Where did all the superstitions about black cats come from and are they true?

A black cat is a symbol and a misconception that if you run across, expect trouble, on the contrary. And if you get a black cat or female cat, you will simply be envied by those who have errors of nature in the form of parody mutants.

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There are several versions of where this sign came from. In ancient times, cats were almost worshiped, but in the Middle Ages they began to be considered messengers of the Devil. At that time, diseases and entire epidemics reigned, the carriers of which were often rats, but next to them were cats. Therefore, few people dared to approach them, and thus rumors were born about their connection with evil.

When cats were still the highest animals, their owners loved them immensely and never kicked them out. And if the animal was outside the house, this could well mean the death of the owner, which also played a role in the development of superstition.

Believers in Jesus Christ consider the color black to be a kind of symbol of evil and are afraid of witches, and they, in turn, according to legend, had the ability to turn into cats, which is also mentioned in modern literature (in the same Harry Potter, where Minerva McGonagall, one of the strongest witches, was cat in its animagus form). This leads to the myth that a charming black cat crossing the road is equivalent to an evil witch.

Broken mirror

The date of birth of the first mirror is lost somewhere in the mists of time. It is only known that the desire to see one’s reflection has been inherent in man since ancient times. There were mirrors in Ancient Egypt, the Sumerian kingdom, India and China, Mexico and Peru. They were made from obsidian, bronze, polished silver, gold and were often awarded with magical properties. So, in the Celestial Empire, mirrors were placed next to the front door of the house to reflect the bad thoughts of envious people and the negative energy of “bad” buildings - prisons, hospitals, gambling houses. Every magician or fortune teller had a mirror in their collection - people believed that the mirror surface could show pictures from the past or the future.

In medieval Europe, mirrors were treated with caution. It was believed that humanity received the mirror as a gift from the devil himself. Women were declared witches and burned at the stake simply for possessing a mirror. It was then that the belief arose that a broken mirror promised illness and even death to its owner.

Despite the seeming absurdity of this superstition, in those days a broken mirror could really bring trouble. The fact is that then mirrors were made using mercury, and at the slightest damage to the mirror surface, mercury vapor leaked out, causing poisoning.

“Don’t sit in the hot seat.” How ancient signs protected against diseases Read more

Spilled salt

According to the sign, it foreshadows a quarrel. This superstition, unlike the previous ones, was born not in Europe, but in Russia during the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. At that time, the salt industry in Rus' was not developed, so salt was brought from afar and was subject to all kinds of duties. The then government increased taxes on salt trade, which led to an increase in its prices. Salt was already very expensive, and living without it was much more difficult than it is now, because there were no refrigerators in the seventeenth century and salt was used as a preservative. To preserve the meat, they prepared corned beef, the fish was also salted, the vegetables were fermented, so, left without salt, the family was in danger of starvation. So it is not surprising that the one who spilled the salt was expected to receive violent discontent from his relatives. This is also where the custom of throwing a pinch of salt over the left shoulder came from to prevent a quarrel caused by overturning a salt shaker. In this way, the head of the house seemed to show that the offender was forgiven and a good relationship with him was more valuable than expensive salt.

Wedding of frogs. Why does India cling to ancient superstitions so much? More details

Family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina:

– The basis of belief in omens is the lack of a sense of internal security. It seems to a person: if he turned off the road that a black cat ran across, or abandoned his plans when he met a woman with an empty bucket, he thus took care of himself and avoided trouble, protected himself.

In order not to get hung up on superstitions, you will have to learn to take care of yourself differently. That is, in fact, to develop flexibility, which makes it possible to respond adequately even in the most unfavorable circumstances. After all, when trying to predict the future with the help of signs, a person does not look into the future, but only programs himself for a certain development of the situation. But if the course of events differs from the far-fetched one, the person loses self-confidence and cannot quickly change his actions based on the circumstances.

Therefore, in order not to depend on superstitions, it is important to work with your sense of internal security. Understand what exactly is bothering you and learn to take care of yourself without relying on signs. For example, if you encounter a black cat before an important meeting, instead of preparing for failure, think about what you need to tell your colleagues that it is important not to forget. You can even record the main points, this will help increase self-confidence.

Friday the 13th: where did the superstition come from?

