The cat ate the raisins. Should I be worried?

For people, raisins are a delicious treat. Is it the same for cats?

Although these dried berries seem like a suitable treat for your furry little friend, you should think twice before offering them to your pet. Although seemingly harmless at first glance, this product (like its fresh counterpart) is actually toxic to cats.

Raisin lovers should keep them away from their furry household. If by chance one berry fell from the table and a mischievous hooligan managed to grab it, there is no reason to worry. However, if your pet has eaten a whole handful of raisins, you need to monitor him, because such an amount can be harmful to health.

What to do if your cat is suspected of being poisoned by raisins?

The first step to take is to call your veterinarian. As in any other situation related to a threat to the pet’s health, the consequences will be less if you contact a specialist as soon as possible. The veterinarian's first action will be to try to induce vomiting in order to cleanse the body of harmful products and reduce the amount of toxins entering the blood.

Under no circumstances should you try to induce vomiting yourself. This procedure is quite complex, and as a result of unprofessional actions the animal may become worse.

If the cat's condition does not improve after the veterinarian tries to induce a gag reflex, she may be given IVs or other supportive therapy.

The best way to keep your pet healthy is to prevent raisins from entering her body.

Fruits and berries that are dangerous for cats

Your cat may ask you for something from the list below, but this does not mean that it is a completely safe product. Even in the absence of a visible reaction to the fruit, negative effects on individual organs or on the pet’s body as a whole can accumulate. This mainly manifests itself in rapid weight gain, decreased immunity and dental problems due to the high fructose content.

Citrus fruits: orange, grapefruit, lemon, pomelo, tangerinesCats are very sensitive to citrus essential oils.
The peels of lemons and oranges are even used as protection against the encroachment of fluffy faces on flower pots. D-limonene is often included in organic sprays to discourage cats from marking their territory. Citrus acids, which are aggressive for cats, can cause nausea and vomiting. Orange and lemon, when consumed, will cause your pet to salivate profusely.
Grapes (raisins)Very toxic product for dogs. The clinical picture of grape poisoning is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea and renal failure. The harm of grapes to cats has not been clinically proven; problems can only arise due to the consumption of a sufficiently large number of berries. There are isolated reports from cat owners about symptoms of grape poisoning similar to those in dogs, but this could very well be an allergy.
AvocadoA very high-calorie and fatty product for cats. It is especially dangerous if the cat wants to taste the avocado peel. It contains a toxin - persin. In cats, persin has the potential to cause heart damage.
PersimmonStrong diuretic effect. Persimmon should not be given to neutered pets who have an increased risk of developing urolithiasis. Persimmon can be given in very small quantities only if the pet himself asks for this berry.

If you do not find a product that interests you in the lists , then we adhere to the rule: you cannot give fruits and berries without removing the seeds, with a high content of essential oils, very sour and astringent in taste. For example, it is almost impossible to peel pomegranate from seeds, so it is better not to include it in your cat’s diet.

Let's summarize. There is no need to force your cat to eat fruits and berries. This is an additional complementary food if there is a lack of vitamins and microelements with natural feeding and a treat with a ready-made diet. If the cat has contraindications (obesity, allergies, diabetes), then any products are introduced into the diet with the permission of the veterinarian.

How to prevent poisoning

We have described the serious consequences of a cat eating raisins. But we hasten to please pet owners - in reality, there is only a small chance that your pet will want to try this treat.

Cats are carnivores by nature. To survive, they need meat and meat products. They rarely “hunt” for fruits and vegetables. However, to avoid dangerous situations, we advise you to take certain precautions.

Keep berries out of reach of your pet

Representatives of the cat family, if motivated, can get anything they want. However, if you put the raisins in a container or store the product in the refrigerator, your cat will have no chance to try it.

If possible, avoid eating near your cat.

When you eat small dry berries, they may accidentally fall out of your hands and attract the attention of your pets. For some cats, this is their cue to grab and eat. Refusal to eat raisins near animals will help eliminate the occurrence of such situations.

Give your pet an alternative treat

If you offer your cat a treat while eating, she will focus on it (especially if it is meat or her favorite food) and lose interest in your plate.

List of fruits and berries allowed for cats

Let’s clarify right away: before giving your cat a fresh treat, you need to remove all the bones and cut into small pieces. Apples, in addition, need to cut out the hard partitions and better peel them.

