Is it possible to feed a cat dry and wet food at the same time: rules, pros and cons

There has long been a debate about whether to feed cats wet food or dry food. On the one hand, wet food is wet and slippery, smells bad, and has a short shelf life. On the other hand, dry food is less appealing and does not provide the same level of hydration as pouches and canned wet food. What if you could feed a combination of wet and dry food? Would this have more nutritional value, and if it is considered safe, are there any benefits for your cat and you?

It is considered perfectly safe to mix wet and dry cat food, but it is important to remember that both forms of food have a recommended daily allowance and you will need to adapt this depending on the amount you feed. Since both products typically require you to feed only one product, you can feed half the recommended amount of wet food and half the recommended amount of dry food.

Not only is it normal to feed your cat wet and dry food, it can have many benefits.

Is it possible to feed a cat dry and wet food at the same time?

When ready-made food first appeared on store shelves, there was a widespread myth among cat owners that in order to digest dry and wet food options, different enzymes are produced in the pet’s stomach, so mixing them is strictly prohibited.

As studies conducted by various companies have shown, there is no fundamental difference in the synthesis of digestive juices, so the idea has not been confirmed. Today, experienced breeders and veterinarians do not rule out feeding “crackers” and pates at the same time.

General information

The popularity of industrial cat food is understandable - owners have no time to prepare food for their pets. Ready-made food can be placed in a bowl and stored for a long time - this is undoubtedly convenient. Striving for convenience, do not forget about the needs of the cat, because its health depends on a balanced diet!

You should not feed your pet with economy class food. These products are made from cereals and do not contain meat or vitamins. Simply put, cheap food is a useless filler for the stomach. In addition, economy class products contain salts and preservatives, which contribute to the development of urolithiasis.

Premium and super-premium classes are considered optimal for everyday feeding. However, you should not blindly trust the inscriptions on the packs! Read the composition of the product, only it will show the true value of the food. Some manufacturers believe that food containing 70% grains is healthy, but this is far from true. Holistic class foods are considered the most natural, but they also have the highest price.

Should you mix dry and wet food?

There is no definite answer to the question; it depends on the wishes of the animal owner and the taste preferences of the cat. It is allowed to separate dry and wet food by pouring both into a bowl at the same time.

The last option is impractical:

  1. The cat most often likes one of the offered products more, he eats it first, and the second part remains untouched.
  2. Upon contact with the contents of the pouch, the crunchy granules become soggy and lose their attractiveness to the cat.
  3. If canned food remains in the bowl, it will become airy and may turn sour in hot weather and cause poisoning or indigestion.

Therefore, most owners who have chosen a mixed feeding principle prefer to give different foods at separate meals.

Kitten feeding frequency

Kids constantly spend their energy: either on growth or on active games. Too infrequent feeding does not suit them, so at first they are given food not only during the day, but also at night.

At 1.5-2 months

Up to 2 months, kittens are fed 7 times a day, and one of the meals occurs at night. After 2 months, night feeding is removed, reducing the total frequency to 6 times. The portions themselves do not have to be equal. The most satisfying ones can be made for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the remaining 3 can be reduced to small snacks.

Please note that long breaks at this age are strictly contraindicated. If you cannot cope with the regime, involve relatives or friends in caring for your pet.

At 3-4 months

From 3 months, the kitten is given food only 5 times. Changes are allowed if the weight deviates from the norm recommended for the breed. At this stage, the baby is entering a phase of active growth, so be sure to weigh him every week and monitor his overall health.

At 5-6 months

At this stage, the number of feedings is reduced to 4 times. The largest meals can be given immediately after waking up and before going to bed at night. It is better to give the remaining 2 as a snack so that the baby does not suffer from prolonged fasting between main feedings.

Up to 9-12 months

The active growth phase with intensive muscle mass gain lasts up to six months. In the future, the regime depends on the breed and gender, since the speed of puberty is different for everyone. Bengals mature by 9 months, so from that point on they are given food only twice a day. Maine Coons, on the other hand, develop late. Because of this, they are fed three times a day for up to a year.

Is it possible to feed a cat only dry food?

On a high-quality option, selected taking into account gender, breed, age, lifestyle, and special needs, a cat can live a long life. The animal should have the opportunity to eat often, but little by little. This method is physiological for the animal. They can feed themselves up to 15-20 times per day.

Smell will be the cat's priority when choosing food; taste comes second. Animals' sense of smell is more developed than the sensitivity of their receptors.

Cats have well-developed associative memory. It is impossible to combine the introduction of a new food with a stressful moment. When moving, when a child or a new pet appears in the house, or during illness, food is left unchanged.

Dry food provides the necessary stress for predators on the jaw muscles and gums, removes plaque, and helps prevent diseases (allergies, urolithiasis). Only in some periods of life will drying have to be replaced with a wet option. For example, older animals and kittens find it difficult to chew pellets.

How many times a day should you feed an adult cat?

Following a feeding schedule is one of the effective ways to wean yourself from begging, since without regular handouts the pet is less prone to manipulation. But here it is very important to understand how often you need to feed your cat per day. Adult animals have many more characteristics than babies, so in addition to their age, other important points must be taken into account.

Classic: two meals a day

After 1 year, it is recommended to give the animal food 2 times a day. This frequency was chosen for a reason, but taking into account the digestive characteristics of predators. In the wild, felines take about 8-12 hours to digest fresh meat.

It is better to give food in the morning and evening hours. This recommendation is the same for both types of feeding. Too frequent meals at this age are not recommended. They lead to intense insulin production, which inhibits natural fat burning. Exceptions to this rule are allowed only for health reasons.

