How to bury a cat and where to do it correctly


This type of burial of cats is perhaps the simplest and most harmless today.
It not only saves you from searching for a burial place, but also will not cause any harm to the health of the people around you. There are not only crematoria for people, but crematoria for animals have also appeared long ago. And what’s surprising is that there are a sufficient number of them.

You can take the urn with the cat’s ashes with you and scatter them in the air, or you can leave them in the cemetery. Everyone chooses the method that is more suitable for them.

There are two types of cremation: general and individual

. Individual is carried out if the owner takes the pet’s ashes with him.

The simplest option

For those who have a summer house. Where can you bury a cat, if not on the plot? The owner will be calm that he buried his pet’s body and will always be able to come to his grave.

For burial, a hole is dug at least 1 meter deep. The cat can be put in a box, or simply wrapped in cloth. After all the manipulations, the fresh grave can be decorated. For example, put up a large stone - a monument with the name and years of life of the animal. Many owners line the grave with small stones.

How to choose a burial site on the site?

The grave cannot be made next to a well.

Ideally, the pet's final resting place should be on the outskirts of the site. Where nothing grows and where children hardly go.

How to prepare

When burying a pet, you should inquire about local prohibitions, and then choose a burial site, coffin and headstone. The actions boil down to placing the pet in a coffin, digging a hole, and finally decorating the grave with decorations

Paying attention to these details will make it psychologically easier to say goodbye to your pet.

You should think about how easy it is for a pet owner to recover from stress.

Theoretically, the acceptable period for ending suffering for a deceased animal is about a year.

If, based on past experience, such a period lasts longer for a person, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​burying the pet himself. The funeral must be carried out no later than 24 hours after the death of the pet. If the period drags on, it will be much harder to survive the event. Of particular importance is the time when the funeral occurs after surgery, protracted treatment, or during the summer season.


Difficulties are possible if seasonal and weather conditions are unsuitable: a funeral will require a hole at least 0.8 meters deep, which is not easy to organize in winter or during rain. Insufficient deepening may cause body odor to attract wild animals who will dig up the ground. It is advisable to cover the gravestone with stones, but you should not make it particularly noticeable in places not intended for burial, so as not to attract undue attention from people.

If the owner of the animal is against cremation, the burial site is cleared of snow, the ground is cut with a chainsaw, and an additional hole is dug with a shovel.

If it is not possible to bury the cat immediately, you can seek the help of a veterinarian, asking him to preserve the pet’s body. If you need to wait a few days, storing the body in a polystyrene foam container filled with ice is acceptable.

Self burial

If you decide to bury an animal on the territory of a private home, you can choose a place where the cat liked to play and relax. A secluded area is suitable, not used for planting vegetables and not favored by residents, so that people not initiated into the ritual do not step on the burial, and children do not use the place for games. For the procedure, you will need gloves when touching the cat's body, a container, and a rope for tying the box if it will be used.

It is recommended to pour a layer of bleach at the bottom of the container so that no harmful substances are released into the air when the body decomposes, and then place your pet’s favorite items in it. You can write the name of the animal on a large stone, and plant a plant or tree on the grave itself.

How to honor the memory of a pet and not break the laws, but is there a choice?

According to generally accepted rules, dead animals cannot be buried in cities. Violation of this rule is punishable by a fine and is considered an administrative crime. The exception is cities with established animal cemeteries.

, but as you understand, there are very few such cities.

Most animal owners have no idea about the existence of such prohibitions and bury their pets in the city. Cats are usually escorted:

  • In parks.
  • Near bodies of water.
  • In spacious clearings.
  • In small forest plantations.

To bury a cat using one of these options, you need to act in the evening or at night, since during the day there will be a dozen very excited people who will not survive if they do not know where and why you are going to dig. In addition to onlookers, the owner runs the risk of running into the police, whose employees will tell you in detail what an administrative violation is and what its consequences are. Is all this trouble necessary for an owner who is already grieving?

Burial places not prohibited by law

The law does not prohibit burying animals in specially equipped cemeteries. Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity, since only a few cities are ready to allocate a plot of land for burying animals. If the city government takes such a step, a service (private or city) must be created that carries out the procedure in accordance with sanitary standards

. The funeral service receives permission for its activities and, in theory, is controlled by the authorized bodies. Naturally, the services of such services are paid. The owner pays for a place in the cemetery, cremation services, burial and, if desired, installation of a tombstone.

