not play pranks: it does not scratch furniture, does not climb curtains, and does not knock over objects. He gets along well with children and never uses his claws. Like the American Bobtail, the Cymric does not tolerate loneliness.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The name speaks for itself. These cats previously lived in the harsh conditions of the Norwegian forests. There is a version that Angora cats were brought to Scandinavia by the Vikings.

There they were crossed with their short-haired counterparts. The resulting breed acquired a thick undercoat and strong claws. She stood out for her strength, agility and large size.

Pixie bob

Another breed that has a wild disposition. It is the result of crossing a domestic and wild cat. The name of the breed literally translates as “short-tailed elf.”

These cats are quite large - the weight of males reaches 8-10 kg. Interestingly, representatives of the breed have polydactyly - more fingers than necessary.

However, this is not considered a disadvantage. In addition, such individuals are more resilient and have good health. The most common color is black or brown stripes on a light background.

The pixie bob has a massive, pear-shaped head. Due to the growth pattern of the coat, sideburns are observed. The ears are medium in size and have tufts at the tips. The paws are powerful, each paw can have up to 7 toes. The eyes are wide, the brow ridges are well defined.

The length of the tail does not exceed 5 cm. The Pixie Bob is a long-haired breed. The length of the coat can exceed 5 cm.

Like dogs, pixie bobs follow their owners everywhere. They love active games, swimming and walks. They don’t play pranks and don’t impose themselves. They are easy to train. They get sick extremely rarely.

The best striped cat breeds and their costs

Cats are considered one of the first animals to be domesticated. Over the years, breeders have developed many breeds, the most popular of which we will consider.


Cymric, also known as the Welsh cat, comes from the tailless cats of the Isle of Man, located near Wales.

Representatives of the Cymrik breed are divided into the following types:

  • Rampi - the tail is completely absent, and in its place there is a depression.
  • Rumpy - riser - their tail can have from 1 to 3 vertebrae.
  • Stumpy has a ponytail like a Bobtail.
  • Longy is a long-tailed Camry cat. If kittens are raised for sale, their tails are docked at five days of age.

Cymric received its name in honor of the Celtic tribe that once inhabited the English peninsula of Wales.
Adults weigh from 3.5 to 6 kg, have rounded shapes, strong bones and a shortened body, which seems even shorter because there is no tail. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs, which creates a peculiar gait of the animal. The coat is dense with a thick undercoat; there are long-haired and short-haired varieties. There are no restrictions on the shades of coat color in the breed, but the most common are red and tortoiseshell tabbies.

It is not easy to purchase a kitten of the rare Cymrik breed; prices range from 20 to 60 thousand rubles.


The Soukok cat came to us from the Kenyan forests, where his wild relatives lived. The body of these animals is athletically built, a small, as if chiseled head, a long neck and a pointed tail give grace, movements are smooth and graceful.

The most remarkable thing is the marbled pattern of her coat, ranging in color from light beige to dark brown.

Soukoks are sociable, but it will take time for them to adapt to the home. They are playful and talkative, desperate climbers and jumpers, and love to swim.

Soukok or Kanjozo are all names of the same cat breed

By nature, these individuals are quite capricious; if they get scared, they can use their teeth and claws, and they only go into their arms at their request.

A cat of rare beauty of the Soukok breed can be bought for a price from 600 to 1000 dollars.


The goal of the Toyger breeder was to get a cat that looked like a tiger; at the beginning of the 2000s, these short-haired striped beauties appeared. These individuals have a medium size, a long body, a thick long tail and strong paws.

The stripes are contrasting in color, preferably golden and black, the fur on the belly is light, and on the forehead there is a butterfly instead of the letter M.

Animals are sociable and friendly; they do not strive for leadership.

Toyger kitten

Characteristic feature - they love to swim, take baths with pleasure, and will not refuse to shower. In addition to meowing and purring, they can chirp like birds.

You can buy a Toyger kitten for a price starting from 60 thousand rubles.

Maine Coon

According to legend, the Maine Coon is the fruit of love between a cat and a raccoon, but the resemblance to a raccoon is, of course, only external. The Maine Coon is the largest of the modern domestic cats, and, despite its formidable appearance, the most peaceful.

In fact, this is a native breed, its ancestors have long lived on American farms, where their duty was to exterminate rodents.

Breeders and breeders did not take part in its creation; it made its way to exhibitions on its own and has proven itself well.

The Maine Coon's coat is short on the back and long on the sides and belly; its color can vary from bright red to dark gray tabby.

Representatives of this breed have a large head, slanted eyes and tufted ears, and a bushy tail that is long enough to touch the animal's chest with its tip.

Tabby Maine Coon

According to cost, kittens are divided into groups:

  • show class - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Brit class – 30-35 thousand rubles;
  • pet class – 15-20 thousand rubles.

Kittens of the show and brit classes are usually purchased by breeders, but the pet class is not suitable for breeding, since its representatives have deviations from the standards.

But these cats fully possess all the necessary qualities of a pet.

Norwegian Forest Cat

The name itself suggests that this cat comes from a cold country; it is not surprising that the animal has luxurious long hair. In this way they are similar to our Siberian cats, as well as in their character. They are distinguished from Siberians by their slightly smaller size, longer tail and almond-shaped eyes.

Norwegian Forest Cat8

Norwegian forest cats are strikingly beautiful: silky long hair with a soft undercoat, a lush mane, tassels on the ears, fur pants - all this cannot but attract attention.

The price for a Norwegian, taking into account vaccinations, pedigree and three months of living with the mother, starts from $150.

Asian tabby

The most popular color of the Asian tabby is gray with black stripes.

A distinctive feature is ticked hairs (the tip of a hair of a different color), which creates an interesting pattern.