WatermelonA good source of extra fluid for cats who don't drink much in the heat.
Remove the rind and all the seeds from a small piece of watermelon. Cut into cubes no more than 2 cm wide.
MelonLike watermelon, a source of organic water and fiber.
High content of folic acid, necessary for the prevention of inflammatory diseases. Carotene in melon (provitamin A) is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant that prevents the accumulation of free radicals in the body.
PearSource of pectin and fiber. It has a positive effect not only on intestinal function, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
StrawberryThere is even more vitamin C in strawberries than in lemon.
Berries generally hold the record for antioxidant content. In large quantities it can lead to difficulties with bowel movements and constipation.
BlueberrySource of iron, vitamins C, group B and PP.
Also contains tannins. Strengthens the immune system, has an astringent property and helps with diarrhea.
GooseberryThe anti-inflammatory effect is provided by vitamins PP, C and B1.
It has a slight laxative effect, so 1-2 berries will be enough as a treat.
Cherries and sweet cherriesBe sure to remove the seeds from the berries!
They contain cyanide. Improve digestion, make it easier to digest heavy and fatty foods.
PeachRemove the bone!
Peach contains organic acids and soluble plant fibers. Soft peach is suitable as a treat for elderly pets.
AppleIt is best to take a green apple, it contains more vitamin C and pectin. Be sure to remove partitions and bones. Improves intestinal motility, but in large quantities can cause diarrhea.
BananaA well-known source of potassium and magnesium, essential for heart function.
Bananas are very high in calories and contain a lot of sugar and starch, so they should be given in smaller quantities than other fruits and berries.

Long-term feeding can provoke the development of diabetes, so we do not recommend it as complementary food for overweight cats.

A pineappleYou can only give fully ripe pineapple and kiwi in small quantities.
It’s rare that a cat will be tempted by products with such a bright aroma, but food manufacturers often add them to food. In canned food for cats, pineapple and kiwi are heat-treated and their content does not exceed 7%, so this is largely a marketing ploy and a minimal change in taste.

You can give all other fruits and berries that are not very sour and rich in essential oils. Exotic tropical fruits : mango, mangosteen, rambutan, lychee and passion fruit can cause an allergic reaction. If your pet persistently asks for a piece of exotic food, cut off a piece of fruit the size of your little fingernail to check for food allergies.

There is a video on the Internet where, as a joke, cats are allowed to smell durian. Not every person is able to endure the monstrous smell of this fruit, so you should not mock cats with a more sensitive sense of smell.

Treats in the form of fresh fruits and berries can be given to your cat no more than 2 times a week!

What to offer your pet instead of raisins?

If you want to treat your favorite fluffy to something tasty, let it be healthy foods. Below is a list of vegetables and fruits that you can pamper your pet with (although some gourmets may not like them):

  • pumpkin;
  • broccoli;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • green bell pepper;
  • spinach;
  • peas;
  • zucchini.

Even if your furry friend likes the foods listed above, do not under any circumstances replace them with your animal’s daily diet. Cats need to get the required amount of vitamins and minerals from their food. You can ensure balanced nutrition by purchasing high quality cat food. Vegetables and fruits should only be offered as extra treats.

What happens when a cat eats grapes?

  • Within a few hours after eating grapes, the cat’s stomach hurts, which means vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Malaise causes him to become apathetic or, conversely, hyperactive.
  • The pet loses its appetite.
  • After one day you may notice oliguria.
  • If your cat continues to urinate frequently, the kidneys may stop working completely.
  • The changes that occur may be irreversible, and blood tests show increased levels of phosphorus, potassium, creatinine and urea.

Not all cats react the same way to the poison in grapes. But it happens that some cats get sick after a small amount. It is also dangerous to eat grapes or raisins irregularly but constantly. Grape poison accumulates in the cat's body.

How many grapes or raisins will poison a cat?

The minimum toxic dose is 1-3 grapes or 2-6 raisins per kilogram of animal body weight. So not much!

See also: what can cats eat and what can’t they?

Pasta lovers

Sometimes cats are noticed to have an exorbitant love for pasta and other flour products: rolls, fresh bread and other provocateurs of constipation, colitis and obesity. What should you not feed a sterilized cat? Exactly these products. Neutered animals are more prone to obesity due to hormonal imbalance. Manufacturers make food specifically for them with weight control, they have fewer calories. If you want to keep your animal on natural food, then it is better to make your choice in favor of cereals. Buckwheat and rice are ideal for this; you need to add meat to your diet.

Difficult to digest are: millet, semolina, corn grits and rolled oats.

Should I give my cat a treat?

Some foods are especially pleasant to the human taste buds. If they are tasty for the owner, then he thinks that the cat will like them too. When an animal does not want to eat certain foods, the owner develops this eating habit in him. But there is something you should not feed cats and kittens. People's favorite treats for their pets can be dangerous. People can eat something that is tasty, but not at all healthy; an animal usually does not eat such foods, but it is dependent on its owner and eats what is poured into its bowl.

Chocolate is not a treat for cats

Even an adult can eat a couple of pieces of chocolate a day so as not to harm his health, and no more. And a cat that eats what it catches in the wild would never get chocolate. The product contains theobromine and caffeine - these substances stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This delicious chocolate can cause vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, extreme thirst, anxiety, seizures, high fever and death. All this happens because intoxication begins in the body, and the cat cannot always cope with it.