By using the services of a funeral service, you are not breaking the law and can take your pet on its final journey without unnecessary worry. It is very important for some owners to have a headstone over their pet's grave; it is legal to install one in a pet cemetery. In most cases, and for a fee, you can hold a funeral ceremony, that is, invite relatives, decorate the tombstone with flowers, etc. The only downside is the inaccessibility. Some cities simply do not have animal cemeteries, and where they exist, most people cannot afford such services.

Important! Pet cemeteries only bury cremated pets because burying the body is considered a violation of health standards.

The only nuance that needs to be taken into account when contacting a funeral service company is legality. Unfortunately, scammers who offer burial services without permission are ready to profit from the grief of the owners. The pet's body is taken away, and then simply thrown away or buried with the animals of other deceived owners.

You can bury a kitten or cat outside the city without costs or breaking the law. It is better to choose a place in the forest where there are dense thickets and perennial trees. The only caveat concerns the weather, because it is difficult to hold a funeral in winter or during rain. For burial, you need to dig a deep hole (at least 0.8 m), since the smell of the body can attract wild forest inhabitants. The gravestone must be covered with stones that will prevent animals from digging into the loose soil.

Note! Do not make the burial site too visible as it may attract people's attention.

Animal cremation

By law, a deceased animal must be cremated

. This method is considered the only one, since animals that die from the virus remain carriers even after death. Theoretically, an animal's body buried in the ground can poison the soil and groundwater.

In accordance with sanitary standards, every city must operate a crematorium in which the bodies of animals killed on the streets are burned. The owner of a pet is obliged to hand over the body of his pet to a public utility service, which is unacceptable for most. However, most businesses offer a choice:

  • General cremation
    – the pet’s body is burned with other animals, and the ashes are disposed of.
  • Individual cremation
    is a paid procedure in which only one animal is burned in the crematorium, and the ashes are given to the owner.

For many, private cremation is becoming a reasonable alternative. It's up to you to decide what to do with the ashes. Usually, the ashes are kept in an urn, buried outside the city, or scattered. By the way, scattering ashes is not always recognized as a legal procedure. For example, ash cannot be spread over water bodies, near livestock farms and equipped areas for animal walking.

Processing and taxidermy

Recently, trends that are completely acceptable in society have been gaining popularity. This wave began in China, where craftsmen were found who were ready to make a stuffed animal, keychain, bag or other accessory out of a deceased pet. This supply did not arise out of the blue, but in response to demand.

The demand arose as expected. People perceive the world differently, some perceive information tactilely, that is, by touch. Having something directly related to the pet at hand makes it easier for some owners to come to terms with the loss. Perhaps this alternative will seem acceptable to you. However, psychologists advise the opposite - get rid of everything that reminds you of your pet (bedding, bowls, toys) when you are ready.

Virtual animal cemetery

A virtual cemetery will not help you resolve the issue of burial, but it will allow you to preserve the memory of your pet. In order not to break the law, owners have to bury animals outside the city or cremate them. In both cases, serious difficulties arise if the owner wants to visit the pet.

At the virtual cemetery, for a small monetary contribution, you can create a personal page for your pet and upload photos and videos there. The web grave can be hung at any time of the year and day, access is always open. In addition, the resources are equipped with forums where grieving owners support each other. Most of these projects are charitable. The proceeds are donated to shelters, to treat animals, or to equip animal cemeteries in the real world.

How to bury a cat correctly

Having received permission to bury a cat on your land, you can safely begin the process itself. If it is a warm season outside and the ground is not frozen, then using a shovel you need to make a hole approximately 1 meter deep. The deeper the hole, the less likely it is that other animals will dig up the grave. The cat must be wrapped in cotton cloth and placed in a box in which the animal's body will comfortably fit. The width of the grave should be slightly wider than the depth of the box in which the animal's body will be located. If possible, it is better to keep the dug hole empty overnight and only after that put your deceased pet there. Afterwards the hole needs to be filled with earth. You can place pebbles around the cat's grave or erect something like a monument.

Burying a cat in winter is more difficult when the ground is frozen and it is difficult to dig a hole. A weak woman is unlikely to cope with this task, so it is better to involve male power in this “operation”. First, you need to clear the proposed grave site from snow with a shovel. After this you will need a chainsaw. Use it to outline the outline of the grave. The outline should be slightly larger than the box in which the pet will lie. Using a chainsaw, dig 10-15 centimeters into the ground. A piece of earth needs to be “cut” with a chainsaw into several parts. For the next step, you will need a crowbar - you need to use it to crush the frozen soil and remove the resulting material with a shovel. Repeat the process until the depth of the grave is 80-100 centimeters. Place the pet in the grave and bury it with earth. The process is not easy, so we advise you to still consider contacting a veterinary clinic to cremate the animal.

