The kitten began to sleep with his eyes open. Why do cats sleep a lot?

Posted by Kotizm April 30, 2017

The material in this article contains only useful information on this issue, as well as general information, which helps to better understand what you have to deal with in such an unpleasant situation.

Why does a cat leave home in the spring and come back in the fall or a month later, in winter, in summer?

Often cats run away from home due to excessive drinking. This can last a couple of days or up to a month, if he finds somewhere to take shelter. Cats who are expecting kittens may go on similar trips for a long time. They leave home to raise offspring. Therefore, expect a new pet.

Why does a cat leave home for another house or to neighbors?

This behavior of the cat may consist in the fact that it is simply being fed there. The cat does not miss the chance to have dinner twice, especially when the second dinner is not far away. If you believe the signs, then the cat may also be calmer there. “The fish looks for where it’s deeper, the person where it’s better, and the cat where it’s calmer.”

Why the cat left home and did not return - signs and superstitions

All the signs and superstitions that explain a cat leaving home indicate that trouble is approaching the house in which it lived. But don't be discouraged! There is another interpretation of such superstitions. The cat averts the approaching trouble and takes the full blow upon itself, leaving the house.

Why does a cat leave home before dying?

It should not be considered superstition or accepted that a four-legged pet can leave the house at the time of death. In fact, this is indeed true. Cats, in anticipation of their death, leave the house because they want to be alone. Even the glance of the owner before death is not a mercy for them, so they run away as far as possible.

Why do cats fall from balconies?

When jumping onto handrails or the edges of balconies, the animal is guided only by the height from the floor to the handrails and cannot take into account the fact that behind the handrail the distance to the ground is several times greater. Thus, the pet does not pay the necessary caution when jumping onto the railing and there is a danger that it may fall from the balcony.

Why does a cat die with his eyes open?

Depending on the cause of death, cats close their eyes before dying. If the cat died with its eyes open, then there is nothing strange about it. Many animals die with their eyes open.

If a kitten dies how to save it

Without knowing the reasons from which a kitten dies, there is no way to save the kitten at home without the intervention of a veterinarian. After a noticeable deterioration in your pet's health, take it to a veterinary clinic.

Signs of how a cat dies of old age

Signs of the inevitable may include a sudden change in your pet's personality. A quiet and calm animal at the age of 15 suddenly begins to devote a lot of time to its owner? This is one of the signs of the inevitable. After all, it has long been known that cats feel the proximity of death and want to spend their last hours with their owner. Don't deny this to your pets.

How a kitten dies from rabies, chronic renal failure, poisoning symptoms

In a cat infected with rabies, the last days pass passively, unlike the previous days. They paralyze most of their body, starting with the lower jaw. Convulsions and frequent salivation begin. The cat dies within three days from respiratory arrest or due to exhaustion, since throughout the infection it may not eat or drink.

In the case of chronic failure (CRF), cats quickly become exhausted and spend the last hours of their lives immobile until the last organs fail.

Did the cat eat poison? The first and noticeable signs may be: bleeding from the nose or anus, diarrhea, vomiting, poor coordination of movements, foam at the mouth. There are also cases where the cat suffered internal bleeding throughout the entire period of poisoning, after which the cat dies quickly and without obvious signs of poisoning.

Beliefs and superstitions if a furry pet died in an apartment

  1. Feeling death, he left home - he doesn’t want to upset his owners and loves them. This is how cats show their affection. If the pet wanted to stay at home during the last hours, it is likely that he did not experience warm feelings for his owners.
  2. The cat died - wait for trials. A sign that has been believed for hundreds of years. It means that with the death of a pet, difficult trials will come to the owner, associated not only with the death of a beloved pet. Perhaps a serious illness will overtake you.
  3. With the death of a cat, all negativity goes away. This sign, unlike the previous one, suggests that the pet dies at home and thereby saves its owners, taking with it all the hardships. In Ancient Egypt, the cat was always a sacred animal. It was believed that after death she becomes a guardian angel for her owners.
  4. The death of a pet means money. There is also such a slightly cynical sign. Seeing an animal die is immediate success and financial well-being. If the cat was white, they say it was for love.

Why and why can they die?

Animals die for various reasons. The cat may die of old age, then there is no need to look for any signs of fate here. There is no talk of any negativity either. If the animal was at the threshold, the room or apartment was locked and the pet could not get out. When cats anticipate their demise, they try to find themselves outside the house.

But it also happens that an animal dies suddenly, without any illness. Such a death can have several meanings.

