Highland Fold: 115 cat photos, description of the breed, character traits and necessary care

The Siamese cat is a popular short-haired breed with a recognizable point color. Unique beauty is combined with sociability and intelligence. A good companion for those who value open expression of feelings and constant connection with their pet. These talkative cats will not let you get bored and will participate in all family activities.

BreedSiamese cat
TypeSiamese-oriental (eastern) group
Country of originThailand
Lifespan15 – 25 years
Kitten price8000 – 35000 rubles

Other distinctive features

External signs and differences in temperament are clear and easily verifiable. There are other signs by which representatives of the breeds can be distinguished upon more detailed observation. Cats have different levels of sociability. Thais avoid conflicts with other animals and never bully smaller or weaker ones. If you offend a cat, he will simply ignore such an act.

When contacting children, Thais show not just love, but a certain maternal instinct and special care. When communicating with a child, a representative of the breed does not use teeth and claws. There are no cases with them when games escalate into attacks.

Siamese cats are indifferent to all strangers and animals. If you try to pet the animal at the wrong time, you may encounter a rather aggressive reaction. The cat treats its relatives well and friendly. It is difficult to predict behavior when a new tenant appears in the house due to jealousy.

The health of cats also differs. Thais live on average 12–18 years, and can sometimes live up to 28 years. Representatives of the breed are susceptible to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis and joint dysplasia. Among the diseases of the genitourinary system there are cystitis, urocystitis and urolithiasis. Thais are not susceptible to diseases caused by bleeding disorders and inflammation of the inner eyelid.

Who are these animals suitable for?

By nature, Siamese cats are more suitable for people with a calm temperament. They make good companions for homebodies or older people. However, they should absolutely not be introduced into families where there are or are planned to be small children . Fold cats treat them rather coldly, trying to avoid them. In addition, kids may not calculate their strength or enthusiastically drag the cat into their game. In response, she may show her aggressive behavior, first growling, and then biting or scratching the child if he continues to disturb her peace.

History of the origin of the breed

It is believed that the birthplace of the first Siamese cats is Asia. The country of origin of Siamese cats is Thailand, which several centuries ago was called Siam.

Siamese cats served as temple guards and accompanied those who died to the world of the dead. That is why these animals are still considered sacred in Thailand.

After the Siamese received special favor from the local residents, various works began to be dedicated to them. Thus, in the National Library of the country there is a well-known work “Treatise on Cats”, which talks about these sacred animals.

Several centuries ago, the Thais decided to create a special society to protect Siamese cats from extinction.

general information

  • Breed name: Siamese cat.
  • Country of origin: Thailand.
  • Weight: 3–5 kg.
  • Height at withers: up to 25 cm.
  • Average life expectancy: up to 15 years or more.
  • Average price: from 1,000 to 20,000 rubles and more.

This is interesting: Characteristics of the Siamese cat

Pros and cons of the breed

Of course, before purchasing a kitten or adopting one from a shelter, you should carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of the breed. Otherwise, there is a risk of seriously regretting the decision to have such a pet in the future.

The advantages of the Siamese breed include:

  • ease of care,
  • good health,
  • life expectancy,
  • sharp mind,
  • ability to get along with dogs.

Unfortunately, it is also not without its drawbacks. This category should include a peculiar character - not always simple and flexible enough. Cats often refuse to adapt to their environment - even to their owners, not to mention other pets. Alas, nothing can be done about it - blue blood flows in their veins and the favorites of Asian kings are not always ready to make concessions. It is also not advisable to leave them alone for a long time.


The ears of such pets are widely spaced and quite large in size. With its elegant, aristocratic appearance, the Seychelles cat resembles a fragile figurine. But this perception is deceptive - she is resilient and strong. Her graceful, soft gait, full of dignity, reveals her as a native Englishwoman. And she is no stranger to royalty and willfulness. The heavenly gaze seems to penetrate into the depths of the soul and see right through. The exterior has characteristic features:

  • The Seychelles cat has an average size and weight of 2-5 kg;
  • The shorthair coat is longer on the belly, tail and shoulder girdle, and has no undercoat;
  • Thin bone, well-developed muscles with a narrow chest;
  • Slender, long limbs with neat paws - “pads”;
  • Wedge-shaped elongated head with a narrow chin;
  • The curve of the muzzle from the forehead to the nose is flattened;
  • The ears are the “calling card” of the breed - large, widely spaced, with rounded corners;
  • Almond-shaped eyes of any shade of blue, slightly slanted;
  • A flexible, long tail that expresses the pet's emotions.

