Akana dog food: Reviews and detailed composition of holistic-class nutritional mixtures

May 31, 2018

For those who still don’t know which food to choose for their cat, we recommend an article about Akana food. It contains all the relevant information about modern Acana food, customer reviews and the opinion of veterinarians. Surely, it will be a useful aid when choosing a suitable diet for your pet.

The brand is widely known all over the world and has managed to establish itself well in the ready-made pet food market. Products have been manufactured in Canada for over 25 years. All components included in the finished diet are also included. The presence of the “premium class” prefix itself speaks for itself: the feed does not contain preservatives, dyes or cost-reducing raw materials (this includes gluten, low-quality fats, corn flour, offal, ground bones, etc.).

Another good news is that the food from this manufacturer is completely free of grain components. The required level of carbohydrates is compensated by using a special variety of potatoes. Any Akana food consists of 50-65% meat (or fish), and 35% fruits and vegetables. In order to reduce the acidity level of cat urine, the manufacturer even added Colombian cranberries to the composition. Is it possible to take better care of our pets?

In addition, the company produces another food under the brand name Orijen.

ACANA cat food review

Today, the owner of an animal, coming to the store to buy a treat for his friend, will be able to enjoy a wide range of products: wet and dry food, vitamins, and other goods, the quality of which can be either economy class or extra-premium. But at the same time, pet food can be of good quality at a low price, and by paying a large amount you can easily purchase a product that is not suitable for your cat. Of course, in matters of animal nutrition, it is impossible to find a middle ground when you are satisfied with both price and quality, to each his own. But sometimes everything depends not only on the cat’s taste preferences, its state of health, but also on the capabilities of the owner’s wallet. Veterinarians often advise purchasing food that contains more meat ingredients, less grains and various additives. Naturally, the higher the quality level of a product, the higher its price. Interestingly, on television you most often hear about economy-class food; by the way, these are the products most often found on store shelves. But there are other cat foods of high quality and equally high prices. Are they always beneficial for the animal? Let's look at one of these cat foods called ACANA, whose manufacturers proudly call their product holistic (from “holistic” - i.e. holistic) or an extra-premium product. Using ACANA dry food for cats as an example, let’s figure out what is being offered to our beloved Murzik at a high price – a quality product or more promises. The ACANA brand of pet food is produced by the Canadian company Champion Petfoods. The buyer is presented with dry food for cats and dogs.

Proper nutrition

Whatever food you give your dog is what he will eat. You decide for the animal: feed it tasty and healthy food or fill its bowl with the first food you find in the store. You need to take the choice of food for your pet very seriously, since not only how your dog will look, but also its health directly depends on it.

Proper, healthy, balanced nutrition will help your pet to be healthy and live an active, joyful life.

Composition of cat food "ACANA"

Champion Petfoods adheres to the philosophy that domestic cats are still carnivores, and carnivores should eat meat. Therefore, in their feed they included only meat (lamb, duck, turkey, chicken, lamb), eggs, fruits (apples), berries (blueberries, cranberries, currants) and vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips) ). It is noteworthy that all ACANA dry cat food contains marine and freshwater fish (perch, herring, pike perch, flounder, salmon). It also contains medicinal herbs and plants such as peppermint, chamomile, licorice, lavender, calendula, rosemary and others. Organic brown algae added. As you can see, no corn, no other grains, no flavoring additives are present. In addition, the company that produces this food claims that all ingredients that make up the food are environmentally friendly. The meat contained in the product comes from local Canadian farms. The fish is caught in the cleanest local lakes. Thus, the manufacturer avoids questionable ingredients in the preparation of his food. And domestic cats, in whose veins the blood of a predator flows, can enjoy food containing natural meat.

three types of ACANA dry food for cats

: GRASSLANDS for cats, WILD PRAIRIE for cats, PACIFICA for cats. There is no division by age category - this is a complete food for adult cats and kittens. There are also no special foods available for cats with health problems.

For example, in a product called ACANA GRASSLANDS for cats, the manufacturer indicated the ingredients on the packaging: lamb meat (12%), dehydrated lamb meat (11%), dehydrated salmon meat (10%), potatoes, dehydrated herring meat (8%) , dehydrated chicken (7%), peas, sweet potatoes, duck meat (4%), salmon oil (4%), chicken fat (3%), boneless pike perch (2%), chicken liver (2%), eggs (1%), brown algae, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, lactobacilli, vitamins and minerals.

The manufacturer of ACANA food warns cat owners that before consuming this product as food, they should carefully read the recommendations, based on the age and weight of the animal, the amount of dry food for consumption varies. Moreover, the number of servings and their size are significantly lower than if you feed the cat with other foods that contain grains and chemical additives. This is due to the fact that the basis of this food is natural meat, and not by-products or, in general, additives with the smell and taste of meat. The cat's body is saturated faster, the cat receives the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Food for active dogs

The opposite situation occurs with dogs that lead a very active lifestyle. Food for such pets should contain a lot of protein, which will help keep the dog’s body in good shape, prevent the animal from getting tired too quickly and saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins.

Akana food for such dogs consists of seventy-five percent fresh and dehydrated chicken, turkey, poultry entrails, herring, and whole eggs. Another thirty-five percent are fruits and vegetables.