Why Friday? Why is the number 13 bad? On such a day you cannot:

  • start any business
  • make even very profitable deals
  • to go on a trip
  • play a wedding
  • carry out operations
  • change your hairstyle
  • borrow or lend money
  • look in the mirror before going to bed

Friday the 13th

  • There is an opinion that this superstition came from England - there the counting of the days of the week begins with Sunday, so it turns out that Friday of the second week will be the thirteenth day. What's wrong with the number 13? There is an opinion that this number is considered “devilish” because it does not fall into the beautiful, correct dozen - the number 12, which was previously used for counting, especially in England.
  • Whether this is true or not, it is believed that it was on Friday the 13th that Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and later Cain killed his brother Abel. It is reliably known that on Friday, October 13, the persecution of the powerful Knights Templar began.
  • This superstition is valid not only at the everyday level, but also at the official level. Thus, in America and Great Britain there is often no 13th floor in houses, a 13th row in cinemas, a 13th route, etc.

Is it true that black cats bring bad luck?

In the medieval Vatican, cats were considered assistants to witches, so they were often burned along with their mistresses. Later, in the 19th century, black fur hats became fashionable, so Chinese entrepreneurs caught these animals in order to get rich.

It's true that black cats bring bad luck:

  • Nowadays, many signs and superstitions are also associated with black cats. In our country, there are two common opinions regarding black cats. Animals will help avoid theft and bring material well-being to the owner.
  • It is believed that if a black cat crosses the road, it will be bad luck. However, this is considered not only in our country, but also in European countries. In Asian countries, as well as Switzerland, black cats are considered companions of success, good luck and prosperity.
  • If a girl who is about to get married meets a black cat, this promises a long marriage. In addition, it is necessary to groom and cherish such animals and constantly feed them. This way, the animals will be able to thank you and bring you material well-being.

Cat Many interesting articles for breeders can be found on our website:

  • Is it possible to give cats human tablets, No-shpu, Valerian tablets?
  • What can you feed a 1-6 month old kitten without a cat and how many times a day: list of feeds, products and dishes, feeding regimen
  • Is it possible to leave a cat alone for a day, 5 days, a week, two weeks?
  • Why does a cat itch and lick itself, but there are no fleas? The cat is constantly itching: causes, methods of treatment

There is no need to be afraid of black cats, since, unlike animals with the usual color, they are magical creatures and often help their owners. Oddly enough, the black cat has nothing to do with demons and entities that want harm to people. On the contrary, they are very friendly animals that love their owners.

Where did the sign about the black cat come from?

  • There is not a single sign as widespread, and at the same time controversial, as the sign associated with black cats and female cats. In many countries, it is believed that meeting these beautiful and graceful creatures, especially when they cross the road, will bring bad luck.
  • Where did the omens about black cats come from? The root of this superstition, perhaps, is the medieval beliefs of the Inquisition that cats are accomplices of witches and products of pagan cults , because in Ancient Egypt black and other cats were divine beings and were revered on a par with gods.
  • The unfortunate animals were killed by inquisitors and sacrificed by Satanists. Over time, these superstitions became firmly rooted in people's minds.

To failure?
However, opposing superstitions can be cited in defense of black cats:

  • The Irish , on the contrary, considered meeting a black cat to be good luck.
  • In England , a girl who keeps such an animal in her house will always have many admirers.
  • In Scotland, such cats bring wealth .
  • Sailors all over the world keep black cats on their ships to ensure a successful voyage.

Despite all the negative attitudes towards black cats in Russia, it is believed that they protect the house from thieves and ward off evil spirits from small children.

Care and maintenance in captivity

Some exotic animal lovers keep black-footed cats as pets. For those who nevertheless decide to place a representative of this breed in their home, they should remember that the African black-footed cat, a wild animal, is unlikely to get rid of its habits even at home.

Charming and playful kittens will eventually grow into real hunters and predators. These cats have an aggressive character, and in relation to the house and owner, they behave like big owners and jealous people. These cats will not tolerate the presence of other pets in the house. An exception may be if the animals grew up together from childhood.

A few words in conclusion

The black-footed cat has never been hunted by local tribes. But, due to the expansion of areas for crops and pastures for livestock, the natural habitat of these animals is catastrophically declining.

The African wild cat is also endangered because it often ends up in traps intended for other animals. To save the black-footed cat from extinction, its species is listed in the Red Book, and leading scientists and zoologists are making every effort to preserve this extraordinary and mysterious cat for future generations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS2qCJN36SE

Where did the sign not to take out the trash in the evening come from?

