Why cats love to sleep with their owners: a privilege or a necessity. Reasoning from experienced breeders

Cats are interesting animals. They are quite independent, but at the same time insist on regular attention from their family members. They often sleep, but can be quite playful while they are awake. Sometimes they can be loud and annoying, and sometimes they can be sweet and cuddly. Luckily, most cats like to rest at night, just like their human companions.

Getting settled at night usually means going to bed. So, you might be wondering why your cat likes to sleep next to you every night. Is their own bed not comfortable enough? It turns out that cats like to sleep next to people for more reasons than comfort. Here are the reasons why your cat may like to sleep next to you at night.

They defend their territory

One of the main reasons why cats love to sleep with their owners is to protect their territory. They consider the entire house to be their territory, but they also take pride in being part of the family pack. So, when their family sleeps, they want to be there to protect them as part of their territory. Their most valuable "possession" is their people, so naturally they will want to be around you all night as well as during the day.

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They love us

Many people believe that if a cat does not sleep with its owner, it means that he does not love him. We would not say so categorically, but at the same time, sleeping together with a person is one of the expressions of affection and tender feelings. Despite their selfishness and demonstrative independence, purring pets love us and try in every possible way to show it.

Cats truly become attached to us, they know how to get bored, empathize, and experience a wide range of emotions. Think about it, maybe the answer to the question, why does the cat sleep with me all the time, lies on the surface? Perhaps he misses you, you pay too little attention to him, you disappear at work, study or hanging out with friends?

They like communication

Another reason why cats love to sleep with their human companions is that they love companionship, and having you go to bed every night is familiar to them. If you let your cat sleep with you even occasionally, it can quickly become a habit that's hard to break, especially on nights when you don't want her to sleep with you.

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Where cats sleep: energy

Many people come and go to a house or apartment. Some are positive, others are negative. Both positive and negative energy gather in the room.

Places where biofields intersect attract cats. They try to choose similar points for sleep. The reason for the strange behavior of the animals is as follows:

  1. The animal senses negative energy and tries to normalize it.
  2. A negative biofield has a detrimental effect on a person. Cats try to draw out bad energy.
  3. Cats convert negative waves into positive ones.

The animal often changes its sleeping place, following the sources of negative waves. Sometimes furry pets go to sleep on the table. According to the superstition, a cat lying down to sleep on the table after the guests have left means these people wish bad things to the inhabitants of the house. The pet tries to protect its owners by expelling negative energy.

Important! According to superstition, a cat sleeps on the table if someone in the household is at risk of illness.

If the owners spend a lot of time at the computer, the cat may choose a computer desk as a sleeping place, trying to attract the owner’s attention. Electrical devices emit electromagnetic fields. The pet chooses where magnetic fields intersect, warning the owner about the risk posed by the computer.

A cat sleeping on the table is not always a bad omen. Often the animal climbs higher for better visibility and control of the territory. To understand exactly why the cat sleeps on the table, moving the table to a different place will help. If the animal stops climbing onto the table, then the table was in a bad place.

Ways to get your cat out of bed

If you don't want your cat to sleep next to you every night, there are a few things you can try to get her to startle before bed. Start by simply asking your cat to get out of bed before bed. If this doesn't help, try the following options:

  • Move the cat bed . Remove a bedside table or place a TV tray next to the bed and place one of your cat's beds on top. Hopefully your cat will sleep in her own bed and feel as if she's sleeping in yours.
  • Close your door . Closing the bedroom door is a surefire way to keep your cat out of bed at night. They may meow and howl the first few nights, but patience and persistence on your part should curb the irritation and help your cat accept his nighttime reality.
  • Offer to a friend for the night . Give your cat a new furry bedtime buddy to cuddle with in bed. With luck, they will be satisfied with the warmth, friendship and security it offers.

One or all of these options may be right for you and your cat, so it's a good idea to try them all before deciding which ones are best for your family.


