Is it worth getting a cat if there is a small child in the house?

In preparation for the birth of a baby, young parents rarely think about such an issue as having a pet. It is unknown whether the child will have an allergy, and how the pet itself will react to its appearance. Of course, most cases go without serious problems, but it happens that the animal reacts completely inadequately. Basically, it may be jealousy of the baby, but it is always worth remembering that with the arrival of a new family member, the life of a cat or dog changes dramatically and causes simple stress.

In order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to properly prepare for the arrival of a baby in the house.

Are cats dangerous for children?

There are people who are absolutely sure: cats are dangerous for children. What if you have an allergy? What if there are worms? What if there are fleas?

But if allergies can really become a problem (you can’t guess here), then other risks are exaggerated.

If the cat is domestic and its health is monitored (regular vaccinations and treatment against parasites are carried out, they are taken to a veterinarian for examinations, they do not practice self-walking and do not allow the cat to dig in the trash can), it does not pose a threat to the child’s health and there are no restrictions on the child’s communication with no cat. Exception: scratches, but we will talk about them below.

How do you get along with children?

Such a pet will enjoy communicating with the baby.
Sphynxes are very good with children because they themselves do not grow up. Felinologists believe that cats of this breed are excellent nannies who will not only play, but also take care of the child. Together they will make an ideal tandem and give parents the opportunity to relax. For cats, the intrusiveness of children will only be a joy. But the exception is very young children under 1 year old. A newborn may suffer from excessive care and curiosity of the animal. There are often cases when an interested pet frightens the baby or damages the skin due to an attempt to lick. The special rough structure of the tongue is not dangerous for adults, but provokes irritation in children. The Sphynx is also good for families with children because of its lack of fur. The child’s play space will not have to be constantly vacuumed and tidied. Research by felinologists has found that a child who has contact with a cat from an early age learns faster, masters sensory skills, develops reaction and empathy. Thanks to the activity of the animal, the child will also get to his feet faster and will actively burn energy during joint games. Sphynx cats rarely cause allergies, but despite the lack of fur, it is better to first make sure that there is no negative reaction from the body. Enzymes released through the skin can cause rashes, redness, coughing and sinus congestion in sensitive people. Symptoms may be mistaken for a cold, so the doctor should be notified of the appearance of a pet.

How do cats treat newborns?

Future parents often worry: how will the old-timer cat accept the child? The Internet knows many stories about cats' jealousy and vindictiveness, and this does not give parents peace of mind.

In practice, all cats are individual, and you can never say exactly how a particular cat will react to a particular baby. Of course, there are times when a pet begins to be jealous of its owners and gets offended, but most often cats ignore newborn children.

Cats' interest in children appears later, when the little one begins to crawl or walk and chases the cat. But even here, not every cat will succumb to provocations. Some pets categorically avoid children, others are affectionate and careful with them, and there are those who are not averse to letting out their claws.

Much in the relationship between a pet and a baby depends on the temperament of a particular cat, on the character of the baby, but most importantly, on the parents. They should not leave the child unattended, and besides, they are the ones who have to teach the baby how to handle the pet, and the pet how to handle the baby.

What to do when the child grows up?

As your child grows up and becomes more mobile and active, you must remember to give the purr a place to rest from the toddler's antics. Make sure your cat is not cornered and can always find a safe place to sleep where your child cannot reach her. Heavy furniture and special shelves are perfect for preventing a curious baby from getting to your pet when he wants to be alone.

Children grow slowly, and cats usually adapt well to new environments. Teach your little one to respect their pets and not cause them discomfort or pain, and they should get along well. Your child will benefit from living with pets and gaining lifelong memories of a furry childhood friend.

Cat and small child in the house: what to look for?

The most important thing in keeping a cat and a child under the same roof is the safety of both. The owner’s task is to monitor the pet’s health: timely treat it against parasites and get vaccinations, visit a veterinarian not only if problems arise, but also as a preventive measure.

A child in the house is a good reason to sterilize your pet. If you still haven't decided to do this, now is the time. A sterilized pet is more balanced and much less likely to present unpleasant surprises.

And one more important point: if your pet has behavioral problems, it is better to solve them before the baby arrives. Contact a specialist (animal psychologist), he will help you correct your pet’s behavior.

What are they afraid of?

Why does such a problem appear before the birth of a child: cats and newborn children. There are several reasons :

  • possible allergy to cat fur; according to statistics, this pathology occurs quite rarely, but if such a situation arises, the animal can always be isolated;
  • a cat can become a spreader of infection, but only if it lives both at home and outside.

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The last one is very significant. There is a common belief that cats should be allowed outside. But this is not so, because this is a domestic animal for which the territory that it controls is important, in this case, this is the area of ​​​​the apartment or house. Side factors that encourage a cat to go outside can easily be overcome: by sterilization, at least of the cat, and drug intervention (sedative drops) for the cat.

