Who do our cats love more: men or women?

Have you ever thought that cats also have sympathy? Moreover, the owner, whom the furry pet ignores, is exactly wondering what kind of people cats love. Why are some people not given passage and constantly rubbed against their legs, while others are openly avoided? Let's talk about this today.

Cats love

Since ancient times, cats have been credited with magical and mysterious properties. Its appearance in human life and its taming are shrouded in a lot of secrets and mysteries. Some peoples worship these tailed and furry pets as gods to this day. The Slavs revere the cat as a protector and keeper of the hearth. Today, almost every home has a furry beauty, and many owners are puzzled by the desire to win the heart of this independent animal.

True peace and serenity

Calmness and lack of fuss

All breeders who sincerely love and idolize a cat want to see manifestations of reciprocal love from the four-legged beauty in their direction. But, alas, even the most sincere love is not always reciprocated by a soft and rebellious clever woman. Let's try to figure out why this happens. The cat is the most independent and rebellious creature among the famous and popular pets. Care, care and the desire to pamper her with something tasty do not always have a positive effect. Sometimes even on the contrary, the more we care and patronize her, the less she reacts to us, choosing a person completely indifferent to her as the object of her passion.

Cats and people


When an animal appears in a house, it spends a long time looking at its surroundings and the people with whom it will live. How does a cat choose its owner and is it true that it remains devoted to the same person for the rest of its life?

Beginning breeders would like to know how cats choose an owner, how to make the animal love itself. Everyone knows how loyal dogs can be. There are many stories about dog fidelity. Unfortunately, cats do not tend to experience such strong feelings. Experts assure that these animals become attached, first of all, to a place, and only then to a person or even several people living in the house.

When entering an apartment with a new owner, the cats are carefully examined and settled in. after some time they develop an attachment to this place. Animals' relationships with people can develop differently. Cats manage to fall in love with some, but begin to experience negative feelings towards others. What is the pet's motivation for doing this? Some people think that it’s all about food and the one who feeds him has a greater chance of becoming the cat’s main owner. But it is not so. Food is not the first priority for cats. It is also not very important who will care for the animal, take out the tray, change the litter in the cat litter, wash and scratch the pet.

It turns out that the way to a cat's heart is through psychological contact. An animal becomes attached to someone from whom it feels love and affection and who enjoys playing with it. Most often, this person is not the one who feeds and cares for the cat, but a completely different family member who has more free time to communicate.

Experts who study the life of representatives of the cat family assure that sympathies usually arise very quickly. Whoever manages to reach the animal’s heart first will be considered its master. Most often, one family member acts as the main cat friend, but it also happens that several people at once find themselves at approximately the same level for the pet.

How to understand who exactly the cat chose as its owner? To do this, just take a closer look at the behavior of the animal. Cats love to spend time around those people who are close to them. They constantly rub against their owner’s legs, watch him from the side, and try to always be nearby. Most often, cats are awake when the owner is not sleeping. Animals love to sit in your arms and at the same time love to purr, expressing their genuine delight. Often they themselves climb onto a person’s lap or even jump onto a person’s shoulders. By this they express their sincere love and genuine affection.

The cat and the owner usually immediately find a common language. If the relationship does not work out from the very beginning, it will be very difficult to build it. The breeder will have to make a lot of efforts to ensure that the pet sincerely loves him and begins to perceive him correctly.

For cats, psychological contact with humans plays a very important role. When they choose an owner, animals can sit near him for a long time and “talk” in a language that only they understand. If there is no contact, it is very difficult to keep the cat near you. Many people make the big mistake of holding an animal by force. This only prevents you from building relationships correctly. There is no need to stroking the cat vigorously if it is noticeable that she does not like it.

Representatives of the feline family love to sleep with their owner, jumping directly into bed or staying somewhere nearby. It is by this sign that one can judge which animal stands out from all the inhabitants of the house.

If a cat has tender feelings towards a person, it easily joins in the game proposed by him. Otherwise, all attempts to play with the animal and spend time with it may not end entirely successfully. Residents of private homes know that cats love to hunt. It is to the one whom they choose as their owner that the animals show their trophies. A cat can bring a caught mouse or even a candy wrapper.

Another sign that a cat has tender feelings towards a certain person is patience. A pet can sit on its owner's lap for a long time while it is scratched, nails trimmed, or ears cleaned. At the same time, the animal immediately runs away from other people. In this way, it demonstrates its boundless trust only in those who, in its opinion, deserve it.