  • Where did the sign not to take out the trash in the evening come from ? This superstition is very ancient, and it is consistent among many peoples who are far from each other geographically and mentally.
  • So, in Eastern Europe, it was associated with the machinations of evil spirits, which woke up precisely at night, at sunset.

Thus, when taking out the trash (or “dirty laundry”), one could end up in an unpleasant situation:

  • Give the opportunity to evil spirits, witches and other evil spirits to conjure trouble on the owners of this garbage.
  • To offend the good guardian spirit of the home - the brownie, since he might think that the owners are delaying cleaning the home and do not respect him.
  • Along with the trash taken out of the house in the evening, monetary wealth and happiness go away, because it falls into the hands of evil forces.
  • According to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui, this disrupts the flow of light energy Qi.

Our ancestors even came up with something like a spell for when evening came and the trash needed to be taken out: “I take out unnecessary things from the house, but leave happiness and prosperity.”

It can be simply dangerous.
In addition, in our time, especially in a big city, the sign that you should not take out the trash also has a practical meaning. In the evening, serious dangers may await you at the garbage dump:

  • inadequate personalities
  • packs of stray dogs
  • puddles, potholes, stones visible during the day
  • danger of catching a cold during colder times of the day
  • There is also a rather funny fear: while taking out the trash, meeting friends in the evening and leaving unfinished household chores.

Interesting facts about black cats

Attractive, magical, mysterious - history knows many interesting facts, one way or another connected with black-haired beauties.

  1. Fact one: the name “Vaska” was invented for a black cat. Who doesn’t know that Vaska is a Russian cat? This name was made famous by the four-legged black companion of Veles (in pagan beliefs, the god who cares for domestic animals). In ancient times, black cats were called Vaska. Later the nickname spread to animals of other colors.
  2. Fact two: for just under ten years, Italy has been celebrating the Day of Protection of Black Cats. Aidaa, an organization dedicated to the protection of the environment and animals in Italy, initiated the creation of Black Cat Day in 2007. According to this association, every year several tens of thousands (!) of these animals become victims of human superstitions. The initiative was supported by the Italian public: November 17 was declared the Day of Protection of “Blackies” in Italy. The date was not chosen by chance: on Halloween, October 31, the largest number of black kittens disappeared in Italy.
  3. Fact three: cats of “sacred” color were killed because of fashion. However, the most terrible mass killings of black-haired cats were not associated with mystical horror of the imaginary evil magical power of the animal. Acquisitiveness was the reason for such destruction. Hats made of black cat fur, which came into Chinese fashion in the 19th century, forced enterprising businessmen from the Middle Kingdom to buy animal skins in huge quantities.
  4. Fact four: the French monarch and a staunch materialist, once the first person of the USSR, firmly believed in the magical powers of black-haired kittens.
    Leonid Brezhnev, one of the Soviet leaders, believed that he owed his life to a black-haired cat. With warnings about his magical abilities to predict trouble and protect his owner, the black one was presented to the Secretary General by the Dalai Lama. A communist, a materialist by conviction, Brezhnev did not question the words of the great teacher. He had to be convinced twice that they were right. The first time this happened was when the sensational assassination attempt on Brezhnev in 1969 failed. On the instructions of Brezhnev, who was haunted by the alarming behavior of his black pet from India on the morning of the attack, the second place in the government motorcade was taken by a car with astronauts. It was into this car that the attacker fired 11 bullets. The driver was killed as a result of the shelling. Brezhnev remained unharmed. Since then, the Secretary General began to consider the pet a talisman. Therefore, having received a “warning” for the second time, I stayed at home. And on that day his personal car was involved in a terrible accident, one of the participants in which died. The owner survived his pet with amazing intuition by only a few months. The English monarch Charles I also adored his black-haired pet. At the behest of Charles, a guard was even assigned to his favorite, since the king was convinced that the black beauty was the key to his happiness. Karl bitterly mourned his pet, who died a natural death, and the next day he was arrested and later executed.
  5. Fact five: Napoleon, as he believed, was warned about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo by a black-haired kitten, which he saw in a dream on the eve of the battle. It is a historical fact that the Battle of Waterloo was preceded by Napoleon's dream in which he saw a black cat. Contemporaries of the most famous French commander left evidence that the Emperor did not like cats. The color of the animal he dreamed of before the historical battle was completely perceived by him as ominous. Did Napoleon lose the battle in his sleep? Or were the dreams of a mystical animal on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo and the subsequent defeat of the French army just a fatal coincidence? It is unlikely that we will ever know for sure. However, elurophobia, the fear of cats, which the famous Frenchman suffered from, played a cruel joke on him.
  6. The sixth and final fact: scientists have proven that cats of “sacral” color are friendlier than their lighter-colored counterparts. They are more stress-resistant and more adapted to life in big cities.

