Russian Blue cat: description of the breed, photo, care

Description of the Russian Blue cat breed

Popularity 9th place among 86 cat breeds


14-20 years


25 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

25-35 thousand rubles


3-5.5 kg
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Breed Features

Breed-forming characteristics of the Russian Blue.

First you need to decide what a breed is in principle. We propose to adopt the following definition for use: A breed is a fairly large group of domestic animals that have both a common origin and a common physiological and morphological characteristics that are consistently inherited. A breed can be artificially created by man (artificial breed), or formed naturally in a certain region (natural breed). Certain changes in a natural breed may occur as a result of selective breeding. We will not argue with the point of view that the natural breed of cats is formed on the basis of cats of the aboriginal population through selection work. In our opinion, this has no practical significance.

Essentially, the breed characteristics of the Russian Blue are listed in the Russian Blue standard and allow the Russian Blue to be distinguished from other breeds of cats. All this, of course, is wonderful. It is only necessary to take into account the existence of differences in the standards of existing federations. We believe that at present we can confidently say that there are pronounced differences in appearance between the “American” (cats are much smaller in size, with huge, widely spaced and set apart ears, like a Siamese, round eyes) and the “European” (medium to large size cats, large ears, wide at the base, vertical set, almond-shaped eyes) Russian Blue types. Less noticeable, but no less important, is that the paws of American-type cats are round, while those of European-type cats are oval. It is thanks to the oval paws that it seems that the Russian Blue walks on tiptoes.

The following photo shows the American type of Russian Blue. The photo was taken online and has nothing to do with the Hyperborea nursery. Unfortunately, we do not know who the breeder and owner of this cat are, otherwise they would definitely have been indicated. We used the photograph solely for the purpose of visually demonstrating the most noticeable differences between cats of two fundamentally different types. The set-apart ears, round eyes, the miniature size of the cat itself, and its entire appearance involuntarily suggest that the breeders intended to give the cat a “childish”, touching appearance (just look at photographs of kittens of different ages). You can safely say about such a cat that she is “cute” or “cute”. Undoubtedly, there are connoisseurs of this type of cat and we respect their point of view. However, in our opinion, the natural breed of cats, which was originally formed in the harsh conditions of the Russian north, should not give the impression of a toy, or even a little like a doll. In addition to the creative work of the breeder, there is also history and traditions.

Now let's look at the European type of Russian Blue. The photo shows a cat from the Hyperborey cattery. She is five months old, the breed type is fully formed (the eye color confidently turns green, as it should be at this age). Despite the outward seriousness and apparent stern appearance, this is a surprisingly lively and affectionate creature (she even knows how to kiss).

One gets the impression that these cats are generally different breeds, although we should only be talking about different breed types.

In such a situation, it is necessary to find out which breed-forming trait is common to all types of Russian Blues and why.

The main breed-forming characteristic of any type of Russian Blue is its blue coat with uncolored tips of the guard hairs, giving a pronounced silvery tint. Regarding the American type, it should be noted that a light blue shade of wool is welcome. In the European type, medium blue is currently preferred. The European choice is supported by the fact that the silver tint looks brighter on medium blue wool.

In order to understand why the blue coat color and the lightened tips of the guard hairs are the main breed-forming characteristics of the Russian Blue, let us turn to pigmentogenesis and the genetics of colors.

Blue i.e. The gray color of cats is determined by the simultaneous presence of the black color gene B of the recessive allele and the color dilution gene d (dilution) in a homozygous state. Gray color is simply lightened, in other words, diluted black. The color genotype of a black cat is BD-, and that of a gray cat is B-dd (genes B or b, D or d are indicated instead of hyphens, respectively). The black color of a cat is determined by the presence in its fur of the pigment melanin, or more precisely, its chemical variety - eumelanin. The color diluent gene D (d) distributes eumelanin in pigment cells. In black cats this happens evenly, but in gray cats it occurs in lumps. It is the white gaps between pigment clusters that create the lightening effect.

Russian Blues have one more feature. In the D locus of the Russian Blue color genotype there is another most recessive allele - dm. In cats homozygous for this allele, the hairs of the spine are lightened so that they become almost discolored towards the tip. As a result, the blue cat is covered, as it were, with a light silver coating. This is RUSSIAN BLUE! Formula expressing the genotype of the Russian Blue color: BB ddm. This is how the Russian Blue differs from other breeds of cats. This is its main breed-forming characteristic, common to all breed types of Russian Blue. As a result of double lightening, the Russian Blue's coat has become significantly softer than the coat of other short-haired cat breeds, and silky to the touch.

Issues of cat genetics, in particular the Russian Blue, were considered by us using the works of Ph.D. I. Shustrova.

Now all this is in simple words. In the Russian Blue, two mutations occurred in succession. At first the black fur turned grey, then the pigment stopped reaching the tips of the guard fur. The ends of the fur became almost discolored, and the cat's fur began to have a silvery tint. Both of these mutations were positive, they helped the cat survive, so they took hold and began to be inherited. This is how the natural breed of cats, RUSSIAN BLUE, appeared. It acquired its modern appearance as a result of selection work.