Lovers of cat company and purring are in favor of sleeping with a cat in the same bed. After all, it doesn’t cost anything for a pet to even climb onto a pillow when the owner falls asleep. Moreover, on forums of four-legged lovers, dissatisfaction is often expressed about the fact that the cat does not sleep with its owner. Some owners love their pets too much and don’t even think about letting their four-legged dog sleep in a bed. There is an opinion that a cat will be offended if it is not allowed into bed, and an offended cat brings trouble and lack of money - such signs .

It would be unfair if all the responsibility falls on the shoulders of the pet; quite often a cat sleeps on the owner’s pillow only because no one forbade her to do so. While the pet is growing, it never occurs to us to kick him out of bed...after all, he is a child. Already an adult cat does not understand why the rules of living together have suddenly changed and remains true to childhood habits. A similar thing happens if a cat is allowed to sleep in bed in the winter, but in the summer, when it’s hot, you are unhappy with the company of the four-legged cat. It is worth understanding that the motivation of animals is very rarely associated only with habit; more often than not, it is supported by the “work” of unconditional instincts.

Cats always strive for warmth and comfort . Experienced owners know that their pets don't mind sleeping in a warm place, even when it's hot outside. In winter, in chilly weather and when the home is cold, the desire for warmth becomes almost the cat’s primary task. If the pet has the opportunity, he will happily sleep on the bed. While the owner is not at home, the cat can sleep on things, a heating radiator or in a closet .

Note! Cats, unlike dogs, love to sleep with their owner and under a blanket, even in the summer.

The desire for warmth is a very important instinct. A cat's body temperature fluctuates between 38–39°. To maintain such a high temperature, she has to expend a lot of energy, which is why the larger the cat, the lazier it is. Climbing under the blanket with the owner, the cat can completely relax, since energy expenditure is sharply reduced and stress levels are reduced.

The search for a warm place is typical for cats without undercoat, with very short hair and without it . It is very difficult for naked four-legged animals to warm themselves, even with a balanced diet. Make sure your pet has clothing and non-slip socks. The only alternative is a warm, closed house, but not all cats like such beds.

Kittens get colder than adult animals and sneak into their owner’s bed more intrusively. The reason is the rapid metabolism, which allows the baby to wriggle and grow in a short time. When weaning a kitten from bed, you need to act very carefully, since the baby is looking not only for warmth, but also for protection .

Comfort is an important factor in quality of life. Perhaps this need is considered a non-basic one, but by nature cats do everything to make their life as comfortable as possible. Wild cats keep their homes clean, take a long time to lay down for sleep, love to bask on soft grass, etc. It depends on you, as the owner, how comfortable the kitten will be and what first habits it will acquire. For a comfortable sleep, the cat must have a suitable type of bed at its disposal. Unfortunately, no one can predict which kind of bed your pet will like; perhaps it will be a basket, a house, or a converted bottom shelf of your dresser.

Final comments

Many people don't mind their cats sleeping next to them. However, not every cat owner feels the same way. I hope the information presented here will help you understand the reasons why your cat insists on sleeping with you and what you can do about it if you don't like it. How do you feel about cats sleeping with their human companions? Let us know what you think in our comments section.

Posted by Christian Adams An American expat living in Metro Manila, Philippines for over a decade, Christian is a lifelong cat lover and the proud father of two rescue cats, Trixie and Chloe. Both girls used to be among the crowds of homeless people who roam the cities and countryside. Three-year-old Trixie was rescued from a litter found under a neighbor's porch, and two-year-old Chloe was brought home by Christian's young son, Henry, who discovered the crying kitten in the parking lot.

Do cats really heal people by lying on them?

What stands out is the ability of cats to relieve pain and stabilize human health.

Thus, popular rumor attributes to pets the ability to cure radiculitis and osteochondrosis, normalize blood pressure and help in the speedy healing of wounds. Moreover, white cats have the greatest healing power, while handsome red cats charge you with vivacity and energy. Gray kitties have a calming “effect”. And black cats are valued for their ability to “take away” negative energy from a diseased organ.