How often and how many times a day to feed a pregnant cat

Pregnant and lactating females give part of the substances entering the body to their young. Because of this, they spend much more calories, and their daily intake increases by 1.5-2 times.

The changes also affect the feeding regime. The number of meals is increased to 5-6 times. This is necessary to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. A sharp increase in the usual amount of food is unsafe, so the new amount of food is simply divided into several small portions.

How many times should you feed an older cat?

Older cats are less active than younger cats. The same goes for metabolic rate. After 8 years, animals practically do not gain muscle mass, but they easily store fat. For this reason, they not only reduce the total calorie content, but also change the number of meals to 1 time per day.

Diet and diet for illness

For most diseases, pets are put on a gentle diet. It involves eating easily digestible food and split meals (4-6 times a day). The total caloric content of the diet can remain unchanged. Thus, the load on organs with pathology is reduced by administering frequent but small portions recommended by the veterinarian.

Other cases

Exceptions include spayed and neutered animals that lead a sedentary lifestyle. After surgery, their metabolism slows down significantly. If they are prone to obesity, such pets are switched to a diet for older cats - or the portions are reduced.

There are also opposite situations. Despite the recommendation for a 12-hour break, not all mustachioed predators can withstand it. Sometimes the feeling of hunger comes earlier, and it is no less dangerous than overeating.

With prolonged fasting, acidity in the stomach increases, which is fraught with the development of erosions and ulcers. If your pet finds it difficult to tolerate such long breaks, then the number of meals can be increased to 3 or 4.

It is easy to recognize starvation: the animal begs for food very persistently, and if it does not receive a treat, it begins to vomit. As a rule, it is a white foam or yellowish liquid.

Is it possible to soak dry food?

Soaking food helps to feed an animal accustomed to wet spiders, preferring a certain type of “crackers”, but not having the opportunity to eat them in their original form (trauma to the gums, jaw, loss of teeth, etc.). Warm water is added to the granules; in 15-20 minutes the food will soften, absorbing moisture.

It will not reach the state of puree; to force-feed the cat with a syringe, you will have to grind it with a blender. Fresh food with the addition of water does not lose its nutritional qualities, animals like it, and it is not worth storing it in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours. Such food is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Be sure to read:

Can cats have sweets: when is it necessary, in what form is it allowed, benefits and harms, why not?

When is industrial food better than natural food?

Your pet should be switched to dry pads if:

  • The owner does not have the opportunity to devote much time to the animal. The ideal choice in this case is an automatic feeder. Wet canned food, cereals, and meat spoil if they lie in a bowl for a long time. The pads always stay fresh.
  • The animal was castrated and sterilized. Feeding your pet after surgery should be completely changed. The body ceases to need large amounts of carbohydrates, but the volume of food should be kept at the same level. The solution is specialized dry pads for sterilized animals.
  • The cat was diagnosed with liver and kidney pathology, urolithiasis, diabetes, and allergic reactions. In this case, the doctor recommends specialized food.

When do you need to change the type or diet of feeding?

When the food suits your pet and does not cause allergies, there is no need to change it. It happens that a cat refuses to eat for a day or two, this is normal if there are no signs of illness: vomiting, fever, diarrhea. This is how the animal cleans itself.

During this period, you can offer him a different diet option; perhaps pate or pieces in jelly instead of the usual dry food will stimulate his appetite. You can change the type of food during the rehabilitation period after an illness, when a cat is feeding kittens, injuries, diseases that prevent you from chewing hard lumps.

Pets that constantly consume soft food may suffer from tartar, periodontal disease, insufficient load on the chewing muscles; predators are supposed to chew and tear. It is still advisable to alternate between foods of different consistency. The food should be changed in case of hair loss, redness of the ears and other manifestations of intolerance or allergies.

Drinking regime

Regardless of the type of feeding, the water must be cleared of impurities and changed at least once a day, and in the summer - at least 2 times a day. Tap water contains salts that are dangerous to the body, and long-standing water contains bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Please note that for comfortable absorption of “drying”, much more liquid is required than for “natural” ones. If your pet is too lazy to reach the water bowl in the kitchen, buy a few more pieces and place them throughout the apartment.

Pros and cons of mixed cat nutrition

If you follow the above recommendations, monitor the daily calorie intake and buy high-quality food of high nutritional value for the animal, then mixed nutrition has no disadvantages.

On the contrary, cats love variety. You cannot use diets with a high content of plant components, fat, vegetables, corn derivatives, wheat: Kitikat, Friskas, Whiskas.

Many owners successfully use the method of feeding cats with wet and dry food. This type of food has no contraindications if the animal consumes both options with equal pleasure. Veterinarians believe that canned food is useful during hot periods, as it provides the body with moisture. You just need to monitor the norm and freshness of the contents of the bowl. Do you practice mixed feeding or do you prefer one type of food?

What are the consequences of delay?

If the packaging is not opened, it is advisable to use the food before the date indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. After this period has expired, you should not give it to your pet. However, manufacturers often indicate conditional expiration dates and it is assumed that the food can be consumed for some time after the indicated date. In this case, you can focus on the appearance of the contents of the package.

Food suitable for a dog should not:

  • have traces of mold, rot;
  • contain insect larvae;
  • have a putrid or musty odor.

If at least one of these signs is detected, the food is considered unsuitable. It accumulates a high concentration of toxins that can cause severe poisoning to your pet. If, after feeding expired food, your dog experiences convulsions, increased salivation, vomiting and sweating, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Dry food is a modern and complete form of dog nutrition.

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