Akana food for cats: reviews and description

Is it true that after sterilization, not only the behavior of domestic cats changes, but also their physiological needs, in particular, they require different nutrition? How critical is it to continue feeding them the same food? What criteria should you look for when choosing a diet for sterilized and neutered male cats? We will talk about all this in our article, and at the same time we will tell you which Acana and Orijen products can be considered for feeding this large group of pets.

Components: what does it contain?

Veterinarians advise giving preference to food in which the ratio of meat and fish to other ingredients is >65%. The higher the indicator, the better the product.

Canadian premium cat food has passed international quality certification and is recommended as the main component of a pet’s diet. The composition of dry pads consists of 70% meat or fish, which are the main source of protein. There are no vegetable lipids or grains not recommended by veterinarians. Smoked meats, spices and additives are also excluded. The Wild Prairie line combines chicken, turkey meat and liver, the Pacifica includes hake, flounder, herring and pollock, and the Grasslands includes lamb, duck liver, salmon, perch and herring. Additional components that improve the pet’s immune defense and coat structure include the following:

Legumes act as auxiliary components in the diet to strengthen the immune system.

  • Beans: peas;
  • chickpeas;
  • lentils;
  • beans.
  • Plant oils:
  • sunflower.
  • Berries and fruits:
  • apple;
  • cranberry;
  • pear.
  • Vegetables:
  • cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • pumpkin.
  • Plants:
      ginger root;
  • marigold;
  • rose hip;
  • raspberry leaves;
  • white root;
  • spinach.
  • Microelements:
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc.
  • Compound

    In terms of composition and nutritional value, the diets are as close as possible to the natural menu of an ordinary healthy cat. The production does not use grains and potatoes, which are relatively useless products for pets. The source of animal protein is fresh and dehydrated meat. The second is a more nutritious component, because... does not contain excess moisture. The source of meat in the diet is poultry (turkey, chicken, duck), fish and lamb. Moreover, animal protein sources account for 75% of the composition. The remaining 25% is vegetables, fruits and herbal ingredients. The diets are enriched with vitamins and minerals according to the needs of adult animals.

    Acana Grasslands

    Information on the composition of Acana food from the manufacturer’s official website

    Acana Pacifica

    Information on the composition of Acana food from the manufacturer’s official website

    Acana Wild Prairie

    Information on the composition of Acana food from the manufacturer’s official website

    Advantages of Akana food

    If your pet is obese, it is recommended to give Akana food, as it helps to establish processes in the body that are responsible for normalizing weight.
    No preservatives or coloring substances are added to the dry pads, so the product is suitable even for babies up to 10 months, as well as sick and especially picky cats. Acana food has been certified and meets international standards. Veterinarian and nutritionist Olga Ulyanova also recommends the Canadian product for obese cats. Since the basis of the food is proteins with a minimum of carbohydrates, with regular consumption the animal’s blood glucose concentration is normalized, which leads to weight stabilization. Veterinarians consider the following to be the main advantages of a premium cat product:

    • High content of meat and fish products in relation to other components.
    • An exact indication of the mass of each ingredient in the composition.
    • Hypoallergenic.
    • Omega-3 content, which improves the condition of the coat.
    • Freshness and naturalness of products without freezing.
    • No preservatives, coloring agents or taste stimulants.
    • The presence of meat grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without the addition of hormones and antibiotics.
    • High mineral content with precise elements specified.
    • Refusal to add cereals, which complicate the animal’s digestion.

    Cat food reviews

    Renat: “I have a Persian castrato. I transferred it to Acana Grasslands, succumbing to advertising and numerous positive reviews. I’m forced to give up this brand of food because my cat is quickly gaining weight.”

    Alexandra: “I read that Akana is too fatty and high-calorie food. We have been feeding our Maine Coon cat ACANA Pacifica for the second year now. Our girl looks luxurious, she has no problems with digestion or obesity. We are waiting for offspring."

    How much should you give your cat?

    If the cat has previously eaten other food, then Acana should be introduced gradually, adding 10-20% to the pet’s standard menu. The full transition takes place in 7 days.

    To avoid overeating, it is necessary to monitor the daily intake of the product, and the animal should always have access to water.
    Manufacturers do not recommend combining several Acana varieties, as this is fraught with gastrointestinal disorders. You need to choose one flavor that your pet will like most. Three meals a day at equal intervals are shown. It is important to monitor portion sizes, as overeating is fraught with complications for the gastrointestinal tract. Serving size is calculated based on the weight of the animal. The standard volume varies from 20 to 100 g per day. There should be clean water next to the food bowl. If your pet has scabies, rashes, or the condition of the fur has worsened, then you need to switch to another product.