A few words about genetic testing. Cat breeds that are at risk for genetic diseases should be tested for the relevant disease. There is a list of breeds for which genetic tests are recommended. The Russian Blue is not included in this list. Thus, if you learn from a breeder that cats have passed genetic tests, this is not some kind of special advancement of the cattery, but a reason to be wary (with the exception of determining the blood type).

Russian blue wool.

According to the standard, the Russian Blue's coat is short, soft in texture, and stands away from the body. Double coat (undercoat and topcoat of equal length), so it appears very thick and silky.

The color is clean, uniform blue with a distinct silver tint.

The tips of the guard hairs are silvery (that is, uncolored).

The FIFe Rules expressly state that: a) no color variation other than blue will be accepted in Russian Blues; b) a person or federation will not be encouraged to breed colors other than blue from Russian Blues. This decision is determined by the genetics of the breed. So if you ever hear about Russian Blues being white, black or Siamese, you can smile and shrug.

Hypoallergenic Russian Blue.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that hypoallergenic means slightly allergenic. There are no non-allergenic cat breeds in nature. Speaking about the hypoallergenicity of the Russian Blue, in no case can we say that the Russian Blue cat does not cause allergies at all. It would simply be irresponsible. It would be correct to say that the Russian Blue provokes an allergic reaction much less frequently and less than most other cat breeds.

The main allergen is a glycoprotein called Felis domesticus allergen 1 (abbreviated name - Fel d1). The Fel d1 allergen molecule is 10 times smaller than a particle of pollen or dust. The glycoprotein is produced by the sebaceous glands of the animal. It is found in smaller quantities in saliva. Presumably the glycoprotein protects the cat from pathogenic bacteria. While licking itself, the cat applies it to its fur. In addition to saliva, the allergen is also found in dead skin particles, urine and other cat secretions. The Fel d1 allergen is a pneumoallergen, i.e. enters the body by inhalation.

Up to 15% of people have an allergic reaction to cats, which does not prevent a third of them from keeping cats at home. It is believed that the Russian Blue, along with several other hypoallergenic cat breeds, produces small amounts of glycoprotein, i.e. allergen Fel d1. Wool, broken parts and flakes of wool are part of house dust, which itself is an external allergen.

The criterion of truth is always practice. It is practice that has shown that Russian Blues are indeed less allergenic than most other breeds. Let's try to speculate on the topic: “Why is this happening?”

The photo shows the Russian Blue's coat: outer coat and undercoat. Of course, with magnification. As you can see in the photo, the undercoat is wavy, while the outer coat is noticeably straighter. The wool is placed on a special backing. This is not cat skin (we have already been asked this question several times).

Let's also zoom in and compare the outer coat and undercoat.

Here is the undercoat:

And this is the awn:

The difference is noticeable and, as we see, lies not only in the waviness of the undercoat, but also in the tighter fit of the awn scales and their slightly different shape. It is also clear that the awn scales are noticeably shorter than the undercoat scales. It is clear that these differences are caused by the different functions of the undercoat and guard. The undercoat maintains body temperature, and the hair protects from external influences (rain, snow, dirt, etc.). Both the undercoat and guard of the Russian Blue are absolutely functional, not hypertrophied and do not have any changes unnecessary for the survival of the cat.

It should be noted that there is not a trace of bacteria on either the guard or the undercoat. This means that a reduced amount of Fel d1 is enough for a Russian Blue cat to keep its coat clean. Russian Blue is neat and moderate in everything, even in allergens.

If there were bacteria on the cat’s fur, then in the previous photographs we would see a picture similar to this one.

This is what damaged fur looks like. This cat's fur is of a different breed. If a cat's fur is brittle and easily damaged on the cat itself, broken off scales and fragments of hair may be an independent allergenic factor.

The wonderful fur of the Russian Blue does not require serious human assistance to care for it, even when preparing for an exhibition. Significant mechanical and chemical effects carried out as part of exhibition grooming, one way or another, lead to damage to the coat (to a greater or lesser extent, in this case, it does not matter). The point in confirmation of the hypoallergenic nature of Russian Blue wool is well deserved.

It should be noted that the Russian Blue is a so-called natural breed, that is, formed independently in nature and only slightly improved by man. Not a single breed-forming trait of the Russian Blue appeared as a result of human breeding activity. Since the Russian Blue is a natural breed, it has excellent health, which is impossible without a good metabolism. But this directly affects the condition of the wool, its fragility. The Russian Blue's bleached coat is softer and more flexible than other shorthair cat breeds. This is why the Russian Blue's coat is described as silky. This also reduces its damage. So, the Russian Blue gets another point to prove that its coat is hypoallergenic.

The Russian Blue is a very clean cat; she devotes a significant part of her time to caring for her wonderful fur coat. The Russian Blue's coat or face does not have any features that make it difficult to carry out full independent grooming (licking), including after going to the toilet. The owner's intervention, as a rule, is not required except in force majeure situations. As we have already written, the Russian Blue is a natural breed, which means constant and effective coat care has become one of the conditions for survival for the Russian Blue. This is fixed and passed on through generations. Here's another point for hypoallergenicity.

The Russian Blue sheds lightly. Molting occurs almost imperceptibly throughout the year, without seasonal outbreaks. This sharply reduces the likelihood of provoking a seasonal exacerbation of an allergic reaction. The Russian Blue received a score for hypoallergenicity.

