Folk signs and superstitions: why a tricolor cat in the house

Psychologists say that having pets has a good effect on a child’s development and helps strengthen the union. Folk omens interpret this statement a little differently: animals are needed at home to protect against evil spirits, maintain positive energy and eliminate diseases. In fact, both statements can be defined as one. How fair they are is best judged by their meanings, interpretations and actual events.

Do calico cats bring happiness?

Having a cat at home in ancient times was a must. Most tried to acquire and lure a tricolor cat into their home as a permanent resident. And it wasn’t just the need to catch mice and rats. A tortoiseshell or seven-colored (very rare), four-colored cat is a creature with magical abilities.

The strength of a tricolor animal could be judged by the presence of colors:

  • It was not the yellow, but the red tint that gave the owners of the house confidence in well-being and material wealth. If the pet also had green eyes, then this is a double bonus - no money will be transferred in the house;
  • black, but not in large numbers, testified that the calico cat would protect the inhabitants from evil and evil spirits. He will become a true friend to the children and the brownie. A real home amulet;
  • white has always been and remains a symbol of purity, kindness and light.

The tortoiseshell cat is a powerful talisman. The characteristics of the pet were judged by the predominance of one color or another.


Owners of tricolor colors do not belong to the same breed, so it cannot be said that they all have common character traits. However, usually such animals are affectionate and friendly towards the owner.

They can be aggressive and wary towards strangers. They behave the same way when examined by a veterinarian.

Tricolor cats are very proud. When they want to have fun and play, they become very active and difficult to stop. They often sleep most of the day and are active at night.

Owners often find it difficult to accustom the triflower to the tray. These pets choose the place for the toilet themselves, so veterinarians advise first observing which place the cat chooses, and then placing the tray there.

In order for the animal to remember the nickname and respond to it, you need to choose a short name.

Signs of different countries

There are many meanings in different countries that confirm one fact: cats are guardians, amulets:

  1. Ancient Egypt. Sacred animal. Guardian of the hearth, femininity and love. The main task of cats is to protect the real world from the kingdom of the dead.
  2. England . Protecting the family from troubles. The animal gives harmony, love and well-being.
  3. Muslim countries. A kind of fire rescuer.
  4. Japan. China. Cats provide a healthy environment in the home. They present the owners with material benefits. In ancient China, a cat's tail was a symbol of attracting financial well-being and prosperity.
  5. Slavic peoples. Animals are able to protect and exorcise evil spirits. The cat was the first to be let into the house. A bed was placed in the place where the animal sat down, as it was considered favorable and protected from bad dreams.

Regardless of nationality, sailors take a cat on a ship for a long voyage. And definitely multi-colored. The more flowers, the more positive aspects and benefits from such a fluffy passenger.

The importance of a three-haired cat in the house

Folk beliefs about cats are varied. And to a greater extent they concern the color scheme of the furry pet. If most people know about black cats and their ability to prevent troubles, then about tricolor cats in the house, signs and superstitions have the opposite meaning. If you have a three-haired pet, you can count on happiness and good luck.

Young parents tried to ensure their protection long before the birth of the child. Talismans made of wood, metal and motanka dolls do not count. Because a calico cat brings not only happiness, but a restful sleep. The parents were sure that the cat:

  • lulls the baby to sleep;
  • during sleep, he will tell fairy tales and provide you with calm dreams;
  • protects against dark forces;
  • with the help of the gift of clairvoyance, he will warn of danger for many years.

It’s a good sign when a tortoiseshell climbs onto your knees, back or shoulders. This indicates the need to relieve tension, fatigue, and negativity from the owner. The length of stay on the owner indicates the amount of negative energy.

If a calico cat came to the house

A cat with three colors is a symbol of goodness, good luck, and family happiness. Protects from the evil eye, damage, slander, and dark influences. But when the animal itself comes into the house, this is a signal about the need to protect the family.

It is not recommended to kick out a visiting cat, as the sign indicates the following:

  • early news about a distant relative, inheritance, news about a missing friend, family member;
  • wedding, matchmaking. If there is a girl living in the house who is not dating anyone, the appearance of a good groom is evidence of a serious relationship;
  • a kitten or an adult cat has settled down and persistently makes its way into the house - prosperity, financial problems will quickly go away and be resolved;
  • the neighbor's cat sat in the yard or on the window and takes a long time to wash itself - guests have arrived from afar or a large purchase has been made.

If a tricolor cat strays, you should let it into the house and feed it. After she falls asleep, go to the nearest crossroads and leave three coins of the same denomination on it. Scare away a guest - drive away good luck from the family for 7 years, lose health.

The cat gives birth or gave birth to live and dead kittens: signs

A small cat that strays has the same powers as an adult - it will fill the house with joy. The Slavs believed that a stray guest, together with the brownie, form a powerful amulet for the entire home.

If a kitten wanders into the home of a childless couple, this is a test of higher powers. If you shelter a cat and raise a wonderful and kind protector, then you can soon expect a new addition.


