How much does a Sphynx cat cost and what does the cost depend on?

Sphinx-human contact

The love of this cat can be read in his gaze, directed at yours, which radiates truly natural magnetism. Sphynx cats need a sensitive and caring owner who can devote a lot of time and effort to the pet. Hairless cats, in turn, are able to subtly grasp the mood and habits of the owner, trying to build a relationship with him.

If you decide to buy a Sphynx kitten for a family raising a small child, do not worry about it. They will definitely get along great. Sphynxes are ready to share the interests of children and steadfastly endure unintentional rudeness during play, since their skin is very soft and pain-resistant. Cats do not bite or scratch, only occasionally in gameplay.


Sphinx personality traits:

  1. Sociability - pets are very attached to the owner, preferring to sleep in their arms or under a blanket on the bed. Cats always greet their owner, they are touchy, but they don’t hold a grudge for a long time. Sometimes a pet's behavior can be overly annoying.
  2. Playful is an active animal, often getting into mischief at a young age. Due to the lack of fur, sphinxes are not recommended to be taken outside, so it is important to pay enough attention to your pet. In its absence, the cat becomes lethargic and apathetic. They easily find a common language with children.
  3. Intelligence - Sphynxes quickly get used to the tray and are easy to train. They can be taught to fetch toys, lie down, or stand up on command.
  4. Lack of aggression - if a cat doesn’t like something, the animal will prefer to hide rather than start scratching or biting.

The St. Petersburg and Canadian Sphynxes are considered the most “talkative,” while the Don variety of cats is considered the most silent. Like other types of cats, sphinxes are characterized by a love of boxes, excessive curiosity and a wary attitude at first towards new people or other animals.

How to care for your skin

The Sphynx produces sweat evenly throughout its body. When it dries, a brown color appears on both the cat and the things it touches. Discharge regularly accumulates between the folds, collecting dirt, so you should definitely bathe the animal. If the skin is not completely dirty, you can wipe it with wet wipes intended for caring for animals.

Taking into account the fact that hairless cats love to soak up the sun, you should not allow them to stay in the open rays for a long time.

The right diet

In order for the Sphynx to develop well and remain healthy longer, it is provided not only with proper maintenance and care, but also with balanced feeding. To remain active and maintain body temperature, hairless cats require more high-calorie food than representatives of shaggy breeds.

On a note. If the Sphynx's diet is low in fat, the animal will become cold and begin to overeat to make up for the lack of energy. And this is fraught with digestive problems.

With the industrial type of feeding, high-calorie products of premium or super-premium class are purchased for sphinxes. Before making a choice, you need to carefully study the description of the composition and make sure that it has sufficient fat content and there are no questionable components.

The following criteria are met:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Acana;
  • Grandorf.

With a natural diet, the Sphinx's menu is designed so that it contains at least 70% meat. Also included in the diet of cats of hairless breeds is:

  • boiled offal;
  • porridge with water;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • lean sea fish.

It is important to ensure that cats of this breed never eat bones, baked goods, sweets, smoked meats, pickles and sausages. Also, sphinxes should not be given mushrooms, onions, river fish, fresh milk and any leftovers from the master's table.

What factors influence the price

First of all, a hairless cat has certain standards. Consequently, after the kittens are born, they receive a specific class.

  1. Show. This class is assigned to kittens that meet a whole list of standards. The price is affected by gender, amount of wool, parents.
  2. Breed. It is appropriate to include in this category those kittens that will be used for breeding in the future.
  3. Pat. This class is given to kittens born that do not meet any point of the standard. A cat of this class is perfect as a pet. This includes pets that do not have a pedigree.

How much does a Sphynx cost?

  1. Kittens as pets of the pet class that have undergone castration usually cost from 8 to 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Pets of the breed class, intended for breeding, depending on color, pedigree, etc., are sold from 15 to 40 thousand rubles.
  3. Kittens for show class exhibitions will cost on average from 40 to 100 thousand rubles.

The Sphynx is a popular breed of domestic cat. These pets are sold in any region of the Russian Federation, which is why they cost relatively little for this breed.

According to an advertisement in a newspaper or on an Internet resource, it is possible to find a Sphinx for 3-5 thousand rubles. Of course, the titled parents of the Canadian Sphynx, coupled with exact compliance with the standard, increase the cost.


There are three types of sphinxes: Canadian , Don , St. Petersburg . The Canadian subspecies appeared about 60 years ago, the St. Petersburg subspecies about 20 years ago, the Don subspecies was registered in 1992. Each variety has its own distinctive features.

Description of the appearance standards of Canadian Sphynxes:

  • The cat's weight varies between 3.5-5 kg.
  • The head is long.
  • The nose is straight.
  • The neck is muscular and of medium length.
  • The ears are large and erect.
  • The eyes are wide, narrow at the edges, slanted, any color is allowed.
  • The body is medium in size, muscular, soft to the touch.
  • Paws of medium length, proportional, soft.
  • The tail is flexible, tapering towards the end, and long.
  • There is barely noticeable hair up to 0.2 cm long.
  • The skin is wrinkled and thick.