The color is pleasing to the eye

Such pets may have colored spots against the background of white fur. Color delights require special attention. According to the standard, the Seychelles coat should have a snow-white appearance with a point. The two-color “van” pattern is characterized by a white background with spots of a different color (black, red, gray). The tail is always multi-colored, often tortoiseshell. Based on the size and location of the spots, three types of color are distinguished. The Seychelles cat is distinguished by a mandatory feature - colored ears, paws, tail and mask. The mask does not take up the entire head.

Wayward character

Despite the rarity of the breed, people have already heard about the Seychelles. On the one hand, it is an intelligent, cheerful, active animal, on the other hand, it is a rebellious, stubborn creature.

The cat will try to subjugate other pets at home to its will and will not tolerate a fight for the owner’s attention. And she really needs it

These four-legged animals are obliged to enjoy universal favor and feel cared for and warm. Ignoring will lead to depression and illness. Selfishness forces the Seychelles to choose one of the family members as a favorite and bestow devotion only on him. However, cats get along well with children. All their lives (about 15 years) they are funny, playful and energetic. If someone dares to offend the “blue blood”, the animal will find a way to “revenge”.

A pet requires attention as a full-fledged member of the family. Over time, Seychelles dogs become pets and full members of the family, responding with friendliness, joy and affection to their owners for many years

Becoming the center of general pleasure, they bring a unifying principle into the house and develop discipline and responsibility. Talkativeness will prevent you from getting bored and sad.

Color classification

The most common color of the Scottish Fold cat is blue-gray. Currently, the variety of colors is very large, so the coat can be of almost any color. In order to obtain such a wide variety of colors in the Scottish Fold breed, crossings were initially carried out with several other breeds.

This is interesting! Today, the breed already has all the necessary gene set, so such crossbreeding activities are not encouraged.

In total, the Scottish Fold has a predominant pair of genes that are responsible for the red and black coat colors. The dominant and recessive genes are supplemented by the so-called “diluent”, which is responsible for the richness of the coat color. The result of the combinatorial function is the production of animals with a variety of coat colors.

It should be remembered that it is practically impossible to reliably determine the color of a Scottish kitten immediately after its birth, since the main color appears only after the first coat is replaced by an adult coat, that is, at the age of six months.


The presence of a solid color implies the complete absence of any inclusions of a different color. The coloring of the coat should be rich and as uniform as possible along the entire length of the hair. The presence of inclusions of any other color suggests a different color or is regarded as a defect, which helps to reduce the value of the animal and negatively affects exhibition ratings.

The solid or solid color of the Scottish cat can be blue or so-called grey, black or “ebony”, white, chocolate or brown, lilac, fawn or light lilac, cinnamon or “cinnamon”, as well as red and cream.

This is interesting! The classic color is considered to be blue, but in recent years, domestic pets of the Scottish Fold cat breed with lilac and cream coat have become widespread.


Bicolor is a popular coat color characterized by snow-white coloring over a large area of ​​the coat. White color must be present in the abdomen, chest, neck and chin, as well as limbs and muzzle. The distribution of other shades is uniform, without a local pronounced predominance.

In accordance with breed standards, there must be a mark on the animal’s face that looks like an inverted Latin letter “V”. Animals that have an open-type white “collar” in the neck area are especially highly valued. Combinations of white with blue, cream and red tints, as well as with any tabby colors, are especially popular.


The coat color called particolor or calico is a very interesting combination of the classic snow-white color with the original tortoiseshell color.

Scottish fold cats with a van or “van” color are especially popular among foreign breeders. In such pets, the basic coloring is exclusively on the tail, but there are several spots in the head area.

Animals with blue markings or cats with the “blue van” color are very popular. This option is characterized by the presence of a pair of small spots on the paws or body of the pet.

Harlequin color

Scottish fold cats with a harlequin color are among the most sought after in our country . This is one of the types of coat color of Scottish cats, characterized by the presence of white spots with a special type of distribution. The color can contain from 50% to 80-82% white, which allows animals with a similar coat to be classified as an intermediate type of white distribution between the “van” and “bicolor” colors. The main characteristics of the “harlequin” color are presented:

  • white chest, paws and neck;
  • fully colored tail;
  • several clear, large or medium-sized spots of different shapes on the back, head and croup.