What does it mean?

  • If a family member is to blame for the death of a pet, then you need to prepare for theft. It is possible that not strangers, but close people, will be to blame for this. The investigation will lead nowhere.
  • The death of a cat from household appliances means trouble at work. Threatened with dismissal or reprimands, reports with subsequent explanatory notes.
  • When the cause of death is an accidental fall from a high floor, then you should expect serious quarrels with your spouse, which can lead to divorce.
  • If a beloved pet has been poisoned, then it is better for the owners not to make new friends and refrain from making any changes in life. Anything new will only bring problems.
  • Responsibility for the death of the pet lies with the other animal with whom there was a fight - you should prepare for scandals with friends. If a compromise is not found, the relationship may end there.
  • A pet may die under strange circumstances. For example, falling asleep and not waking up. Such a departure from life indicates the need to cleanse your home of negative energy.

Causes of death of cats

The lifespan of pets is much shorter than humans. There are not many causes of death for cats:

  • natural – death from old age;
  • from illness;
  • sudden death as a result of an accident.

You can prepare for the first two reasons and alleviate the suffering of your pet. The sudden death of a cat occurs suddenly; it is impossible to know about it in advance. It is experienced much more acutely than the death of an animal due to natural causes.

From old age

On average, domestic cats live 12–15 years. Cats die of old age at 10–11 years of age, but they can live much longer and die at the age of 20. It all depends on the breed and individual characteristics of the animal.

Interesting! Outbred cats live especially long, since their genetic apparatus has not been damaged by inbreeding.

If the cat's age has passed the 13-year mark and he becomes less active and sleeps a lot, we can conclude that his life's journey is coming to an end. By human standards, this is almost 70 years of age.

How to bury a pet, will it be possible to rebury it?

Owners of deceased pets are forced to decide how to bury their tailed family member. If the cat’s owner resorted to the procedure of euthanasia, the veterinary clinic will offer to bury it themselves, or, more precisely, cremate it. In other cases, in order to bury a cat, you will have to contact a veterinarian and act in accordance with his instructions.

In Russia, burying animals in the ground is prohibited by law. The corpses of animals and birds are equated to biological waste and are disposed of in accordance with the order of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 1994 No. 13-7-2/469. According to this order, corpses are disinfected and burned.

In some municipalities, special places are allocated for burying pets. To bury a pet in such a cemetery, the owner must present a veterinary certificate in form No. 4. The animal's corpse will be opened, the cause of death will be determined, and if it was not the result of an infection, it will be buried without being burned. Otherwise, the body will be disinfected, cremated and only then buried.

It is impossible to rebury a pet without breaking the law. For violating the requirements of the law, a loving owner who buried his deceased pet in a yard or forested area risks paying a fine of 5,000 rubles.

When is the best time to euthanize?

Some symptoms indicate the cat's behavior before death:

  • refusal to eat;
  • exhaustion;
  • a putrid smell emanates from her;
  • losing her bearings, she bumps into objects;
  • suffers from incontinence.

The depressed state of the animal gives a hint to the owner about solving the problem in a radical and humane way. In any case, every pet owner, seeing his suffering, can consult a veterinarian and decide what is best for his cat. Pets - dogs or cats - lead a quiet life in apartments or in the country. As time passes, one by one they die. Anticipating signs of death of a cat can only be the owner and he must make a decision - agony or euthanasia - based on the current situation or the course of the disease. Basically, euthanasia is necessary for an animal so that the dying person can get rid of excruciating pain. After receiving the injection, the animals do not scream, fall asleep and after death they are taken to another world.

Should pets be euthanized?

Increasingly, owners are leaning toward this option, arguing that it is an outward manifestation of humanity. In this case, the animal will not live its last hours, which are so often associated with suffering.

But, as mentioned above, higher powers have a different opinion on this matter. They equate euthanasia with full-fledged, deliberate murder. And this already entails irreversible consequences in the form of constant failures and even serious incidents.

A pet who has lived with its owner for many years does not expect a death sentence from him, and this only aggravates the situation. It's easy to make mistakes when making a decision. The animal could have lived some more time if the symptoms of some disease had not been mistaken for signs of impending death.

How long do cats live?

In cats, starting from the age of 2 weeks, a year of life lived is equal to 4 human years. By the way, in dogs this figure is 7 years. The average lifespan of cats is about 16 years (80 for humans).

The approaching old age does not go unnoticed by a caring owner, because the animal becomes much less active, and performing everyday tasks causes a burden.

