How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat, and how to calm it down?

When a cat begins to ask for a cat, the owner who has encountered this for the first time is very worried. After all, during sexual heat, the pet screams wildly and behaves inappropriately. Not every person is able to remain calm; many are looking for any ways to calm it down. Folk remedies, sedative pills and even hormonal drugs are used.

Let's find out which methods of suppressing the symptoms of estrus are safe for cats and why you should decide to sterilize.

At what age does a cat start walking?

Cats start yelling at different ages. In some animals, puberty occurs earlier, in others - later. This depends on many factors:

  • breed affiliation;
  • fatness;
  • conditions of detention;
  • pet's temperament;
  • heredity.

The first time a cat begins to ask for a cat is when mature eggs are already being produced in her ovaries. In most cases, sexual heat begins between 6 and 10 months, but there are exceptions.

In any case, mating during the first few heats is not advisable. After all, for the body to fully form and strengthen, it needs more time.

It is extremely rare for cats to start asking for a cat at the age of 5 months. Such early maturation indicates the presence of health problems. In this case, it is advisable to show the animal to a veterinarian. You will also need to consult a specialist if your first heat starts after a year.

Symptoms of estrus

It's impossible not to notice when a cat asks for a date with a cat. Signs by which you can determine that your pet has gone on a spree:

  1. The cat screams and meows protractedly at the top of her voice. Some owners get scared - they think she is sick. In fact, this is a natural process. The female attracts potential suitors with a loud cry.
  2. When a cat asks for a cat, she leaves marks in the house. It is unknown whether she does this on purpose or not. The fact is that during the hunting period a special mucous secretion is released from the vulva. In nature, its smell attracts cats.
  3. The cat becomes very affectionate, gentle, constantly rubs against the owner’s legs and purrs. In rare cases, the pet behaves in the opposite way - it becomes irritable and aggressive.
  4. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  5. When a cat asks for a cat, she takes a characteristic pose - arching her back and raising her butt. The tail is moved to the side. In this way, the female shows the male that she is ready for mating.
  6. It is easy to understand that a cat wants a cat by its loss of appetite. The pet rarely approaches the food bowl and eats little. Some individuals generally lose interest in food, they even refuse their favorite treat.

You should not worry about the cat’s well-being during this period - when the heat ends, everything will return to normal. The behavior will become habitual, an appetite will appear, and the pet will stop behaving inappropriately.

Mistakes of owners in methods of calming down

The pet behaves unusually at this time, the owner needs to react correctly. You cannot respond to aggression with punishment or try to silence it with a shout. It is better to leave an irritated animal alone and give it time to recover.

Murka must have her own place, it is necessary to provide her with the opportunity to retire, especially if there is a dog or other pets in the house. You need to react in a similar way to any changes in behavior, for example, if she shits anywhere. Gradually, the body will return to normal, the correct habits will be restored.

Some people mistakenly consider valerian to be a sedative, but for fluffies it is a stimulant that increases sexual desire. Contact with valerian is undesirable during the rest period; during the active phase, the pathogen will cause harm; the drug must be removed out of reach.

You should not try to use Corvalol, Valocordin, glycine, motherwort, or “human” medications to calm the baby, without a veterinarian’s prescription; special feline homeopathy is preferable.

Catnip is used as a sedative, but it is a pathogen that acts much more mildly than valerian

Suitable for correcting the behavior of cats; use the product carefully during sexual activity. Sometimes there is a need to vaccinate, i.e.

vaccinate or worm the cat during estrus. There are no significant contraindications for this, but permission from a veterinarian is required.

A terrible mistake would be uncontrolled, too long-term use of hormonal drugs. Using alternative sedatives is a temporary measure. Even if it is possible to relieve the symptoms, complications from empty heats are almost inevitable. The cat must be regularly mated with a male cat or sterilized.

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

The length of the period during which cats ask for a cat differs from individual to individual. On average, estrus lasts 7-10 days.