The success of the breeders was that this breed was not inherited by the poor health of its Persian ancestors. Their cat's life is long - about 20 years, they are not demanding in care.

Asian tabby

Cats of this breed are smart and easy to train.

You can buy an Asian woman at a price from 20 to 79 thousand rubles.


The name of the breed is translated from English as short-tailed elf. The goal of the breeders was to create a breed of cats similar to a lynx, they succeeded, although in fact they are absolutely domestic.

Female pixie bobs are inferior to males in size and weight. The long-haired subtype has a coat length of up to 5 cm; all representatives of the breed have longer hair on the belly than on the back.

In addition to the short tail, these cats have such a distinctive feature as polydactyly (non-standard number of fingers).

Pixie-bob can have any shade of color, and due to seasonal molting, the color may change.

The coat pattern is spotted, there are spots on the belly, a light rim is visible around the eyes, and the paw pads are dark.

Pixie bob striped

Despite their wild appearance, these animals are kind and playful, happy to walk on a leash, and are friends with children.

Pixie-bob kittens cost from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.


These tabby cats are native to Kenya. There is an opinion that these are ordinary domestic cats brought by Europeans, who escaped into the forest and adapted to life in the tropics.

The cat's head is small and wedge-shaped. At the top the skull is almost flat. The ears are round and wide at the base. There are tassels at the ends.

The eyes are large and almond-shaped. Their legs are long, the hind legs are larger than the front ones. When walking, it seems that the cat is crouching. The tail is also long. The body is muscular. The coat is short and lies close to the body. The weight of cats reaches 3-6 kg.


These brindle cats were only recently recognized in 2007, but they have long since won their place in the hearts of many cat lovers. The name of the breed consists of two parts: “toy” (toy) and “tiger” (tiger). "Toy Tiger" A very appropriate name!

At the end of the 90s. last century, one breeder from the USA set the task of breeding miniature tigers. And she completely succeeded. The toyger is the result of crossing a Bengal with a tiger-colored cat brought from India.

This is a short-haired breed. Their fur is shiny, very soft and elastic. Their body is medium-sized and muscular. The muzzle is slightly elongated. The ears are set wide apart and rounded. The eyes are bright. The limbs are thick and strong. The tail is long and set low. The weight of cats reaches 10 kg, and females - 6 kg.

Despite their “wild” appearance, these cats are very affectionate, intelligent and loyal. They are distinguished by sociability and curiosity. They lead an active lifestyle. They love water procedures. They are not aggressive and get along well with other pets.

Maine Coon

This breed has probably gained the greatest popularity among all cats around the world. Its homeland is North America, Maine. Only large, hardy animals with thick undercoat and thick fur can survive the cold winters of this area.

The Maine Coon's body is muscular, and the cat itself is large. The head is medium size, square in shape. The ears are large, pointed, wide at the base. Paws of medium length. The tail is long, fluffy, and should reach the level of the shoulder blades. The coat is soft, dense, and there is a collar around the neck (however, not always). The color can be any, including striped.

Their character is soft and affectionate. They become very attached to their owner. They lead an active lifestyle and do not require special attention to themselves. Maine Coons do not like to be held. They prefer to just be next to the owner, watching everything that happens.

How to care?

Caring for gray-white cats is not much different from caring for animals whose fur has other shades. However, there are still some characteristic features.

So, in the process of keeping an animal, as well as caring for it, one should take into account all the features of the breed that are characteristic of this animal. Particular attention should be paid to the behavioral patterns of cats.

In addition, as a general rule, when eating, you should avoid including animal products rich in iodine in your diet. The thing is that a high content of this component in the animal’s body can affect its appearance in such a way that the gray-white wool will have a brownish tint. If you want to preserve the original purity of the color, then this rule should in no case be neglected.

The diet must be saturated with all microelements and substances that are necessary for the full growth and development of the animal. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer dry food or natural food.

Due to the light color of the coat, grooming measures for it deserve special attention. Gray-white cats need bathing and hygiene procedures more often than other cats. This is especially true for those animals that spend a lot of time outside (for example, if you live in a private house and let your cat out into the yard). Combing procedures are also necessary, the regularity of which depends on the length of the fur of a particular animal.

Of course, to keep a cat at home, it must be provided with all the necessary equipment: a tray that acts as a toilet, its own bed, bowls of food and water, and a scratching post. Try to create the most comfortable and convenient conditions for the cat, because in your apartment he should feel at home, and not as a guest.

Pay close attention to his behavior and mood.

Despite the fact that all of the above aspects of cat care and maintenance are very important, the basic and basic principle of keeping a pet is still constant monitoring of its health. In order to maintain the animal's health at the proper level, from the very first day of keeping him, make sure that he has received all vaccinations and other necessary medical procedures. Do not forget about regular systematic visits to the veterinarian to treat the animal for fleas, worms and other harmful organisms.

Constantly monitor the behavior and activity level of the cat at home, and at the first manifestations of the disease, contact a specialist.

Thus, you and I were able to see that in nature there are a huge number of species and breeds of gray-white cats. Some are more valuable and cost more than others . Despite this, there is no doubt that regardless of breed or lack thereof, the gray and white color attracts many. It is important to remember that the physiological and psychological characteristics of a particular animal will depend more on its breed, and not on its color. Therefore, before buying a pet, carefully study the characteristic features of cats of the exact type you plan to have at home.

About the Siberian breed of gray cats, see the video below.

Striped cats are more popular among pet lovers than their solid-colored relatives. Contrasting horizontal and vertical stripes on the pet's coat, arranged in a chaotic manner, make it look like a small tiger.

This color is called tabby. It is typical for both individual cat breeds and outbred individuals or mixed breeds. Representatives of which cat breeds are more likely than others to be born striped whales?

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