Why cats love to lie in the sink and how to wean your pet from this habit

This is a great place to have fun

Many cats consider these areas their playrooms. There's a big bathtub you can bounce around in and paper rolls that are super fun to play with! There may be things hanging on the walls that amuse them - for example, you can tug on a towel or robe. Pets can roll on the floor and lift up the rug. A cat can have a great time in the bath whether or not the owner is there. Many owners already know about this from their own experience, when, once at home, they saw destruction in their bathroom.

Reason #5 - closed doors

Fluffy Barsiki and Murki are the sole owners of the apartment in which they live. Two-legged people think differently, cats chuckle into their mustaches and dictate their own rules to their owners. One of them says: free access everywhere!

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Closed bathroom doors can irritate your pet. How is that? Is your cat not allowed to go anywhere in her own apartment? The animal is categorically against such a turn, which is why pets persistently climb into the bath. The four-legged ones are convinced that they can visit the bathroom at any time they want.

Sinks look like cat beds

Remember the shape of the sink. Its walls are simply created for cat relaxation, because they are ideal for little fluffy creatures. Therefore, it is only natural that cats adore shells and often use them for relaxation and long sleep. The sinks are also cool, which is especially convenient during hot months. During cold weather, pets will not refuse them either, because the heat of their body will quickly warm the cold surface, making their rest more comfortable. Also, many cats lick drops of water left on the sink or tap.

Although most cats hate being wet, they love being around water. While in the bathroom, they can drink fresh water directly from the bathtub or sink.

Reason #7 - the sink turns...

...to the cat's bed! Semicircular, cool, so pleasant to the touch - it completely follows the curves of the cat's body. In the sink you can curl up in a ball, lie on your back and paw the air with your front paws, or sleep on your side with your back paws on the side. In general, pets enjoy their own bed.

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Place to sleep

It is known that cats spend most of their lives sleeping. Sometimes they manage to choose such places for this activity that they puzzle others with their behavior.

Favorite places to sleep include:

Special attention should be paid to the bed, which the cat loves to climb into. This can often cause irritation, but you need to understand the animal and make its own place more comfortable. By what principle does he choose a cozy place for himself? The cat can be considered a hunter.

It's a good time to pay attention to yourself

In fact, all cats love attention (of course, if they themselves allow it to be shown). Who wouldn't want to pet a cute fluffy dog ​​that's hovering around you while you're getting ready for work? He seems to be well aware that you will be there for a few more minutes, and this is a great chance to attract attention!

Why do cats love to sleep in the bathtub?

The bathroom attracts cats with an abundance of places to sleep. You can sit comfortably in the sink, on the washing machine, in the laundry basket, and even in the bathtub itself. If the cat has not had such a habit before, this can frighten any owner.

The reason for this behavior may be the onset of cold weather. The cat feels that the bathroom is one of the warmest places in the apartment. Usually such rooms are small. When a person takes a shower, the bathroom becomes much warmer. This warmth can last for a couple of hours. This will be a great time to relax for the cat. Animals are very sensitive to all climate changes. If the air in the rooms is too dry, which often happens in winter, the cat can find refuge in the bathroom. Dry air makes it uncomfortable and difficult to breathe. Therefore, during the heating season it is better to use a humidifier.

The reason for a cat running to the bathroom may be the desire to be in a quiet and dark place . Often in apartments, especially when the whole family is gathered, a heated discussion of all problems and matters begins. The cat has sensitive hearing and he hears all sounds louder than a person, so ordinary conversation turns into loud screams for him. To take a break from this, he goes to a closed place where the sounds are not so audible. Where it is quiet and calm is the bathroom.

Other reasons

The title states seven reasons why cats love the bathroom. However, we should continue this topic and talk about the remaining ones. There are only two of them - privacy and observation of the water.

Cats are wayward creatures who sometimes like to be alone. Where can you hide from little owners who constantly strive to squeeze their pet, swaddle it and feed it soup from an empty doll’s pot? The bathroom was chosen as a place for a tactical retreat. Or the adult owners are too tired of the pet with their feelings. They constantly pet and scratch under the neck and behind the ear. Strike with a clawed paw or hide? The second option is more suitable for well-bred cats from good families.