As has been repeatedly noted on another occasion, quantitative changes turn into a qualitative leap, which is what happened in our case with the hypoallergenicity of the Russian Blue. She became noticeable.

The hypoallergenic nature of the Russian Blue in no way relieves its owner from the obligation to monitor the cleanliness of the premises where the cat is kept (lives), in particular, regularly ventilate, vacuum and do wet cleaning. Rely on the cat, but don’t be bad yourself.

There is still ongoing debate about the origin of the Russian Blue. Blue cats were known not only in the Arkhangelsk province and in the Russian north in general. They also existed in other regions. For example, Spanish or Maltese blue. These cats were similar in morphological type to the Russian Blue.

It is enough to see the Russian Blue at least once, making its way against the backdrop of gray granite boulders or logs turned gray with time, to understand why this is our truly northern cat breed and why it could only appear in the Russian north. Only here the gray fur with a pronounced silver tint will ideally camouflage the cat. A forest, a village, a port city - everywhere there were gray stones, gray logs, gray lichens, and in winter, sparkling snow. The silvery tint of fur in sunlight, especially at low sun, gives an absolutely stunning play of light and shadow on the bodies of Russian Blue cats shimmering with muscles. It seems that the cat is constantly changing its shape! It is curious that in bright light the fur of the Russian Blue noticeably glares and the boundary between the cat and the environment is visually blurred.

The Russian north is the border of sunken Hyperborea. Maybe the Russian Blue's ancestors even include cats from the ancient continent.

Character of the Russian Blue.

Character (sign, distinctive feature, omen) is a structure of persistent, relatively permanent properties that determine the characteristics of a person’s behavior and relationships.

About the character of the Russian Blue, we can say that its types are not much different from human ones and all existing classifications are quite suitable, exactly the same as they are suitable for people. Among Russian gays there are introverts, there are also extroverts (this is according to Jung;)), albeit with some peculiarities. Cats can be choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, or sanguine. Etc.

It can be absolutely said that in a calm environment, Russian Blues are pronounced extroverts in relation to inanimate objects, and in relation to unfamiliar people and in unfamiliar surroundings, as a rule, they show all the signs of an introvert. The speed of adjustment and adaptation is very individual. Taking into account our experience, we can argue that it is the speed of adaptation and adaptation that is the basis of what is commonly called “show temperament.” In one Russian Blue litter there can be choleric, sanguine, and melancholic kittens, but we cannot remember that we have had phlegmatic kittens. It is worth noting that a cat’s personality is formed from the first days of life. At this age, the main creature for the kitten is the mother; the kittens perceive and reproduce her behavior and attitude towards the environment. A person must participate in the kitten’s life from the first days, so that the kitten develops trust in the person and a feeling of security guaranteed by the person. From an early age, the kitten must get used to human hands and learn that any change in the situation with the participation of a person does not threaten the kitten itself. Various games with a kitten develop its personality. It is also important not to forget to pay attention to the mother cat, the kitten sees everything and remembers everything. There are other subtleties. As a result, we should get a physically and emotionally developed, smart kitten who trusts people. Work on the psychological characteristics of kittens, bringing the existing characters into a certain “conditional norm”. Among the unconditional characteristics of the Russian Blue, it is worth noting extreme motor activity, curiosity and a developed hunting instinct. Regarding Russian Blues, the aphorism “We are responsible for those we have tamed” is absolutely true. At any age, the Russian Blue actively demands attention, but you should not forget that the cat can have its own things to do. Dependence and independence exist simultaneously in Russian Blue.

Currently, the classification of cat personality types proposed by the University of Lincoln has become popular. 5 types are proposed for consideration: a) cat-person; b) hunter cat; c) cat-cat; d) grumpy cat; d) an inquisitive cat. In our opinion, this classification is very primitive and is definitely not suitable for Russian Blues, even taking into account that the listed types can be mixed, with dominance of one of them. Moreover, we also do not see the practical significance of this classification.

Key facts

Russian blue cats are a wonderful decoration for any home. They are dearly loved not only due to their unusual appearance and plush fur, but also to their highly developed intelligence. The aristocratic grace of the pet, its bewitching gaze is combined with delicacy and unobtrusiveness.

Blue cats are quite independent, so if there is a lack of attention from humans, they will be able to entertain themselves. They are not talkative individuals, have a quiet voice, and do not like to pester with purring. The key characteristic of the Russian Blue cat is its almost complete safety for people suffering from allergies. Despite the strong psyche of animals, they do not tolerate quarrels between family members, turning into a frightened, nervous creature.

Good health ensured a high life expectancy for the Russian Blue cat. When properly maintained, they live up to 20 years. But there are cases when pets live up to 25 years - to the delight of their owners.

Having originated in Russia, blue cats received other names, also related to the country of origin: Arkhangelsk Blue, or Russian Shorthair. The description of the Russian Blue cat breed recognizes these names on a par with the original.