How to understand that a cat is dying

You can tell by the cat's behavior that she is about to die.

A cat that has lived with one owner all its life can “give clues.” A dying animal may become calmer than usual. However, a cat that senses its demise will try to spend as much time as possible with the person. Typically, such “clues” are typical for old cats, for whom death is a predictable event.

Look into your cat's eyes. I was still a child, but I remembered Musya’s face. In recent months, she had become completely thin, her cheekbones became sharp, her fur looked dry, and her eyes became cloudy. But she often lay on my lap for a long time (and not only on me). When they started petting her, she looked into the person’s face. Her eyes seemed large, sad and somehow grateful. Grandmother said that Musya would soon leave home.

In addition to the behavior of an elderly animal, symptoms of the disease may also indicate the approach of death. You should pay attention to the presence of signs:

  • redness, peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of bald patches;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • increased or decreased temperature;
  • blood in the discharge, difficulty urinating or stopping it altogether;
  • diarrhea, vomiting.

You can tell when a cat is approaching death by its breathing rate, pulse, and body temperature.

Even if one of the listed symptoms is present, you need to pay special attention to your cat. If you did not know about the disease, it is possible that all is not lost and the cat can be cured. To accurately determine any deviations from the norm, you need to remember the animal’s basic vital signs. The body temperature of an adult cat ranges from 37.5 °C to 39 °C. The older the cat, the closer its temperature is to the upper “bar”. Respiration rate also depends on age. Kittens breathe more frequently (60 breaths per minute) than young cats (22–24 breaths). Adults and elderly individuals breathe least often (17–23 breaths). The pulse in cats is frequent - 100–130 beats per minute (regardless of age).

Some fatal animal diseases are associated with the gastrointestinal tract. In such cases, a specific smell may emanate from the cat (not from excrement, but from the cat). If the disease has not yet manifested itself, you need to examine the animal. If there is a problem with the digestive system, the pet's stomach will be dense and hard. You can contact your veterinarian for diagnosis.

I noticed that there was some strange smell from the kitten, once at night I locked him in the room, and in the morning I went into the room, and the smell immediately “rushed” into my “nose”... It was some kind of specific smell. The kitten smells. I already tried to wash it, but the smell still appeared. He’s so caustic... and I began to notice that I couldn’t stay in a closed space (room) with a kitten for a long time - my head started to hurt, there was pressure on my temple. Although we already have one cat and have never smelled anything from her.

Nimishkina, owner of a sick kitten


A dying cat may refuse to eat. A weak animal does not eat because it no longer has the strength to do so. A cat can turn away even from its most favorite treat. If a pet dies due to illness, refusing food will only worsen its condition, but it will not be possible to force feed it.

Caring for cats at the end of their life

Palliative care is a multifaceted approach to caring for cats with life-limiting illness. The goal is to ensure a good quality of life by making your pet as comfortable as possible during the final days, weeks, or months of life. Currently, treatment is aimed at providing comfort, pain relief and control of clinical signs, but not at curing the disease.

Make an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss a plan of action. At this appointment, you can discuss how to manage your cat's symptoms, such as pain and hydration. Cats with advanced kidney disease are chronically dehydrated, and it can be of great help if their caregiver can administer subcutaneous fluids.

  • Consult your veterinarian about pain medications . End-of-life illnesses can be painful, and your veterinarian may prescribe medications to relieve pain and discomfort. Cats cannot tell their caregiver that they are in pain. Mild signs of pain include hiding, loss of appetite, drooling, neglect of grooming, huddling, restlessness, and loss of interest in surroundings.
  • Adapt to your environment . Place the litter box and food bowls in an easily accessible place near the cat. It is not helpful for a cat to climb stairs to get to the litter tray or food bowls. Raise food and water bowls so your cat doesn't have to bend over. If an older cat or a cat in pain may have difficulty getting into the litter box, it may help to provide the cat with a litter box with low sides.
  • Offer food manually . In the later stages of the disease, cats lose their appetite. Hand feeding is often necessary at this stage. Lightly warmed barbecue chicken, baby food or canned tuna may entice your cat to eat, but even this is often abandoned in the end as the body shuts down.
  • Keep warm and provide a comfortable place to rest . Very sick cats, especially older ones, often do not maintain their body temperature as well. Make sure your cat has a warm and comfortable place to rest. The room should be easy to clean, as very sick animals often have problems with washing out.
  • Let your cat choose where she sleeps . Give your cat the opportunity to choose where to sleep. A cat may prefer to sleep in the living room next to its human companions or in a quiet area elsewhere in the house. Let your cat decide where she is most comfortable.
  • Maintain your usual daily routine . Make your cat's home life as simple and familiar as possible. Avoid major changes and keep visitors to a minimum.
  • Maintain and clean as needed . A caregiver may be able to help care for your cat and keep it clean, especially cats that are in pain. Clean your cat if she gets dirty and change her bedding.

