Moments of joy: 10 things that cats and cats love very much

Every creature certainly has a weakness for certain things that give him pleasure. Your mustachioed or striped pet is no exception. Of course, everyone’s tastes are different, but there is something that almost no cat will refuse.

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The editors of "Moore TV" invite you to get acquainted with 10 things that, if not all, then very many cat lovers, like!

No. 1 I’m going to bed - don’t wake me up

Even the most active cats love to take a nap, and there’s no need to talk about fluffy sloths. They like to have sweet dreams while the whole world is bustling around them.

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Some cats sleep up to 16 hours a day! It is better not to touch a sleeping pet, because cats really benefit from napping at any age.

No. 2 Fluffy on the hunt

Nature designed it so that the cat is a predator. Despite the fact that humanity has tamed this charming creature, its instincts have remained intact .

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That’s why don’t be angry if your pet looks predatorily at a circling pigeon or lies in wait for a mouse in the grass. This is how this mustachioed-striped one works, and there is no way to eradicate the thirst for hunting in him.

Cats love fresh and nutritious food

It is unlikely that a person will want to eat a large plate of spoiled food during lunch. The same goes for cats! Stale and spoiled food not only tastes bad, but also contains various types of bacteria such as salmonella and staph.

Before feeding your cat, be sure to check the expiration date on wet and dry food. This ensures that your cat receives fresh, nutritious and safe food.

If you open a can of food and something makes you doubt the quality of the food, it’s better not to use it. If the cat has not eaten all the wet food at once, then after 1 hour it is better to throw away all the uneaten food and reduce the portion next time.

#3 Scratching is the best activity

All owners of claws do not mind sharpening them on sofas or the nearest wall. their territory in this way , so don’t be surprised if you catch your pet peeling off the wallpaper.

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The most ideal option is to get a scratching post that will help your cat give himself a “manicure,” while saving your property!

No. 5 Iron, but not too often

Just like people, cats have moods when they want to bask in the arms of their owners. Attention is important to them, and they often ask for it themselves.

However, there are times when the pet is simply not in the mood and may even scratch , so it is better not to force your affection on him.

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In addition, there are breeds that are more in need of warmth and attention from the owner, and there are those who would prefer to keep their distance.

Connecting with people

When a cat appears in our lives, regardless of its age, we become surrogate parents for it, cat moms and dads. Most of us consider cats to be an integral part of our family. This bond with your pet is formed through play, grooming, petting, and various ways of spending time together.

And although some cat breeds (for example, Bengals) do not like to sit on the laps of their owners, they still have a very strong bond with them.

Bonding with cats also has a significant therapeutic effect on humans. Surely you have noticed that the presence of a warm purring body next to us has a hypnotic relaxation effect. It is not surprising that the therapeutic properties of cats are used for elderly or sick people.

No. 6 The world through the window

Perhaps you have noticed how a cat sits by the window and carefully looks through the glass. This is how the animal experiences the world and feels part of it. Cats are very interested in watching flying birds, circling insects, and even the builder who works next door.

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For this reason, experts suggest removing curtains if they cover a window so that your pet can entertain himself while watching the world go by.

No. 7 Treat yourself to something delicious

No cat will refuse delicious food, especially if he doesn’t sleep or play. Eating is a whole ritual that brings pleasure to the animal, so you should definitely diversify your pet’s diet with new dishes.

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It may turn out that he has a special love for some products, and this is not only fish, but even fruits and vegetables!

Cats enjoy being groomed

Cats have a reputation for being very clean animals.

There are several reasons why cats spend so much time grooming their fur:

  • Washing your cat helps control its body temperature. Wool acts as a protective layer between the body and the environment.
  • Grooming not only helps cats remove dirt and odors from their fur, but also prevents predators and prey from detecting them.
  • The pet also washes itself in order to cool down. When it's very hot, cats moisten their fur with saliva to cool down. The cat smoothes its fur so that the fur allows air to penetrate between the hairs, which cools the skin.
  • Washing them keeps their skin and coat healthy. Regular grooming distributes the oils naturally produced by your cat's skin and fur, keeping the coat healthy, shiny and moisturized.
  • When several unrelated cats gather and mutual agreement is established between them, they lick, wash each other and play with each other. Mutual washing is a unique form of communication, an expression of love and friendship.

Not every cat likes to be groomed by its owner, but if he likes it, try brushing his fur with a natural or rubber brush.

No. 8 I sit high, I look far away

Cats love to climb trees because they like the view from above and the feeling of freedom. If there is no garden nearby, your curtain will do, as well as cabinets, from which it is also convenient to view the area.

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We are sure that you don’t like such things, which means it’s worth purchasing a cat play set that has everything you need for purring.

No. 9 Play with me

Games are an important component for a pet, because in the process the cat spends energy and strengthens its physical fitness.

On his own or with other cats, with a ball or toys, playing catch-up with his own tail or a dog living side by side with him - the cat will not miss the opportunity to unwind and have fun.

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And, of course, your pet will be very happy if you have time to play with him too.

What foods that cats love can be given to them and in what form?

Not all the foods these animals love are good for their health. Moreover, some of them can seriously harm cats. To prevent this from happening, every owner of such a pet should know which foods can be given to him and which should be prohibited.

You can’t follow the lead of your four-legged pet. When feeding him, you need to take into account not only his love for the product, but first of all its effect on the cat’s body.

Information about which of the favorite foods kittens and adult cats can feed them, in what form and how often:

Favorite foods for catsIn what form can it be given?Frequency of feeding without consequences for the health of pets, number of servings per week
EggsChicken, quailBoiled2–3
Milk productsCottage cheeseLow fat3–4
Sour cream2
Yogurt without additives1–2
Cheese (Gouda, Muenster, Parmesan, Cheddar, Camembert)Occasionally, you can give a small piece as a treat.
Fish (sea)Low-fat varietiesBoiled, after removing the bones1–2
MeatRaw frozen or boiledDaily

Eggs are an indispensable product in a cat’s diet; it’s not for nothing that they are contained in all premium and super-premium food. They are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamins B and D. These components help strengthen the pet’s teeth and bones, cleanse its blood vessels, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain, and improve the condition of the coat. Raw eggs are contraindicated for these animals, as they may be contaminated with salmonella.

Milk contains a lot of useful substances, but it is better not to give it to adult pets. This recommendation has the following justifications:

  • From the moment a kitten switches to adult food, its body ceases to produce a sufficient amount of lactase, the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of lactose (milk sugar) into glucose and galactose. In this regard, the animal develops lactose intolerance, or lactase deficiency, leading to diarrhea after drinking milk.
  • Casein (the main protein found in milk) can cause allergies in cats.

Fermented milk products contain many useful substances, vitamins and amino acids. Due to their rich composition, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of animals’ fur, their immunity and nervous system. Why can’t you feed cats with them often and should you choose only low-fat products? Firstly, excess fat negatively affects the liver and digestive system of cats. Secondly, frequent consumption of sour milk, which has a soft consistency, can lead to disturbances in the chewing functions of the jaw and the appearance of tartar.

Cats should not be fed raw river fish, because, like raw meat, it can contain parasites. In addition, such nutrition can lead to a deficiency of nutrients in the pet’s body, because raw fish contains a special enzyme that causes the destruction of thiamine and disrupts the absorption of tocopherol and iron. Too frequent inclusion of fish dishes in a cat's diet is fraught with disruption of the urinary system due to the high salt content in them.

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