All kinds of cats are needed, all kinds of cats are important!

There is no consensus among scientists on this matter. Most zoologists do not find confirmation of popular beliefs about the special impact of furry friends on human diseases. However, there are scientists who see undoubted benefits for human health in communicating with a cat.

It may very well be that popular beliefs about the healing abilities of cats have a basis

The purring of a cat also has undoubted benefits, especially when a person and an animal are sleeping or resting together. Because vibrations from sounds made by a cat at a frequency of up to 45 hertz are similar to ultrasonic effects. Thus, the pet heals both itself and its owner. Indeed, under the influence of low-frequency purring, the healing of damage to the skin and even bones is stimulated. This is confirmed by the scientific observations of bioacoustics specialist Dr. Elisabeth Muchentaller.

Perhaps the most obvious is the ability of cats to provide warmth from their body and thereby help keep the owner warm during a cold or sore throat. In addition, when a person strokes a pet, a natural electrostatic voltage is formed between them, which has a beneficial effect on the healing process.

What to do?

If a cat eats fallen hair that it finds on the floor, it should be weaned immediately from this habit, as it can get stuck in its gastrointestinal tract and cause serious health problems for the animal. It is also necessary to wean pets off when they bite their head and lick and chew hair, which causes painful and unpleasant sensations for the owner. In such situations, you should initially try to prohibit the kitten with words. If there is no reaction, then stop him a couple of times and leave the room, go about your daily activities, so that the cat cannot reach his head.

If the reason for this behavior is a small age, then you can fall asleep in a cap for some time, until the period when the animal grows up and weaned off on its own. You can also try changing your shampoo. Since these are often manifestations of care for a person from the tailed one and his desire to please, you need to carefully wean him from this habit. You can try using a scented hair spray with a citrus scent, which kittens don't like. A ban on sleeping with the owner in the same bed will also help solve the problem. When a cat starts chewing hair, it is advisable to offer him a treat as an alternative to distract him. You can distract him with outdoor games or pick him up and stroke him.

Home doctor

Many people consider cats to be mystical creatures; among some peoples they were considered sacred animals. A similar trepidation has been passed on to the current generation, which is why folk wisdom says: where the cat sleeps, the owner is in pain. Adherents of the theory of bioenergy claim that cats sense a person’s aura and intuitively try to “patch” the gap by transferring part of their energy.

There is also a scientific explanation for the fact why cats often sleep in sore places. In fact, animals are simply looking for warmth on the bed. A person is a source of heat in itself, but the temperature differs in different places . In this case, the disease begins with an increase in the degree in the infected organ and surrounding tissues. A cat's diagnostic abilities end with identifying the hottest spot.

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Some owners believe that the cat in bed takes the disease with it, so after a night with the pet, the pain goes away. However, this can be explained :

  • placebo effect;
  • temporary illness associated with lack of rest.

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses?

Is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses? The cat has long been the keeper of the hearth. She must not be frightened, pulled by the tail or offended. Cats are always near us. But is it possible for a cat to sleep between spouses? A few answers that have come to our time from the distant past:

  • A sleeping cat between spouses interferes with their libation on an energetic level. If a husband and wife sleep together, they feed off each other’s energy and this helps them to always be together and feel each other even at a distance. The cat takes away some of the energy, and the husband and wife will have a gap in this regard.
  • A cat can quarrel between people. If a man does not love her, then she will take revenge and will do everything so that he does not interfere with her living in this house.
  • A cat may mark its territory with foul-smelling secretions , especially if it feels jealous of one of its mates.

Advice: How many people, so many opinions. Some ancient beliefs claim that a cat can separate, while others say that a cat strengthens the union between spouses. Therefore, it is up to each person individually to believe or not to believe.

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