Forms of burial

When buried in a certain area, special containers are provided to avoid soil contamination. Some people prefer to bury cats in cardboard boxes, cribs, or towels if there is no desire or opportunity to pay for a coffin. However, there are much more exotic forms of resting an animal.

Processing of ashes

The not-acceptable trend of ashes processing has emerged relatively recently in China: the ashes of a deceased pet are transformed into a small product, an accessory, which, due to its demand, is often at hand. By touching an object that is directly related to the former pet, it is easier for the owner to accept his loss. At the same time, psychologists advise doing the opposite: remove from sight everything that would remind you of the deceased animal, so as not to experience negative emotions once again.

Unfortunately, all pets die for one reason or another - this is always grief for the owner. In the summer, pets are most often buried - but how to bury a cat in the winter, when the ground most often freezes through and there is no way to bury your pet?

Why did the cat die?

First of all, you need to ask yourself why the cat died. For example, death from old age and death from rabies or other “infection” are completely different things. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the funeral of a cat that has died from an infectious disease on your own - and in no case should you bury the pet’s body in the ground, as this can trigger the outbreak of an entire epidemic.

Such a burial is dangerous, since the cat’s grave can be dug up by rodents or other animals, primarily dogs, and become infected and even become spreaders of the infection. In addition, bacteria can penetrate into groundwater, and then the risk of infection increases a hundredfold. In addition to the danger for people and other animals, this method of burying a pet has another drawback, quite material and even a little cynical - a fine for the owner of the deceased animal. It can be very large, especially if someone has already been hurt because of this step, and this has become known.

In other cases, there are several main ways to bury a cat in winter


About the funeral in the park

How and where to bury a cat? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is strictly forbidden to bury pets in parks and in the courtyards of apartment buildings. The decomposition process has not yet been canceled. And along with this, various infections for both people and animals.

And few owners will like it if they bury a pet that has gone to the rainbow, and the grave is disturbed by someone’s children or dogs. Therefore, to the question of how to bury a cat and whether it can be done in the park, there is only one answer - no.

You can bury your pet in the forest, away from parks and city yards. The likelihood that the grave will be disturbed there is minimal.

Where should you not bury a cat?

Being upset and under pressure from the law, some owners decide to bury their pet in the courtyard of a private house, on a summer cottage

or in the garden. There is no need to do this, because over the next few months you will be struggling with the grief of loss, and constantly being near the grave will greatly complicate this process. Having buried your pet at your summer cottage, you will experience pain every time you come for a summer vacation or on other business.

There is no need to bury cats
in a human cemetery
. By committing such an act, you will show disrespect for the relatives of the deceased and, most likely, you will quickly discover the destroyed grave of your pet. Whether you believe in God or not, from the point of view of the church, animals do not have souls and they cannot be buried in a human cemetery. You may not care about this convention, but the cemetery can be visited by religious people who are clearly not comfortable with an animal grave next to human headstones.

The pet died, and my soul felt empty. It would seem that a cat is just an animal, not a person. Why worry? A lot of people think this way, especially older people. They don't understand what the owner feels like. How painful it is to see empty bowls in the kitchen and realize that there is no one else to put food in there.

How to bury a cat in such a way as to pay tribute to an animal that has lived in the family for more than one or two years? Let's talk about this in detail.

Funeral services agency

How to bury a cat? One option is to contact an animal funeral agency. All unpleasant procedures will be taken care of here. You can order a coffin or headstone for your pet, and specialists will dig a grave for your pet.

This service is available to residents of large cities. How to find such an agency? Contact private and public veterinary hospitals. They usually work closely with such companies.

There are funeral agencies for animals from which you can order a coffin and monument. There are those who do cremation. You can order an urn for the ashes from them and carry out the burning itself.

Funerals will cost more than cremation services. If a cat dies, it is cheaper to cremate it. It will cost about 3,000 rubles.

Pet burial places

You can officially bury a cat only with the help of companies that have the appropriate permission to do so in the form of a license. If you don’t have time to look for such a service or financial opportunity, then the easiest way remains is to bury your pet on a personal plot or in the forest.

Do not risk burying your ward in the courtyards of apartment buildings or in parks where there are a lot of people. Firstly, you will not be able to calmly (without prying eyes) say goodbye to your pet, and secondly, self-burying is prohibited by veterinary and sanitary rules and some laws relating to the well-being of the population.

