7 important nuances that everyone should know if there is a cat in the house

Cat marking territory is one of the most common behavioral problems. You may find urine dripping from curtains, from the side of the sofa or doors. While this can be a complete headache for humans, it is actually a normal behavior for cats.

In the wild, cats communicate with other cats through scent, and marking is one of the best ways to send messages to each other. Other ways they communicate include rubbing and scratching, but marking territory seems to be the most problematic for cat owners. So why do cats do this and how to stop them? Let's start the discussion.

Cat marks in the apartment

When cat spraying occurs outdoors, this is not a problem - in fact, it is completely natural. However, if your cat starts marking in your home, it's usually a sign that they're worried about something, and there may be a reason why they're more keen than ever to mark their territory.

Cats that spray door frames, curtains, and window sills may feel threatened by something they might see outside. If your cat begins to mark the legs of chairs, beds and dressing tables, it may be a sign that she is feeling insecure, so she surrounds herself with lots of her own scent to boost her confidence.

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If your cat has started marking indoors and you don't know why, talk to your veterinarian to determine possible causes and ways to get them back to the happy cat who marked affectionate face rubbing instead. Your veterinarian will be able to give you advice on how to prevent your cat from spraying and may refer you to a cat behaviorist who can help you figure out what is causing your cat's behavior change.

Main reasons

There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Usually they are based on instincts and behavior patterns provided by nature.

Sexual hunting

Young cats most often leave home in the spring due to sexual heat. Due to changes in hormonal levels, their body requires mating with a cat. At such moments, neither windows, nor doors, nor high fences can stop the pets. They go in search of their soulmate. Usually cats do not return home until the partner agrees to contact. If absent for a long time, the animal may become lost in space and time and not find its way home. Cats also sometimes leave the house to satisfy their natural needs. After a spree during estrus, get ready for the appearance of kittens soon.


Cats are inquisitive animals. This especially applies to kittens and young pets who are exploring the world around them.

Their attention is easily attracted by any objects and actions: a leaf falling from a tree, a butterfly or bug on the window, a rustling branch, etc.

In a fit of curiosity, the cat forgets about caution. He may jump out of a window or run outside the area in pursuit of an object, and only after a while discover that he is in an unfamiliar place

Sometimes finding your way home doesn't become impossible. An angry dog ​​that chases the cat can make the situation worse. At first he experiences severe stress, and then gradually comes to his senses and looks for a new place to live.

He may jump out of a window or run outside the area in pursuit of an object, and only after a while discover that he is in an unfamiliar place. Sometimes finding your way home doesn't become impossible. An angry dog ​​that chases the cat can make the situation worse. At first he experiences severe stress, and then gradually comes to his senses and looks for a new place to live.

Unfavorable atmosphere

Cats react acutely to the situation in the house

Most representatives love attention, care and affection from their owners. If an animal is beaten or abused in other ways, there is a high risk that it will wander away from home.

If there is an unfavorable atmosphere in the house, for example, frequent scandals, disagreements between family members and other problems, the pet will go in search of another place to live.


If other animals (puppies or kittens) appear in the house, the owners’ attention usually switches to them. The cat experiences loneliness, feels unwanted, so it leaves home in search of a better life.

A similar situation can arise at the birth of a child.

Before death

Furry pets often leave their homes before their death. To understand why cats leave home to die, it is necessary to study the behavior of their wild relatives. Lions are considered the strongest and largest representatives among cats. They live in prides. Young lionesses and lions obtain food and care for their offspring, providing them with protection from other predators.

When an animal begins to get sick or grow old, it cannot fully perform its duties, so it has to eat leftovers. Due to its weakness, it becomes a target for hyenas and other predators. In order not to bring trouble to the entire pride, sick and old lions and lionesses voluntarily leave the “family”. This way they give way to the young and protect them from attacks by predators. Natural instincts sometimes awaken in cats, and they leave their family and owners in order to protect them from perceived danger.

There is another explanation why cats leave home before they die. Some scientists believe that pets look for a secluded place to restore their strength and then return back. Although in most cases they go to Rainbow in a secluded place, and the owners do not even manage to find their corpse for burial.

How to stop

Since your cat's marking in your apartment signals that your cat already feels threatened, the last thing you want to do is scare her by scolding her. If you yell at them for marking, this can increase their stress levels, causing them to mark even more - which is certainly not what you want for your cat or your home!

If you're wondering what to do if your cat is marking in your apartment, the first thing to do is think about what might be causing them stress. For example, is there a new cat in the neighborhood or changes in your home? The reason may be one of the following:

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  • Your cat may become scared if there are a lot of cats in the area . If there are many other cats in your area, make sure you have a secure cat flap (with an activated magnet or microchip) that keeps them out of your and your cat's home. If you notice repeat offenders trying to get inside, try to shoo them away to prevent them from entering your cat's personal space.
  • Have you recently acquired or lost another cat ? Make sure your cat still feels safe and knows that everything, such as her food, water, litter tray, bed and toys, are still easily accessible and will not be taken over by your new arrival or removed when your other cat leaves. pet. You may need to put their special items in several places to reassure them.
  • Do you have new furniture, cosmetic renovations or have you completely moved into a new home? All of these things can unsettle your cat and make her more likely to spray, so introduce new additions gradually and give them time to adjust. You can also try gently wiping your cat's face with a soft cloth to collect her natural pheromones, and wiping the cloth over new furniture or unfamiliar areas. This will spread their scent and help them feel safer in their surroundings.
  • Ask your veterinarian about synthetic cat pheromones that can be used in a similar way and may be helpful in treating stress-related problems.
  • Spray for cats . Cats often mark the same area over and over again, so if you notice this, check the area's color fastness, then thoroughly clean the area with a 10% solution of biological laundry detergent, rinse with cold water and let it dry. After this, spray with rubbing alcohol (available from your veterinarian or pharmacy) and let it dry again. You should now have a clean, odor-free space!