Monitoring the water is possible when the tap is leaking. The pet jumps onto the side of the bathtub or into the sink, depending on the location of the breakdown, and bows its head, watching the water droplets. Some pets catch the drops, withdraw their paws in disgust and snort. The spectacle is hilarious!

These are the reasons why cats love to be in the bathroom.

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Precautionary measures

To prevent sleeping in the bathroom from harming your cat, you need to help him. After all, animals cannot always predict that their favorite place can be harmful to health.

The first thing you need to do is ventilate the bathroom . If a fungus appears, there is a high probability that the cat will be able to lie in such a place, picking up harmful microorganisms on the fur. If your cat likes to sleep in the sink or shower, you need to think about purchasing a mat. This will help the cat not catch a cold, because it is cold and damp in the sink, which is not very good for the cat's health. The second rule that needs to be established after the cat develops the habit of sleeping in the bathroom is to wash off the soap after taking a bath . This is necessary because the cat will want to drink water that may remain, and if there is soap there, this can lead to poisoning of the body.

It is better to place a separate container of water next to the bathtub, as he will need clean water and the cat will not go to his usual place with a bowl. There is also no need to leave the bathroom with detergent. The cat can jump into it at any moment. Then it will be necessary to urgently wash it so that harmful substances do not end up in its body. You can try to close the bathroom if there is no cat litter box in it. At first, the animal will try to get to its favorite place, but after 5-6 attempts it will try to find another place.

It's better not to keep heavy things on shelves . There is a possibility that the cat will want to climb in there, but may accidentally knock something over on itself. If your pet loves the bathroom for sleeping, it is important to set up a separate place for him so that he learns to sleep there. Get rid of chains and ropes in the room so that the cat does not get entangled there. You can try to wean your pet from his habit, for example, leaving a little water in the bathroom and sink. But it’s worth being at home at such a time to control the situation. It is advisable to put a limiter on the tap so that the cat does not accidentally pour boiling water over himself or leave the water open when no one is home.

Many animal habits may seem strange to people. These creatures are not predictable, but at the same time they want to say something through their actions, to inform their owner. The habit of sleeping in the bathroom should not disturb the owner. To ensure that the chosen place does not cause harm to the cat, you just need to take a little care.


The cat lies on the floor in the bathroom

White Fang veterinary clinic forum > Ask a question to the doctor > Therapy for dogs and cats

The kitten lies in the cold all the time (in the bath, on the tiles under the bath, near the balcony)

They started feeding him raw meat (chicken, frozen beef) plus tetravit, quail eggs, adding a biocorrector for better absorption of vitamins, the kitten recovered.

Until 10 months they could not normalize feces. a week ago. desperate. began to forcefully inject it with a syringe. bifidum. give raw meat. and lo and behold. stool returned to normal. became regular poop. and the cat got fed up. and now gobbles up meat on both cheeks.

RESULT: not active, inactive, lies down all the time, sleeps, and only when it’s cold, stool is normal, pees well, eats with appetite.

Rarely sits on the butt. Usually gets up. coming. and suddenly falls on his side and lies there. which room he won't come to. comes and lies. he doesn't sit. and all the time he tries to fall on his side. it doesn’t matter which one and lean on something. Noticed that if it’s lying in the kitchen. and give him a plate of food. He seems “too lazy” to get up. I ate lying down once. got scared. but then reluctantly stood up. I don't like all this. Looks like heart weakness.


We went to another clinic. They took tests there:

I am summing up the results as of 11/27.

They do: derinat, tonight ketone (something like ketorol)


Cat in the bath

Has it happened to you that when you tried to close the bathroom door to enjoy a moment of privacy or your cat was right there trying to come in with you. Or maybe you came home after a long day at work and noticed some signs of your feline in these establishments. You probably know that your cat loves you and enjoys your company, but does she really follow you? If you want to know why your cat accompanies you in the bathroom, we invite you to continue reading this article with all the details about it.

