Australian Mist: 16 photos, breed description, care

Origin story

The Australian Mist is a breed of smoky spotted cats that appeared as a result of long and hard work by Australian breeders. The ancestors of the Mist are considered to be representatives of the Abyssinian and Burmese breeds, as well as some of the domestic cats that do not have “insignia”, but have the desired color and type of appearance.

Dr. Truda Strayed is the one to whom we should say “thank you” for developing the unique formula of the new breed. Her painstaking work, which began in 1975, bore fruit 10 years later, and the first purebred kittens were presented to the world, and after another 10 years - in 1998 - the breed was officially registered, receiving the name “Spotted Mist”.

True, a little later, from “spotted”, mist turned into “Australian” (since the color contained not only spots, but also stripes).

Representatives of this breed are still difficult to find anywhere other than Australia. This is explained, first of all, by its high cost: the price for one kitten can vary from one and a half to five thousand dollars, which not everyone can afford. Therefore, only a few breeders in the USA and Norway, having received the go-ahead from the Australian “parents” and having undergone training, are working on developing new lines of this breed.

Try to guess what is hidden behind the abbreviation “mist”? That's right: mystical! The breeders' hint at the mysterious smoky color.

Estimated price of a kitten

Since Mists are bred almost exclusively in Australia, we can assume that a kitten of this breed will be quite expensive. The pedigrees of the kittens are very accurate, since the breed is quite young, so every kitten “counts.”

The lower price threshold for a pet class kitten starts at $400. If you need a pet in one of the highest categories - “show” and “breeding”, then you need to be prepared to shell out $800 or more.

Several nurseries in Europe, the USA and Great Britain are also starting to breed Australian Mists. There are no such nurseries in the CIS, there are only breeders of parent breeds, for example, Burmese. There is a nursery with such cats even in Moscow Abyssinians, who have that same haze on their fur, are bred in Ukraine and Belarus If you buy an Australian Mist kitten based on an advertisement from private individuals, then you need to carefully choose the seller, read reviews about him and demand pedigree documents.


The breed standard has the following features:

HeadWedge-shaped. The nose is of medium length, straight, with a wide, large lobe protruding forward. Rounded and wide forehead. Well-defined chin, rounded cheekbones. The cheeks are slightly saggy, the pads of the mustache, on the contrary, are taut, shaped like a drop.
EarsMedium, widely spaced, tapering towards the ends, slightly inclined to the side and forward. Hairs grow at the tips of the ears.
EyesAlmond-shaped, open, widely spaced, slightly slanted. The upper corner rises to the temples, the upper edge is smooth, the lower eyelid is semicircular in shape. Eye color – aquamarine (all shades), golden iris.
BodySmall, muscular. The muscles are well developed, but outwardly the animal seems much lighter than it actually is.
PawsSlender (both front and rear), medium length, proportionally developed. The pads of the feet are wide and rounded.
TailStraight, without bends, equal in length to the length of the body (or maybe a couple of centimeters shorter). There are dark stripes along the entire tail, the tip is colored black.
WoolIt grows thickly and densely, it is shiny and short. The undercoat is almost invisible.
WeightAdult males can reach up to 7 kg, females – up to 4.5 kg.

Photo of a cat of the Australian Mist breed

How to choose a kitten of this breed

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the coat - its main shade should have a warm, rich color, the spots should be dark, slightly blurry, but clearly visible. The triangular shape of the head and widely spaced ears are characteristic features of the breed. The eye color is green. Gracefully, rectangular in shape, the body is completely devoid of any sense of massiveness. This deceptiveness is in the blood of mystics - they weigh more than it seems to the eye.

Cats usually grow up to 4 kg, and males - up to 6-8 kg. The coat should have a symmetrical pattern, and there should be reddish spots on the ears and face. Animals with inappropriate color, eye color, or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.


The main features of the Australian Mist that distinguish it from other breeds are the main background, a dark-colored pattern on the body (in the form of stripes or spots) and a “haze”, sepia, formed by ticking hairs of the background color. Moreover, the pattern is clearest on the back, but on the stomach it is practically invisible.

Acceptable ticking shades:

  • caramel,
  • brown,
  • blue,
  • gold,
  • lilac,
  • chocolate,
  • peach.

