How to make a cat affectionate: secrets of proper upbringing

The results of recent studies have confirmed what cat lovers already knew - these graceful animals become attached to their owners like children. Moreover, cats are not at all asocial animals and remember their names perfectly. However, very often communication with a cat is complicated by mutual misunderstanding: we do not always recognize not only the needs and desires of the cat, but also do not understand its behavior. But the position of the body, ears and tail can tell a lot about how these amazing animals feel. However, the most surprising results were the results of the online study catdogwelfare - you can understand its mood by the expression of a cat’s face.

A happy cat is a happy cat (and his human)

Who is the head in this house?

Cat. Just accept it, it will be easier. Of course, any person understands that he is stronger, smarter and has more opportunities to achieve goals. But in many cases, the reason why a cat is not affectionate is because the pet has realized this too. There is no need to demonstrate your superiority for any reason; let the cat believe that it is at least on an equal footing with the rest of the family. Cats do not know how to obey; they are loners by nature. If the cat realizes that it is not in charge, it will leave the area and look for a more suitable place. This is impossible for a pet, hence the stress and anger. It is important not to put a dog on the same level as people, but with cats it’s the other way around - the more self-confident they are, the fewer reasons for aggression.

Cuffs, slaps with a newspaper, a stream of water in the face - all this frightens the cat. A frightened animal is not able to perceive information. Cats, like dogs, don't learn anything good from being scared and punished.

However, the above does not mean that you need to pamper your pet, indulging all her whims. An affectionate cat and an insolent cat are two big differences. It’s just that in the process of upbringing you need to control yourself: never shout, never force, never punish. Persuasion and cunning are your weapons. Play a trick - pretend to be a cat, hiss, but don’t forget to praise when your pet deserves it.


Losing part of your body, becoming different from everyone else is certainly scary and difficult for any living creature. A cat named Duck lost two legs at once and could have died or completely lost the ability to move, but she chose the path of life and struggle. Surprisingly, the girl not only survived, but also learned again not only to walk, but even to run. She did not become a sad or embittered creature. Despite all the hardships and difficulties, the cat Duck found a new family and remained a cheerful and life-loving creature.

I eat it myself, I won’t give it to anyone!

A very affectionate cat is a contented cat. And what kind of satisfaction can we talk about when people interfere in such an intimate process as eating? Remember how cats eat in nature - alone, away from everyone, in a secluded place. The beloved should eat in a calm environment, on an elevated platform, without the accompaniment of an orchestra of rattling pans. The cat does not understand that the child screaming nearby is not at all encroaching on her lunch. Eating in constant tension, hastily, swallowing huge pieces, the cat experiences stress.

Tenderness on schedule

Remember that this is not a battery-powered toy, but a living creature. Only a few pets are willing to wait forever until the owner has time to communicate. A very affectionate cat is a caressed cat with whom they “talk”, hug, watch TV together and relax together reading the newspaper. But there is so much work and other important things to do... As they say, let the whole world wait, ten minutes of respite will not hurt anyone.

You can’t get a kitten when you have little time left to communicate with it. The kitten will grow up quickly, and he will grow up unsociable, not tame and not affectionate. Even adult animals, which were temporarily forgotten, are gradually becoming wild. And the baby, growing up alone, will close himself off from people with a thick wall of mistrust...

However, you should not impose. Cats, like people, can have different moods. Even an overly affectionate cat sometimes wants to take a peaceful nap on the windowsill or just sit in deep thought on important cat topics. As you pass by, scratch the beauty behind the ear - fleetingly, without pressure. She answered with a purr - we can “talk” a little. Didn't you deign to purr? Well, okay, we'll talk later. Many owners are surprised why their cat is not affectionate: “We pet her all day, scratch her, hug her, there is always someone at home and we always make contact, but she just doesn’t want to purr and be caressed.” Where exactly! I wouldn’t howl like a dog at such a blatant violation of the intimate area!