My cat follows me in the bathroom: most common reasons

Cats may accompany their caregivers to the bathroom for a variety of reasons: because they are hot, because they are thirsty, because they are bored, or simply because they want to enjoy company or enjoy new “toys.”

If you spend a lot of time away from home, your cat may want to enjoy every moment of your time at home . They may then not only follow you to the bathroom, but also want to sleep with you (or on top of you) or need affection when you get home. This is a sign that you love and value your company.

Your cat may also follow you into the bathroom to drink fresh water. Even if we leave the water in the saucer, it will probably warm up easily, especially on the hottest days.

Bathhouse - many adventures

If you've watched how your cat can be entertained for hours with a simple bag or cardboard box, you certainly understand that their imagination and energy can turn simple and everyday items around the house into a veritable amusement park.

Likewise, the products in our bathroom, which to us usually seem quite ordinary, can offer real adventures. Furniture, products, dishes and bathroom items are completely new to our cats' senses and naturally awaken the intense curiosity inherent in feline nature.

Toilet paper turns into a toy with challenging movements until your roll runs out. Towels are tempting to scratch, play with, or simply throw on the floor to make a super comfy bed. Cabinets make great hiding places to climb up and get a privileged view from above. And all this without mentioning that the bidet, toilet, sink, bathtub and even hangers form an ingenious obstacle course that our cat uses to perform her majestic leaps and aerial acrobatics. Thus, it is possible that your cat will accompany you to the bathroom not only to enjoy your company, but also to pass the time with the help of “new toys”.

Why do animals follow you into the bathroom?

If you have a pet, you may have noticed how it follows you around, not leaving you alone even in the bathroom. At the same time, an open door may not arouse their interest, while a closed one will not give them rest. To people, this behavior of animals may seem funny, sometimes annoying. However, if animals follow you into the bathroom, there are understandable reasons for this.

Unity in instincts

As for dogs, their pack instincts come into play here. Descended and evolved from wolves, dogs retain some wolf instincts at the genetic level. Considering people members of their pack, dogs follow them everywhere, expressing their unity with them. The strength of the pack is unity and loyalty, which is why your dog doesn’t want to leave you even in the bathroom. However, this is the best possible reason.

Other reasons

This persecution can also be explained by curiosity. Animals can be curious, and therefore want to find out what you are doing behind closed doors.

The reason for particularly intrusive following of you may be the unhealthy behavior of the dog, which does not feel safe.

If you often leave your dog alone or with other family members, he may miss you. This separation anxiety makes her think that you need to be guarded 24 hours a day, even while taking a bath.

Also, these animals often follow children everywhere, protecting them. But overprotection can be a bad sign. Dogs that are too concerned about protecting an object (food, toy, place or person), afraid of losing it, are capable of showing aggression.

What's the deal with cats?

These animals do not live in packs, therefore they have no desire for unity. They can simply go to sleep on the things or towel you threw on the floor.

From childhood, cats teach kittens to hunt, survive and hide. Cats are loners, so they will look for places for their privacy. This is the reason for their special love for baskets, boxes, where no one will disturb them.

Wanting to know everything that happens in their territory, cats will follow you. On a subconscious level, they need to make sure you're not doing anything terrible that might attract predators. Considering your home to be his own, the cat does not tolerate doors being closed from him, performing any actions on his territory in secret. Maybe you found delicious food there and don’t want to share it with your beloved pet. Or you could find another cat there and become friends with her. Indeed, horror for a child who is used to being first in everything!

Difference in worldview

Animals perceive the bathroom differently. The dogs want to make sure that you are okay there and that you are not in any danger. Cats are sincerely outraged by a closed door, so it is very important for them to check whether anything bad is happening there that could turn against them.

It’s just not clear how to convince pets not to follow their owner into the bathroom, if this desire is inherent in their instincts. With dogs the situation is simpler. With the help of training, you can wean them from this habit. It is much more difficult to convince cats that not all of their territory may be available to them at all times.

As long as the pets following you do not cause trouble, you can ignore this, just be amazed at their eccentricities. However, if this habit becomes a problem, it is worth contacting a veterinarian or behaviorist. He will suggest ways to correct such moments.