This procedure is completely painless for a cat, and for a person’s conscience it is absolutely calm, since, having taken an animal to live in a house, we are obliged to fulfill some formalities, otherwise it is better not to take responsibility for the animal.

If we can’t arrange a cat’s life, then why are we trying to have a child? Communication between a cat and a newborn is inevitable after the baby appears in the house. These creatures are very curious, and having become members of the family, they are also jealous, so you need to prepare your pet for the arrival of a new resident of the house.

How to establish a life together for a cat and a child under one roof?

Pay attention to your pet

The birth of a child in a family is the most important event in life. Of course, at first all your attention will be focused on the baby. But you should not forget about your pet so that he does not feel unwanted and abandoned. Take a moment to scratch your cat behind the ear. Talk to him. Allow the cat to sniff the baby and his things. Let the cat become a participant in the process, and not remain “behind the stern”.

Cats that have lost the attention of their owners may harbor resentment and become unsociable.

A cozy and quiet place for a cat

Children in the house are always noise, bustle and lots of toys everywhere. To maintain peace of mind, a little predator should always have a place where she can retire and relax, where no one will disturb her.

One on one

No matter how affectionate a cat is, it cannot be left alone with a child. Even if a cat has been living with you for 10 years and you know all its habits inside and out, it remains an animal and its behavior can be unpredictable.

Space delimitation

You've probably seen more than once photographs of children and cats sleeping happily in the same bed. All this looks cute, but it is better to set boundaries for your pet and prohibit him from jumping into the crib and places where diapers, clothes for the baby are stored - in a word, everything that is close to the body. This way you will protect your baby from fur and dirt that may end up on the cat.

Brush your cat regularly. This will help remove dead hair and keep it clean!

Nail trimming

Don't expect the cat to never scratch your child. Most likely, such an incident will happen, and more than once. Your task is to reduce this probability as much as possible and minimize the consequences. To protect your child from severe scratches, trim your cat's claws regularly.


A cat simply needs a variety of special toys. She needs them even without children in the house, and especially when there are children! Toys will distract the domestic predator's attention from the toddler's funny chubby legs and help direct her energy in the right direction. And when the baby grows up, he himself will be able to play them with the cat.


Friendship between a cat and a child is impossible without the right parental approach. You have to carry out double educational work: in relation to the child and in relation to the pet. As soon as the baby is old enough, he will need to be explained how he can and cannot behave with a pet. And the cat must learn what is allowed to him and what is not.

Don't forget to praise your cat for successful behavior. Treats will help a lot with this! It will be great if the child treats the cat with treats: it will benefit their relationship.

First, parents have to protect the baby from the cat, and then the cat from the child.

Emotional contact with a four-legged friend is very important for a baby. Psychologists are convinced that a pet helps to instill in a child a sense of responsibility, love and kindness, and even increases his self-esteem.

Contrary to fears, there are very few cases where a cat and a child really don't get along, and we hope you don't join that list!

What diseases can a cat give to a child?


Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease of humans and animals caused by Toxoplasma gondii. The causative agent is neither a virus, nor a bacteria, nor a helminth (worm). This is the simplest microorganism.

Many parasitic organisms develop with a change of host. This means that they do not live in the same organism all their lives. One stage of development can take place in one organism, and another in a completely different one. There may be two or more such hosts.

The definitive host of Toxoplasma is cats or other members of the feline family. The primary or final host of a parasite is the organism in which the adult stage of the parasite or the sexual stage of the protozoan lives and reproduces.

An intermediate host is an organism in which the larval stages of parasite development or the asexual generation of a protozoan occur. Intermediate hosts of toxoplasma can be humans, rodents, birds, and livestock.

Infection occurs from the primary host.

There are the following routes of human infection:

  • through the gastrointestinal tract. This can happen through contact with contaminated soil, cat feces, or the cat itself. Infection is also possible when eating unwashed foods, eating meat products and eggs that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • through blood. This can happen through contact with contaminated meat through cuts on the hands, through the saliva of infected animals, and less commonly through blood transfusions;
  • vertical path (from mother to fetus through the placenta). The baby becomes infected if a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis during pregnancy.


Toxoplasmosis can occur in acute, subacute, chronic, subclinical, inpatient (lack of symptoms and development of immunity) forms, as well as in the form of carriage.

In the vast majority of cases, this disease is asymptomatic in people with a normal immune response.

In the acute course of the disease, headache, weakness, fever, enlargement of lymph nodes, liver, and spleen are possible. Less commonly, a roseolous-papular rash (in the form of nodules and inflammatory spots) may occur.