Some historical information

In Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to kick a cat out of the temple, unlike dogs; if a dog visits the altar, it must subsequently be reconsecrated (it is believed that the animal has desecrated it), and a cat can easily get away with something like this on its furry paws.

It is believed that Noah, when he was sailing with his family on the ark, was faced with the problem of mice that began to gnaw at the bottom, but the cat destroyed all the rodents, thereby saving the holy family from death.

Over the course of centuries, different nationalities have created and passed on signs about cats, many of which have survived to this day. Today it is difficult to find a home that does not have a cat: some people get a pet to get rid of rodents, and others get some variety in their lives. In modern society, the tendency to have purebred cats has become quite popular. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of breeds, allowing you to choose a cat that will completely suit you both in appearance and in character.


Cats love to mark their territory and leave their scent on the people they love. Our feline friends also love to rub against things to confirm their ownership, and there's nothing better than being greeted by your pet headgear when you get home from work. Labeling their surroundings helps cats feel balanced and more secure. This allows other cats and animals to know everything about the cats living there and helps prevent fights that could result in injury to one or both cats.

Cat care costs

If you're concerned that cats are too expensive to care for, it's important to know that healthy cats generally don't require expensive care. However, they still need regular checkups and vaccinations. And just like human medical care, veterinary care can also be expensive.

Luckily, there are options to help manage your costs:

  • Pet insurance. It costs money, but it can potentially save you money. There are many options available. Some pet insurance policies are affiliated with national pet store chains, while others can be purchased from your local veterinarian. Talk to other pet owners or research pet insurance online to get an idea of ​​the options available and what's offered.
  • Veterinary school discounts. Veterinary schools sometimes offer discounted services to the public. You can find your nearest one through your veterinarian or on the Veterinary Medical Association website.

Persian cat

Photo: Anastasia Keda, 66.RU

Due to the structure of the skull, it is difficult for such a cat to breathe, so they should not be kept in dusty and dirty rooms , just like representatives of other breeds.

Once every six months to a year, the “Persian” needs to have an ultrasound scan to check for polycystic kidney disease . This is a dangerous hereditary disease that manifests itself from 5 to 9 years. Kidney failure, which is caused by polycystic disease, manifests itself in the later stages. Vomiting, diarrhea, refusal to eat, excessive thirst and urination, urine becoming clear and foul-smelling are all symptoms of the disease. To prevent its development, you need to regularly take blood and urine tests.

Against the background of polycystic disease, daily combing of hair does not seem so scary. Combing improves the quality of wool and reduces its quantity in the apartment. If the procedure is ignored, six “Persians” become covered with tangles that have to be shaved off.

Maine Coon

Photo: Anastasia Keda, 66.RU

Large cats, the weight of which can reach 12 kg, and the height at the withers - up to 40 cm. Despite the size and stern expression of the muzzle, Maine Coons are good-natured by nature. Cats of this breed have strong hunting qualities, so you should not allow kittens or adults to bite people on the arms and legs , even in play. In this case, you need to divert the cat's attention to something else or break off contact.

One of the most common diseases among Maine Coons is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . This is a cardiac pathology, which can only be determined using a DNA test. Research of this kind is the duty of the breeder, who, when selling a kitten, can provide the test results to buyers.

But not all sellers want to spend money on tests. Therefore, sometimes owners find out about cardiomyopathy later. If the cat begins to choke, the color of its mucous membrane changes (the tongue turns from naturally pink to blue, white or purple), the animal cannot stand on its hind legs, screams in pain or the pulse is interrupted - you need to urgently go to the veterinary clinic. The help you provide in this case is meaningless and can lead to the death of the cat .

Another problem is bone fragility due to an unbalanced diet . The owners decide that natural food is better than what is sold in stores, and raise the animal on meat and cottage cheese. Such a diet is difficult to balance, and the cat’s body suffers because of this. It gets to the point where even a jump from a chair can result in a broken paw.

British cat

Photo: Anastasia Keda, 66.RU

This breed, like Maine Coons, suffers from cardiomyopathy. This is a hereditary disease that is passed on to kittens from their parents. However, the breeder can hide its existence. In addition, the “British” are predisposed to polycystic kidney disease.

To avoid unpleasant surprises after purchasing a kitten, before completing the transaction, you need to ask the breeder for documents on vaccinations and tests performed . You can also receive them electronically via messenger, and then contact your veterinarian. The doctor will look at the documents, tell you if they are in order, what is missing and if the kitten is healthy. Such a consultation costs about 300–500 rubles, but can help save on the treatment of diseases that manifest themselves in adults.

There is a stereotype that British cats love to sit in people's arms. This is not so - the cat allows itself to be stroked, but most likely it will not caress.

Scottish fold

Photo: Anastasia Keda, 66.RU

The Scottish Fold is close to the British - the same cardiomyopathy, polycystic kidney disease . The breed is distinguished by osteochondrodystrophy of Scottish cats. Simply put, problems with paws . In a cat suffering from this disease, the bone joints grow. The paws become hard, as if swollen. Because of this, the animal begins to limp and its gait becomes constrained. Even the tail changes - it turns into a squiggle, a thickening appears.

Osteochondrodystrophy has no cure. The animal is forced to live on painkillers, because without drugs it is difficult for him to walk and jump. The disease is inherited from parents and can be detected in advance with a test. Externally, kittens predisposed to the disease do not differ from healthy ones.

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