A sterilized cat asks for a cat - 3 possible reasons for the resumption of sexual activity

If a cat asks for a cat after sterilization, you should pay attention to this. Prolonged meowing requires contacting a veterinarian, because in the process of tubal ligation, side effects in the form of inflammatory processes are possible. And also in the case when a pet is operated on in unverified clinics, the likelihood of an unprofessional operation increases.

What is the difference between the two operations?

Castration and sterilization are carried out to stop the reproductive system. Operations should not be confused. The results of the cat’s behavior as a result of the intervention and the impact on the organs may be different. An important factor in a cat's need for a cat is often the way the intervention is delivered. During castration, the organs of the reproductive system are removed partially or completely. As a result, the female's desire for motherhood is excluded. A properly performed operation does not provoke such a side effect, because the reproductive apparatus is free of the ovaries and uterus.

During sterilization, the fallopian tubes are ligated; the organs are not removed. That's why a sterilized cat asks for a cat. The pet is able to walk, and the instinct for procreation is preserved. The only positive aspect is that she will stop getting pregnant. It is this kind of intervention that can contribute to the case when a cat screams after sterilization, walks and attracts the cat. Inflammation of the reproductive organs is also possible.

Do cats want a cat after sterilization?

In fact, in many veterinary clinics the term “sterilization” means castration of animals, so first check with your veterinarian whether the cat’s ovaries will be removed during the operation or not.

Indeed, such an intervention in the animal’s body as sterilization implies that as a result the cat will lose exclusively its reproductive function. That is, she will periodically go into heat and will retain the ability to have sexual intercourse with a male. Another thing is that as a result of mating, the cat will not become pregnant and will not bear kittens, because she will actually become infertile.

If a veterinary clinic performs castration rather than sterilization of a cat, then its ovaries are completely removed. As a result, the cat no longer goes into heat or heat.

If your pet is free-range - for example, you live in a private house - then in order to prevent the unwanted appearance of kittens, you can have her sterilized, which is easier and faster. For an indoor cat that does not go outside at all, castration is more suitable.

Why does the female raise her butt and demand a cat?

Poorly performed surgery

In this situation, the solution to the problem will be to repeat the operation on the animal.
The cause of an incorrectly performed operation cannot be ruled out. The remaining ovarian tissue can regenerate and grow back. This process is called ovarioreminant syndrome - an uncommon occurrence that occurs due to the unprofessionalism of the veterinarian. In these cases, the cat meows after sterilization and can accept the cat. She requires a repeat ectomy of the formed ovaries and remaining tissue.

Physiology: hormonal changes

It is possible that the cat raises the back of its body and walks due to the functioning of the hormonal system even before the intervention. Sometimes the female screams again if castration is carried out at the age of over 1 year, especially when lambing has already occurred. In such a situation, the cat may want a cat for up to 12 months. There may also be an excess of hormones produced by the pituitary gland, adrenal glands or hypothalamus.

Psychological reasons

A successfully carried out procedure leads to a solution to the problem of missed trays.
Thanks to the ectomy of the reproductive organs, the female does not suffer from constant hormonal changes, does not want a cat and stops screaming. The pet becomes calmer. After castration, cats are less aggressive and conflict-free, and regularly go to the litter box. The instinct to procreate after removal of the reproductive organs is absent, which means the female does not require a male. If a kitten is neutered before her first heat, she will not meow.


A similar pathology forms in an animal even when it is in the womb.
Scientists call it ectopic ovarian tissue syndrome.

The problem is that during the formation of the ovaries, some tissue cells end up in another part of the animal’s body, and it is simply impossible to identify them in the formed and strengthened cat’s body.


Such a hereditary predisposition is very rare.

Sterilization or castration: which is better to choose?

An ectomy is a serious process, but it has many benefits. Thanks to the procedure of removing the reproductive organs, the female has no surges in hormones. The cat becomes calmer after surgery. The process has a beneficial effect on the health and condition of the pets; they do not want to go for walks. Extomy of the reproductive organs eliminates the likelihood of the formation of inflammatory processes in the ovaries and uterus, which are dangerous for the animal and can be fatal.

Veterinarians consider sterilization a pointless operation, because the organs continue to produce hormones. The cat is still equally bothered by hormonal surges, which manifest themselves as follows:

After this procedure, the animal will still periodically meow and look for a partner.

  • The animal walks and continues to meow.
  • The pet is lethargic and apathetic, refuses to eat.

The female can ignore the tray during estrus and is capable of marking her territory. Moreover, the ovaries and uterus can become inflamed when females are walking, without gestation, which should end estrus. This can even lead to the formation of cancer in the reproductive organs. Therefore, professionals recommend castrating the animal to avoid side effects, additional stress, the likelihood of inflammatory processes and even oncology.

Should a cat stop marking?

The female stops marking after sterilization if she has not yet reached sexual maturity at the time of the operation.
Otherwise, such sexual behavior has already been established, and the lack of hormones may not affect it. In addition, this behavior completely depends on the character of the cat. She may not like such a small thing as the location of the tray, unknown and unpleasant odors, or simply the surrounding environment, but she can express her dissatisfaction in one of the few ways - by leaving marks.

The owner can deal with this problem in several ways.

  1. Ensure good ventilation in the house, eliminating unpleasant odors.
  2. Make sure the cat is not bothered by anything. In case of anxiety, you can rub flower infusions into the inside of the ear. They can also be added to the water that the animal drinks - no more than 1-2 drops.
  3. Special preparations sold in pet stores can eliminate the odors of existing marks. Their use is quite lengthy: most often, the areas marked by the cat must be treated every day for a month.