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The sign of sitting on the path - where did it come from?

  • We are all familiar with the ancient custom of sitting down and being silent before a long journey, at least for half a minute.
  • This tradition is widespread among our compatriots - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and is completely unfamiliar to Westerners.
  • Where did the sign of sitting on the path come from and what does it mean?


  • They did this as if asking permission to leave their home for a while from the brownie - the owner of the house, with whom it was fraught with danger.
  • In this way , the evil forces were deceived so that they would not follow along and spoil the trip - we, they say, are not going anywhere, we are just relaxing.
  • With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', travelers devoted a few minutes to prayer before the road, and in times of godlessness, they began to observe only external attributes - they sat down on the path.
  • A purely practical, useful application of this sign: in peace and quiet, calmly think about whether all your work has been completed, whether you have taken everything you need for the journey, so as not to return halfway - this is also a very bad omen!

On the path
Thus, the habit of sitting on the path has not only ancient mystical roots, but also a completely reasonable modern explanation, which is why it lives among the people. It is observed not only by people of the older generation, but also by young people, who are far from ancient superstitions.

The sign about spilled salt: where did it come from?

  • Where did the sign about spilled salt come from ? This sign is of purely domestic origin, although at the time of its occurrence such conditions also existed in Western Europe. Old Russian peasants, and even city dwellers, attached great importance to the presence of salt in the house.
  • At the same time, it must be taken into account that Rus' had almost no salt production, and few mining sites were far away. Salt was transported in special caravans; strong guards had to be hired to protect themselves from robbers. And the state imposed a huge tax on the mined salt, which is why it was worth almost its weight in gold.
  • From this it is clear that spilling expensive salt was a serious offense, which could be followed by serious punishment of a household member or servant, or a quarrel with the one who did it. At the same time, the owner of the house, if he saw that the damage was small and everything happened by accident, would throw a small pinch of salt over his shoulder, as if saying that the incident was over.
  • And the worst insult to the owner of the house was deliberately overturning the salt shaker and spilling the salt. This threatened not only a quarrel, but also mortal enmity.

To a quarrel

Signs about black cats from different countries

The interpretation of the image, signs and superstitions about black cats differ in different nations and cultures. The tales and legends of Western Europe say that at night and on the full moon the animal took on human form in order to carry out the orders of the magicians and witches who sent them. In the Middle Ages, most signs associated with black cats were negative. Because of prejudice and fear, people began to kill unfortunate animals.

Ironically, killing black cats turned out to be a bad omen. Due to the decline in the cat population, the number of rats and mice that carry disease has increased. Medieval people paid with thousands of lives for the destruction of black fluffies. After some time, the bubonic plague affected from 30 to 60% of the population of the countries:

  • Central and Southern Europe;
  • Middle East;
  • North Africa.

In Great Britain they believe that the omen about a black cat cannot be bad. For the British, the animal is a symbol of good luck and material well-being. In Northern Ireland, black cats are credited with magical properties. The Irish believe that the four-legged animal protects the house from evil spirits. An animal that strays by chance is a good omen that promises prosperity and family well-being.

In Western cultures, the black kitten is still viewed ambiguously. Some believe that black animals are assistants to witches and black magicians. Signs and superstitions associated with four-legged animals depend on the circumstances:

  • tries to enter the house - to discord in the family;
  • sitting on the threshold - to unpleasant news;
  • meows on the porch - expect money to be spent;
  • licks himself near the door - the ill-wisher is preparing to do something nasty.

The ancient Egyptians treated black cats with great respect, as evidenced by the information that has reached us about the goddess Bastet, a woman with a cat's head. The Egyptians loved black cats so much that they mummified them after death. If the priests saw that someone kicked an animal, he was threatened with execution:

  • caning to death;
  • hanging;
  • gutting;
  • decapitation.