Among the diseases characteristic of Siamese cats are genetic mutations that appeared after thoughtless crossing.

Also, many often experience diseases such as:

  1. Asthma. Very human-like. Has an allergic basis: to dust from books, smoke from tobacco or deodorant.
  2. Strabismus. It is triggered by genes that prevent the development of the optic nerves.
  3. Intestinal adenocarcinoma. Cancerous tumors are more common in males.
  4. Rhinotracheitis. Periodic conjunctivitis and runny nose, which is accompanied by lethargy and fever.
  5. Calcivirosis. Affects the respiratory tract. In rare cases, with advanced disease, it leads to pneumonia. Manifests itself in the form of red eyes and runny nose.
  6. Cardiomyopathy. A disease associated with genetics. It manifests itself in constant fainting, which occurs from a lack of oxygen in the blood.
  7. Breast cancer. It can only be discovered by chance, because the cat does not experience anxiety. They look like small seals.
  8. Mental alopecia. Many Siamese cats, due to constant stress, begin to lick themselves, which causes baldness in certain areas of the body.

Important! To avoid many diseases, it is necessary to vaccinate your pet. This occurs at the age of 2–3 months. After vaccination, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of diseases such as panleukopenia, plague, leukemia, infectious peritonitis, etc.


All Siamese kittens are born completely white, since the ambient temperature in the womb is high and uniform. With age, points begin to darken, which is associated with different temperature conditions in individual parts of the body. Dark markings - points - are located where it is lower - on the face, ears, paws and tail. The light background is usually formed by the albinism gene.

In total, modern felinology has identified twelve acceptable colors of the Siamese:

  • Sial point. The main background is creamy, perhaps to rich brown. The points are anthracite black.

  • Blue point. Light, fawn-gray background, blue back, points of a more saturated blue to blue-smoky. The nose and fingers are blue-gray, almost ashen.

  • Chocolate point. The background is the color of baked milk or ivory, the points are coffee with milk. The paw pads and nose are the same color.

  • Lilac Point. The main background is pale cream, yellowish, points with a pinkish tint. Fingers and nose are lilac.

  • Red point. The main background is white to apricot, the points are bright red-gold. The nose and paw pads are pink.

  • Cream point. The background is white, the points are cream.
  • Caramel point. The background is caramel, the points are a darker shade of the same color.

  • Cynamon Point. The body is ivory, the points are brown. The nose is brown and the paw pads are pink to brown.

  • Fawn point. Pale light cream background, points color beige. The nose and paw pads are light pink.

  • Torty point. Points with tortoiseshell pattern, all color combinations.

  • Tabby point. Stripes on points.

  • Tabby-torty-point. Spots and stripes on points.

There are four main colors in the classification: sial, blue, chocolate and lilac points.

When kittens start to get dark

All Siamese kittens are born albinos, but after a week characteristic spots begin to appear, by six months it becomes clear what the main color of a Siamese kitten is, and by the 10th month all shades are finally formed.

Dark shades appear on the paws, tail, ears and face. With age, the contrast intensifies.

Description of the Siamese cat

The fold-eared breed of Siamese cat is not much different from other representatives of this species. The description of this breed is as follows:

  • the fold-eared Siamese cat reaches medium size;
  • has a smooth and muscular body, while the stomach can have a round shape;
  • the chest and shoulders are quite massive and well developed;
  • the paws are long and even, the hind limbs are slightly longer than the forelimbs;
  • The cat's head and jaw are strong and can easily withstand blows when attacked by other animals;
  • ears are small, directed forward and downward;
  • The eyes are almond-shaped and medium in size.

The fold-eared cat breed also has a beautiful and dense coat. At the same time, it does not adhere to the body, but slightly puffs up. Siamese cats have short hair, which is very convenient in everyday life and caring for the animal.

The color of fold-eared kittens can be anything, but most often the predominant color is smoky and gray.

Diet of Siamese cats

All cats are carnivores and their bodies are designed to absorb and process raw meat. That is why the vast majority of a Siamese cat’s diet should consist of meat and fish. But in order to protect your pet from parasites that may be present in raw foods, they should be boiled or doused with boiling water.