  • The cat gave birth safely - there will be positive changes in your life or something will end happily soon.
  • The cat gave birth to dead kittens - the outcome of your important business will end very badly. Either don’t plan anything important, or accept the negative consequences.
  • The cat gave birth to one kitten (alive or in general) - you have hope that an important matter will end with a happy ending.
  • The cat gave birth to two kittens - expect positive news, happy news or messages.
  • The cat gave birth to three kittens - expect a gift or a new acquisition.
  • The cat gave birth to four kittens - you will have a major acquisition ahead.
  • The cat gave birth to many kittens (five or more) - you have a large series of good events, favorable changes, and new adventures ahead.
  • The cat gave birth at night - expect a gift or message from a person with dark hair. Such news will somehow affect you.
  • The cat gave birth early in the morning - a new business will definitely bring success to you.
  • The cat gave birth during the day - an increase in money or a gift awaits you.
  • The cat gave birth in the evening - a problem or minor illness awaits you, but you will be able to cope with it.

Signs about pregnant and giving birth cats


  • A cat gave birth under the table - secrets and conspiracies in your family, grievances between family members.
  • The cat gave birth on the bed - to the good health of children and adults in the family.
  • A cat gave birth under the bed - expect deception and slander from a loved one.
  • The cat gave birth at the door - expect an addition to the family, a new person in the family or a new friend.
  • The cat gave birth on the doorstep - wait for the arrival of guests, the arrival of relatives.
  • The cat gave birth in the kitchen - prosperity in the house and the prosperity of its inhabitants.
  • The cat gave birth in the nursery - good health of the child, success of the child. A cat gives birth where the safest and most energetically clean place is, which means that your child is not in danger of any harm.
  • The cat gave birth in a stroller - health, calm and sound sleep of the baby, his recovery, getting rid of any problems.
  • The cat gave birth behind the furniture, behind the sofa - your house has a supply of negative energy, which the cat is trying to avoid. Be careful, you may be in danger in the form of illness or financial collapse.

Events related to cats: signs


  • Sleeping in the kitchen means prosperity and good earnings.
  • Sleeps in the hallway - when guests arrive in the house
  • Sleeping in the bedroom - to harmony in the relationship between spouses and lovers.
  • Sleeping in the nursery - to the baby’s health
  • Sleeping on the doorstep - something will surprise you soon

How to understand the “signs” of a cat: signs and interpretations

If a calico cat crossed the road

Provided that such a cat crossed the road, the sign can be interpreted as maximally positive. Fortune will accompany a person for at least a week. The tricolor animal also provides protection from negative energy, the evil eye and serious problems.

If a furry creature not only crossed the road, but also followed a person and rubbed against his legs, dreams, even the most daring and long-standing ones, will soon come true. The work started will be completed successfully. There is no need to worry about material wealth: the tricolor friend warns that there is no need to worry: the risk will be justified and rewarded.

For unmarried (unmarried) people, a tricolor cat indicates changes in their personal lives; their significant other is already looking for a meeting.

Why "turtle" cats

From time immemorial, purrs with a tricolor color have been considered a symbol of good luck. Particularly valuable are the mustachioed striped ones, in which white and red colors predominate:

  • white is a symbol of purity, innocence, an accumulation of bright, positive energy that nourishes all household members and protects the house from evil spirits;
  • red is a symbol of good luck and material wealth, protection from disease.

In some countries, such as Japan, tortoiseshell cats are considered good luck charms.

Wedding superstitions

Cats with three coat colors are the patrons of the family and procreation. One of the meanings of the appearance of such a cat in the yard or house is a harbinger of a wedding or matchmaking. But this only applies to visiting homeless beauties. If a guy’s furry pet fawns over him during a meal, then we can say with confidence: within a year he’ll get married.

If a tricolor has been in the house for a long time, then during the wedding preparations and ceremony you can predict the future of the newlyweds:

  • sneezing of a cat near the bride before the wedding - the family will be strong, friendly, happy;
  • if the cat does not leave the couple : it ensures well-being, good offspring, covers up envy, anger, and possible magical rituals.

Interesting Facts

The very meeting with a calico cat is considered good luck. Such diverse representatives of the cat family are found in only one in three thousand animals. This rarity is due to the fact that tortoiseshell cats are born infertile, which is a kind of genetic anomaly. The color of the coat in this case is transmitted exclusively through the maternal line.

At the end of the last century, a study was conducted in America in which about 200 people took part. His goal was to identify the main character traits of cats of various breeds and colors. As a result, tricolor cats were considered the most cold and aloof. This is because such animals do not trust strangers, but they are immensely devoted to their owner, they love him and know how to show it.

In nature, there are two types of tricolor cats - the Harlequin and the Calico. They differ in their colors. The Harlequin has black and tan spots on a white coat, while the Calico has a dark black and tan camouflage pattern with white patches. Tricolor cats are most often found among short- and smooth-haired representatives of their species. Calicos are considered the most expensive among them.

Is it necessary to look for three colors?

It is not necessary to start a “hunt” for tricolor cats because of a sign. It is enough to buy a breed whose coat will be similar to the color of the owner’s hair. But there is a catch: it is not a fact that the acquired red, white or brown kitten will choose the owner of the one who bought it. Hence the belief: the best option for protecting your home, family, and children is a multi-colored cat. It will definitely suit everyone. Wherein:

  • will provide comfort;
  • will help remove negative aspects of everyday life (quarrels, disagreements, resentments);
  • will give you a restful sleep;
  • will warn of danger.

If you are an animal lover, you can always adopt two or more kittens of different colors. This will certainly be a good sign, a real talisman of family well-being.

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