Babies are born with a reddish tint on their ears, noses and cheeks, but gradually the color becomes more saturated and by the age of two the color is completely formed. Spots on the body can be of any size, but symmetrically located on the stomach, back and sides. The color of the lower body is lighter, and the overall color of the coat is warm and rich. The marble (spotted) pattern is quite blurry and pale, but at the same time it is still noticeably different from the main background. Dark spots may be separated by lighter spots.

Photos of Australian Mist kittens

The saturation of color in the area of ​​the cheeks, ears and nose is an important indicator of the purebred of the animal. If the coat color is pale, your pet will not pass the standard test.

If there is no ticking and an eye color other than green, the animal is not allowed to participate in exhibitions. If there are other deficiencies (fur too smooth; low muscle tone; head too narrow or flat; round or small eyes; high-set, small ears), the cat can take part in the exhibition, but a significant part of the points will be lost.

Interesting Facts

As a breed, the Australian Smoky cat has existed for a short time, but interesting facts about it have already appeared:

  1. Until 1998, the animals were known as the "spotted myst", but then they were renamed the Australian myst.
  2. The colors of the coat finally acquire brightness only by the time the cat turns 2 years old. Until this time, the Australian Smoke's coat may be quite pale.
  3. The word “mist” translated from English means “fog” and best characterizes the unusual color of cats.

Character and behavior

Dr. Strayed dreamed of breeding a pet that was ideal not only in appearance, but also in character. Whether the Australian myst is an ideal is a controversial issue, but one thing is certain: representatives of this species are very complacent and affectionate.

Australian mystic is all about calm and tranquility. He has an easy-going character and gets along well with both people and other animals. He loves children very much, especially small ones: he plays with them with pleasure, looks after them and protects them, and will never allow himself to let out his claws or bite a toddler. A cat can be left even with infants without fear: it feels that it is forbidden to climb into the baby’s cradle.

Does not tolerate loneliness: representatives of this breed require the obligatory presence of a person at home. Strong affection is both a big plus of this breed, but also a minus. When choosing a master, the mist will follow him around and get bored, parting for a long time.

He comes running when called, like a dog, but if the owner is doing something, he will not crawl under his arms, but will lie nearby and wait for him to finish. But you will be only too happy to “watch” TV or “read” the newspaper with your loved one.

But they don’t require a lot of physical activity, just like walking outside: your pet will feel great in the apartment, walking along the backs of the sofas and watching the birds from the window.

Does your pet like to go for walks?

HomebodyWalking on the street

He sits with great pleasure in his arms, walks calmly on a leash and can withstand long car rides. Not afraid of guests. She remembers simple commands well and quickly, she can even learn tricks. They love to play with toys and climb on shelves and cabinets. He doesn’t meow in vain, so if your pet starts making loud noises, look to see if he has run out of food, is it time to change the water in the bowl or clean the tray?

Australians are so kind-hearted that they will calmly take in a stray kitten and raise it as their own.


The Australian Mist is very picky about nutrition and has taste preferences. Most veterinarians believe that cats should not be fed exclusively dry food. It is allowed to mix small amounts into meat broth or porridge. It is recommended to use premium dry food: “Royal Canin”, “Pro Plan”. When feeding undiluted dry food, older cats develop urolithiasis.

The main food of the animal is boiled chicken (without tubular bones), finely chopped boiled beef. Three times a week it is allowed to give fermented milk products and boiled sea fish without bones.

Mists are prone to obesity due to a sedentary lifestyle. Excess weight leads to diabetes in old age, disorders in the cardiovascular system, and the development of joint diseases.

Cats have a good appetite and quickly gain weight. Since childhood, the Australian Mist has been taught a diet and is fed twice a day in small portions. The recommended food intake is determined at the rate of 75 kcal per 1 kg of weight. Fatty meats, sausages, and dairy products with a high percentage of fat content are not allowed in the daily diet.

Australian cats react painfully to changes in food and drinking water, and they may develop diarrhea. The upset stomach goes away within a few days without causing any noticeable harm to the pet.

Kittens from 2-3 months of age are fed three times a day. Milk porridges made from rolled oats, rice or buckwheat are mixed with ground beef or chicken. From one year of age they begin to feed twice a day.