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How to come to terms with loss?

The death of a beloved friend and practically a family member is a big blow. If you cannot overcome the bitterness of loss on your own, and symptoms of depression appear, then you should consult a psychotherapist. Tips to help you cope with emotions:

  • Remove the deceased's belongings (bowls, toys, harnesses, brushes, etc.) from the house so that they do not remind of the sad event. If it’s a shame to throw them away, then it’s better to give them to friends or to a shelter.
  • Remember the bright moments spent with your pet. How clumsy and funny he was as a child, how he loved to climb on the table or hang on the curtains, causing uncontrollable laughter, how gratefully he purred and rubbed his nose. Don’t focus on a sad period, signs of death, don’t replay sad events in your head.
  • Don't get another animal. Wait until the pain of loss disappears completely.
  • A sign that the time has come to bring a kitten home is the absence of tears and suffering when remembering an old friend.

Before you get a new family member, you should understand that you will have to bear the responsibility for the rest of his life (on average 12–16 years). In addition to information about caring for the baby, you need to ask how cats behave before death, and what are the signs of an approaching end.

Not every person is able to cope with emotions and adequately accept the fact that someday they will have to see off their pet on its last journey.

But it is necessary to realize the full degree of responsibility so that the old cat is not subsequently thrown out into the street to the mercy of fate. After all, he expects support and care from a friend whom he devotedly loved, and not betrayal.

Sooner or later, like people, all cats die of old age. But how painful it is when death occurs against the background of a progressive disease in a very young animal. To prevent such a sad outcome, it is important to closely monitor your cat's health and symptoms. Sometimes only an experienced doctor can notice the signs of an incipient disease. That's why it's worth visiting a veterinarian periodically to have your pet examined. Remember, providing timely medical care can save his life.

But if the pet died a natural death, then there is no need to grieve and shed tears. After all, on the cat’s rainbow he feels comfortable and calm, there is no more pain there, and his old body no longer limits his movements. Don't doubt that you have been a good friend. They loved and protected the cat throughout her life, but more importantly, they did not abandon her and supported her in difficult times. And this is a sign of true devoted friendship.

Separating from a pet: what to do?

Every person who has a cat at home sooner or later experiences a very sad period. The animal begins to grow old and get sick, and then inevitably dies, and not everyone can survive the death of a cat easily! Of course, there are no universal “recipes” for how to survive this time, but in many countries, over the centuries, traditions and advice have developed on what to do if a cat has died and you cannot come to terms with the loss.

Cats go to die

Of course, if this happens to you, you will find your own way, but it still doesn’t hurt to prepare for it. The first step is to learn to notice the signs of your cat's death. If the animal has been sick for a long time before, it is easier to recognize an imminent departure - the cat simply weakens, stops eating, practically does not get up from its place and increasingly sleeps or simply lies with its eyes open. At the same time, you may notice that her breathing is gradually weakening, and the cat’s behavior before death will be a little alarming. If the animal is left at home, it may come to say goodbye to you. Usually, a sick cat, with the last of her strength, climbs onto her owner’s lap and lies there for a while, waiting for affection, and then leaves. It is extremely rare for cats to die in their owner's arms.

If nothing foreshadowed trouble, or you were not very attentive to your pet, it will be more difficult for you. The main sign is that a cat tends to be alone before death. She’s not just hiding, she’s trying to leave, and leaving you in such a way that you can neither return her nor find her. Unfortunately, this is a very common phenomenon, and it was recorded many centuries ago. The reasons for this act are not fully understood, but scientists believe that the cat does this... out of pain! The animal's body suffers from various ailments and diseases (even if these ailments are not noticeable to the owners), and your pet is simply trying to escape from this suffering, instinctively leaving its beloved home. And, perhaps, this method of care can be considered very humane in relation to the owners - in this case, the death of a cat hurts them less severely, because they will not see it.

Where and why do purrs go before they die?

In the wild, a dying cat seeks solitude. This is completely natural, because the animal is weakening and can no longer protect itself from predators. It finds a quiet, secluded place to hide and quietly leave . It is possible that death is perceived as a sign of illness. Therefore, the cat leaves its home to rest.

