Should I worry if my cat has bloody discharge from her nipples?

Although cats are much more susceptible to these problems, swollen nipples and mammary glands are sometimes observed in male cats. An unspayed female is at greater risk than a spayed female. If unusual mammary swelling is noticed while the kittens are nursing, the kittens and their mother may need veterinary attention as the infection can easily spread between them.

Swelling of the nipples and mammary glands are external manifestations of enlarged mammary glands. Most cats have eight nipples, and if one or more nipples become enlarged or inflamed, one or more of them may be affected. Normal events in a cat's life can cause mammary tissue to swell, such as pregnancy and lactation. However, many infections and other conditions that can be life-threatening also cause breast enlargement.


Typically, when a condition is abnormal and requires treatment, several signs may occur.

  • Swelling of the nipples or breast tissue
  • Painful nipples
  • Redness
  • Nipple discharge
  • Ulcerations of the nipples and breasts
  • Loss of appetite
  • Heat
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Swelling of the skin on the hind legs
  • Refusal to feed
  • Sick kittens (while nursing)

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What should you pay attention to?

Even if a cat bleeds from the nipple rarely and only a few drops at a time, it is not recommended to treat this sign carelessly. Veterinarians suggest monitoring your pet for several days, paying attention to any alarming symptoms.

In addition to bloody discharge from the mammary glands, the development of the disease is indicated by the following signs:

  • severe pain when pressing the nipple, which the pet notifies by loud meowing and scratching;
  • change in the color of the mammary glands, they acquire a light or bright red hue, in case of serious lesions - purple;
  • the appearance of rashes or large ulcers with purulent discharge on the surface of the nipples;
  • increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • loss of appetite, increased thirst.

As you continue to monitor, it is also recommended to carefully inspect the contents of the tray. If bloody spots are noticeable in your pet's stool, you should contact your veterinarian immediately - such a symptom often indicates serious damage to internal organs caused by injury.


In addition to being a normal cause of pregnancy, swollen mammary glands can be a sign of a more serious internal problem in the cat. Your veterinarian will be best able to determine the exact cause of the swelling, allowing your cat to be diagnosed and treated more quickly. Reasons include:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Mastitis (breast infection during breastfeeding)
  3. Galactostasis (accumulation of milk in the mammary gland during weaning)
  4. Mammary hypertrophy in cats (benign formations)
  5. Mammary cancer
  6. Breast hyperplasia (due to high progesterone levels)

Why is my cat's nipple swollen?

Any hormonal changes in a cat’s body are not without consequences. For example, the behavior of a pet changes. From a calm “pillow” on the sofa, she turns into a restless, unhappy creature who is worried about something. Or, a swelling or small lump may appear on the nipple, which will disappear in a day or two. But most often, with hormonal fluctuations in a cat’s body, all nipples swell.

It is also important that the cat can also have problems with hormones. Therefore, such a phenomenon as: a swollen nipple can be equally expressed in both male and female cats.

What if the owner notices abnormal phenomena. Such as only one nipple is swollen. What could it be? So what should I do? Wait until other signs of a surge in hormones appear? Change food? Check stool? Look in reference books for clues to similar symptoms? Or should I rush to the doctor with my cat?

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So, only the cat's nipple itself is swollen. And besides its swelling, you can notice other symptoms :

  • Redness;
  • The cat is lethargic and refuses even its favorite food;
  • Perhaps sores have appeared around the nipple;
  • When we touch the mammary gland, the cat begins to hiss or quickly runs away (this indicates that it is in pain).

What could it be? There are several explanations for this phenomenon, and it is too early to draw conclusions until the doctor has examined the tumor on the cat's nipple.

And yet, what symptoms of diseases is that the cat’s nipple is swollen?:

  • Cancer;
  • Mastitis, as a blockage of blood vessels in a cat's nipple;
  • Benign tumor.


When you arrive at the clinic, your veterinarian will need a complete medical history of your cat. A physical examination will be performed, during which the nipples and breast tissue will be carefully examined for signs consistent with breast health. Some problems may not be serious and may resolve on their own, while other conditions may be life-threatening.

A number of diagnostic tests may be done, usually starting with a blood test. This may include a complete blood count and biochemical profile. A biopsy of the enlarged tissue may be taken for further microscopic evaluation (histopathological examination). X-rays of the chest and abdomen may be needed to check the location of the tumor and detect metastasis (spread). A urine test can be used to confirm and identify bacteria present in a cat.