Care instructions

Australian mystics take good care of themselves, as they are very clean by nature and wash themselves several times a day, but they also require human help.


Cats' ears are not only a hearing organ, but also a device for maintaining balance: thanks to it, the animal can land on 4 paws rather than fall flat. If you don’t keep your ears clean, wax plugs will appear in them, pathogenic microflora will develop, or even ear mites, and all this rubbish will eventually negatively affect your hearing and vestibular system. Remember: you should not pour water into your ears, and in general it is better not to use water. Vet pharmacies sell quite a few inexpensive but effective products. For example:

  • Drops: “Veda Otodepin” with pine oil; bactericidal “Anandin Plus” or with propolis “Top-Vet Otoferonol Gold”;
  • Chlorhexidine (a cheap and safe product that does not irritate delicate skin, and at the same time removes dirt and sebum well);
  • Ear lotion: Fitolar spray (gently dissolves dirt and wax); “Rosinka” (improves cellular metabolism, improves tissue regeneration and relieves inflammation); “Ear Cleansing” (suitable for both prevention and hygienic care;
  • Vaseline: a budget product, soft and safe.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

You cannot use soap solution, hydrogen peroxide and other folk remedies: they not only cause the ear to dry out, but also increase the production of wax, and also increase the risk of ulcers and wounds.

Before use, warm the product to a comfortable temperature (+34-35 degrees), moisten a cotton swab and carefully wipe the ear. If there is a lot of dirt: drop a drop of saline solution into the ear canal and gently massage the ear so that the product penetrates inside, and then collect the contents of the shell with a cotton pad or swab.


Mist's teeth should be brushed once a week. Buy a special silicone toothbrush and toothpaste. Human paste is not suitable, since the animal does not know how to spit it, and if it is swallowed, it will cause an upset stomach.


A scratching post should also be present in the house, but since the Mist is not a breed that will be particularly diligent in sharpening them, you will need to trim them regularly (every two weeks). Cut only the transparent part at an angle.


To comb the wool you will need: a furminator, a slicker brush, rubber, iron and bristle brushes. If your pet does not walk outside, it is enough to wash it once every 3 months, but if your pet is walked regularly - once every two months.

Use only special shampoos: Jerob Herbal Shampoo, Beaphar Cat Shampoo Macadamia Oil, Bio Groom Flea&Tick Cat Shampoo, Espree Natural Silky Show Cat Shampoo.


The eyes are wiped with a cotton sponge soaked in a solution of chamomile or chlorhexidine decoction once a week.

Care and maintenance

Mists are distinguished by increased cleanliness. A small undercoat does not lead to excessive shedding, so grooming requires minimal effort. Read about what to do if your cat begins to shed heavily.

It is better to comb your pets with a massage brush with rubber teeth, then the procedure will bring them pleasure. There is no need for frequent bathing. Eyes and ears should be cleaned only as needed.

Claws are trimmed no more than once a month.

Mists get used to the toilet and scratching post easily. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the tray; cats may simply not go into a dirty one. It is better to purchase a fairly large play complex for your apartment; these animals love heights.


The Australian Mist is a special breed, and its representatives cannot be fed exclusively with industrial food. This is especially true for dry food. The main rule: the more natural products in a cat’s diet, the healthier it will be. Dry food can be added little by little to porridge or meat broth.

Natural products

Meat: beef or chicken, thoroughly cleaned of veins and hollow bones, scalded with boiling water or boiled. Neither pork nor lamb are suitable.

Make sure your cat gets enough vitamin C (which acts as an antioxidant); sodium, iron and copper (they help maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood and have a positive effect on metabolic processes); as well as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium (which maintains bone strength). Vitamin D keeps the gastrointestinal tract in good shape.

Be sure to include in the menu:

  • cheese,
  • eggs (chicken and quail),
  • offal (chicken hearts, liver),
  • vegetable oil (a little at a time during cooking),
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice),
  • fish (boiled),
  • greenery,
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt).

Cats are fed 2 times a day. This applies to adults. Kittens - 3-4 times. Approximate calculation: per 1 kilogram of weight – 75 kcal.