How can you become the closest to your pet? Unfortunately, no one can guarantee who exactly the cat will love. But you can still do something to establish contact. This requires spending as much time as possible with the new family member and talking to him. You can try to bribe the cat with something tasty. Each animal has certain food preferences, and the task of an attentive breeder is to determine in time what the cat likes most. From time to time you can pamper your animal with your favorite treats. Walking with a cat is not at all necessary if we are talking about keeping it in a city apartment. Cats do not feel the need for walks and feel quite comfortable at home, in a familiar environment. Changing their place of residence or even just going outside can be a real stress for them. As a rule, animals express their negative emotions.

The cat and the owner may not see each other for a very long time, but as time passes, the animal will definitely remember the one who was so close to him. Breeders should not worry about leaving a pet with relatives during a long trip.

Cats are quite freedom-loving animals and sometimes their behavior can be unpredictable. When choosing a host, they take into account how comfortable they are with that person. Emotional contact is very important, but sometimes the choice of an animal comes as a complete surprise to everyone.

TAKEN FROM https://www.8lap.ru/

Facts at the level of intuition

According to recent studies conducted by scientists and trainers, some rather interesting facts have emerged. For example, cats often sympathize with people with a soft timbre of voice. They are reluctant to perceive high-pitched sounds and screams. They also prefer to see in their owners those who move slowly and deliberately, avoiding sudden movements and fuss. Such people are more understandable to cats, and they perceive them, if not as more important, then certainly as equals.

Denying the bioenergetic connection between the owner and the person is simply stupid

Scientific approach

The relationship between cats and people is full of unknowns. Scientists are still trying to unravel their secret, but they managed to figure out something. In 2018, specialists from Hungary conducted a study for which they interviewed 157 male and female cat owners. The questionnaire was supposed to reveal the features of the relationship between owners and pets. The survey results were published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science.

The relationship between cats and owners is built on the emotional connection between them. Therefore, pets become more attached to those who understand them better. Here women's ability to pay attention not only to actions, but also to how they are performed plays into their hands. They are able to more openly demonstrate love and affection, they empathize better and understand their interlocutor by facial expressions, and not just by words.

Women are more responsible in caring for their pets - they know what they like to eat, where they like to sleep, and understand why the pet is in no mood. They take the problems of their four-legged friends seriously and can discuss them with other cat lovers, search for information on the Internet or consult with specialists. Housewives pet cats more often, look into their eyes and become more emotionally attached to them. So the pet reciprocates their feelings.

Human bioenergy

You will never know about your energy and biofield until you meet a cat, only they are capable of feeling our bio-waves, and if the energies coincide, you will become a sovereign owner to whom the cat will reciprocate. If you are in a bad mood or tired, a cat can perfectly balance your internal state at the biofield level, relieve stress and calm emotional anxiety.

Cat and man

If you bring a small and unintelligent kitten into your home, almost from the first day he will choose his favorite place and his loved one. It is with him that he will sleep and run to meet him when he returns home.

Most often, this will be the most indifferent of all family members. The answer here is simple, a cat is a very independent animal, and only where it is not touched, grabbed or waved will its place be, and it is the most balanced and calm person who will become its sovereign owner. Cats love everything soft and warm, and always strive to occupy such a place. Therefore, cats’ favorites are most often those who often sit in front of the TV, or by the window doing handicrafts. These are the kind of people cats love.


Just like people, cats have their own characteristics. Some are always ready to fight, while others are more comfortable sitting in a quiet place. Therefore, cats choose their friends based on who best matches their personal qualities.

These animals have excellent powers of observation and know who in the family is cheerful, who is quite quiet, who is boring and noisy, and who is scary. Felines will always gravitate towards a person who behaves the same way as them. In relation to everyone else, they will behave quite reservedly.

How to determine if a cat loves you

Cats are our favorites
There is a small test to determine the true intentions and sincerity of feelings on the part of a cat towards you. Choose the moment when the cat itself shows a desire to communicate with you, sit it opposite you and look closely into its eyes. If the animal does not take its eyes off, but in response slowly blinks and squints its eyes, you can be sure of its love for you. If the cat runs away from conducting such experiments, you should not insist, but simply take it for granted that you are not the most desirable object for love on its part.

But why do cats love us?

  • We are an "inexhaustible" source of food and goodies . Cunning people can concoct such an unfortunate face and peer into the cutlet with sad eyes that the hand itself is tempted to give the delicacy to this “poor and hungry” creature. Our empty stomach will not say “thank you” to us, but a grateful look full of love will warm us all day.
  • We are warm and big . You can warm all four paws, tail, ears about us. But by the way, why waste time on trifles, cats can drown in our arms and warm up completely. Yes – the role of the “warmer” is mutual.
  • Affection – we give cats incredible pleasure when we play with them or scratch them behind the ears and cheeks. Who doesn't love affection and care? So our pets feel comfortable and safe next to us.

It turns out that living together under one roof, we give each other love, care, warmth and respect. We are “indispensable” for cats, and they are “indispensable” for us. So let's not spoil this idyll.