Pros and cons of the breed

Russian Blue has more advantages than disadvantages:

  1. She is easy to care for, but does not tolerate dirt. It is enough to comb the cat once a week and rub its fur with suede, and a well-groomed pet will be pleasing to the eye.
  2. The breed has good immunity and rarely gets sick. Lives calmly in any climate zone.
  3. The animal loves natural foods, but they need to be alternated with special food.
  4. The Russian Blue is an excellent show specimen. Smooth, shiny coat of unusual color and expressive eyes attract interest among collectors.
  5. Her balanced, kind character makes her an excellent pet for families with children.
  6. The breed is an excellent passive conversationalist. The Russian Blue can stay close to its owner for hours, listening to his monologues.
  7. He senses the mood of family members well. During quarrels, he prefers to sit quietly in his place.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  1. Russian Blue is independent. She does not tolerate restrictions in space. If you lock a cat in a room, it will result in damage to the furniture and interior.
  2. The pet does not like to be left alone; the owner or members of his family must be in sight.
  3. Shows caution with strangers, does not go into arms.

History of the origin of the Russian Blue cat

The real history of the appearance of blue cats is still not known. There are quite a few legends dedicated to the origin of these elegant animals.

An interesting fact is that plush animals gained their popularity in England. Queen Victoria was one of the passionate lovers of these pets. A fairly large number of cats with blue fur lived in her palaces.

British breeders suggest that they owe the appearance of these cats to merchants from the northern Russian city of Arkhangelsk. They brought animals on their ships during their voyages across the northern seas. This happened during the time of Catherine II, who gave green-eyed individuals as gifts to foreign ambassadors and the Queen of England.

Be that as it may, these cats in the UK have historically been given the name Arkhangelsk Blue.

At the end of the 19th century, a breeder from England, Karen Cox, decided to improve the breed and came to Russian Pomerania, where she managed to acquire several characteristic pets for further breeding. After nineteen years of breeding work, international felinological organizations officially recognized the conformation standards for these cats, thereby distinguishing them as a separate breed.

During the Second World War, due to difficult conditions, the number of Russian blue individuals greatly decreased, and in some European countries it was on the verge of complete destruction. This circumstance prompted breeders from Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden and Finland to urgently take up their restoration. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find a sufficient number of Arkhangelsk cats for mating. Because of this, Russian pets began to be crossed with Siamese or British dogs of similar standards.

In England, representatives of the blue and oriental breeds were brought together. As a result, kittens were born with external anomalies, as well as behavioral problems. They were nervous, disobedient, very noisy, and also, as they matured, they began to mark corners. The British were not happy with such pets, so they stopped breeding them.

However, breeders from the United States of America reacted favorably to these features and continued the development of such cats. Therefore, a new American line was born, which received some distinctive features of appearance and character from representatives of the Siamese breed.

In Russia, interest in breeding Russian blue cats arose in the 90s of the last century. Domestic breeders began to cross foreign animals with local ones that were similar in color and structure. As a result, the first Arkhangelsk blue babies appeared, which became widespread throughout the country.

History of the breed

There are different versions of the distribution of Russian blue cats. According to one of them, a breeder from England, Constance Carew-Cox, bought her first blue cat in the port from a sailor who arrived on a ship in London from Arkhangelsk. These cats had excellent hunting skills, so sailors took the animals on board the ship to protect food supplies from rats. Soon several more cats were purchased, brought from Arkhangelsk, and they became the founders of the breed.

Initially, all short-haired blue cats participated in exhibitions together - there was no division into British and Russian, and these animals were crossed with each other. Controversy soon arose over this issue.

For the first time, Constance Carew-Cox advocated dividing the breeds and assigning each of them its own standard, since the blue cats she bought from sailors from Arkhangelsk were significantly different in body type and coat structure from the British ones.

The Russian Blue cat was first registered in Great Britain.
The breeds were divided: the British breed included blue cats with a massive build, and the Russian Blue included slender cats with a graceful body and long limbs. At that time, Russian Blues were also called Arkhangelsk cats.

In 1903, the “Book of Cats” was published, which contained notes about Russian blue cats. Their distinctive characteristics were short, dense fur and green eyes.

In 1939, the breed standard was registered, and its current name was also assigned. The period of World War II turned out to be difficult for these mustaches; there were very few representatives of the breed left. To preserve it, Russian Blues had to be crossed with other cats. The Siamese turned out to be the most suitable. Since the 1960s, the breed began to be restored, which took many years of work. Already by the 1970s, breeders managed to breed animals with all the initial characteristics of the breed. The standard was restored, the Russian Blue cat was recognized by all felinological associations.

Similar cat breeds

British shorthair cat

Siamese cat

Oriental cat


Characteristic diseases

Russian Blues, like Norwegian Forest Cats and Egyptian Mau , were not bred artificially. They belong to natural breeds.

Therefore, they have strong immunity and good health. They live a long time and very rarely get sick.

Russian Blues are not afraid of drafts and cold temperatures. They do not have any genetic breed diseases.

Although they, like other felines, can suffer from diseases typical of cats.


For the first eight weeks, kittens are protected by maternal immunity. Then the kittens are vaccinated .

Only healthy animals can be vaccinated.

Suitable age is 2.5–3.5 months. For this purpose, combined vaccines against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, and calcivirus are used.

Vaccination takes place in several stages. Interval – 3–4 weeks.

Before vaccination, kittens are given anti-worm medications.

Russian Blue is one of the most hassle-free cats to own.

After a month has passed from the date of the last comprehensive vaccination, kittens are vaccinated, like dogs, against ringworm .