The period of sexual hunting can be divided into several stages. Each of them has certain characteristics:

  1. Proestrus. The cat begins to ask for a cat, but at the same time she is not yet ready for effective mating. Her estrogen levels increase. Sexual heat begins - the external genitalia increase slightly in size, and transparent discharge appears from the vulva. Behavior changes - the cat rubs against objects for a long time, requires more attention and affection. Appetite decreases. The duration of proestrus is 2-3 days.
  2. Estrus. The cat is already ready for mating. If she has a date with a cat during this period, she is more likely to get pregnant. The pet feels increasing excitement, this is eloquently evidenced by her behavior - loud inviting cries, adoption of a characteristic pose for mating. The duration of estrus is 3-4 days, in some individuals it lasts longer.
  3. Metestrus. The level of estrogen in the cat’s body decreases, and along with it, interest in representatives of the opposite sex disappears. Some females even feel irritated at the sight of a male. The cat no longer asks the cat, does not allow him to approach, drives him away with hiss.
  4. Anestrus. At this stage, the hormonal levels stabilize and the cat calms down.

The frequency of the onset of estrus differs between domestic and wild animals. This process is influenced by the length of daylight hours, quality of nutrition, breed and other factors.

On average, cats ask for a male cat every 3-4 weeks, provided that mating has not occurred.

Reasons for lack of estrus

Among the reasons for a long-term lack of desire to mate are:

  • predisposition caused by genetic breed characteristics;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • endocrine shift;
  • pathological condition of the ovaries;
  • hermaphroditism, etc.

There are emotional factors that cause sexual dysfunction. Lack of hunting is observed in individuals that are kept indoors, do not have contact with other representatives of their species, and do not observe normal sexual behavior.

Purebred females over one and a half years old who are involved in breeding require treatment to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. Pets kept for pleasure do not need such treatment. The veterinarian will examine the pet; if other pathologies do not appear, treatment is not necessary. Periodic preventive examinations will be required.

How long after giving birth does estrus occur?

The frequency of sexual estrus depends on whether pregnancy has occurred. If a cat has a date with a cat, then she bears the offspring for about 2 months, and then feeds them. Then the next estrus begins 30-50 days after lambing or 10-14 days after the end of lactation. In the wild, cats go into heat on average 2-3 times a year. If there was no mating, then the next time the estrus will begin in 3-4 weeks.

In rare cases, nursing cats ask for a male cat as early as 2 weeks after lambing. If mating does not occur during this period, the next estrus will begin again after 14-21 days.

If the date with the male takes place, then a new pregnancy will not occur, since the uterus has not yet had time to recover and the process of feeding the kittens is underway. But mating during the next heat is more likely to be effective.

When can you eat and drink after surgery?

You should not strictly limit yourself in nutrition, you will need strength to recover - you can eat as soon as the anesthesia wears off, namely after 2-3 hours. You can drink it immediately after you remove the cotton swab. Until this point, it is undesirable for food particles or bacteria to get into the open hole.

In the first 3-5 days, you need to take into account several nuances in nutrition so that further healing of the wound goes well:

  • food should be warm. Hot or cold food will irritate tissues and cause blood vessels to dilate or constrict, which can cause new bleeding,
  • It is better to exclude rough food to avoid mechanical damage to the wound. Soups, purees, baked and boiled foods, minced meat dishes,
  • Do not chew food on the side where the tooth was removed to keep the protective clot intact.

Carefully! Many people mistakenly believe that in the first days it is better to drink and eat liquid foods through a straw. But in fact, suction creates a vacuum in the mouth, which can displace the clot or disrupt its integrity. Should not be doing that. For the same reason, you should not spit or suck in your cheeks.

Behavior problems

When cats ask for a date with a cat, household members have a hard time. The constant screaming makes it impossible to sleep at night. Some people can’t stand it and lock their pets in one of the rooms. Others wet the animal’s fur with water in the evenings. This allows you to gain an hour of silence while the cat licks its fur coat. But as soon as she dries up, she starts asking for the cat again. This behavior is exhausting and forces you to try different ways.

Is it possible to calm a cat at home?

Simply petting and calming a cat that asks for a cat is unlikely to work. You will have to be patient and wait until the heat ends.