Fingering with paws

A kind of cat massage, during which the animal gently moves its paws, dates back to the very birth of the kitten, when it, feasting on its mother’s milk, thus kneads its belly. Such behavior indicates the highest degree of satisfaction, complete comfort and security. All this is felt by adult animals, mentally returning to a carefree “pink” childhood.

A tame animal?

When people decide to get a kitten for the first time and contact a cattery, they ask breeders the same questions. One of these questions is: “Show me how to properly pick up a baby?” And they are surprised when they hear in response: “Why pick him up?” This point is unclear to many owners, but for a cat to become very affectionate, you don’t need to constantly carry it in your arms. Cats are independent and perceive any restriction of movement as a danger. Will a kitten be affectionate, being in a state of fear all the first days in a new home?

But I want to! He's so cute! Place the baby on your lap, without holding him by force, and be as gentle as you like. How to trim claws? Sitting next to a cat, there is no need to grab and wring your pet, as if you were a fascist caught in the Russian forests. Should I put him in the bath? Place your palm under the chest and carefully lift it, stroking the back with your free hand. The cat must feel that it can leave at any moment, only then will it trust the person.

Why is it necessary to know the gender of a kitten?

To avoid problems in raising and maintaining your pet, you need to understand in advance how cats differ from cats.

The characteristic sexual characteristics of your pet will help you decide on some important questions:

  • according to statistics, males of some breeds are valued in nurseries an order of magnitude higher than cats;
  • In order not to be mistaken with the baby’s nickname, you should immediately find out whether it is a girl or a boy;
  • Most likely, the kitten will require certain veterinary procedures in the future - sterilization of cats and castration of cats, respectively.

The most important point is that if, after reaching a certain age, the cat remains without sterilization, there is a possibility of “replenishing the family” - especially if it is a pet living in a private house with free access to the yard. It is this nuance that future owners first take into account, since this sensitive issue will not arise with a cat.

High relationship

Think about how to raise an affectionate cat if your pet constantly feels tension, stress and anxiety? Of course not. A contact trusting cat is a cat that feels safe. What do small cats do when threatened? Of course, they climb the nearest tree. It just so happens that in nature cats have almost no enemies capable of catching up with the agile steeplejack. Therefore, it is extremely important that the cat has a lot of shelters at height: playing complexes in the ceiling, “trees” for climbing, hanging houses, shelves and ladders.

Toys or games?

Manufacturers of pet products regularly replenish the range of toys with a variety of options for “prey” for domestic predators: wind-up mice, on a string, on a spring, glowing balls, fragrant fish and fishing rods... But to raise a cat to be affectionate and sociable, it is not enough to spend a certain amount on new items from the store . Games must be joint, regular, within the family circle. By playing together, a person and a cat learn to understand each other, trust each other and, ultimately, certainly become closer.

Never use your hands or feet to try to get your cat's attention. Don't tease her by scratching your fingers along the upholstery of the sofa. Human legs and arms are an absolute taboo. Explain to everyone at home that scratched skin and torn clothes are not your dream. If a kitten attacks in the heat of play, grabbing the skin with its teeth or claws, do not pull your hand away. Freeze, look closely at the bully and hiss threateningly - he will let you go...

How do cats choose their favorite owner?

Cats are hard to please. Maybe decades of adoration have turned them into picky little lords. For some, this is a quality to be avoided, but for true cat lovers, this is what makes cats so special.

Perhaps it is this difficult position that pushes us to the edge of madness and this incessant desire for feline recognition. But what criteria should we check off their list of requirements before a cat decides to not only adopt us, but allow us to love them and get that love back?

Early binding

A bond between a person and a cat can occur at any time. In other words, a cat is never too old to choose you! Of course, forming a strong bond with the kitten you're fostering will usually be easier simply because he's so impressionable.