In any case, it is obvious that animals cannot be blamed for this. After all, such habits do not entirely depend on themselves. They would be glad not to tire their paws once again, but the closed bathroom door worries their mind.

Are you paying enough attention to stimulating your cat?

When they're bored, cats may follow us around just to entertain themselves, get our attention, or invite us to play with them. It may also happen that they enter the bathroom to find objects (which to them are toys) that stimulate their body and mind. In these cases, the behavior mentioned appears as a warning that our cat needs more stimulation.

To do this, we can enrich your environment with toys and accessories that will allow them to exercise and have fun even when we are not at home. You can find a variety of options at pet stores, or opt for recycled toys and homemade scratchers that are super easy, economical, and fun.

Remember that lack of stimulation (or weak stimulation) is one possible cause of increased aggression in cats. A feline that has fun, plays, expends energy and is tired on a daily basis is less likely to develop behaviors associated with stress or boredom.

If you notice any symptoms of stress and boredom or notice changes in your cat's behavior, do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian immediately. In the face of unusual behavior, it is important to rule out possible pathological causes.

Beware of cleaning products and cosmetics in the bathroom

Don't be surprised if you leave the bathroom door open and find lots of cat tracks in there. Naturally, your cat will be attracted to the different scents, textures and shapes found in the bathroom, as well as other home environments. However, we must be very careful with the foods we leave on hand.

Remember that most cleaning products contain substances that are irritating or toxic to our pets. And cosmetics and personal care products such as shampoo, soaps or creams are not suitable for consumption.

To ensure the safety of our kittens while we are away, it is best to leave the bathroom door closed. It is also important to keep cleaning products, cosmetics, poisons, insecticides and all items that are not suitable for ingestion or contact with skin, eyes and mucous membranes out of the reach of children and animals.

Why does a cat need to hide?

The desire to hide in a dark place for a while is quite common among domestic cats. The hunter's instinct prompts them to take a position in a secluded corner so that they can calmly observe what is happening without being noticed. In other cases, especially small kittens, they want to be in a warm, cozy “nest”, where they are comfortable and safe. Fur babies grow and sleep a lot, so they need proper rest. Constantly playing TV and other noises do not provide the opportunity to have a good rest. Truly deep sleep is only possible in darkness and complete silence.

© shutterstock

It should not be surprising that cats find secluded corners in completely different places.:

  • closet,
  • box,
  • under the bed or sofa,
  • washing machine drum,
  • on the shelf,
  • behind the battery,
  • under the owner's blanket.

If the cat hides constantly, then you need to buy one for it in a special store or make a house yourself. Fluffy pets love such shelters. This is connected not only with psychology, but also with physiology. Cats often sleep curled up. When sleeping in a confined space, they can lean their back against the wall of the house, thus relaxing their muscles.

Are you uncomfortable having your cat accompany you in the bathroom?

While we love our kitties dearly, it can be a little inconvenient to not have complete privacy when using the bathroom. Therefore, if you don't find it pleasant to have your cat follow you in the bathroom and prefer to be alone during this intimate moment, you can teach him that this environment is not suitable for him.

Keep in mind that cats are very intelligent animals and, when well stimulated, can be easily trained to adapt their behavior to domestic life. With patience, dedication and positive reinforcement, it is possible to train your feline to avoid behaviors that put your own health at risk. In this particular case, it is important to encourage environmental enrichment of rooms suitable for the animal, as well as avoid paying attention to them when they follow us to the bathroom and check that it is not a problem of stress or poor stimulation.


Reason number 6 - love for the owner

Believe it or not, cats love their owner's scent. The bath is saturated with the scents of the beloved owner, the pet comes there and enjoys. Cats and cats do not at all want to advertise their affection for their owners, preferring to pretend that they are walking on their own. However, while the owner is not at home, the pet misses him. The cat goes to the bathroom, inhales the owner's smells and consoles himself with the thought of the owner's soon return. The person will take the cat in his arms, stroke it and treat it with something tasty.

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