Austrian mysts are fastidious cats, with extremely developed organs of charm, and will not touch food that smells of rotting or rotten meat. Therefore, they are not in danger of poisoning.

Recommended food

Below are recommended premium foods, links with food names are clickable. Using them, you can, within our website, read descriptions of food and read reviews from owners of the Austrian Mist cat breed.

Pro PlanRoyal CaninBrit Premium

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Representatives of this breed are prone to being overweight, so the owner must carefully monitor portions and not spoil his pet with an extra piece, even if the cat persistently begs for it. Under no circumstances should you give your cat smoked, salty, sweet, or flour products. But if you change food and your cat develops diarrhea, don’t panic. As soon as she gets used to the new food, the stool will return to normal.

Health and vaccinations

Australian Mists are a relatively young breed of cats, so it is too early to talk about systematic or chronic diseases. Cats that are well cared for are known to live up to 15 years or longer.

Scientists consider excess weight, which Australian mysts gain relatively quickly, to be one of the recorded problems. The cats become lethargic, move little, experience shortness of breath, and the main bones of the skeleton are difficult to palpate. Then problems with joints, heart and liver begin.

When a cat weighs 20% more than it should, it is considered obese. From now on, the pet requires a balanced diet, vitamins and an active lifestyle. in rare cases, hormonal medications are required.

The vaccinations required for the Australian Mist are identical to all other breeds. At the age of 9-12 weeks, the first anti-infective vaccines and rabies vaccinations are given, after which they are repeated at the required frequency, and then the cats are vaccinated once a year. The exception is when a cat goes on a trip with its owners, then the list of vaccination requirements expands. These data can be clarified with veterinarians.

Historical reference

The Australian Mist breed, or as it is otherwise called (Australian Smoky Cat), was born thanks to the Australian Gertrude Stride. This woman, who spent a lot of time at work, really wanted a four-legged companion who was independent, unpretentious and quick-witted. Fate gave Gertrude, who by the way very much loves pets, a chance to engage in breeding work. First of all, the Australian decided on the qualities that the new breed should meet: • appearance features and devotion to the owner from Burmese cats; • independence and intelligence from the Abyssinians; • eye shape, endurance, ingenuity from the Siamese; • short fur, excellent immunity, endurance from domestic cats with a rare tortoiseshell color.

Australian mist

Breeding work is not a quick process, and Gertrude spent more than 8 years so that four-legged lovers could get acquainted with the new breed. Careful selection and matings under strict control allowed the emergence of new cats that meet all the requirements presented above. Initially, the animals had a spotted color, and after some time the color became marbled.

This is interesting. The original name of the breed was spotted mist. However, at the end of the 20th century, the two colors (spotted and merle) were combined into a single breed, which required a change in the name to the currently known one.

The new cats gained recognition within the genus immediately after submitting their first application to a local felinological organization. The painstaking description provided by Gertrude and the enormous work she did to “improve the breed” saved the breeder from a lot of questions, as well as from the expectation of recognition. The World Cat Federation granted the Australian Mistam champion status, which opened the doors of international exhibitions to Australians. But due to the small number of four-legged animals, the breed was never recognized by large organizations. True, work is being done on this matter. Cats have achieved the greatest popularity not only in their homeland, but also in North America. It is worth noting that here animals are kept mainly in nurseries and are practically not offered for sale outside the country.

Education and physical activity

The smoky cat is endowed with high intelligence and good memory. An intelligent and smart animal is easy to train. The pet quickly learns the rules of behavior in the house and is able to perform simple tricks.

On a note. Before starting to play with something, the Australian Smoky will look questioningly at the owner, as if asking permission.

Representatives of this breed do not require mandatory walks and physical activity. Therefore, they do not need to build bulky gaming complexes. For a smoky cat, it is much more important to equip a small, comfortable house and buy a stuffed animal or a ball of medium diameter.

Australian Mist or Australian Smoky Cat

The Australian mist or smoky cat rightfully bears the “Made in Australia” label. The fact is that it was first bred on this continent. These are beautiful, smart, playful cats with a very gentle character.

This is one of the few cat breeds that will suit any type of person. For example, families with children or teenagers, as they tolerate handling well and rarely get scratched.

They are easy to train to use a leash, rides in the car, or just walks down the street. Smart, they understand what their owner wants from them, and they also get along well with other pets.