Numerous “folk” tips on how to calm a pet usually turn out to be ineffective:

  1. Pet your pet more often. Showing attention will only increase arousal.
  2. Give sedatives. They will not help because the animal is not stressed. They are driven by the instinct of reproduction. Such medications only slightly dull the desire to mate.
  3. Feed the cat with products containing pheromones like Feliway. During sexual hunting they are completely useless. Such drugs help to quickly adapt to a new place and to endure the trip more calmly, but they do not pacify natural instincts.

Calming medications for cats

Sometimes veterinarians recommend taking sedatives. Such medications help to dull arousal a little, but their main purpose is to achieve mental lability, eliminate aggression and anxiety.

List of drugs and method of use:

  1. Cat Baiyun. A medicine based on herbs with a sedative effect - valerian roots, oregano, sweet clover, mint, motherwort, hop cones and others. As soon as the cat begins to ask for a cat, she is given 2 ml of medicine three times a day for 5-7 days.
  2. Fitex drops. A sedative with herbal components – valerian, motherwort, hop extract. The medicine normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, muffles the feeling of fear and aggression. If a cat wants a cat, or vice versa, then the pet is given 3-5 drops of the product in the morning, lunch and evening for several days.
  3. Drops for cats Stop stress. The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. The medicine contains aminophenylbutyric acid and extracts of valerian, catnip, hops and motherwort. This remedy helps reduce agitation and correct the animal's behavior in stressful situations. Directions for use: 1 drop per 1 kg of weight twice a day.

Sedatives should not be given to a cat for a long time. They are allowed to be used for no more than 10 days. And you should not expect that these medications will completely eliminate sexual arousal. They can only slightly smooth out the symptoms of estrus.

Artificial ovulation

Sometimes the safest and most effective way to calm a cat so that she does not ask for a cat is to artificially induce ovulation. This method is suitable if the pet cannot be given for mating right now for some reason. For example, if she is in her first heat or a worthy candidate for mating has not yet been found.

In some cases, veterinarians show owners how to simulate sexual intercourse at home, which will cause ovulation. To do this, you will need a small phallic-shaped object about 4-5 mm thick and 1.5-2 cm long. A cotton swab wrapped in a fingertip or something similar will do. The cat is held by the withers. When she is in the mating position, the object is gently inserted into her vagina.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure 3-4 times within 12 hours. After this, the pet should ovulate, which will provoke a false pregnancy.

The heat will stop, the cat will calm down, stop asking for the cat and will prepare for the appearance of kittens. Some females begin to arrange a place for birth. During a false pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, so milk may be released from the mammary glands.

Attention! The artificial ovulation technique cannot be used every time the cat asks for a cat. This can cause inflammation in the uterus.

What not to do

Some actions of owners can harm the cat. For example, you cannot lock an animal in a cellar or bathroom. Being alone will have a negative impact on your mental health.

It is also undesirable to let your cat outside unattended, because it could get hit by a car, contract a virus, or become a victim of aggressive dogs. In addition, uncontrolled walking during estrus can lead to mating with an outdoor cat.

You should not punish her, yell at her, or hit her. This will not help solve the problem, because the animal is at the mercy of instincts. The pet will still continue to scream and roll on the floor.

The most complete reminder for patients after tooth extraction

So, you left the doctor's office - the surgeon asked you to tightly squeeze a gauze pad with your teeth, which will help stop the bleeding. You need to hold it for about 20-30 minutes, that is, while you fill out the necessary documents at the clinic or go home. Remove the tampon carefully, moving it slightly to the side, without sudden movements, so as not to damage the fresh blood clot.

Very important! A thrombus (usually called a “blood clot”) protects the wound from microbes and prevents pieces of food and saliva from accumulating in the hole during the first week of rehabilitation. This is a natural sterile dressing that starts the process of new tissue formation. The most important rule that will protect you from complications and severe inflammation of the wound is to never remove the clot, do not touch it with your tongue or fingers, do not touch it with a toothbrush and protect it from other influences. Gradually it will resolve on its own.

Do not keep the tampon in place for more than 30 minutes - gauze soaked in blood and saliva will quickly become a breeding ground for infection. In addition, a blood clot is forming in the hole - the presence of a foreign body and additional injury are of no use to it. You need to give the wound the opportunity to heal naturally.