In Japan, only positive signs are associated with black cats. That's why many souvenir shops sell cute Maneki-neko figurines - porcelain figurines of a cat that serve as a talisman. If purchased, the talisman will bring only happiness to the owner. Therefore, it is often called the cat of luck or the money cat.

Many people believe that black fuzz has magical properties, but they should not be feared. Sailors associate only positive signs with the animal. To attract good luck and prevent shipwreck, sailors and fishermen took the four-legged animal with them on their voyages.

Black color is a test for a cat that cannot resist human prejudices and restore its reputation. Only because of the content of eumelanin, a black pigment, in its fur did the quadruped in the 1880s become an unwitting accomplice in the terrible deeds of the anarchists, who made it their symbol. Pseudo-magicians who kept cats only for decoration added fuel to the fire. But now it’s clear whether this was done with the paws of an animal or with the hands of people.

Where does the sign about the broken mirror come from?

  • A mirror is the most mysterious and mystical element of a home interior. It not only reflects our appearance, but according to many beliefs, it opens the door to the subtle spiritual world.
  • It is not without reason that one of the most popular fortune tellings for young girls in Rus', related to future marriage, is based precisely on the reflection in the mirror.

After this, it is now clear where the signs associated with mirrors came from. But let's find out what exactly the sign of a broken mirror means:

  • The owners of not only a broken, but also a cracked mirror will face major troubles, illness, and even death.
  • The mystical component of this superstition is quite understandable, but there is also a completely ordinary, real fundamental basis for this superstition.

To trouble and even death

  • The fact is that medieval mirrors contained a significant amount of mercury, the vapors of which were released when the mirror was damaged, and led to illness and even death of their owners.

Modern signs

Psychics and magicians advise not to pay attention to negative signs associated with black cats. Let's figure out why they hold this opinion

  • The animal protects the house from damage and the evil eye. Black pets sense the energy of people well, and in the presence of negative people, their behavior can be unpredictable.
  • Thanks to their energy, cats can influence the action of magical rituals.
  • Black cats help a person cope with ailments, especially depression, stress and insomnia. In general, cats can cheer you up and help you in difficult times.
  • They protect the house from theft and increase the property of their owners.
  • Thanks to these cats, the financial situation in the house improves and problems related to money are successfully resolved.
  • They warn their owners about danger, and at the same time behave unusually: they scratch, hiss, run around the house and meow incessantly.
  • Black cats cannot be bought or sold, but they can be exchanged for anything.
  • These cats are excellent hunters and can catch rats.
  • Black cats (and animals in general) cannot be beaten, since after the death of the animal, the person will suffer.
  • A fallen cat in an apartment is a symbol of monetary wealth.
  • Pregnant women should avoid contact with cats.
  • If you are going on a trip, it is better to leave your black pet in the house, otherwise it will be very difficult and problematic to return back.
  • It is not recommended to look black cats in the eyes; there will be serious troubles.

Why you can’t whistle in the house: where did the sign come from?

“Don’t whistle – there won’t be any money!” - who among us has not at least occasionally heard such a statement, expressed in an angry, or even irritated tone?

To lack of money

This is also an ancient superstition, and there are several possible hypotheses about where the sign came from that you should not whistle in the house:

  • They don’t whistle in the house, so as not to offend the brownie - these creatures cannot stand whistling. And quarreling with a brownie is a direct path to unhappiness and lack of money.
  • In general, whistling is the “language of communication” of evil spirits, and the one who whistles in the house, as it were, invites it inside, and if you allow it, then trouble will not be avoided.
  • In the calm, the sailors whistled the wind into the sails. Why is there wind in the house? So they kicked the whistlers out into the street.
  • Well, from a purely aesthetic point of view, they whistle to call a dog, or in the old days, a servant, a dependent person. But the whistler’s household doesn’t want to feel like any of these!

Well, here’s a surefire way to avoid the dangerous consequences of this action. If you can’t calm down the whistler, then you need to turn around yourself three times, kind of like rewinding time. Then the evil spirits will get confused and will not be able to get into your house!