The rabies vaccine is given at 3–4 months of age. It must be repeated annually.

What does a Russian Blue cat look like?


From the photo, Russian Blue cats create an overall impression of grace and elegance. The common feature of all animals is luxurious fur of a chic shade, an elongated muzzle and graceful features. But, despite the similarities, breeders distinguish three varieties of Russian Blue cats:

  • American or Oriental type with a wedge-shaped skull, large ears turned outward, and a dense double coat of rich blue color;
  • European type with a flat skull, thick coat of a uniform blue shade with silver tints;
  • English with a slightly short wedge-shaped skull, as well as light blue fur, shimmering with silver.

This is where the exterior differences end. The breed standard requires a straight nose with a gray nose. The nose should blend gently into a flat forehead with a slight convexity at the brow line. The chin of pets is massive, slightly rounded.

The eyes of a sophisticated beauty are oval-shaped and green in color. They are set wide apart from each other and have a very expressive look.

Cats' ears are large and slope slightly forward. Wide at the very base, they have a rounded shape at the tips in European cats and pointed in American cats.

Body type

What does a Russian Blue cat look like? Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their graceful posture and aristocratic gait. The elongated, graceful neck smoothly transitions into a somewhat elongated body. It is completely covered with strong, lean muscle. The skeleton of cats is strong and quite long. The American line has the most noticeably lighter physique, inherited from the Oriental individuals.

The front and hind limbs of Arkhangelsk cats are long but strong. They stand straight, almost parallel to each other. Pets' paws are oval-shaped and medium in size. The pads are quite elastic. They can be either lilac-pink or pink-beige.

The tail, wide at the very base, is rounded at the end. It is long enough and can be curved into a saber shape.

Coat and color

The cat's short coat has a very dense structure. The guard hair and undercoat are of equal length. Because of this, it seems that the fur consists of two thick layers covering the pet’s body. The hair is soft, silky to the touch, reminiscent of plush.

The color of the Russian Blue varies slightly between species. Thus, the European and English branches suggest a completely blue coat color with slight tints of silver. The American blue cat has a brighter color, and the silver tint is not so clearly visible.

In any case, spotting or streaking will be considered a serious defect in the breed.


The blue cat has a good appetite, so it is extremely important to create a special diet for it. At the same time, it is better not to count on homemade food. The fact is that an imbalance in feeding has a negative impact on the health of the animal in the future.

Many breeders recommend buying your pet only industrial food of good quality, which will cost the same amount of money as you could spend on homemade food.

When choosing food, you should pay attention to its composition: the presence of protein and meat is a must.

Cats during pregnancy, as well as kittens, need vitamins and mineral supplements in their diet.

Also, when feeding dry food, the cat must drink a lot of liquid, so constantly monitor the presence of water in its bowl.

Personality of the Russian Blue cat

Plush beauties are not considered capricious or willful pets. On the contrary, owners tend to call them problem-free. An innate sense of tact and amazing sensitivity create the impression of melancholy in animals and their strong dependence on humans. But this is a big misconception.

Arkhangelsk cats cannot be called soft-bodied and dependent. Indeed, they love attention and affection from people, but these should be close people, family members. Only with them will pets be sweet and spontaneous. Cats will be very wary of strangers; they will not sit in their arms, but will simply hide or watch strangers from a safe distance.

Arkhangelsk cats are suitable for living in families with children. They calmly take the pranks of a little person, endure their pestering and caresses for a long time, and do not scratch or bite babies. But still, you should not leave these creatures alone with children for a long time. In any case, a cat is a willful animal that can show itself in unexpected ways.

A blue pet can live peacefully in the neighborhood with other animals living nearby. He will not try to become the boss, but the role of a subordinate will not suit him either. It’s good if pets are about the same age and were raised together. This will make them good friends for life.

They will not be able to live peacefully only with rodents or birds. We must remember that among Arkhangelsk individuals the hunting instinct never sleeps. They will gladly get a mouse, bird or other small animal for their owner. You should not leave the animal near open windows or balconies, because, chasing a fly or butterfly, it may fall from a height.

Owners note that most of all, graceful pets love to lie on any hill no lower than one and a half meters. From the highest point, cats will be happy to watch what is happening in the lower part of the room. Cabinets, shelves, and racks are suitable for this activity.

Arkhangelsks are extremely loyal to their owner, but they will not ask to be kneeled too often. They don’t like it when people’s caresses become annoying; they always try to slip out of a person’s strong embrace. The personality of the Russian Blue cat can be different, and this makes it interesting, loving and a wonderful family member.


The pet of this breed has a highly developed hunting instinct. The cat comes from the harsh northern region. To find food, she had to hunt in the most difficult weather conditions. This trait remained firmly at the genetic level many years later.

The Russian Blue is capable of continuously guarding a mouse for several hours without showing signs of impatience. It catches butterflies, moths and mosquitoes well. Due to its superbly developed strong muscles, it makes high jumps and aerial pirouettes. Regularly stretches, tumbles on the floor, doing exercises and playing at the same time.

A pet is more comfortable in a private house than in an apartment. Loves freedom of movement, cannot stand confined spaces. Locking a cat in a room is unacceptable! Vagrancy is alien to her. A cat will never leave home if it is treated well.