Pets also retain this instinct. And if they do not go outside, then the last refuge may be a closet or the far corner behind the furniture. At the same time, the animal rarely comes out of hiding and sleeps almost around the clock. This suspicious symptom should immediately alert you.

There is an opinion that by leaving, cats purposefully protect their owners from moral suffering.

The British even have a sign that the death of a cat in the house attracts trouble. But you shouldn’t believe in these superstitions, because it’s unlikely that a pet would wish bad things on its friend. It’s just that not everyone manages to leave the fireplace unnoticed, especially if the old man is weakened and cannot move independently.

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Signs and superstitions

In England it is considered a very bad omen if a cat dies in the house. By leaving, the pet brings disaster to its inhabitants. And if a cat jumped over a coffin with the body of a deceased person, then it had to be killed, otherwise misfortune could not be avoided. Although this nation has always been distrustful of representatives of the cat family, endowing them with witchcraft abilities and mystical properties.

There was a completely different attitude towards cats in Ancient Egypt, where they were revered and elevated to the rank of sacred animals. If a pet died, the owners shaved their eyebrows, cut off their hair and observed mourning for 70 days.

We believed that if cats leave home to die, they take all the bad energy with them, as if protecting their owners. It is believed that when an animal dies, it gives its beloved friend one of nine lives. For example, it can sense if a person is in mortal danger. The cat deliberately throws itself under the wheels of a car and dies, as if giving its life in return. It’s also not for nothing that the cat is the first to be let into the house at housewarming parties. After all, spirits live in every room, and only this fluffy and affectionate animal can calm them down.

And when all the cats die suddenly one after another throughout the year, this is due to an excess of negativity that furry creatures cannot cope with. This could be due to:

  • otherworldly forces;
  • damage or evil eye;
  • unfavorable location of the house (for example, at the site of burials or mass deaths).

It is advisable to call a priest to consecrate your home and cleanse yourself of black thoughts. People who are skeptical about mystical events believe that cats die due to the presence of an infection in the house that is dangerous for them.

Symptoms of imminent death

You can understand that your pet will soon leave the world of the living by the presence of certain characteristic signs. Older cats over 12 years of age should be taken to a veterinarian for routine checkups to closely monitor their general health.

If characteristic symptoms appear, you should contact a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible. Perhaps the cat is very sick and needs help, but it can still be saved. Timely therapeutic measures will extend the life of a pet with chronic pathologies of the body for several years. In this case, timely treatment will give good results - the animal will not suffer and suffer.

Characteristic symptoms of impending death in a cat:

  • Change in eating behavior. Cats begin to eat very little or they lose the desire to eat altogether. After some time, the drinking regime is also disrupted - the cats refuse to drink. The owner should be alert to the following signs: untouched food, no trips to the litter box for more than 48 hours, excrement with bloody discharge, cloudy and dark-colored urine. Some time after refusing food, the animal becomes physically exhausted, the coat becomes dull and falls out in clumps. The animal tries to move less and constantly lies down. Control of the bowel muscles and urinary sphincter is impaired, leading to involuntary bowel movements.
  • Breathing problems. A change in breathing rhythm is a clear sign of serious disorders in the body, indicating an imminent death. This is due to the fact that the myocardium cannot cope with its work, and the amount of oxygen needed by the body’s cells in the bloodstream decreases sharply. The cat begins to breathe heavily and frequently, trying to make up for losses as much as possible. It is important to remember that in a healthy animal, the respiratory rate within 60 seconds should be at least 20 times. Weak and intermittent breathing indicates the imminent death of the pet. In order to accurately determine the frequency of respiratory movements, you need to use a stopwatch and observe how many times the chest rises and falls within 1 minute.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances and changes in blood pressure. A clear sign of an animal's imminent death is a slowdown in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle. The normal heart rate in a healthy animal is from 125 to 145 beats per minute. A sharp change in indicators indicates difficulties with pumping blood throughout the body. To measure your pet's pulse, you need to place your open palm on the left side, behind the front limb, and count how many beats there were within 15 seconds. Multiplied by 4, the resulting figure should not be less than 60. Otherwise, the signs of imminent death are obvious.
  • The presence of a specific odor from the animal. As a result of a sharp decrease in the performance of all organs of the animal, the removal of toxic substances from the body slows down, and in some cases completely stops. Toxic substances begin to accumulate in the body and cause an unpleasant odor throughout the body. First of all, from the pet's mouth.
  • Decreased body temperature. Hypothermia is associated with a decrease or cessation of internal organ function. The temperature drops to 37-37.5 degrees, which indicates weakness of heart contractions. If you don't have a measuring device at hand, you can touch the cat's paw pads. They become noticeably cool.

