What happens if you cross a Siamese cat with a British cat?

Origin history and interesting facts

The history of the development of the breed originates in Russia. The animals were originally bred to catch rats, and then their decorative qualities were assessed. Official selective breeding of cats with plush fur began in 1893.

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A good livestock in Russia was formed in the 80s. Russian shorthair blue cats are usually crossed with cats that are imported from abroad.

Russian Blue cat - breed characteristics

Interesting fact! Thoroughbred representatives are not at all afraid of water. Cats and tomcats are excellent swimmers, which is why they got the name “sea”. Animals do not bypass even small puddles on their way, but walk straight through the water. A Russian blue cat can also easily pull fish out of an aquarium.

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How to choose a kitten

If you want to purchase a real Oriental with good genetics, then you need to contact only trusted breeders. Take the time to study the information about them in detail - conscientious breeders have all the information open and accessible.

A good breeder provides information about kittens that are intended for sale, from the first not even days, but hours of life. Since kittens in nurseries are usually raised up to three to four months, if you want, they will send you materials about the baby you have chosen (photos, videos, stories). A kitten comes into your hands fully vaccinated and socialized, that is, accustomed to a litter tray, scratching post, and communication with people. In some nurseries, kittens are sterilized.

You need to approach the choice of a kitten very responsibly

You can simply buy a kitten and pick it up right away, or you can reserve a baby and watch it grow, and when it’s ready, take it home. In any case, an agreement is drawn up, and half the amount is paid when making a reservation. It is worth considering that if you refuse the reserve, the money will not be returned to you. The necessary documents must be issued - birth certificate, veterinary passport.

By the way, if you are against trimming claws, you should warn the breeder about this so that your kitten does not spoil them, since this fashion requires early accustoming of animals to this procedure.

If you buy a kitten from a random person, be prepared for the fact that it may turn out to be “an animal similar to an Oriental cat.” No one can guarantee you the purity of the breed and health. In this case, it is better for you to immediately contact a veterinarian so that he can examine the kitten and give it the necessary vaccinations.

A purebred animal is expensive: for example, the price of Oriental kittens varies from 30 to 70 thousand rubles. But there are some opportunities to reduce these amounts. For example, pet-class kittens are cheaper. Sometimes kittens are sold as co-ownership, which also reduces the price, but you undertake the obligation to participate in the breeding work of the nursery. For breeding, cats and female cats are used up to a maximum of eight years of age (by normal breeders who think not only about profit, but also about the health of their animals), then they are sent to “retirement” and usually they try to place them in good hands; naturally, the cost of such an animal will be far less.

The responsibility for choosing your future pet lies entirely with you. Be carefull!

Why does the Russian Blue cat change color?

Ragdoll (cat): description of the breed and character
An elegant pet, usually of an even blue color. Breeders and experts prefer light colors. Other colors are considered defective and are not allowed for professional activities. Animals that have white spots or stripes on their bodies are especially culled.

Mixed Russian Blue

The color of the animal may change depending on age. Predictions regarding color can be given to a three-month-old kitten. By this age, the process of molting begins, both fur and eyes. Young kittens are blue-eyed, but with age they first become a marsh color, and then turn into bright emerald or yellow. As the blue cat ages, it darkens.

Is it possible to identify a Briton by his behavior?

There are also standards for the behavioral characteristics of a cat. The British are calm and clean pets, aristocrats from the cat world, so many people choose this breed due to its character.

These animals are not prone to hooliganism and find peaceful activities in the absence of their owners, for example, playing with specially designated objects or sleeping. They are easy to train to the litter tray and scratching post.

But every cat is an individual. It has its own behavioral characteristics and adapts to the requirements and conditions in which it finds itself. At the age of a British kitten, it is easy to distinguish from others by external signs, but their behavior is no different from other kittens.

They are just as active, playful and inquisitive, and only closer to the age of one year they become more sedate and independent of communication.

How to feed Russian Blue cats

The diet for your pet can be customized at your discretion. The simplest option is ready-made food. Moreover, it is better to focus on products from well-known and well-established brands. The lines of such manufacturers usually include complete dry and canned food for kittens and adult animals. You can also choose a special treat for cats during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for animals suffering from various diseases.

Natural food based on meat, offal and vegetables prepared especially for them is also suitable for Russian Blue cats. At the same time, it is worth making sure that, along with the daily diet, the pet receives all the nutrients and beneficial substances necessary for its health in full.

Do not feed your pet the same food that you eat yourself. Many of the dishes we are familiar with are simply dangerous for the cat’s body. It is especially not recommended to treat your animal with sweet, spicy, smoked, salty and spicy dishes.

Watch what your pet eats. Photo:

When buying a kitten, be sure to check with the breeder what kind of food the baby is accustomed to. Of course, over time, the diet can be changed and the animal can be switched from factory feed to natural feed or vice versa. But this needs to be done gradually so that the pet gets used to the new food without any problems.

In addition, regardless of the type of food chosen, the cat should always have a bowl of clean drinking water, which should be changed every day or at least once every couple of days.

And be sure to make sure your pet doesn’t overeat. Russian blue cats are often prone to obesity, which does not have the best effect on their health.

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