Loyal to the owner. His family members are treated with respect, but he obeys only one person unquestioningly. With strangers he behaves cautiously, modestly, but not aggressively. If there are guests in the house, the Russian Blue will not be able to be the center of attention. She will watch them from a safe and comfortable place.

The following character traits of the Russian Blue are distinguished:

  • kindness;
  • friendliness;
  • good manners;
  • obedience, meekness.

Despite its peaceful nature, the pet does not tolerate violence. He knows how to insist on his own and show stubbornness.

The Russian Blue is an intellectual cat. He perfectly understands human words and emotions, gestures. She clearly explains to the owner what worries her and easily accepts the rules of living in the house if they do not contradict her nature.

Legendary illusionist Harry Houdini said that the breed is the smartest in the world. He often uses it in the production of his performances. The dangerous trick with the disappearance of a cat is one of the most recognizable tricks of the magician.

The cat loves to play with things and objects on its own. Gets along great with children, tolerates being squeezed, but only for a short period of time. At the same time, she often manifests feelings: she rubs against her legs, purrs. Never releases his claws.

Russian Blues do not require a special training program. These quiet, calm creatures are raised with affection and kindness. They quickly get used to the litter box - cleanliness has been formed on a subconscious level for many decades.

A developed hunting instinct creates problems when living together with other pets. If the family has a rodent or parrot, the cat may start hunting it. Struggles with dogs for the owner's attention, conflicts for the right to dominate the house.

Raising a Russian Blue cat

Raising a Russian Blue cat begins immediately after the kitten appears in the house. The main thing you should teach your pet to do is use a litter tray. Russian cats are characterized by innate cleanliness, so teaching him the rules of hygiene should not be difficult.

Experienced owners of mustachioed pets advise first to buy the brand of cat litter that the breeders used. Over time, you need to switch to a wood substrate for trays. It is best suited for cats of this breed.

At first, the kitten is forced to sit in the toilet at the first sign of anxiety. The signal could be his sniffing corners, pieces of furniture, or trying to dig the floor. It is necessary to hold the small cat in the tray for several minutes, stroking it.

A cat can be taught to perform basic commands: “Come to me!”, “Give me your paw!” All elements of training should be in the form of a game, rewarded not only with praise, but also with tasty bites. Orders are given in a calm and gentle voice. It is important to be patient and not to shout, much less hit the animal.

Looking for a Russian Blue cat? Find your pet from 5 offers As a gift

Diseases, breed defects

The Russian Blue cat breed appeared naturally, and it is not surprising that its representatives do not suffer from genetic diseases. However, the absence of inherited diseases is not insurance against other diseases. That’s why routine vaccinations, regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian and, of course, constant monitoring of the owner’s condition are so important. In general, Russian Blues are distinguished by excellent health and excellent immunity.

The disadvantages of the breed inherent in Russian blue cats include:

  • manifestations of oriental, stocky or British characteristics;
  • head shape approaching a circle or square;
  • inclusions of yellow color in the iris of the eyes;
  • bulging and shallow-set eyes;
  • sagging back;
  • white markings in the coat color - buttons, medallions, individual hairs.

Gray-blue eyes and residual tabby on the fur of kittens are age-related phenomena and are not considered defects.

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Health of the Russian Blue cat

Possible diseases

From birth, representatives of the Russian Blue breed have good health and are almost not susceptible to dangerous diseases. During a genetic study of the breed, scientists did not identify abnormalities or diseases in their bodies that were transmitted from parents to offspring.

However, the health of a Russian Blue cat directly depends on its standard of living: balanced nutrition, proper care. The Arkhangelsk cat may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, and food allergies. All these problems are caused by poor nutrition and insufficient use of vitamins. Overfeeding or indulging in begging leads to obesity, and then to the development of irreversible cardiovascular diseases.

Hypothermia in your pet can lead to serious kidney disease. The development of polycystic disease of this organ develops gradually, its symptoms are obvious. For example, if you notice that your animal often has a need to urinate or is constantly thirsty, then this is an alarming signal. In general, if there is any suspicion, you should contact veterinary clinics and specialists for an examination.

Timely vaccinations help prolong a cat's life. Comprehensive vaccination of kittens takes place according to the schedule determined by the cat doctor. Adult animals are vaccinated annually and given medications against infectious diseases such as lichen, rabies, chlamydia, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, herpes and calcivirus.

Medicines for intestinal parasites should be given regularly. Flea and tick treatment is also very important for cats that spend time outside.

Reproductive health

The Russian Blue cat does not fully mature physically until it is one and a half years old. At this time, she is ready to reproduce healthy offspring. Typically, mating of individuals is carried out 7-10 days after estrus. It is necessary to carry out mating only within one breed. Before doing this, you should make sure that the future parents do not have any diseases. It is a good idea to have an examination by a veterinarian.

Pregnancy usually proceeds without complications, but the character of the female may not change for the better. You need to be patient at this stage and be sure to take care of enhanced nutrition with the addition of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Childbirth occurs after 65 days of gestation. It is advisable that the doctor can be present during lambing. This will help prevent life-threatening complications for the mother. The average litter has 4-6 newborn kittens.

If you do not plan to breed purebred animals, then it is best to carry out an operation to sterilize or castrate your pets. This will improve their standard of living and eliminate pathological changes in the body. Castration of a Russian Blue cat is carried out at 7-8 months, and the cat is sterilized up to a year.