How much does it cost and where to buy

Mist prices depend on the category to which they belong. There are three groups of requirements for animals:

  • cats and cats of the Pet category are subject to mandatory castration because they do not fully comply with breed standards;
  • cats of the Breed category are used for breeding, but do not have high exterior characteristics;
  • Show-class animals fully comply with breed standards.

The cost of Pet category animals can be 400 dollars, Show class - up to 900 dollars*.

For your information! Nurseries selling mist are located in Australia, European countries, Great Britain, and the USA. There are no such nurseries in the CIS countries yet.

What to look for when buying a kitten

First of all, they pay attention to the health and appearance of the kitten, its physical characteristics, playfulness, and mobility. Breeding kittens must have documents of origin indicating name, gender, breed, color, date of birth, information about parents and breeder. The kitten must be vaccinated; vaccination records are in the veterinary passport, which must be given to the buyer of the kitten.

Pros and cons of the breed

Like any other cat breed, the Australian Mist has both positive and negative traits.

No genetic diseasesFear of water and dislike of bath procedures
Good tolerance of lonelinessRarity of the breed
Friendly and communicative character

The Australian Mist is an attractive cat with an unusual color and easy-going disposition. A sociable and playful disposition, combined with high adaptability and the ability to remain calmly alone, make him an ideal option for busy city dwellers dreaming of a pet.

Tips for purchasing a kitten

You should buy mist from a trusted and reliable seller, preferably from a professional who specializes in breeding cats of this breed. This will give certain guarantees and will not allow you to buy a half-breed.

Animals purchased from the nursery are well-groomed, vaccinated and accustomed to proper feeding and litter box. In Russia, the purebred Australian Mist breed is rare, and its price is very high. When purchasing, you must make sure that you have a pedigree and vaccination .

Owners should remember that if the Australian Mist is surrounded by care and love, there is no doubt that a faithful and true friend will settle in the house.

Breeding Australian Mists

Mists are a fairly rare breed that is common in Australia, but there are several kennels in Europe, in particular in England. The Australian Mist breed, like all others, is divided into three classes according to the quality of the animals:

  1. Shows are the best animals that receive the highest titles and awards at shows.
  2. Breed - may not be so ideal and are most often used in breeding.
  3. Pets are animals that for one reason or another (most often due to deviations from the standard) cannot build a show career and become pets.

To breed Mists, you need a show class cat and a breed or show class cat. But before buying kittens, you need to take felinological courses and receive a felinologist diploma, as well as register your nursery with a club or felinological organization.

Puberty occurs later in Australian mysts, usually between 9 and 12 months. Cats can be bred no earlier than 1.5 years. In order for a mating to be registered, the cat must have participated in several exhibitions before it and received a breeding assessment or a title certificate.

Mating should take place in a small, safe room (never in a cage!). Cats are brought together on the second or third day of the female's heat. Pregnancy is determined in the 3rd week by an enlarged belly, pink nipples, and changed preferences and behavior. After the birth of kittens, the litter is activated for 8 weeks by a felinologist from a club or organization. After this, a Breeding Certificate is issued for the entire litter and metrics for each kitten.

Puberty occurs slightly later in Mies than in other breeds.

Types of cat colors

A distinctive feature of the Australian Mist cat is its ticked or marbled color. More than 6 shades of wool are officially recognized. The color of the fur of these cats is always rich, and the pattern is spotted or marbled. The coloring is fully formed within 2 years, so the color of a kitten can differ significantly from an adult. What are they? Ticked color in different variations:

  • golden color scheme;
  • honey-caramel;
  • dark blue (dark gray);
  • chocolate brown;
  • brown or purple;
  • pinkish beige and lilac.

The color itself has 3 levels:

  1. The base color of the coat is several shades lighter than the pattern itself, creating a “mantle” effect.
  2. The design itself is clear, in the form of spots or marble.
  3. Haze – a barely noticeable (blurred) pattern appears under the main ticking.

It turns out that the shades at the bottom of the body are lighter than at the top, which creates the appearance of a “mantle”, and the cat looks more graceful.

By standards, the coat does not adhere too closely to the body and does not stick out, it is soft, with a characteristic shine.

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