Cons of Acana cat food

But negative aspects of ACANA food can also be found. One of the things that can put a buyer off is the high cost of such food. Despite the fact that the manufacturer uses only high-quality components in production, not every owner will be able to purchase such a product due to the established price for ACANA food. In addition, this dry treat for cats is not sold everywhere. The official website of the ACANA feed manufacturer lists the addresses of online stores, but it can hardly be found in regular large markets. So if the cat’s owner does not live in a large city, then it will most likely be impossible to find such food.

Champion Petfoods is grain-free, but this is not universally welcomed by cat owners and veterinarians. Potatoes used in ACANA food are considered by many to be more harmful than rice.

Champion Petfoods produces food for dogs and cats, but unlike dry food intended for dogs, the range of products for cats is very small - only three types to choose from.

By the way, even the use of high-quality meat ingredients in production does not guarantee that your animal will become a fan of ACANA food. Many owners admit that the cat simply did not eat it. Some people didn’t like the smell, others the taste of the usual domestic food is closer to home than the Canadian high-quality product.

Disadvantages of use

The main disadvantage of premium food is its high cost. However, the price pays off due to the rapid saturation of the pet. "Akan" does not have special food intended for animals with chronic diseases, therefore in case of serious disorders you should first consult with a veterinarian. Also, the Canadian manufacturer does not produce separate lines for sterilized and neutered cats, so if consumed regularly, the animal may develop urolithiasis.

But according to veterinarian and nutritionist O. Ulyanova, a high content of Mg and P minimizes the likelihood of the disease, since these microelements act as a preventive measure for urolithiasis. Reviews from pet owners confirm that the food is suitable for neutered cats and does not cause health problems. But, if your pet has difficulty defecating, he needs to eat other foods with a higher content of plant fiber.

Advantages of ACANA cat food

The undoubted advantage of this dry food is its high quality. The composition contains meat and fish, the percentage of their total content is quite large (up to 80% of meat ingredients in the composition). In addition, grain crops are replaced with vegetables and fruits, so there are fewer carbohydrates and much more vitamins (when compared with other feeds, where the main composition is corn, rice, poultry meal and offal). What is very important is that this product does not contain additives to enhance taste and smell.

ACANA food is balanced, well absorbed by the body, the owner of the animal does not have to purchase special vitamins and supplements. Probably, one of the positive aspects of purchasing this food is that the cat will satisfy its hunger with a small amount of the product, and will receive enough nutrients.

Quality food is the key to health

Everyone knows: the quality of life largely depends on how well an animal’s diet is composed. If a dog systematically does not receive, for example, vitamins, proteins, fats or microelements, this will affect its health and can lead to illness, and in some cases, to the death of the animal. To avoid this, you need to feed your pet correctly. High-quality Akana dog food will help with this, reviews of which can be obtained from specialists or other dog owners.

Reviews of Acana cat food

Tatyana writes a negative review about Akana cat food

: “I have had a mongrel kitten named Barsik for 5 years now. I try to consult with a veterinarian when it comes to important moments in a cat’s life. So, the previous food often made him sick. The doctor gave out a whole list to choose from, which food you can buy for the cat. I studied the composition of all the proposed ones at home, and AKANA impressed everyone the most. I bought it and was only in one of the pet stores. I read everything that was indicated on the package and began to give it little by little, mixing ACANA into the old familiar food. The cat sniffed for a long time, and then completely moved away from the bowl and did not eat at all. I thought for a long time, what is the reason? The composition is good, it costs a lot, the doctor recommended it, but the cat doesn’t want to eat it. I think it was the smell; the combination of the smell of fish and the smell of lamb made the food completely unusual. None of the food I bought had this smell. That's not so bad. On the third day, the cat seemed to eat the treat, and most of the portion. But by evening, vomiting and loose stools began. I had to call the vet. She said ACANA is sometimes not suitable for cats because of the herbs it contains, which often cause digestive problems. Next was a visit to the veterinary clinic, they gave me IVs. The doctor said that the cat could have died. Despite the composition, unfortunately, I do not advise you to purchase it.”

Elena left a positive review on one of the sites about Akana cat food

: “My cat is now 3.5 years old. I've been using only ACANA for a year now and I'm very pleased. The cat is cheerful, her fur is shiny. Appetite is good. I order several packages at once so that I don’t have to buy other foods that contain only the name of the meat. It is very convenient in the sense that the cat receives all the vitamins and nutrients, its appearance speaks about this. Our favorite is PACIFICA. During the entire time we have been eating it, there has not been a single case of a cat suffering from indigestion. The price, of course, is rather high, but it’s worth it...”

Is it worth purchasing ACANA cat food?

As you can see, all food, even the cheapest, even the most expensive, cannot fully satisfy all the needs of the buyer and his beloved furry household. It would seem that ACANA has meat, vegetables, and berries. There are prebiotics, but no harmful additives. But it’s probably impossible to definitively answer whether it’s worth buying or not. It’s strange, but only by trial and error can you determine whether ACANA food is suitable for a cat or not. It is worth noting that there are no products that are categorically harmful to cats, and each cat may have its own allergy or intolerance to one or another component. Definitely, ACANA is a high-quality and good food; the manufacturer approached the issue of preparing this food with all responsibility. So it’s probably worth a try for your cat. Due to the fact that this food differs from many well-known foods that are present on store shelves, it is worth consulting with your doctor and carefully reading the composition and recommendations for use.

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