Dependence on independents

For many avid cat lovers, unrequited love for a furry pet is tantamount to tragedy. But you really shouldn’t despair, you just need to let go of the situation and react less to dislike for you. Try to pamper her with something tasty more often. You shouldn’t wait for momentary manifestations of love, show patience and a little endurance, and you will see that the cat will give your feelings another chance. Success and reciprocity!

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Is it true

The dog loves everyone at home. She is even ready to play and amuse your guests, while cats behave completely differently. What can I say if for some of them the pinnacle of love is to simply come up and sit next to the owner.

These furry pets are very capricious and capricious when it comes to showing their affection for humans. After observing the behavior of cats, you will notice that they behave differently with children and adults, with men and women. It is not surprising that among the two owners they choose their “favorite”. But is there a way to determine in advance who will be your pet's priority?

Boiled eggs

Many cats love to eat eggs. Representatives of this family are obligate animals. This means that the basis of their diet is meat and other animal products. Presumably, the love for eggs was passed on to modern pets from their wild ancestors, who often plundered bird nests and happily feasted on the unhatched chicks found in them. Domesticated cats still enjoy eating this delicacy, although it is safer to give them boiled.

Unrequited love

If a friend comes to you for the first time, the cat will behave warily. Paradoxically, if a new person does not tolerate cats, most likely she will be drawn to him. It can be unclear why some people love cats. This is explained as follows.

Anyone who does not like cats will avoid looking at the pet in every possible way, will not grab it and pick it up, stroke it and touch it. The cat will not feel the gaze on itself, which is perceived by it as a manifestation of aggression. The new person will simply be an interesting object for her, and not a source of trouble. Therefore, when reading advertisements for animals, choose a pet with a good, easy-going character.

And if he does not smell of other cats, alcohol or vinegar, most likely the cat itself will come up to him after a while and lie on his lap. She will show calm in response to indifference.

In such a situation, it is better for the “non-lover” of cats to be patient and not drive the animal away. A couple of hours with a furry friend on your lap never hurt anyone. And the cat will be calm. Learn how to behave properly around a cat.

An unusual and strange fact about cats

The very appearance of animals already gives us the first guide. Their whiskers, or vibrissae, are located on the muzzle not only due to their physiological structure. They actually work like radars that allow them to sense things that we humans are unable to perceive.

This is why, for example, cats are more sensitive to electromagnetic waves from electrical appliances. They can also easily understand when a person is sick. This is because they detect tiny signals that we cannot identify.

So, with the help of cats it is possible to distinguish a good person from a bad one due to energy? Yes!

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A little kitten, while playing, hones its hunting skills and struggle for survival. And for an adult animal, play, especially active play, usually replaces exercise and lack of communication with relatives.

But in a large cat family, the animals also frolic, and here the house begins to shake. Vertical racing and jumping from the ceiling are just a small part of the noisy attraction. Some tolerant owners at this moment prefer to retire to the kitchen - sometimes it is almost impossible to calm down a cheerful company.

More relaxing entertainment can be organized by the owner himself. Download the tablet app for your pet. The cat can start catching the virtual mouse without your participation, although it will be more fun to compete with the pet in the speed of reaction.

Your people

Each, without exception, furry beauty is reverently attached to the house, its owner and his relatives. Although naturally affectionate animals often approach strangers, they still consider themselves members of a pack, that is, the owner’s family. The cat associates the feeling of peace and security experienced in infancy with its owner and values ​​it no less than all its other riches.

This manifests itself in different ways: the animals trample you with their paws, rub their heads and “kiss” you. Sometimes a four-legged friend somehow senses that the owner is going up in the elevator or standing outside the door. Scientists have not yet explained why this happens, but this often happens with a long-term and strong connection.

A specific form for demonstrating feelings is giving a gift. The animal goes on an impromptu hunt and then shares its favorite toys. Praise him, in turn, for his good disposition and immediately treat him to something.

Sharpening claws

Scratching any objects is one of the basic needs of these animals. Typically, this occurs when the top sheath of the claw delaminates, causing it to fall off with the help of scratching. When cats sharpen their claws, they experience muscle tension and relaxation. Such physical exercises are another reason for tearing up the sofa or scratching post.

Do you know people who bite their nails when stressed or embarrassed? When cats sharpen their claws, they calm down when they are scared or stressed. Be sure to purchase several scratching posts that can satisfy your pet's natural needs and also protect your furniture.

This hygiene procedure does not bring joy to any cat's soul. But some are more neutral about it, while others have to be secured in special bags or resort to the help of several assistants and a groomer.

To make the process as tolerable as possible, you should purchase high-quality nail clippers and learn how to cut claws correctly without touching the blood vessels and nerve endings. Ordinary nail clippers are not suitable for this purpose.

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