As a rule, all adult cats that have been outside and eaten raw meat or mice have already had toxoplasmosis. A danger to a child is a primarily infected animal that has just become ill. And this is usually a kitten.

Toxoplasmosis is very dangerous for pregnant women. It can cause pregnancy failure and fetal death in the womb.

Also, due to severe damage to the nervous system, eyes, heart and other organs, newborn babies with congenital toxoplasmosis often die in the first day of life.

If a child infected in the womb survives, then in 100% of cases he is disabled with severe damage to the nervous system and paresis.

Due to the enormous danger of the disease, pregnant women undergo immunological tests when registering - serological reactions with determination of the titer of immunoglobulins of class G and M (IgM and IgG).

Class M immunoglobulins are produced during a fresh infection (that is, a person is currently infected with Toxoplasma). Class M immunoglobulins are detected in the blood two weeks after infection.

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The lifespan of IgM is about six months. If there is no IgG, then such a woman does not have immunity from toxoplasmosis. And that means it needs treatment and careful monitoring.

IgG indicates a previous illness. That is, if IgG is detected in a pregnant woman, this means that the pregnant woman had contact with Toxoplasma in the past. Class G immunoglobulins provide long-lasting, stable immunity, which guarantees protection against recurrence of the disease.

As I already said, the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis consists of carrying out serological reactions (enzyme immunoassay or immunofluorescence reaction). In this case, the blood is examined.

Blood sampling is carried out twice, with an interval of 2-3 weeks. This allows you to determine the increase in IgM and IgG titers.

Other methods for detecting toxoplasmosis:

  • Tests with toxoplasmin. A positive result indicates a previous or chronic course of toxoplozosis.
  • Ultrasound of internal organs. Allows you to detect enlargement of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis is carried out only by a specialist (infectious disease doctor, pediatrician, therapist). Parasitocidal drugs, for example, chloridine (Daraprim, Tindurine, Pirematamine), can be used.


Feline lichen in a child is a rather serious contagious fungal disease, manifested by small spots with clear boundaries.

Fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton, which cause this disease, parasitize not only the skin of animals, but also infect humans.

Most often, lichen is carried by small kittens with weak immune systems. Thanks to such carriers, this type of fungus is popularly called cat lichen. The same disease may be referred to in medical literature under a different name – ringworm.

Fungal diseases can be transmitted to humans directly from a sick animal or through contaminated objects. Of course, when precautions are not followed.

Ringworm can affect any part of the body, but is most often localized on the neck, face, back, and forearm.

Feline ringworm appears as pink spots with clear boundaries. Often the border of the element is presented in the form of bubbles. The spots quickly increase in size and tend to merge if there are several of them. Characterized by itchy skin and peeling of the skin in the affected area.

When the scalp is affected, the hair in the lesions breaks off at a level of 0.5 cm from the base. Hence the name of the disease - ringworm. The affected area takes on the appearance of a shaved area of ​​the head.

It is better for a person to start treatment after laboratory testing by a dermatologist.

Treatment of this disease is complex. Usually includes cutting the hair adjacent to the affected area, antifungal agents (topically and for oral administration), and restorative drugs (immunomodulators).

Cat scratch disease

This is an infectious disease that develops after being scratched or bitten by an infected cat. Felinosis, benign lymphoreticulosis, Mollaret granuloma, cat scratch disease - these are all names of the same disease.

The main causative agent of felinosis is the bacterium Bartonella henselae.

The main reservoir of infection is infected cats. The bacterium practically does not cause any pathological conditions in animals. But its toxins are dangerous for humans. Children and young people suffer from this disease more often.

The bacillus, getting on the skin at the site of a scratch or bite, subsequently enters the bloodstream. In this case, a primary inflammatory focus (suppuration in the form of an abscess) is formed at the site of damage. This is the result of the production of toxins by the microbe at the site of injury. The child’s condition at this stage does not suffer.

Then the pathogen enters the lymph nodes located closest to the gate of infection through the lymph flow. An inflammatory process develops there. Lymph nodes increase in size, become denser and painful. Most often this occurs with elevated temperature.

When the pathogen enters the bloodstream, the infection affects many target organs. The lymph nodes, spleen and liver become enlarged, and skin rashes appear. The heart muscle may be affected and the disease myocarditis develops.

All this is accompanied by weakness, general malaise, loss of appetite, sweating, and rapid heartbeat.

Often the affected lymph nodes suppurate. Also, not only regional lymph nodes, but also distant groups of lymph nodes can be involved in the process.

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Typically, diagnosing this disease is not difficult. It is easy to notice with the naked eye. Parents themselves are able to notice inflammation at the site of the cat scratch and subsequent enlargement of the nearest lymph node.

In most cases, this disease heals spontaneously. But it happens that it is impossible to do without intervention from doctors.