About the brownie and the broom

If you didn’t hear any strange sounds in your old apartment, didn’t see any entities at night, and harmony and comfort reigned in family life, then there was a good brownie living in your house (or maybe there wasn’t one at all, and you’re just great?). There is no way to lose such an exemplary house-elf, so people have come up with a whole ritual to transfer the “master of the house” to a new place. According to one of the beliefs, before moving, you need to take with you the broom you used to sweep the floors. It was believed that the house spirit likes to hide under the broom. For owners of vacuum cleaners, there is a more progressive way - to transport household appliances with a box, in which you first need to put something soft (towels) and leave it on the doorstep for a while.

Explanation: from a pseudo-scientific point of view, a brownie can be characterized as a powerful concentrated clot of energy of the person himself, which can manifest itself in different ways in the surrounding space. As a rule, we don’t even notice positive energy, but negative energy can tickle the nerves of overly impressionable people.

Why you can’t eat from a knife: where did the sign come from?

At first glance, this sign has a completely logical explanation and rational basis - it is very easy to cut yourself. In addition, it is not fitting for a peaceful, non-warlike person to imitate the robbers, the rude and cruel conquerors who demonstrated their ferocity by devouring meat from a knife.

But there are other signs associated with this superstition - less obvious:

  • A knife is a sharp cutting, stabbing object that carries aggression and brute force, and those who use it instead of a fork become infected with unjustified aggression.
  • The tip of the knife accumulates negative energy and contributes to damage to the aura.
  • Eating from a knife causes heart pain and illness - the reason for this superstition is unknown.
  • This habit makes a person very jealous . It’s clear where this sign came from - the girls observed how their husbands often had attacks of rage and terrible jealousy for no reason as soon as they tried something with a knife.
  • This habit is especially fraught for the fair sex: according to some beliefs, in this case the husband will be a drunkard , according to others - a reveler , the mother-in-law will be a spiteful one, and the woman who loves to eat may lose her hair from the knife.

This is an extremely dangerous omen for girls.

Probably, you still shouldn’t use a knife for eating, based on purely practical reasons. In a desperate case, when there is neither a spoon nor a fork at hand, but only a knife (on a camping trip, for example), you can use this cutlery for food, but only with the utmost caution!

Who is the gray pet recommended for?

It is recommended to have gray cats for people whose lives are connected with business: entrepreneurs, executives, managers. Such a pet will attract success in financial matters, will contribute to successful negotiations, concluding contracts, and planning the enterprise’s budget.

The smoky cat will be a good and faithful friend for those whose service involves a risk to life and health. First of all, these are military and law enforcement officers. For them, the pet will become a kind of talisman and will create a protective barrier against the evil eye, damage and negative energy.

For girls, an ash or blue cat will help them quickly arrange their personal lives, meet an enviable groom, or speed up their wedding. For pregnant women, animals of this color make childbirth easier and reduce the risk of complications and illnesses in the baby.

Knock on wood, a sign: where did it come from?

  • This sign is very ancient, widespread, international. Different peoples have different details, for example, some knock on wood three times, for others the number of hits does not matter. Others simply touch the wood with their fingers.
  • Some recognize only oak, others knock on any tree.
  • There are so many peoples and so many opinions. However, everyone has the same meaning of this knock: “So as not to jinx it!” Why do we do this and where did the sign of knocking on wood come from?
  • It is known that trees have been endowed with magical powers since ancient times and served as the abode of various spirits.

The following differences can be distinguished:

  • Western Europeans, especially in Germany, considered trees to be the abode of fairies who could help against evil forces.
  • In Russia, protective properties were attributed directly to the wood itself, and different tree species served different purposes.
  • Oak is especially revered for protection - as a symbol of strength, courage, and reliable protection.
  • Some people believe that you can only knock on a living tree, and not on products made from it - a table, a stool, since a dead tree does not provide protection.

From the evil eye
“Pah-pah-pah, so as not to jinx it!” - we say and knock on any wooden object that comes to hand, more out of ingrained habit than for a real call on otherworldly forces.

How to neutralize negative signs

Cat breeders are confident that such pets are characterized by increased resistance to stress, friendliness and calmness. Therefore, in principle, having them at home is a good sign. Don't focus on negative signs

It is important to remember that most of them are easily explained in terms of logic. All over the world, November 17 is even celebrated as Black Cat Day, which means that this animal is not such a bad one.

If disturbing thoughts still bother you, then you can use the old proven method: spit over your left shoulder three times and knock on wood the same number of times.

Black cat. Angel of luck or fiend of hell


Black cats. Seven unexpected facts.