Meat diet

It is obvious that in the wild, cats eat mainly meat that they obtain for themselves. Let's figure out what you can't feed British and regular cats? Just raw meat. What is sold on the market is the meat of animals pumped with antibiotics and hormones. 70% of the product is contaminated with helminths; the meat contains pathogens that are dangerous to health; they can be active even after weeks of freezing.

A cat can even be poisoned by a mouse that it caught itself, because it might have eaten the poison. Before giving meat to pets, it must be boiled. You can give rabbit, chicken, beef and sometimes game. The diet must include offal, but not liver. Raw liver causes diarrhea, while boiled liver, on the contrary, makes defecation difficult.

The meat needs to be cut into large pieces and boiled for up to 10 minutes; if you cook for a very long time, the value of the product will decrease.


Many cat lovers start their morning with two things: coffee and cuddling with their beloved pet. But keep in mind - it's best to do this one at a time: cats are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than people. Coffee grounds are especially dangerous for cats - even a small amount can cause poisoning in adult animals and even lead to the death of a kitten. When taking coffee internally, signs of hyperactivity, rapid heartbeat, hypertension, tremors, vomiting, convulsions and other problems may occur.

Smoked meats and pickles

Sometimes animals happily eat canned tomatoes and cucumbers. This does not mean that they are safe for them, it only indicates that the cat is missing something.

Owners, out of habit, can sweep all the remains of their meal into the cat's bowl, but the animal is not allowed any smoked, fried, or canned food. Sausages are also not suitable for them. All the food that people prepare for themselves includes spices and salt, but cats do not need this. This is not a complete list of what you should not feed your cat.

What to pamper your pets with?

It is customary for people to treat each other with sweets, treat children, give them in bags as gratitude, and treat themselves to sweets when they are in a bad mood. These stereotypes are also transferred to animals. If you want to treat your pet with something, then this delicacy comes to mind. Some animals are completely indifferent to all such sweets, but there are also sweet tooths. What should you not feed your cat? That's right - sweets! Animals also suffer from diabetes, and such treats lead to disruption of the digestive tract and diseases of the internal organs.

All this is an extra burden on the liver. Fruits are also high in sugar, and raisins and grapes even cause intoxication. What should you not feed Scottish cats? All these harmful products. They are harmful to both purebred and outbred animals.

If you still want to please your pets, then go to the pet store, you will find a lot of treats, cookies and other treats that your cat will certainly like.

Manufacturers offer treats for kittens, for adult animals, for aging individuals and separately for purebred animals. Why invent something that experts have already come up with long ago. Cats are not such gourmets as people; they eat to live, and do not live to eat.


This fruit is very useful for humans, but not for cats. Avocados contain a toxin called persin. After eating avocado, cats may develop an upset stomach, difficulty breathing, and fluid accumulation in the chest. They may also swallow a large, slippery avocado pit, which can cause serious gastrointestinal problems and require immediate medical attention.

September 28, 2020

  • Animal nutrition 0 Products in this article:
    How can you deny your beloved cat a juicy apple or a fragrant strawberry? And even when she looks at you so pleadingly. Of course, the basis of the diet should remain unchanged, although in the summer it can be slightly adjusted in favor of tasty and healthy foods. But first, it is important to find out what fruits and berries you can give your cat. Not all fruits are equally beneficial for purrs, and some are even strictly prohibited.

If grapes are bad for cats, how can we stop them from eating them?

While most experts agree that grapes are dangerous for cats, that doesn't mean you should stop eating them too. Here are a few tricks to help you keep your pets away from grapes:

  1. Avoid storing grapes on the kitchen counter or countertop if you have a curious cat. Instead, you can store the fruit in the refrigerator or in a cupboard that your pet cannot open;
  2. Do not leave shopping bags unattended, as pets can easily get inside;
  3. Avoid feeding your cat table scraps, especially during the holidays when many foods may contain raisins.

Grapes negatively affect the health of cats ; This is not the best treat for four-legged pets, so it is better to keep fruit supplies away from them.

Based on materials from:

Why can't animals eat grapes?

Cause and pathology In some dogs when eating grapes

and raisins, kidney failure occurs.
Animals can be poisoned by both seedless and seeded grapes
bought in a store and grown at home;
There was also a case of poisoning from pressed grapes
from a winery.

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The cat is a real man

Some men zealously defend the rights of cats living in their family. As if this concerns their personal freedom. They are categorically against having a cat castrated, and also believe that there is nothing wrong with a cat drinking. And they even like to show their friends how the cat consumes the alcohol offered to him. At the same time, there is not even a thought that the animal could be poisoned by the drink offered to it. Meanwhile, cats are extremely sensitive to alcohol, their coordination is impaired, they lose orientation and fall into a stupor. From the outside it may look funny, but it causes irreparable harm to the animal.

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