Place for a kitten in the house

Purchasing a Russian Blue kitten is hardly a spontaneous decision. Therefore, before the baby arrives in the house, his place must be arranged and everything necessary for maintenance and care must be prepared.

A bed is sometimes not considered a necessary item: about 90% of surveyed cat owners allow their pets to sleep in their bed. But still, the Russian Blue should have an individual place to sleep, to which the animal must be accustomed from childhood. “Put a piece of paper in the middle of a football field, and sooner or later a cat will lie on it”: purrs love to lie on something, be it the owner’s favorite designer blouse or a stack of freshly ironed linen. And Russian Blues are no exception.

Features of feeding and diet

The selection of food for Russian blue cats must be taken responsibly. The owner can choose what to feed the pet. Usually preference is given to a natural or mixed type of nutrition. Less often, only industrial dry or wet food is chosen. In any case, the menu should be balanced and contain all the necessary elements for the proper development of the pet.

Among industrial feeds, they choose brands of at least premium class, which are enriched with useful substances and do not cause health problems, unlike their cheap analogues.

The main natural food products should be lean meat products: chicken, turkey, beef, veal. It is useful to give your cat offal, as well as sea fish fillets, but not more than once a month.

Fermented milk products or cottage cheese should be low in calories. The preferred cereals are oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice. Meat broth is used to prepare porridges.

You cannot treat your pet to food from the owner's table, because it contains many flavoring additives and preservatives. Milk should not be used to quench the thirst of adult cats, but clean drinking water should be in the cat’s bowl at all times.

Prohibited products:

  • flour;
  • sweets and chocolate;
  • fruits and berries;
  • tubular bones;
  • River fish;
  • smoked, spicy products.

They begin to feed kittens from the age of one month. This is done at least four times a day until 3 months of life, and then the number of feedings is reduced. At 6 months they switch to two feedings a day, which also happens in adult cats.

Content Features

Cats are very clean. If you leave your pet alone in the apartment for a long time, it is better to purchase a couple of trays. Because the cat will not want to go to a dirty place, which is fraught with natural consequences.

The breed is very clean

It is advisable to buy toys and a climbing frame for your cat, so that there is a place for him to play and be active in this place, and not on your furniture.

Make sure you have a stand with a scratching post

As for care, frequent bathing is contraindicated for the breed. They only wash the cat if it is dirty or if it is going to an exhibition. The fur can be washed with dry shampoo or bran. Do not use tinted shampoos under any circumstances, otherwise cats will lose their special color. Caring for the eyes and ears is the same as for any other cat. If dirty, clean with a cotton swab. Trim the claws as needed, removing only the sharp edge.

Cats do not need frequent brushing and do not shed much. Just in case, you can buy a furminator with short teeth.

You need to brush less often than other cats.

You should comb it once every week and a half, and then stroke the fur with a suede cloth for shine.

The breed lends itself well to training; they get used to the litter box quickly because of their love of cleanliness. Cats can learn simple commands.

Archangels walk calmly on a leash

Archangels quickly get used to the leash and can be walked around calmly.

Care and maintenance

Despite the fact that representatives of the Russian breed do not require any special care, care for them should be constant. Otherwise, the pet will turn from a sophisticated aristocrat into a neglected, unkempt looking cat.

Cats can be kept in country houses or in city apartments. But the final housing must be adapted to the needs of the pet. For example, it would be a good idea to purchase a warm bed, a play set and a scratching post that will save furniture and carpets from abuse.

For walking you need to buy a harness. It is best to walk your cat several times a week. They love to be in the fresh air and behave calmly.

Despite the great love of animals for water, they do not like to swim. They just like to watch the water flowing from the tap and touch it with their paws. Washing should not be frequent and is recommended only in case of heavy soiling or before participating in an exhibition. If only the paws and part of the fur are dirty, you can get by by wiping with a damp towel or using dry shampoo.

Eyes are examined daily. Dirt and discharge are removed with a clean napkin or a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water. Regular care will prevent the development of infections or inflammations.

At least once a week, clean the cat’s ears using a cotton swab moistened with a special lotion or boric alcohol for this purpose. The main thing is not to penetrate inside the ear, so as not to damage the eardrums and cause an infection.

Cats living in apartments are recommended to have their claws trimmed. This procedure is done once a month. The first time it should be performed by a professional in a veterinary clinic, and subsequently it can be performed at home. For manicure you will need a nail clipper and a file to remove unevenness. Cut off 2 mm of the nail plate so as not to damage the vessels located on the surface of the pet’s claw. If the animal does not like the grooming procedure, then it is advisable to extend it over a couple of days.

Russian Blue cats have a very thick and dense coat that requires weekly brushing. They are accustomed to this process gradually, starting from childhood. Then the pet will calmly, and maybe even happily respond to grooming.

Caring for and maintaining a Russian Blue cat will not require much effort from the owner if he accustoms the pet to all hygiene procedures from childhood.