If you decide to bury yourself, then allocate a small plot of land for your pet, where fruits or vegetables will not be grown. Place the person under your care in a cardboard or wooden box, dig a hole at least 60 cm deep (preferably 1 m), pour bleach at the bottom of the hole so that the corpse does not release dangerous toxins during the period of decomposition. Then place the box in the hole and bury it.

Important! Veterinary and sanitary rules for the destruction of biological waste prohibit the burial of domestic animals in the ground. Only burning of corpses is allowed in specially designated places.. To say goodbye to your furry companion and not torment yourself with mental anguish, it is easier to contact a special service that will organize a decent funeral for your pet

To say goodbye to your furry companion and not torment yourself with mental anguish, it is easier to contact a special service that will organize a decent funeral for your pet.

Losing your beloved pet is very painful and difficult. But if this has already happened, we will have to deal with his burial. If the cat does not show signs of life, it is still better to first contact a veterinarian to accurately determine the death of the pet.

Once you receive confirmation from the veterinarian that your pet has died, you can choose two options - either give it for cremation or bury it yourself. Cremation will eliminate questions such as “where to bury?”, “how to bury correctly?”. If you choose general cremation, the animal's ashes will be given to the owner. You don’t have to pick up the ashes, but the veterinary clinic will take them to a pet cemetery. If you know where such cemeteries are located, you can bury your pet there yourself. Burial places are paid and must be “booked” in advance.

If you decide to bury a cat yourself, then before burying it, you need to make sure that the pet did not die from an infectious disease. And certainly not from plague or rabies. Because when the body begins to decompose, infections will spread over the next few kilometers and can harm not only the environment, but also people. According to the rules, it is prohibited to bury such animals - otherwise a fine will be imposed on the owner of the animal. The size of the fine depends on the severity of the disease that the animal suffered from. If someone has already suffered from a serious violation, the size of the fine may increase significantly. It is also prohibited to throw cats into reservoirs, lakes, swamps and places where household waste is dumped. There are also fines for this.

If the animal has not suffered from anything serious or dangerous, you can proceed to the next step - directly burying the pet. If you have your own plot of land, then it is better to bury the cat there. Because burial in a common yard or in a park also entails a fine.

Bury yourself or ask for help?

You can organize the funeral of a domestic cat yourself or use the services of specialized companies. They must have the appropriate license. Professionals will take care of the cremation of the animal, provide a place in a special cemetery, dig a grave and, at the request of the owners, install a slab or tombstone. The only difficulty is that scammers may try to profit from the grief of owners who have lost a pet, and instead of burying it in a special place, they will throw the animal into a landfill.

If you bury a cat yourself in winter, then one of the main problems is digging a grave. Its depth should start from 80 centimeters - this is a requirement of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Since the ground can freeze during the cold season, you need to prepare not only a shovel, but also a crowbar and a grinder for cutting the soil and crushing large layers.

It happened

Even in the morning the cat was enjoying life: he ate with gusto, then played. During the day he disappeared somewhere, but his owners didn’t catch him right away. And in the evening they found a pet in the closet. Already cooled down. Unfortunately, this happens. An old animal may show exceptional activity before death. And then quietly hides to die.

The cat died, and the house immediately became empty. The old man lived in the house for more than ten years, and now he is gone. This does not fit into consciousness. Alas, animals sooner or later leave this world, just like people.

It is doubly offensive and painful when a young cat passes away. Due to prolonged illness or accident. How to bury your pet with dignity? More on this in the following paragraphs.

Burial in an animal cemetery

A large number of cemeteries have already been built abroad, which involve the burial of pets. Unfortunately, in Russia there are no more than two dozen such cemeteries. To be able to bury a cat in such a cemetery, you also need to try very hard. Be sure to obtain written permission from the local authorities and, as it were, reserve a place for this. In general, this procedure is no different from human burial.

If you have the opportunity and permission to bury your cat on a plot of land, then you should prepare for this procedure in advance. It's definitely worth digging a grave, which should stand in this condition for at least a night.

It is best to wrap the body of a deceased cat in cotton cloth and place it in a box (it doesn’t matter what it is, as long as the body fits freely in there). After this, the box is placed in the grave and buried.

It is very important that the grave is deep and that none of the animals could dig it up. You can leave some identifying marks at the burial site, for example, fencing the grave with pebbles or planting ornamental grass.

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