“If you have a complex tooth extraction, especially if you had surgery to remove wisdom teeth, or if you have an underlying condition, such as diabetes, you may need to observe a doctor for a few more hours. For this purpose, we have our own hospital, where you can sit comfortably and relax while we monitor your condition to see if there are any complications. This will give us confidence that the operation will be successful and will reassure you as the patient.”

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Swelling after tooth extraction (especially if it was complicated) can be prevented by applying a cold compress - to do this, wrap an ice pack from the freezer in a towel and apply it to the cheek (that is, from the outside) for no more than 20 minutes. After 15 minutes the procedure can be repeated. If you don't have ice on hand, frozen vegetables or meat will do, but be sure to wrap them in a bag and a towel to avoid cold burns. Cold constricts blood vessels, reduces pain and swelling, although it does not completely remove swelling. Compresses are effective immediately after surgery for approximately 3-4 hours.

Do not warm up the injury site under any circumstances! A hot compress will only make the swelling worse by increasing blood flow to the area of ​​inflammation. This will lead to serious complications after surgery.

Interrupting estrus with hormonal drugs

Estrus can be prevented or interrupted with the help of hormonal medications. However, they should not be used often, as this will lead to health problems.

List of drugs to suppress sexual arousal in cats:

  • Sex Barrier;
  • EX-5;
  • EX-5T;
  • Four with a tail.

Hormonal drugs are designed to reduce the level of estrogen, which will reduce the manifestations of sexual desire. Essentially, taking such medications moves the animal from proestrus to anestrus.

Pros of taking hormonal drugs:

  • the cat does not ask the cat, its behavior does not cause inconvenience to the owner;
  • it is possible to skip 1-2 matings if the animal is used for breeding, but mating is not possible at the moment.

There are just as many disadvantages to taking hormonal medications. This needs to be understood when deciding whether to give them to your pet:

  • such medications cannot be used frequently and for a long time;
  • taking them disrupts hormonal levels, and this can lead to serious illnesses - the development of pathologies in the uterus and oncology.

Problems do not appear immediately after taking hormonal drugs. Most often they occur at the age of 3-4 years. If a cat develops endometritis or other diseases of the reproductive system, it will have to resort to castration.


To get rid of your pet’s meticulous screams forever, it is recommended to carry out a sterilization procedure. This method is suitable only for those who do not want to breed cats.

Veterinarians now recommend neutering rather than a simple tubal ligation. This is an abdominal operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is done under general anesthesia.

The appropriate age for surgery is when cats start begging for the first time. That is, approximately 6-7 months. It is advisable to have the operation done before the first heat.

Pros and cons of castration:

The lifespan of a cat increases by 1.5-2 yearsSince the operation is performed under general anesthesia, there is a possibility of complications.
The cat does not yell, behaves calmly, does not cause inconvenience to the owner
There is no need to look for partners for mating and think about where to put the kittens
The pet's risk of developing mammary gland cancer, ovarian and uterine pathologies is reduced

The case for castration also holds true for males. In addition to the fact that cats start screaming when they ask for a cat, they leave marks in the apartment with a pungent musky odor. Rather than endure this, it is better to have surgery and forget about sleepless nights. Today this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

Consequences of tooth loss: what happens to the bone and how to preserve it?

Even if only one tooth is removed, the situation with the jaw in this place immediately begins to deteriorate - the bone no longer receives the chewing load, metabolism stops in it, and the area of ​​bone tissue under the tooth begins to sag, that is, atrophy.

This is a rapid process - bone loss can reach 30% in the first year alone. Subsequently, it will be problematic to place an artificial tooth supported on an implant in this place, both due to the constant subsidence of the bone and gums, and due to the displacement of neighboring teeth. They lose support, so they shift and tilt into the resulting “emptiness” - this is how problems with bite develop.

To prevent bone atrophy, especially during complex extractions of multi-rooted teeth, it is recommended to install a bioframework or replant a biocompatible artificial bone material with the application of a membrane. Thus, the bone volume and height of the alveolar ridge are maintained sufficient for future unhindered dental implantation.

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