Of course, all of the above should be put into effect only after the owner is convinced that sexual behavior has been consolidated and the operation has been performed correctly. If the production of hormones in the cat's body continues, the above methods may not help.

What to do?

If a cat meows for a long time and asks for a cat, then the right option would be to consult a doctor; you should not take independent steps to alleviate the pet’s condition.

If your animal continues to exhibit this behavior, you should consult a doctor.
Only a veterinarian, after examining the animal, will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis, and relying on test results to confirm it. After the disease has been diagnosed, it is possible to prescribe the optimal treatment process, which will be suitable on an individual basis. The use of sedative hormones is contraindicated. This may contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors. Often, your veterinarian will suggest using safe herbal sedatives. It is also important after surgery to gradually reduce the amount of food or switch to a less caloric one. This is done for the following reasons:

  • After removal of the reproductive organs, the animal is prone to weight gain.
  • Excess energy interferes with calm.

If overexcited, the veterinarian suggests placing the cat separately. A minimal amount of stress will speed up the onset of peace and help avoid drug therapy. Often, in the postoperative period, the female recovers quickly. On day 2 the animal is already active. If the cat starts screaming after the intervention, the veterinarian prescribes Depogeston or Covinavet, Gestrenol or Libidomin.

Types of operations

Sterilization can be of two types:

  • Ovariohysterectomy – removal of the uterus and ovaries;
  • Ovariectomy - removal of only the ovaries;
  • Hysterectomy – removal of only the uterus;
  • Tubal occlusion is the tightening or cutting of the fallopian tubes.

If the pet still has ovaries, she cannot become pregnant, but the production of sex hormones remains, which characterizes the possibility of continued estrus. Before sterilizing a cat, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the types of operations and all their consequences.

Why does a cat always ask for food: 5 features that are important to know

Everyone knows that cats love to eat, but, unlike dogs, they do not suffer from a manic need for food. If the cat is hungry, he will, of course, “inform” the owner about this, although caring owners of mustachioed tabby cats themselves remember that it is time to feed the pet.

But what if the cat constantly asks for food? How to explain this, and what could be the reasons?

No. 1 Kitty asks for a treat

If you often pamper your purr with treats, then he may well begin to “beg” even if he has just eaten. Cats know very well where everything is, so if your pet looks expressively at the shelf where his favorite treat is located, it means that he is not so much hungry as he wants to “treat himself” to something tasty.

No. 2 The cat has eaten his portion, but asks for more

This problem often concerns castrated animals, which, due to hormonal changes, actually have an increased appetite. This is usually a temporary phenomenon, and it goes away as soon as the cat’s body adapts to its new state.

If your tailed pet is overweight and asks for more, this indicates that the cat has a stretched stomach and needs more food to be satisfied. In this case, you will need the help of a veterinarian, since it is not so easy to put an overweight cat on a diet.

No. 3 The cat eats quickly, but then asks for more

This behavior can be detected in a cat that has been starving for a long time. Greed for food and eating it without even chewing are signs that may suggest the sad past of a pet who has known a hungry life on the street.

Here the hunger has an exclusively psychological reason - the cat is afraid that the food will run out and the next one will not be given. If so, you need to eat for future use.

No. 4 Parasites as a cause of increased appetite

Does your pet demand food even though it just recently ate? This may be a signal that the cat has worms. If he is still not gaining weight, then you should consult a veterinarian about anthelmintic therapy.

Of course, there are many methods for identifying parasites, but a change in appetite is a sign that should not be ignored.

No. 5 The cat has an increased appetite, but is losing weight

If your cat eats a lot but is losing weight, there is cause for concern. A pet’s increased appetite may indicate serious diseases, the most common of which are diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and even malignant tumors.

To find out what is happening to the cat, you must visit the veterinarian and do all the necessary tests. After receiving the results, the situation will certainly become clearer.

Well, we hope that your pet has a healthy appetite and loves to eat delicious food simply because food gives him pleasure!


Pet aggression

Cat after sterilization: care at home

After recovering from anesthesia after surgery, the animal experiences stress and pain, which will cease to manifest itself only after a few days. The main sign of postoperative discomfort is the manifestation of aggression. The animal scratches, bites, growls and hisses. It reacts sharply to any noise and behavior of others. Even attacks on people are possible. In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian on what to do. Most likely, the animal will need to organize a separate room where no one will disturb it for several days.

False pregnancy

After sterilization, a cat can be deceived by its own hormones. False pregnancy is a common occurrence in cats, and hormonal imbalances can trigger it. In addition, if mating has been made with a male, the female may also subsequently decide that she is pregnant.

A cat owner can identify the problem by a number of characteristic signs:

  • the pet begins to look for a “nest” for itself: rummaging in closets and other secluded corners;
  • change in behavior: females often become overly affectionate, or, conversely, do not want to make contact with people;
  • the cat begins to carry various small objects (“kittens”) in its teeth.

You may also notice increased discharge from the vulva, enlargement of the abdomen and nipples, milk production, changes in appetite and other symptoms.

The manifestation of a false pregnancy after sterilization should be discussed with a veterinarian. This is very important, because sometimes such a failure can lead to the development of such unpleasant diseases as mastitis, pyometra, and in rare cases, tumors and endometritis.

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