According to studies of cat social behavior, the socialization period for cats begins to shorten at 7-9 weeks of age. During this period, communication with cats, other animals and, of course, people prevents feelings of fear. Of course, older cats who are used to the presence of people will not feel this fear, but it is true that many homeless cats have had to rely on this fear to survive.

This period of kitten socialization often results in the cat becoming attached to another cat or to their trusted caretaker. I had the pleasure of experiencing the love between a rescue kitten and an older cat I found on the street. It really taught me that while it is easier to bond with a kitten by becoming its mother, an adult cat can have the same potential for love.

The secret is communication

If you go to couples therapy, the first thing you'll probably hear is that communication is key. Well, cats are no different. So, whether you are the owner of a kitten or an adult cat, you must learn how to effectively communicate with them and meet their needs.

A study of 12 cats and their owners by Moria Galvan and Jennifer Vonk of Oakland University in Rochester helped shed light on cats' ability to monitor and pay attention to human emotions. This study showed that animals behaved differently when their owner smiled than when they frowned. The smiling owner received a positive response by purring, rubbing or sitting on the lap. On the other hand, the frown was met with less enthusiasm.

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Personality matters

The relationship between people and cats is a two-way street, and compatibility can be important. Just as each person is a unique individual, so are our feline companions. Various factors determine their preferences, which are influenced by how early they were socialized, their personal quirks and, in some cases, their breed.

A team of researchers from the University of Helsinki has produced an impressive report on “Breed Differences in Inherited Behavioral Traits in Cats.” According to their research, they were able to study 19 breeds and see which ones were more likely to seek out human contact. They found which breed was more reserved when it came to strangers or new stimuli. They also discovered which breeds were more likely to show signs of aggression towards family members, strangers or other cats.

The breed of your cat may be an additional factor, but as previously established, there are several layers to a cat's personality. Cats exposed to a variety of people and animals can grow into social and carefree individuals. But that doesn't mean everyone does; some may be more withdrawn and distant, just as a kitten accustomed to one caregiver may never feel comfortable with strangers.

Understanding cat psychology and behavior is key to keeping your kitten happy in your home. It is important that their happiness is achieved not only through nutrition, but also through providing security, comfort and tender attention.

Hooray? Victory?

Goodbye scratched hands! Now my beast will surely become the most affectionate cat! We hasten to disappoint: failure to fulfill at least one of the conditions can lead to open aggression, but strict adherence to all recommendations does not guarantee a sociable character. The fact is that all the advice on the topic “How to make a cat affectionate” does not work in a number of cases:

  • if the kitten has inherited a quarrelsome character, that is, there is a “harmful gene”, you will have to put up with some inconveniences. Hereditary aggression does not recede in the face of proper upbringing, but only subsides a little. This is why breeders remove all cats with mental disorders from breeding;
  • if a kitten is born in a basement, and its mother is a semi-wild cat, hissing at all passers-by and attacking anyone who dares to reach out to the kittens, the baby’s character will never become absolutely trusting. Wildness is an explosive mixture of genetics and early experience; coping with it is very difficult or impossible in some cases;
  • debates on the topic “Who is more affectionate, a cat or a cat?” will continue forever. And all because the character of a pet depends little on gender. An affectionate cat is a cat who is completely satisfied with life. And so that all efforts do not go in vain, it is important to remember that the pet’s health comes first. When feeling unwell, not a single cat will be happy with a new toy, will not be able to truly enjoy a delicious dinner, or will trustfully relax under a person’s hand. If your cat is aggressive for no apparent reason, be sure to take her to the vet. Perhaps this is due to a chronic illness that exhausts the pet physically and emotionally. By the way, if an unsociable cat suddenly becomes too affectionate, a visit to the doctor is also necessary - such changes can signal hormonal problems and other ailments.

Patience, attention to detail and the awareness that a cat has its own passions and interests will definitely help you raise a cozy pet from a small predator. Study the life of cats in nature - this greatly helps to understand the behavior of your pet in a given situation.


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