One of the main rules of mating is to mate only with an individual of the same breed. Currently, there are many clubs for fans of this breed, so choosing a suitable partner is not difficult. Russian blue cats do not have any particular difficulties with mating. Representatives of this breed are too shy and calm to fight or argue with the cat. Usually mating occurs on the territory of the male, so the owner of the cat should worry about the trip . Cats reach sexual maturity at 1.5–2 years. After this, you can start looking for a partner. Sometimes, due to the lack of opportunity to find a Russian Blue cat, cats are bred with males of another breed, but this is highly not recommended.

In almost all felinological systems such matings are prohibited. Kittens will not receive a pedigree. You will get mestizos.

curious, forum user

a suitable cat can be found from the same breeder where the cat was purchased

Criteria for choosing a partner

In order to find a worthy partner for your cat, find out what nurseries/breeders there are in your city. Study the reviews of those who have already contacted these breeders. If nothing alerts you, start calling. You can ask any questions you may have by phone. If the nursery owner avoids answering any question, then perhaps he has something to hide. Once you have decided on a nursery, go to the desired address. Particular attention should be paid to the following nuances:

  • appearance;
  • pedigree;
  • cat experience;
  • documentation.

It is necessary to examine the appearance of the proposed male. The cat must be clean, without any deviations from the standard and without external damage (abrasions, bald spots, wounds). The animal must be active and look healthy. The cat must have a veterinary passport with notes on all vaccinations given. In addition, you can ask for the pedigree of the cat and its parents (if network). If there is a pedigree, the owner of the animal will offer it himself. Only with the help of this document can you understand that the cat is truly purebred. This will guarantee that the mating will produce beautiful blue kittens.

In addition, you can find out from the owner about the cat’s experience. The ideal option is an already untied cat. The male must know how and what to do with the cat. If the mating is successful, the cat's owner will need to give one kitten from the resulting litter (at the choice of the male owner) or a certain amount. In some cases, an agreement is concluded between the parties, which stipulates all these conditions.

How often can a cat give birth?

To prevent the cat from getting sick, you need to control the frequency of births

Cats can give birth 3-4 times a year. But this usually happens during uncontrolled matings, when the animal leads a street lifestyle or has free access to the street. In addition, some (not very caring) breeders use the cat’s ability to give birth frequently for their own selfish purposes. But frequent childbirth can exhaust the cat, its health will weaken, and this can lead to the development of a number of female diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to control the number of matings of the animal.

Experienced breeders who are sensitive to the health of their pet organize mating of a Russian Blue cat once a year.

Tips for choosing a kitten

If you decide to purchase a Russian blue kitten, then you should approach its choice with all responsibility. First of all, pay attention to the living conditions of the baby and his parents. It is recommended to buy kittens of three months of age, which should have a well-developed immune system and have received their first vaccinations.

When examining your future pet, you need to pay attention to:

  • kitten eye health;
  • clean ears;
  • density and color of coat.

Healthy Russian Blue kittens should be active, mischievous, with an inquisitive look.

Origin of the breed

The history of such an interesting breed is shrouded in myths. There is still no reliable information about where it came from. There are suggestions that merchants from Europe who visited Russia noticed kittens that attracted them with their appearance. The furry babies were sheltered on a ship, after which it turned out that they are masters at catching rats and mice. This was a huge plus for the keepers, because they saved food supplies by dealing with pests.


This is how the breed from Arkhangelsk came to England, where already in 1875 it was demonstrated at an exhibition in London. Since that time, many European breeders began to improve the breed, creating the Russian cat in two more varieties: black and white. But today only the blue color of the pet is recognized.

Breed varieties

Selection in Europe, separately in England, the USA, and Russia proceeded independently of each other, so different types of breed and standards appeared:

  • European - the color is called ideal, but the animals have practically no undercoat.
  • American - due to the strong influx of Siamese blood, it has a bias towards Oriental. At the same time, the eye color is rich green and it is established in kittens at 4 months.
  • Scandinavian – strong bones, rounded head, thick double coat.
  • The Russian is an almost ideal type, but lacks the silvery coat and takes a long time to develop eye color.

How to choose a kitten

Initially, a Russian Blue kitten can be reserved on the breeder's website using a photo. But before purchasing, it is recommended to visit the nursery.

What to see:

  • In what environment are the animals kept? The room must be clean.
  • Parents' exhibition diplomas, pedigree.
  • The kitten must be vaccinated and have a veterinary passport with vaccination and deworming notes.

One of the main selection criteria is health. You need to check if the kitten has fleas, ear mites, or dermatitis. The eyes should be free of purulent discharge. Under the tail everything is clean and dry. The tail is flexible, long, without bends.

The baby should be active, moderately well-fed, show friendliness and curiosity.

Before 12 weeks, a kitten is not taken from the breeder. At 3 months, kittens already notice that the ends of their hair are lightened. There should be no white spots and white hairs are undesirable. A slight stripe on the tip of the tail is allowed - it disappears with age.

Green eye color is the main sign of thoroughbred. Yellow color is not acceptable. By 3 months, Russian Blue kittens have marsh-colored eyes. The eyes finally change color by the age of one year, and only then can one understand whether they will be bright green or yellowish. If a kitten is blue-eyed when it moves to a new home, and the breeder assures that the color will change, this is not so.

The second characteristic of the breed is the double coat. A Russian Blue kitten at 3 months is still fluffy with baby hair, but not long-haired. The fur coat will be fully formed by 6 months.

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