You can, of course, give raw meat, but first divide it into portions and freeze it. Also, taking into account the tastes of a four-legged gourmet, it can be fed with cottage cheese, eggs, milk, sour cream, unsweetened yogurt and butter.

It is not uncommon to find cats that love fruits and vegetables. Cats need greens, so they should be within walking distance, and if they are not, then you should buy special grain mixtures for cats. You can include porridge in your Siamese cat's diet - oatmeal or buckwheat. For greater benefit and taste, pieces of meat or fish, as well as liver, lungs or kidneys should be added to porridge.

If you don’t want to mess around in the kitchen preparing food, then you can feed your pet special food, dry or wet. Only in this case, you should not save money, but use premium brands whose quality is truly confirmed.

Important fact: Food should be selected taking into account the age of the cat. And also, you should immediately decide what your pet will eat, since mixing food and natural food is strictly prohibited. But still, you need to understand that food, even if it is of the highest quality, cannot replace natural nutrition.

Small kittens that are 2-3 months old should eat frequently, about 6 times a day, but in small portions. For kittens 4–5 months old, the portion should be increased, but the frequency of meals should be reduced to 4 times a day. Six-month-old kittens are fed on average 3 times a day. And only after a year the cat should be switched to 2 meals a day. It is worth remembering that you should not overfeed an animal, especially kittens who do not know how to eat in moderation, because this has a negative impact on the pet’s health.


Manufacturers distinguish several varieties of Siamese cats:

  • True Siamese are distinguished by a narrow muzzle, increased thinness, large triangular ears, long paws and the same tail.
  • Thai cats are very similar to Siamese, but have a dense body, rounded smooth lines and fluffiness.
  • The Oriental breed has no points. Solid or spotted color, thinness is what distinguishes them from the Siamese representatives of the breed.
  • The Mekong Bobtail is very similar to the Thai breed, but their tail is much shorter and wider.

Due to their particular popularity, breeders are working on creating new breeds of Siamese cats. Among them are the following types:

  • Siamese-Persian cat. She is too beautiful and has a unique character. Beautiful blue eyes and Siamese coloring - these characteristic features are combined with long hair, which is unusual for other species.
  • Burmese cat. Very similar to purebred Siamese, but her coat is semi-long, with the same darkening. It has white socks on its toes and paws. In terms of physique, it is absolutely no different from its Siamese relatives.
  • Neva masquerade cat. She was bred by Russian breeders. It has a long, smooth coat and characteristic dark markings. The masquerade cat was created by crossing a Siberian species and a Siamese. They do not like loneliness and monitor the mood of their owners.
  • Snow shu. It is distinguished by its point color with white tips on its paws. This breed was obtained by crossing a Siamese and an American Shorthair.
  • Seychelles. Has a bicolor color. Representatives of this breed are elegant and slender, almost bald, but with a slight undercoat, their front legs are shorter than their hind legs. Too capricious and frivolous.

Also, as a separate subspecies, the fold-eared cat can be distinguished, which is very rare. The lop-eared pet is similar to the British breed, but differs in color and wayward character.

Scottish Fold color codes

The concept of color is represented by the color of the cat's fur, the pattern of stripes or its complete absence, the presence or absence of white spots on the fur . Also degrees of coloration. The basic colors are red and black.

This is interesting! Currently, for the purpose of unification, an absolutely clear coding system has been developed, which is used by FIFе and WСF specialists.

This system is very convenient, and includes not only alphabetic, but also digital designations:

  • a - bluе or light blue color;
  • b - chocolate, brown and chestnut or chocolate, brown coloring, as well as Havana and champagne;
  • c - lilac, lavender or lilac and lavender, as well as platinum color;
  • d - red, flame or red color;
  • e - cream or cream color;
  • f - tortoiseshell and patch or tortoiseshell color;
  • g - blue-cream and blue-tortie or bluish-cream, bluish-tortoiseshell color;
  • h - chocolate-tortie or chocolate tortoiseshell color;
  • j - lilac-toortie or lilac-tortoiseshell color;
  • n - black, ebony, seal, sable and ruddy or black, ebony and seal colors, as well as sable and wild colors;
  • o - sorrel, cinnamon and honey or sorrel and cinnamon, as well as honey color;
  • p - beige fawn or yellow-brown and beige color;
  • q - sorrel tortie or red-brown, tortoiseshell color;
  • r - beige fawn tortie or beige tortoiseshell color;
  • s - silver and smoke or silver and smoky color;
  • w - white or white color;
  • x - unregistered or color of an unregistered type;
  • y - golden or golden color.