Canadian Sphynx
Standards of the Don Sphynx:

  • Average weight - 3.5-7 kg.
  • The head is long, with folds.
  • Fangs protrude from under the upper lip.
  • Thick vibrissae.
  • The ears are wide and large, tilted forward.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, the eyelids are rolled up, any eye shade is allowed.
  • The body is muscular, medium in size, hot to the touch.
  • The paws are medium in length, soft, proportional, the hind limbs are longer than the front ones.
  • the tail is long, tapering towards the end.
  • The skin is folded, elastic, covered with down.

Don Sphinx
Description of the St. Petersburg Sphinx:

  • The weight of an adult animal is 3-5 kg.
  • The head is wedge-shaped.
  • The neck is long and thin.
  • Vibrissae curved.
  • The ears are wide and set to the sides.
  • The eyes are small, almond-shaped, bright green, dark blue or light blue.
  • The body is muscular and medium, the chest and shoulders are wider than the hips.
  • The front legs are straight and long.
  • The tail is long and flexible.
  • There is a thin undercoat.

Petersburg Sphynx
By nature, cats are friendly, docile, and do not like loneliness. But they are difficult to care for.

How much does the Don Sphynx cost?

Nurseries offer wonderful kittens that meet the standards of this breed. The cost of the Don Sphynx ranges from 9-30 thousand rubles.

Buying a hairless kitten today is easy. In Russia there are a huge number of nurseries that qualify for breeding this breed. In turn, many are ready to deliver the animal to neighboring regions, and sometimes anywhere in Russia. Meanwhile, such a number of nurseries obliges the potential buyer to carefully approach the choice of purchase location. First, you should read the reviews of the selected nursery.

In addition to registered establishments, there is the option of purchasing a Sphinx from a private individual. In this case, the breeder can provide a pedigree. The veterinary passport usually indicates the necessary vaccinations appropriate for age, but you should not count on a detailed examination of the pet’s health.

History of the breed

A concerned resident of Rostov-on-Don, Elena Kovaleva, picked up a tortured kitten on the street, which had been mocked by local schoolchildren.

The baby, soon named Varvara, was extremely emaciated, and her shabby appearance only aggravated the overall picture. At first, Elena took the rescued kitten to the veterinarians in an attempt to cure it of baldness, but to no avail.

The amazing mutation interested the breeder, who turned out to be Irina Nemykina. For several years, Elena and Irina maintained contact.

And in 1990, Varyusha had offspring who were balder than herself. Irina took one kitten for herself, calling him Chita.

Upon reaching puberty, Chita was mated with a European shorthaired purr, and the babies turned out to be even more hairless.

Then Nemykina came up with the idea of ​​mating Chita with her son Hannibal. The result exceeded all expectations - one of the kittens was completely hairless and was named Basya Myth. This was the first Don Sphynx kitten.

In 1997, the WCF officially recognized the Don Sphynx breed.

Choosing a good pet: what to look for

For some this will sound banal and primitive, but you need to choose with your heart. Thanks to your feelings, you will certainly be able to find your pet. It is advisable to look at kittens from different breeders to make the right decision.

What features should you pay attention to when choosing a hairless kitten:

  • mobility and playfulness;
  • feeling well (sneezing indicates a cold);
  • vaccination (at approximately 3.5 months);
  • a stable state suggests a temperature of 39-40 ° (sometimes reaching 42 °);
  • there is no dandruff, no peeling of the skin (otherwise there is a fungal disease);
  • good color (in babies it is quite difficult to determine), which is revealed by skin pigment and the shade of rare hairs appearing on the skin; The most common colors are chocolate, blue, tortoiseshell and white.

Tendency to diseases

Don Sphynx cats are predisposed to the following genetic diseases:

  • congenital entropion of the eyelids (treated surgically);
  • microphthalmos - reduction in the size of the eyeball (vision deteriorates);
  • syndrome of “falling asleep kittens” (due to underdevelopment of the thymus gland, babies die);
  • curvature of the caudal spine, causing a number of other pathologies (problems of the skeletal system, underdevelopment of the intestines, etc.);
  • nipple hyperplasia in cats (if drugs to suppress sexual desire were used);
  • undershot - shortening of the lower jaw (affects quality of life);
  • skin vasculitis (inflammation of the vascular walls of the skin).

Most often, Don people have skin problems caused by excessive production of sebaceous glandular secretions. These may be the following diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • trichophytosis;
  • acne.

Absolutely naked individuals are susceptible to skin diseases more often than those with fur.

Sphinx food

In this aspect, the Sphynx kitten will definitely please its owner. This cat is an omnivore and is rarely spoiled. She will happily eat the food offered by the owner. The reason for this behavior lies in the increased metabolism due to the lack of fur and high temperature.

In turn, when a kitten greedily grabs pieces of food, you don’t need to think that it needs additional feeding. This is just a characteristic feature of the breed.

There is no need to put your pet on dry or canned food. Here, the combination that provides the necessary vitamins plays a significant role. The main thing is that any food must be of high quality.

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