Diagnosis and treatment

If there are any changes in your pet's nipples, it is recommended to go to a veterinarian oncologist. If your veterinarian suspects a malignant tumor, you will have to undergo a biopsy and x-ray. In this case, the only way to save the animal is surgery.

If a cat is bleeding from the nipple due to a less dangerous disease, treatment is carried out at home, following the recommendations of a veterinarian. For infectious diseases of the mammary glands and mastitis, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. For several days, it is recommended to take painkillers to reduce pain.

Treatment is prescribed individually. The veterinarian takes into account the general condition of the animal, age, and degree of damage. Self-medication is prohibited - to avoid complications, it is recommended to strictly adhere to the dosage and dosage regimen.

Caring for the animal, proper care and a healthy diet are often not enough to protect your pet from serious illness. In order to prevent serious consequences, it is recommended to pay attention to even the most harmless signs of violations - this will allow you to help your cat in the early stages. Bleeding from the nipple is considered especially dangerous, indicating a dangerous pathology that requires immediate diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment.

What to do

Depending on the current condition, various treatment methods are available. If your cat is suffering from an infection (as is the case with mastitis), it may require emergency medical attention. Immediate attention is necessary to ensure the cat is stabilized and can receive treatment.

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  • Mastitis . Treatment for mastitis includes antibiotics to clear up any infection and pain medications to help your cat cope with the pain associated with the condition. Your veterinarian may also recommend that you apply a warm compress periodically to help with drainage.
  • Mammary cancer . This type of cancer is very aggressive and spreads frequently. This usually occurs in several nipples at once. Surgical removal of the affected glands (mastectomy) is recommended, especially if the cancer is in the early stages. If the cat is not suitable for surgery, chemotherapy may be the only treatment option.
  • Mammary hypertrophy in cats . The recommended treatment for this condition is complete sterilization (ovariohysterectomy). Although these operations are more routine, if the cat is suffering from general poor health, the procedure can be very tedious.
  • Breast hyperplasia . To solve this problem, you need to remove the source of progesterone. This usually results in an ovariohysterectomy. If ulceration of the glands has occurred, they can be removed if the cat is stable enough. Pain medications will be prescribed to help your cat survive the days following surgery.
  • Pregnancy or Galactostasis . Both of these causes of breast enlargement will disappear on their own over time.

Mastitis in cats

Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary glands. Occurs both during a false pregnancy and after a real pregnancy, in case of excess milk, a weak sucking reflex in kittens, death of kittens or early weaning of kittens.

Mastitis may affect one or more mammary glands. Body temperature rises. The local temperature near the inflamed gland is also high. The skin around the nipple is hyperemic. The cat is in severe pain.

There may be bleeding along with the milk.

Causes of mastitis

The causes of the disease in females vary depending on the age of the animal and the physiological characteristics of the body. The pathology can develop in a sterilized, nulliparous or parous cat. The main causes include:

  • diseases of the reproductive system of infectious etiology during pregnancy or after childbirth;
  • hormonal imbalance that occurs against the background of a false pregnancy in the absence of fertilization;
  • excess milk that arose against the background of stagnation;
  • pathology that appeared during early weaning of kittens from the mother;
  • injuries and bruises of a mechanical nature;
  • sepsis, caused by the entry of fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms into the mammary glands through cracks in the nipples;
  • hypothermia of the whole body or mammary glands;
  • development of complications in the period after childbirth;
  • inflammation of the suture after sterilization.

It is recommended to periodically inspect the milk lobes of females for cracks in the nipples. If there are injuries to the glands, wound healing compounds must be applied to them, which are purchased in specialized pharmacies after consultation with a veterinarian.

In a nulliparous cat

Mastitis in a nulliparous cat most often develops against the background of a false pregnancy. Hormonal disruptions occur during “empty” estrus, if ovulation has not occurred. The physiological causes of false pregnancy include swelling of the nipples - when you press on them, colostrum appears. If there are no newborn kittens and there is no one to suckle milk, the cat develops a serous form of the disease.

The female's temperature fluctuates, the animal loses its appetite. To prevent the development of other forms of the disease, it is necessary to take your cat to the veterinarian. An ultrasound specialist will refute or confirm the diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe medication. To stop lactation, the female is given sedative medications.