Diseases and health problems

Every cat breed has health problems. The Siamese breed is no exception. A common problem for all cats is dental disease. Therefore, the cat needs to undergo hygiene procedures, in particular, oral care.

The weakest aspect of the health of the Siamese breed is the bronchi. It is strictly forbidden to keep a cat in a cold and damp room. The cat is subject to frequent stress and disruptions of the hormonal system. Against this background, neurodermatitis occurs.

There may be problems with the liver caused by improper diet of the pet. All representatives of the Siamese breed do not tolerate anesthesia well.

By gender, animals are susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Males - disruption of the heart muscle;
  • Females - tumor formation in the mammary glands.

Congenital diseases of this breed include the following:

  • Curvature of the tip of the tail;
  • Strabismus;
  • Protrusion of the sternum.

All cats, regardless of whether they go outside or not, need regular vaccinations. A kitten should have its first vaccination at 12 weeks. In the future, it will save your pet from viral rhinotracheitis. At the same age, your pet can be vaccinated against rabies. The subsequent vaccination schedule should be drawn up by a veterinarian.

It is not recommended to vaccinate kittens during teething. Because in the future this could have an extremely bad effect on their offspring. Two weeks before vaccination, the cat must be dewormed and treated with flea and tick repellents.

Only completely healthy individuals can be vaccinated. After vaccinations, the cat must be closely monitored. If problems arise, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. With proper care, a Siamese cat lives on average 15 years.

Rules of care

Siamese cats are practically easy to care for.

Due to the lack of undercoat, they do not require combing at all. There is no particular need to bathe them, especially since Siamese do not tolerate low temperatures.

Eyes and ears also do not require special attention. You should only occasionally remove visible dirt from the eyes and ears.

Only the oral cavity requires close attention, since representatives of the breed often suffer from dental diseases. According to the recommendation of veterinarians, you should brush your cat’s teeth at least once a week with a special brush and paste.

The Siamese's diet must contain meat, offal, fish, eggs, vegetables, and cereals.

The Siamese breed is quite popular, so purchasing a kitten will not be difficult at all. How much does a Siamese cat cost? Its price directly depends on the availability of documents, class, pedigree and color and varies from 7,000 to 25,000 thousand rubles.

This is interesting: Description of the breed and character of Siamese cats

Breeding Siamese cats

Puberty in this breed occurs at 5 months. But the ability to reproduce offspring appears only at 10 months (also depends on the time of year in which the animal was born) and ends at the 8th year of life.

It differs from other breeds in that the duration of pregnancy is on average 65 days (usually 55). Before the 68th day, the cat must give birth, otherwise it is believed that the kittens will be born post-term. In this case, it is necessary to involve a veterinarian.

During the first month of pregnancy, the cat's behavior changes. In addition, the cat gains excess weight, despite the fact that its appetite decreases. In the second month, the cat's belly becomes pear-shaped.

Important fact: During pregnancy, the owner should limit active games with the cat and increase care for the animal. 2 weeks before the expected date of birth, the cat needs to determine a place in the house for birth.

A week before giving birth, the pet may completely refuse food. The animal will seek affection and protection from the owner. A healthy cat can roll on its own. But it is better that the owner is nearby during childbirth. If necessary, you need to be ready to help the cat.

On average, a Siamese cat gives birth to 5–6 kittens. When kittens are born, the cat owner needs to ensure that the optimal temperature is maintained within 29°C at their location. This regime must be strictly followed for at least the first 3 days. Each subsequent week the temperature must be lowered by 3 degrees to reach a final temperature of 21°C.

Is the Siamese cat breed hypoallergenic or not? How often do they shed?

Often, animal lovers, when listing the advantages of Siamese cats, mention that they are hypoallergenic and can be owned even by people who are allergic to animals. Unfortunately, it is not. If you have allergies in your family, you should not get a Siamese.

But there are no special problems with molting. She sheds only twice a year - in spring and autumn, changing her coat from summer to winter and vice versa. At this time, it is advisable to comb your pet more often - at least 3-4 times a week. Then the fur will be smooth, even and beautiful, and tufts will not cover the entire apartment.

What you need to walk your pet

Before releasing an animal outside, it is necessary to take all measures that will help the animal walk safely.

