Pregnant Sphynx cat: how to find out about the position, changes in behavior and appearance, how long they walk

If the mating of a pet was successful, it will not be difficult to determine this in the near future. A pregnant Sphynx cat begins to behave differently. At this time, she needs care, affection and special care more than ever. Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 6-9 months. However, experts recommend mating no earlier than the animal is 12-15 months old.

Preparing for childbirth

Closer to the due date, you need to prepare a secluded warm place for the expectant mother. This can be a specially purchased house, or a simple cardboard box (necessarily closed at the top), lined from the inside with warm, soft cloths. In addition to the house, prepare sterile gauze (or bandages) and cotton wool. You will also need brilliant green, but it must be diluted. Or, as an analogue, hydrogen peroxide will do.

And another small list:

  • pipettes
  • small scissors (sterile)
  • silk and or cotton threads
  • sterilized vegetable oil

All prepared items should be kept in one place and as close as possible to the future “nest”.

Gestation course, number and development of fetuses

How does gestation proceed in cats? Regardless of how many days they carry the cubs, in the absence of any deviations, this process follows a standard scenario. Conventionally, this period can be divided into 4 stages:

  • 3–4 weeks;
  • 5–6 weeks;
  • 7–8 weeks;
  • 9–10 weeks.
Gestation period, weeksChanges occurring in the cat and cubsFruit size, cm
  • swelling and darkening of the mammary glands;
  • nausea;
  • decreased appetite and physical activity;
  • development of the nervous and muscular systems of children.
  • weight gain;
  • enlargement and rounding of the tummy;
  • a sharp increase in appetite;
  • secretion of milk;
  • the appearance of skin and fur in embryos, the formation of paws and toes, and the development of sensory organs.
  • molting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • active nesting;
  • The formation of the fetus continues, the babies are actively moving.
  • decreased physical activity;
  • apathy;
  • clear mucous discharge from the genitals;
  • decrease in body temperature to 37 degrees;
  • significant enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • prolapse of the abdomen.

During the first pregnancy, most pets give birth to 1 to 3 cubs. Mature females usually give birth to 6–8 kittens. In addition to age, how many kittens a cat can give birth to is influenced by breed, heredity, length of gestation, health characteristics, lifestyle and living conditions, as well as quality of nutrition.

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Changes in behavior

The period for which sphinxes bear kittens depends on the age of the female. They usually bring from 1 to 12 babies per pregnancy. The number of offspring may increase as the cat gets older. If you allow the animal to mate too early, the body may not be able to withstand the load and the cat will die along with the kittens. During the process of bearing kittens, the behavior of the Sphynx can change significantly:

  • the animal begins to refuse its favorite food and become picky;
  • the cat walks around the apartment in search of a new shelter for its offspring;
  • sometimes aggression towards the owner and other inhabitants of the house, including pets, occurs.

There is no need to worry about such changes. Gradually the animal will get used to its new state and behave as usual.

This is interesting: 11 interesting facts about sphinxes

Dates of pregnancy

Estrus in Sphynx cats can last throughout the year, but the animal shows the most desire, like all felines, in the spring. The first signs of sexual heat may appear at the age of 6-9 months, but at this age physical development is not yet complete, so early pregnancy in sphinxes often comes with complications; premature births often occur, in which kittens are born dead. Therefore, the optimal period for the first mating is the age of 12-14 months.

If the mating was successful, the following signs will help you understand:

  • Excessive pickiness. Peterbalds, Canadian and Don cats literally change their mood literally the next day after mating. The animal requires increased attention, affection, and may refuse its usual food.
  • Swollen nipples. If a female's mammary glands are swollen, this is the main sign that pregnancy has occurred.
  • Toxicosis. Hairless cats are prone to intoxication, which often occurs at 3-4 weeks.
  • Weight gain. At 5-6 weeks, the cat begins to gain weight, and her belly noticeably increases.
  • The appearance of colostrum. A couple of weeks before giving birth, colostrum begins to appear from the cat's nipples.

In this state, the pet is more lethargic than usual. The average duration of gestation for sphinxes is 8-9 weeks. All this time, while the hairless cat is bearing offspring, she is subject to apathy, indifference, and is reluctant to communicate with the owner and other family members. Usually, before the upcoming birth, the animal will choose some kind of box, where it will try to create a secluded corner suitable for newborn kittens.

What you need to know about Sphynx pregnancy?

Mating of Sphynxes is almost no different from mating of individuals of any other breed. There are no peculiarities in the course of pregnancy either. There are only some differences in puberty and preparation for mating.


Individuals of the Sphynx breed become sexually mature early. The first estrus begins already at 6–7 months of age. The behavior of a young female changes; she may become more affectionate or, conversely, more irritable.

But you need to understand that puberty does not mean the animal’s body is ready to mate. It is strictly forbidden to breed a female during her first heat, since there is a high probability of difficult childbirth and the birth of non-viable offspring.

Males become sexually mature later than females, at 8–9 months of age. The character of a young Sphynx cat also changes, becoming more arrogant and aggressive. The male begins to mark the territory. But you shouldn’t breed a cat, like a cat, too early; his body is not yet ready for mating.