In addition, you can make an individual protective talisman and always carry it with you. Or go to church and bless the house. Under no circumstances should you punish an animal, beat or offend it. Firstly, it is inhumane. And secondly, even from an esoteric point of view, this is wrong: it will bring even greater trouble, it will anger the cat.

To protect your home, it is recommended to use a black cat figurine. It has a positive meaning. According to Feng Shui, such a figurine symbolizes patience and wisdom, brings good luck and helps normalize relationships within the family. This is a universal talisman that can be placed in any part of the home. It has a positive impact on all aspects of life. For example, the southeast is responsible for wealth, and if you place a figurine there, then the owners will experience financial growth. A figure in the northeast will help normalize the work environment.

Passing things over the threshold is a sign: where did it come from?

Why can't you pass things over the threshold? Everyone knows what is not allowed, but for what reason and where did the sign come from? Let's try to figure it out. To do this, we need to delve again into our pagan past.

  • Our ancestors considered the threshold a mystical place, the line between the real and the other world. This was due to the habit of burying deceased loved ones on the doorstep of the house.


  • By passing things over the threshold, a person disturbed the peace of deceased relatives.
  • The threshold is the boundary between the world of the living and the dead, and these worlds have different energies. Without knowing all the subtleties, you can convey something incorrectly and attract misfortune to yourself or another person.
  • By passing a thing over the threshold, the owner takes happiness and wealth out of the house, and it goes not to the guest accepting the gift, but to dark forces.
  • Evil spirits can live on the border of worlds, capable of stealing not only material values, but also a living soul.
  • If you receive an item this way (through the threshold), get rid of it immediately.

Crossing or invading the borders of another world beyond the threshold of your home is so unsafe that there is a ban not only on passing things over the threshold, but also on shaking hands, talking, kissing. Even just standing or sitting on the threshold is not recommended.

  • After the wedding, the young wife is brought into the house by her husband. It is believed that by doing this he protects her from evil forces.
  • You should cross the threshold with your right foot, this will protect you from the action of evil forces.

But do you know how to protect yourself from its negativity? Just step on the threshold with your foot and take everything you need. So you seem to close the portal of otherworldly forces. Moreover, it does not matter who will act on it - the recipient or the giver.

Beliefs and superstitions about the charcoal purr

Reference. It has been scientifically proven that black seals create powerful electromagnetic radiation around themselves. The amplitude and frequency of such electromagnetic waves have a very beneficial effect on the human biofield and can even heal a patient from many diseases.

Depression, nervousness, overwork, joint pain, senile pain, fears, nightmares, infant crying - this is not the entire list of ailments for which the black “doctor” will help. It is enough to simply stroke the purr or place it on a sore spot to feel the healing effect. There is a popular belief that cats “pull” illness out of people.

Only a black cat has the ability to absorb negative energy, pass through itself and instantly release positive vibrations into space, which is why it is often called the guardian and talisman of the hearth, a protector from evil spirits and black sorcerers.

If a cat hisses at one of the guests or tries to use its claws, you know that this is an enemy, it is better to be more careful with such a guest, he probably came with bad intentions.

If you are about to leave the house, and the animal begins to behave restlessly for no apparent reason, it is better to postpone leaving for a while or be very careful on the way, perhaps the pet is trying to protect you from danger.

The good and the bad

The black cat is a guide to the world of spirits, magic and sorcery.

It can warn a person not only about damage, illness and death, but also about a speedy recovery or a favorable period in life.

Why do they say that charcoal-colored fluffy is bad?

Signs with bad meaning:

If a cat begins to sniff a person’s breath, he should pay attention to his health; it is possible that he will soon get sick. The death of one of the residents of the house is promised by the causeless, heart-rending meowing of a cat or the cat’s habit of sleeping on the table. An imminent death is predicted by the constant presence of a cat at the bedside of a seriously ill person. If a cat refuses to “treat” a patient with its presence and runs away from his bed, then the person will not survive. If a black cat suddenly attacked a person and scratched him, the imposed curse or damage must be removed.

Why is it good?

Signs with good meaning:

  • Protects against death if it sleeps near the owner's head.
  • It wards off old age if it sleeps near the heart.
  • Lies on your feet - relieves fatigue.
  • It is believed that the cat took the disease with it if it ran away from home, and the sick person recovered sharply.
  • A black cat caresses and rubs against a person’s legs, which means that positive light energy emanates from it, which will attract favorable events in life.
  • If a cat squints at home, it means she has made friends with a brownie who will protect the household and their home.