Need to:

  1. get all vaccinations;
  2. withstand quarantine;
  3. accustom the animal to a leash.

You need to keep an eye on your cat while walking, as there may be spoiled food on the floor or stray animals walking nearby that could infect or attack your pet.


Mister Cat warns: differences between Siamese and Thai cats

The modern Siamese cat differs significantly from its ancient ancestor in terms of standard. She is sleeker and more like an oriental type. The Thai cat is an Old Siamese variety. The differences between the ancestor and the new type are significant.

On the left is a Siamese cat, on the right is a Thai cat

The body and head of the Thai are more rounded and less refined, the ears are not so widely spaced, and the eyes are rather round in shape. In some systems, this variety is identified as a separate breed, in others it is a subtype of the main species.

Thai kittens

There are also differences in character - there is no Siamese arrogance, these are softer and more obedient pets, selfless and devoted, but just as energetic and active.

Breeds developed using the Siamese cat

The Siamese cat fascinates with its elegance, unusual characteristic color-point color and sapphire eyes. Breeders of many cat lines are tempted to introduce these peculiar traits into their pets. As a result of breeding work based on the Siamese, the following breeds appeared:

  • Australian;

  • Burmese - short-haired Siamese without points;

  • Balinese - Siamese and Angora combined with a long-haired Siamese;

  • Himalayan (Khmer) - Siamese and Persian, fluffy mestizo with color-point color;

  • jungala;

  • California Speckled - Abyssinian, Siamese, British and American Shorthair, Manke, Persian, African and Asian street cats;

  • Ocicat - Abyssinian and Siamese;

  • snow-shu - Thai type in white socks;

  • Neva Masquerade - Siamese and Siberian;

  • Tonkinese - Samskaya and Burmese;

  • Javanese - Siamese and Abyssinian.

How to feed Siamese cats

Once you have a pet in your home, you should determine its diet. The simplest solution is to buy ready-made dry or canned food.

It’s worth choosing from complete diets from trusted brands. This food contains all the vitamins and nutrients that are needed for the normal development of the cat’s body. You can choose a suitable option for kittens, adult animals, cats during lactation and pregnancy, as well as for pets that suffer from health problems.

If you are in doubt about the choice of food, consult the breeder from whom you bought the cat. In addition, in any case, at first it is better to feed the animal its usual food, and only then gradually change the diet, if necessary.

Siamese cats can also be fed natural food, including meat, offal and vegetables. At the same time, the diet must be thoughtful so that the pet receives all nutrients and beneficial substances in full.

It is better to refuse feeding regular food from the human table. Such a diet can harm the health of the animal, even if it seems that he “likes everything.” It is especially undesirable to offer salty, spicy, fried and sweet foods to purrs.

Another prerequisite is constant access to clean drinking water, which must be changed as needed.

Character of Siamese

Siamese are known for being one of the most intelligent and vocal cats in the world and will happily spend time with their owners. Siamese cats are affectionate with domestic cats, however, they can be demanding and suspicious of strangers. Many people say that their Siamese pets greet strangers at the door and go through some kind of approval process before visitors enter the house.

At the same time, Siamese cats are very active and love active games with toys. When it comes to training, they do not have any special exercise needs because Siamese cats are very active and playful in their own right.

They quickly get accustomed to the litter box and scratching post; the main thing is not to shout or force the cat to do anything. Siamese are quite proud and can become stubborn from such treatment. You can even toilet train them if you start training them when they are young.

You should not get a Siamese cat if you are often away from home. The pet will get bored and entertain itself in any of the available ways.

The stereotype about the evil character and vindictiveness of the Siamese, as a distinctive feature of the breed, originated in the USSR. The price of a purebred Siamese cat was high, so we usually received rejected kittens with squints, creases in the tail and abnormalities.


Photo of the Siamese Fold is a Siamese FoldFeatures of the Siamese breedDescription of the Siamese catSiamese breed this breed appearedScottish breed comes in different breeds.Siamese breed Scottish breed.other cat breeds.Siamese Fold breedFlow-eared cat breedlife of a cat Fold cat Fold cat.Siamese cat Siamese cat appeared fold-eared cat. mutations of cats Siamese cats more Fold-eared cats refer to pull a cat in types of cats. breed of cats also species of cats completely breeds of cats

photo of a Scottish kitten answer to me non-products

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