Ready for mating

A female can become pregnant after her second or third heat. The optimal age for the first mating is 1.5 or 2 years, when the sphinx’s body is formed and the reproductive system is ready to work fully.

Basic rule of knitting

First of all, every breeder must know that it is impossible to abuse various drugs that suppress or stop estrus in cats.

After all, excessive use of these drugs can lead not only to hormonal disruption in the body of cats, but also cause very serious diseases.

And that is why every owner must decide whether he needs to breed a male cat, and if so, then it is necessary to prepare for it in advance and according to all the rules.

How long does pregnancy last for the first and subsequent times?

How long a cat carries kittens depends on several factors. The gestation period is affected by the number of fetuses, age, individual characteristics of the cat’s body, etc. It is believed that even the duration of daylight hours can affect how many weeks cats give birth. On average, pregnancy in cats lasts about 2 months, or more precisely, from 63 to 70 days.

It should be borne in mind that cats do not become pregnant at the time of mating. Actual conception occurs 25–60 hours after contact with a sexual partner. To correctly determine how many weeks a cat will give birth, you need to count 9 weeks from the moment of fertilization.

How long can labor last?

Previously, it was believed that during the first birth this period should last no more than 24 hours. Now these terms are considered to be slightly different. According to doctors, when the first child is born, it is quite normal for labor to continue for up to 18 hours. The average duration of the first birth is 11-12 hours.

It should be borne in mind that there can be quite a lot of factors on which the duration of labor will depend. It is almost never possible to accurately guess how long it will take to give birth to a baby. The age of the pregnant woman, the health status of the baby and mother, and presentation are also important.

The psychological state of the pregnant woman, physiological characteristics, medications the woman took, and much more also play an important role.

Signs of giving birth in cats

You can tell when the onset of labor is approaching by changes in your cat's behavior. A few days before the start, the cat becomes nervous and restless. He begins to carefully study the “house”, walk around it, climb inside and immediately climb back out. Meows anxiously. Further, the frequency and intensity of contractions will increase, and the cat will become more and more nervous. Heavy and intermittent breathing will add to the anxiety. The cat lies down with its hind legs extended.

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The body temperature of Sphynx cats decreases during childbirth. Ears and nose become cold. The time between the first contraction and the birth of the first kitten is on average about 40 minutes.

You can predict an imminent birth by the increased sleepiness of the pet.

A Canadian or Don Sphynx may give birth a little earlier than expected, especially if the animal gives birth for the first time. You can find out that your pet is about to become a mother by the following signs:

  • the appearance of white discharge on the genitals;
  • lethargy, constant drowsiness;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands and nipples;
  • frequent urination;
  • the desire to retire, to find a secluded closed place;
  • refusal of food.

Factors influencing the length of pregnancy in cats

There is a theory according to which the gestation period of the fetus can last depending on the length of the coat:

  • short-haired animals give birth on average a week earlier than the required period (sphynxes), since they have an increased metabolism of substances in the body, so the fetus develops earlier, but the kittens are born healthy;
  • pets with medium hair give birth to babies on average 3-4 days earlier than expected (British, Scottish fold or straight-eared, Siamese breed);
  • long-haired - carry the pregnancy to term, give birth 5-7 days later than the due date (Maine Coon).

There are environmental factors and living conditions that can prolong pregnancy:

  • proper and healthy nutrition, including all the necessary vitamins, trace elements, minerals and other substances;
  • lack of stress, calm, measured life for a pregnant animal;
  • frequent ventilation of the room in which the cat is located to provide more oxygen to its body.

To ensure that kittens are born healthy, you should periodically visit a veterinarian who will monitor the process. He will tell you what vitamins the owner needs to buy to give birth to healthy kittens.

Everything you need to know about breeding the Canadian Sphynx

Absolutely every owner of a Sphynx cat sooner or later must decide for himself whether his four-legged friend needs mating.
If you still decide that you need Sphynx kittens, then you definitely need to know when and how to properly breed your pet. In order to organize this very complex process correctly, every owner of a Canadian Sphynx must understand how puberty occurs in cats of this breed. After all, such knowledge will help the animal owner determine whether the pet is ready for mating or not.

The appearance of kittens

Giving birth to a Sphynx cat is not much different from giving birth to most other cats. On average they last from three to six hours. Each new kitten is born at intervals of 20-30 minutes. The onset of labor is signaled by the breaking of amniotic fluid.

First of all, the cat carefully licks the newborn kitten, removes the amniotic sac (amnion) from it, and clears its airways and oral cavity. After which he bites the umbilical cord and eats the afterbirth. Thus, she replenishes her strength and receives a dose of hormones necessary to begin the process of milk production. As a rule, the afterbirth comes out either with the kitten, or a little later.

The mother pushes the clean, licked kitten with its nose towards the nipples. After the cat has finished tidying up her baby, before the next one is born, she tidies herself up and calms herself by purring. On average, newborn kittens weigh approximately 90-120 grams. Smaller individuals are considered weak and are less likely to survive.