Why do cats die?

If it becomes obvious that a cat is dying, identifying the cause of what is happening determines the person's actions. Is it necessary to save a tailed pet, or would it be right to let him calmly go into another world?

A newborn kitten dies: what is the reason and what to do?

The death of newborn kittens is not uncommon. Their death is determined by a number of factors:

  • a large number of fruits;
  • unreasonable interference of the cat owner in the birth process;
  • low weight babies;
  • prematurity;
  • blood type conflict between baby and mother;
  • genetic characteristics of the breed;
  • diseases of the four-legged mother;
  • intrauterine developmental anomalies;
  • hypothermia;
  • low blood sugar;
  • dehydration;
  • aggravated by complications or first birth;
  • unsuitable conditions for the development of a newborn kitten;
  • maternal malnutrition;
  • infections.

Everything an owner can do to prevent the death of kittens:

  • create conditions for their life - children should be in a warm, dry, clean room, free from drafts;
  • take over the function of feeding the cubs if the mother refuses to do so;
  • feed the new mother with special food that regulates the fat content of milk;
  • Check your cat regularly with a veterinarian to identify and eliminate signs of disease;
  • do not touch the crumbs without washing your hands with soap;
  • select a female and a male for mating with the same blood type.

Injuries incompatible with life

Apart from cases of cruelty to these animals, when they die from beatings, cats can receive injuries incompatible with life as a result of falling from a great height. Usually cats fall out of the windows of apartments located in high-rise buildings. This phenomenon has a name - high altitude syndrome.

Without having time to group during the flight and perform a flip to land on its paws, the pet can receive the following serious injuries, after which these animals cannot survive:

  • fractures of the lower jaw and distal femur;
  • violation of the integrity of the bones in the forearms;
  • fracture of the spine and, as a consequence, paresis of the pelvic limbs and complete paralysis.

Diseases of internal organs

Typically, the following pathologies of internal organs lead to the death of a cat:

  • Urolithiasis disease. According to statistics, this is the most common cause of death of these animals, even at an early age.
  • Rabies, which damages the central nervous system.
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus, leading to disruption of the immune system.
  • Infectious peritonitis (inflammation of the serous lining of the peritoneum).
  • Infectious enteritis (chronic inflammatory process in the small intestine).
  • Panleukopenia, affecting the digestive and respiratory organs, the heart.


My cat sleeps with her eyes open... How frightening it is... The most difficult thoughts enter my head, even such as the sudden death of a purring... However, it later turns out that for a cat, sleeping with open or slightly open eyes is a completely ordinary phenomenon. In any case, there is no need to worry about this. A cat is almost like a person. We often see, for example, how elderly people doze with their eyes half closed. And cats, the older they get, the more obvious their passion for dozing with their eyes open is. At the same time, one important thing should be noted. If your pet prefers to sleep exclusively with her eyes open, this will make her eyes dry. In this case, you need to visit a veterinary clinic, where you will be prescribed special drops. However, both jokingly and seriously, keep in mind: when a cat sleeps with her eyes open, she is almost always ready to instantly move from sleep to active action, which cannot be said about her relatives who prefer to sleep in the traditional way. Therefore, be especially vigilant and careful when you: - Walk past a sleeping cat barefoot; - Sit next to your pet and are about to eat ice cream; - Knit; - Just admiring all the birds and squirrels outside the window!

Original publication: Sleeping Cat Keeps Eyes Open

Julie Mignery

What to do after the death of your pet?

Now it’s time to take care of the body, which is best wrapped in cloth and placed in a plastic bag. You must choose between cremation and burial . You can find out where the crematorium or special cemetery is located from your veterinarian. If the law does not prohibit burying a pet in a private area or outside the city, then you need to choose a suitable place. A picturesque corner on the shore of a pond under a tree is perfect. Animals cannot be buried in parks and squares.

How to avoid this?

Well, you need to know that the only way to avoid sudden death in cats is to make sure they are okay. They need to be fed a high quality diet (no grains or by-products) and it is also very important that they receive anti-parasitic treatment so that they are protected from parasites, both external and internal.

Additionally, we must take them to the vet whenever we suspect something is wrong with them, as well as vaccinate and neuter them before they become eager.

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