After sterilization

Swelling of the milk lobes in a sterilized cat is characterized as a complication. During surgery, the veterinarian removes only the uterus, leaving the ovaries. In this case, the risk of mastopathy increases - fertilization of the female is impossible, but the ovaries continue to work as usual and produce hormones. The process affects the hormonal status, the animal’s body is in a stressful situation.

The suture after sterilization is located on the stomach. Lack of normal care and timely treatment of the suture increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes inside the scar. Infection in tissue can occur in several ways:

  1. Failure to comply with asepsis rules. During the rehabilitation period, the animal must be moved to a separate room. Bedding needs to be changed regularly; experts recommend using sterile disposable diapers for this purpose.
  2. Excessive cat activity. A female who constantly tries to lick and scratch the seam can cause an infection. In order to protect the cat, you need to put a special collar on it.

If the female has inflammation before sterilization, the risk of mastopathy increases.

After weaning kittens

If the kittens died immediately after birth or the cubs are severely weakened and are unable to suck milk on their own, the female’s mammary glands swell due to stagnation of milk. Lactostasis is accompanied by severe pain; the animal does not allow the owner to touch the nipples. In the absence of timely treatment, the milk lobes swell and acquire a bluish tint.

If milk does not come out naturally, then you need to purchase a special device - a breast pump. It can be used at the initial stage of the pathology - with a purulent, hemorrhagic or fibrous type, a breast pump will no longer help.

Mammary tumor in cats and dogs. Interview with an oncologist

A large percentage of patients in our oncology department are cats and dogs with mammary gland tumors (MGT). The leading oncologist of the Biocontrol clinic, Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Alexandrovich Shimshirt, answered the most frequently asked questions by owners about this disease.

— What is a breast tumor? Who is she dating?

— A tumor of the mammary gland is a fairly common pathology; in terms of frequency of occurrence in cats and dogs, it ranks 3-4 among all pathological diseases.

— At what age does mammary gland tumor most often occur in dogs and cats?

— For dogs, this age is about 7-8 years. Breast cancer in cats most often occurs after 10 years of age, however, there are cases of the disease at a younger age.

— How often do tumors in the mammary gland turn out to be malignant?

— It is believed that 90% of tumors in the mammary gland in cats are of a malignant nature. Most often these are carcinomas with deliberately aggressive behavior.

For dogs, the statistics are slightly better: up to 60% of them have malignant processes and 40% are benign.

Unfavorable factors that indicate the aggressive behavior of the tumor and the need for prompt intervention are:

  • rapid tumor growth;
  • signs of inflammation;
  • the appearance of ulcers;
  • if this formation begins to bother the animal.

— Is a neoplasm on the mammary gland always a tumor or cancer?

— When examining and palpating an animal, it is impossible to say whether it is a lipoma or a tumor of the mammary gland. Any neoplasm that owners find in their animal in the mammary gland area (taking into account the age of the animal) requires contacting a doctor, preferably in a specialized clinic. Only a doctor, having examined the animal and carried out the necessary diagnostics, will be able to determine to what extent this neoplasm is malignant, its stage and how soon it is necessary to take action. It is possible that examination and differential diagnosis will show something different.

In principle, any formation in the mammary gland in an animal in adulthood and old age deserves close attention.

— Are there any predispositions or factors that contribute to the development of AML?

— If we talk about dogs, then here we can include in the risk group for those animals that often have false pregnancies.
They have greater
predisposition to changes in the mammary gland, because false pregnancy and lactation lead to the development of mastopathy, which can subsequently transform into tumor processes.

In cats, such a pattern was not observed, however, hormone receptors were found in the tissue of both cats and dogs. We can state that, of course, there is a certain connection, especially in cats, between giving the animal drugs that suppress estrus, and a subsequent increase in the risk of developing AMF.

— Owners quite often ask for surgery on their pets if there is a tumor on the mammary gland. Is this an effective solution?

— Much depends on the stage of the disease, because if these are the initial stages, then the treatment methods are predominantly surgical and the prognosis for such treatment is favorable.

— Can the tumor be operated on by any veterinary surgeon, or by someone who deals specifically with this problem?

— Surgical treatment of breast cancer is the main method of treatment. In principle, in the early stages it significantly prolongs life and, in some cases, helps get rid of the tumor process. The main task is to ensure that the surgical intervention is performed correctly. To do this, you need to contact a specialist who can expertly advise you regarding the stage of the tumor process.