    Negative reviews


    I fed both cats with it for 3 years, I couldn’t be happier with the appearance of the cats from it and the fact that with the help of Akana we cured the cat’s allergy from Proplan. But in the end we had a misfortune, one cat stopped going to the toilet, they thought it was cystitis, and in the end we took it to the veterinarian. Diagnosis of impaired renal and liver function, as the veterinarian said, due to the large amount of protein in the food. Now we are treated with diet food, injections and tablets. The second cat was also switched to another food with a lighter composition. They wanted to feed him better, more expensive and high-quality food, but it turned out the opposite, they ruined his health.

    The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


    We fed the cat Akana for a year, he liked everything and ate it without any problems. This week we bought a new package - I haven’t touched food for 3 days, I’m ready to eat anything, but not this food. He moves the bowl with his paws here and there - he tries to find food, climbs into the closet where the packaging is with food - he tries to bite the packaging - I take it and pour it into the bowl from the packaging for the sake of appearance - he is already torn with the desire to attack me\the packaging\bowl - but only his face ends up next to the food itself or just sticks his nose into the packaging - zero reaction, goes away immediately. This has never happened before. We have no choice but to run and look for something to give him to eat now. What’s most disappointing is that we didn’t even think about this and took a large package as usual.

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    Reviews of pet food and products

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    We would love to hear from veterinarians and customers about Acana food. When we receive product reviews, we will definitely post them in this section.

    Disadvantages of use

    The main disadvantage of premium food is its high cost. However, the price pays off due to the rapid saturation of the pet. "Akan" does not have special food intended for animals with chronic diseases, therefore in case of serious disorders you should first consult with a veterinarian. Also, the Canadian manufacturer does not produce separate lines for sterilized and neutered cats, so if consumed regularly, the animal may develop urolithiasis.

    But according to veterinarian and nutritionist O. Ulyanova, a high content of Mg and P minimizes the likelihood of the disease, since these microelements act as a preventive measure for urolithiasis. Reviews from pet owners confirm that the food is suitable for neutered cats and does not cause health problems. But, if your pet has difficulty defecating, he needs to eat other foods with a higher content of plant fiber.

    Positive reviews


    The cat is a little over a year old. Initially she was trained to Royal Canin. We sterilized them and started buying food for sterilized ones. It didn't go well. Ears were cleaned often. We consulted with our veterinarian, he said that, in principle, the ears themselves should be clean, and advised him to change the food. We switched to Hills, also for sterilized ones, I ate without pleasure, possibly due to the spherical shape of the granules (small). Or maybe I didn’t like the taste. We observed it for no more than a week. We read a lot of articles, reviews, compared everything that could be compared and switched to a healthy diet - Acana with chicken. The cat really likes it, eats like crazy. It’s true that she’s running around like crazy (this has happened before). Food is always freely available and water is in the drinking bottle. We feed the food 2 times a day. There were never (pah-pah) problems with digestion. The problem with my ears began to go away. We do not plan to change the food; we have already ordered the largest package.

    The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.


    Came to Akane gradually. When there was only one cat, she fed it purina. Then we got a second cat and started feeding her Hills. And then I read the reviews and bought a small pack of Akana with lamb to try. This was 1.5 years ago. When I poured this food into the bowls for the first time, the cats looked at me with huge round eyes, in which a silent question was read: “What did you put in us, where are the usual Hills?” And then we tried it. Cats love it, and so do I. They look great, the condition of the coat simply cannot be described in words. When people come to visit us and pick up a cat in their arms, they simply cannot let it go, the fur is so pleasant that it really seems as if we are feeding it some kind of cosmic food. The teeth were perfect, there were never any problems with stool, there was a terrible smell on the hilsa. With Akana, I have long forgotten what it is.

    The most popular analogues of Akana

    Many brands market their products as holistic or super-premium, but few live up to their claims. Let's consider the most popular and worthy of them.


    Food associated with Acana not only by class, but also by general distributor. Although it is produced in Italy, it is in many ways similar to Canadian counterparts and at the same time inexpensive.

    Go ! Natural .

    One of the leading brands that is most often compared to Acana. It features a maximum variety of lines and flavors, as well as a rich composition.


    Spanish manufacturer of dry and wet food for cats and dogs. It is notable for its good selection of hypoallergenic ingredients, including those without chicken.


    A popular Italian brand that combines tradition and bold innovation. Offers a huge selection of lines, including holistic ones. He focuses on monoprotein recipes, but chose citrus fruits as a feature, which is why some of the products may not be suitable for sensitive and allergic pets.


    Czech company with many years of experience. A special place among the products is occupied by the super-premium Care line, the only creation of the brand that can be considered as an analogue of Akana.

    Wellness Core.

    A promising French brand that is actively conquering the market thanks to its good price ratio, decent composition and taste that is attractive to pets.


    A popular British brand of grain-free food, both universal for any age and special lines for dental care, as well as for dogs and cats prone to obesity, including sterilized ones.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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