Antibacterial therapy is prescribed. In case of severe lymphadenitis, anti-inflammatory treatment using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed.


A child can become infected with some helminths (worms) from cats. I won’t go into detail on this. Just keep in mind that you need to monitor the cat’s health, and children who have contact with cats need to regularly prevent helminthic diseases.


Allergy to wool is not a completely accurate concept. Since an allergic reaction in a person does not occur to the fur itself, but to the desquamated epidermis of the skin with the secretion of the skin glands of the animal.

These allergens are extremely small, so they are easily picked up in the air and can be transported over long distances.

In connection with the above, it becomes clear that there are no non-allergenic cat breeds. If you hear such statements, then this is just a marketing ploy.

Yes, hairless cats are less allergenic. Their epidermis also sloughs off, but it is not retained by the hair. Therefore, with thorough regular cleaning, allergens are more likely to be removed more quickly. But it is impossible to completely exclude their effect.

Allergy to wool most often manifests itself as nasal congestion, sneezing, prolonged runny nose, watery eyes and itchy eyes. Children often experience periodic obstructive symptoms (dry paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath), temporary asthmatic attack (attack of suffocation).

The allergy may not appear immediately upon first contact with the animal. Allergy symptoms can take weeks or even months to develop.

Moreover, allergies to cats most often develop in children prone to allergic diseases. For example, with a burdened history of allergies, when the child’s parents themselves are allergic. Or if the child has an allergic reaction to something other than cats. If you have such a child, think 100 times whether it is worth keeping a cat in the house.

Follow these steps to help your cat adjust smoothly:

Don't play games with your hands

If your cat is used to playing games with his hands, stop this as soon as possible.

Even a gentle cat can scratch your baby by mistake. Teach your cat that only toys are suitable for play.

Get your cat used to baby sounds

In the months leading up to your baby's birth, prepare your cat for these new sounds by playing recordings of gurgles, coos and—yes—even screams throughout the day.

Start quietly and increase the volume as your cat gets used to the new sounds. To avoid stressing your cat, do this process gradually.

Bring baby smells and objects into your home

Cats rely heavily on scent, so the scent of a baby and new objects can frighten a cat.

Bring baby powders, shampoos and formulas into the house to help your cat adjust before the baby is born.

Placing baby product scents on your skin and clothing can help your cat develop positive associations with the new scent.


If an allergy is detected, parents are obliged to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Do not self-medicate, be it with medications or harmless herbal infusions following your grandmother’s advice. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after identifying the allergen.

After the prescribed treatment, parents are obliged:

  • strictly follow all instructions and comply with assignments;
  • completely eliminate contact with the cat;
  • help boost the child's immunity.

Additional measures include:

  • do a general cleaning of the house using strong disinfectants. Wash all carpets, curtains and bedspreads. Particular attention should be paid to nooks and crannies that are rarely cleaned;
  • acquire an air ionization system, install an air conditioner;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • maintaining infant hygiene;
  • get rid of the cat.

The doctor prescribes antihistamines, drops for the eyes and nose, and ointments to eliminate rashes. All medications must be appropriate for the child’s age. It is impossible to completely get rid of allergies; only the symptoms are relieved and its bright manifestations are removed. Upon contact with an animal, it will still manifest itself, at any age of the person.

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Cats are quite tolerant of newborn children if you prepare them in advance for the arrival of a new member of the community that lives in this house or apartment. To do this, you need to take the following preventive measures :

For a pet, the appearance of a new family member, especially one of such small size, will always be a surprise to which he needs to get used to.

Main features

In different children, the reaction may differ in intensity and location of manifestation. The most common signs may be:

  • skin manifestations - rash, blisters, red pimples, hives, peeling and dry skin, irritation, small red dots resembling broken capillaries, etc.;
  • catarrhal manifestations - conjunctivitis, rhinitis, lacrimation, redness of the eyes, itching in the nose, hoarseness, sneezing, red throat, dry cough, swelling of the eyelids, rhinitis, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • systemic manifestations - increased temperature, decreased arterial blood pressure, swelling of the nasolabial triangle, blue under the eyes, drowsiness, increased moodiness or sudden changes in mood.

As a rule, the strongest reactions occur in newborns and infants, since their immune system is at the stage of final formation and is more vulnerable to the action of allergens, the distributor of which is the cat. The consequences for newborns can also be more serious.

In children, skin manifestations most often come first, since their skin is very thin and susceptible to various types of allergies.

Children who have already been exposed to other types of allergies - food or to medications and vaccinations - are more likely to exhibit allergic reactions to the presence of animals in the house.

A newborn child with a weak immune system may show signs of allergies even after someone gets animal hair or body fluids into the house.

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