The extent of surgical intervention directly depends on the location, stage and type of tumor. For cats, for example, there are certain rules that involve removing the entire mammary ridge along with regional lymph nodes. For dogs, there is such a feature that if the tumor is in the third milk bag, and the animal has five mammary glands on each side, then the surgeon will remove the entire ridge. If the dog has a tumor in the fourth or fifth milk pouch, the third, fourth and fifth pouches are removed, along with the regional lymph nodes. If the first or second mammary gland is affected, the first three bags and the lymph node are removed.

— Does the tumor recur?

- Yes, this is quite real. That is why after surgery you need to see a doctor regularly, every 3 months.

— How is the stage of AML determined?

— Like most tumor processes, staging of breast cancer is based on:

  • the state of the primary focus;
  • the condition of the tumor itself;
  • the presence of altered lymph nodes;
  • presence of distant metastases.

It is believed that the criterion for the unfavorable behavior of a tumor is the size of the tumor: for cats it is 3 centimeters or more, for dogs of medium breeds it is 5-7 centimeters or more.

— What diagnostic stages does an animal go through when it is examined and the stage of AMF is established?

- This is an examination by a specialist doctor, blood tests, chest x-ray, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Sometimes a CT scan is required.

— If an animal is not in the early stages of AMF, then there is no hope?

— Breast cancer, both for animals and humans, is an aggressive neoplasm that is well treated in the initial stages. When the stage reaches the third or fourth, the prognosis and quality of life of the animal become significantly worse. Therefore, I believe that first of all, a correct diagnosis must be made in order to know the stage of tumor development, to be able to predict some points that will improve the animal’s quality of life and, perhaps, even cure it.

— At what age is it no longer worth removing a tumor?

— This is an extremely individual question, since everything is decided by the doctor after a full examination and analysis of the specific situation.

— Maybe if a breast tumor appears, it would be more correct to remove all the mammary glands and then the cancer will not return?

— The question is very controversial. Bilateral mastectomy is an extremely traumatic, dangerous and unjustified operation.

— How often are animals diagnosed with AMF sent for chemotherapy or radiation therapy?

— It all depends on the stage of the disease. If the third and fourth stages, then the question arises about additional treatment methods that can slow down the metastatic spread of the process. Unfortunately, at these stages of the disease, the prognosis is cautious: in cats, the average life expectancy at this stage can be up to 1.5 years, in dogs this figure is slightly longer.

— Is specific care indicated for animals diagnosed with AMF and undergoing chemotherapy?

— Chemotherapy is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It is necessary to regularly monitor the animal's dynamics and take blood tests. Maintenance treatment for such a patient is necessarily prescribed, and no specific diet or special care is required.

– Is it true that mammary gland tumors occur not only in females, but also in males? - Yes it is. However, they are much less common in males than in females. Of the total number of patients with breast cancer, only 2% are males. In terms of treatment tactics, division into stages and prognosis, the approach to treatment is the same as in cases with females: surgical intervention in the initial stages of the disease, and not in the early stages - a combination of surgical treatment with chemotherapy.

– What are the causes of the formation of mammary gland tumors in males? – In females, the main predisposing factor to the development of mammary gland tumors is hormonal influence. This mainly happens in the first two years of the animal’s life, during the first two to four heats. Excess body weight is also a predisposing factor, since adipose tissue at a young age is a source of proestrogens (precursors of sex hormones), which can also affect the functioning of the mammary gland.

It's more complicated with males. There are no clear statistics, the number of such clinical cases is extremely small, so it is very difficult to say that they definitely have some kind of hormonal basis. Opinions on this matter vary. Some doctors recommend castrating the animal, some, on the contrary, are against it, because if we are talking about cats, then they are most often already castrated by the time mammary tumors develop. It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question why males also have mammary gland tumors.

– Is it possible to prevent breast cancer? – Regarding females, it has already been unequivocally proven that in both cats and dogs, the main predisposing factor to the formation of mammary gland tumors is hormonal effects. It follows from this that mammary gland tumors in females are a preventable disease. Prevention - sterilization of the animal during the first two years of life, preferably within the first two heats. In countries where there is medical insurance for animals, long-term statistical studies were conducted by insurance companies, which showed the incidence of mammary tumors in sterilized females during the first two years of life and the incidence in non-sterilized animals. So far, a clear relationship has been identified between sterilization in the first two years of life and tumor incidence. It is believed that sterilization in the first years of life prevents the development of breast cancer by 80%.

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