Where did the sign about an empty bucket come from?

  • The full version of this superstition says that meeting a woman with an empty bucket in the first half of the day means misfortune, breakdowns, and financial losses. This sign is so strong that superstitious people extend it to other cases. If the meeting took place after lunch, there was a man or a child with the buckets, the person with the empty bucket was not met on the way, but was simply taken out of the window, etc.
  • Where did the sign come from? Superstition arose in Ancient India, where a woman personified the active consumption of energy, its capture. Having an empty vessel (bucket) with her, she was preparing to intercept someone else's energy, luck, and vitality. Well, the first half of the day is obvious - this is the time to implement plans for the day and expend energy.

In the morning - to failure.
Thus, having met a woman with an empty bucket, you can:

  • face the collapse of your desires
  • ruin even a successfully started business
  • get into an accident or get injured
  • encounter many small failures throughout the day

It is worth noting that in the classical version, a man with an empty bucket, on the contrary, brings good luck. It’s also a good idea to just watch a woman with empty buckets from a balcony or window. This means the development of a new stage in life. But simply leaving an empty bucket in the hallway is also fraught with financial losses.

Slavic superstitions

The Orthodox Church, in contrast to the Catholic movement, had a positive attitude towards all representatives of cats. They were the only ones allowed to enter the temple and be present on the church grounds during services. According to beliefs, the black animal warded off the dirty tricks of small demons who sent mice and rats, and also protected the House of the Lord from evil spirits and strengthened the faith of pilgrims.

The most famous superstitions concern the moment when an animal with dark fur crosses the road:

  • if a cat moves from left to right in front of a woman, profit awaits her in business; in the opposite direction, the omen promises trouble;
  • an animal crossing the path in front of a man from the right side to the left will bring good luck, but if it’s the other way around, it will bring failure in solving important issues;
  • to ward off a bad omen, you should stop and wait until someone passes in the same direction, or turn around your axis and continue moving, you can also return and choose another road;
  • A small ritual will become protective when a person spits three times over his left shoulder, twists the muzzle in his pocket, or grabs a button on his clothes.

Signs advised letting a couple of black cats ahead of you into a new house on the second day in order to lure happiness into the home and drive away misfortune. Popular superstitions claim that the black rooster, dog and mouser protect the yard from theft. But during a thunderstorm, the pet is allowed outside so that lightning does not strike the roof.

Other signs about a black kitten relate to different situations:

  • if such an animal sneezes near the bride during the wedding, the newlyweds will be happy in marriage;
  • when an animal with dark fur runs across the stage in a theater, the production will sell out, but if you touch or hit it, the consequences for the actors will be sad;
  • Dreaming of a mousetrap on the night before Christmas promises a serious illness.

The sign of giving a watch: where did it come from?

Why is giving a watch a bad omen and where did it come from? This sign is not very common, and it has many variations:

  • In ancient China, the characters for hours and death were very similar. Perhaps the sign originates from there. In general, in China people gave watches as an invitation to a funeral. What a joy this gift is!
  • In the East, clock hands were associated with sharp objects that were absolutely forbidden to be given as a gift. This was especially true for lovers.
  • Spouses were not given watches, as it was believed that the hands counted down the time until their separation.
  • Europeans believed that it was impossible to give a watch as a gift, since along with it one’s personal time was transferred and one’s life was shortened.

Shorten life

  • The Slavs believed that if you received a watch as a gift, you would bring upon yourself emptiness, troubles and sorrows.
  • Nowadays, this sign is gradually losing its relevance. The sharp hands on the clock gave way to an electronic dial. Or maybe the reason is that a good watch is a very good and convenient gift.

If you are afraid of the negative impact of this gift, simply give the giver a small coin of any denomination. This will not mean a gift, but a purchase, which completely nullifies all negative consequences!

Here are a brief summary of the superstitions that you encounter most often. Let everyone decide for themselves whether to comply with them or not. Perhaps the best solution would be to observe external signs, without panicking from the expectation of bad consequences, but also without rejecting ancient wisdom, because many signs have a completely rational background.

Are you interested in signs? Then we advise you to read popular articles about signs:

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