There are times when labor in a Sphynx cat seems to be suspended. All processes associated with them stop, the cat calms down and works with the babies. And after several hours (up to a day), labor may continue again. There is no need to worry or worry about this - there is no pathology here.

What not to feed the Sphynx

Sphynx cats should not be fed the following foods:

  1. Fatty meat and lard - the cat’s body is poorly adapted to digest fatty foods.
  2. Sausages and smoked meats contain artificial additives that are harmful to animal health.
  3. Tubular bones - easily split, injure the esophagus and stomach.
  4. River fish - contains many small bones. The pet may choke.
  5. Fried foods are difficult to digest and cause indigestion.
  6. Sweets, baked goods, and baked goods disrupt the natural course of metabolic processes and increase the production of skin secretions.
  7. Potatoes, tomatoes, legumes - cause bloating and are practically not digestible.
  8. Mushrooms are not a natural food for cats. Their bodies lack enzymes to process such food.
  9. Citrus fruits, grapes, raisins, avocados, persimmons are toxic to cats and cause allergies.
  10. Onions and garlic - destroy red blood cells, causing hemolytic anemia.
  11. Rhubarb - due to the high concentration of oxalic acid, the Sphynx's kidneys may fail.
  12. Chocolate, cocoa - depress cardiac activity, cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Cats should not be given alcohol, coffee or other drinks containing stimulants.

Important. Food for Sphynx cats should not be spoiled, expired or stored in improper conditions.

How does childbirth occur in sphinxes?

Experienced cat owners determine the approaching birth process by the following signs:

  • a drop in body temperature below 37 °C 1-3 days before lambing;
  • active licking of the vulva;
  • release of the mucus plug covering the cervix;
  • arching the back 4-8 ​​hours before birth;
  • looking for a nest.

Experienced cats climb into the den before lambing; first-born cats can scatter kittens throughout the apartment.

Normal childbirth occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Contractions: Bloody discharge flows from the swollen vulva. The cat is straining, convulsive contractions appear and recede every half hour. It can take 12-24 hours from the start of contractions to the birth of the first kitten.
  2. The birth of the first baby: the amniotic sac appears, the fluid flows out, the cat releases the baby, bites the umbilical cord, places the newborn on the nipple, eats the baby's place. It is not recommended to allow your pet to eat more than two afterbirths.
  3. Birth of the second and subsequent kittens. 10-15 minutes after the release of the first calf, new contractions occur. The remaining kittens are born at the same intervals.

Be sure to read:
Can a cat give birth to one kitten if the fetus is in the birth canal, what to do

The duration of stages 2 and 3 is 2-6 hours in total. A variant of the norm is considered delayed lambing, when labor has stopped, the mother is busy with the kitten and, suddenly, within 12-36 hours, new contractions begin and new newborns appear.

Responsible owners count the number of kittens and placenta, taking into account those eaten by the mother. Contact a veterinarian, whose phone number should be at hand. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you should stock up on cat milk replacer and be glad if you don’t need it.

Tips and secrets of proper nutrition for the Sphynx

The following advice from veterinarians and felinologists will help you feed your sphinx correctly:

  1. When feeding dry food, the daily amount of food is determined in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. If the cat is fed natural products, the norm is about 10% of the kitten's weight and 5% of the adult animal's weight.
  2. The owner must limit the Sphynx's diet. If you feed your cat uncontrollably, it will quickly become fat.
  3. In order for the Sphinx's gastrointestinal tract to function correctly, it is advisable to feed the pet at the same time.
  4. After eating, wash the bowl thoroughly. Leftover food sours and causes gastrointestinal upset.
  5. It is advisable to change the water twice a day. Many Sphynxes refuse to drink if the water is not fresh.
  6. Do not mix natural products and prepared foods. To digest them, different enzymes are needed - the Sphinx’s body will not be able to assimilate such food. The cat is transferred to a different type of food for a month with gradual mixing - replacing part of the usual food with a new one.
  7. If the Sphynx is constipated, he is fed only fermented milk products for 3 days. Usually during this time the problem goes away.
  8. To maintain dental health, cats are allowed to chew rye crackers and chopped chicken necks once a month.
  9. Some Sphynxes love to eat indoor flowers. Therefore, all poisonous plants must be removed away.

Proper feeding is an important part of caring for your Sphynx. In order for an exotic cat to remain healthy and full of strength, you need to take into account its breed and individual characteristics.

Postpartum care

Look after your ward after giving birth. Cats especially need supervision in the first two weeks. Take your temperature every day - the normal temperature for Sphynx cats is 39.4 degrees. An increase in temperature may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process due to the placenta not being delivered. Or the beginning of the development of mastitis or metritis. In any case, you should call a veterinarian.

During the first week after giving birth, your cat will have reddish or dark green discharge. However, if the discharge has not stopped by the tenth day, this means that some kind of inflammatory process is going on in the uterus. If you notice such discharge by the 20th day, you should immediately call a veterinarian. Especially if the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyelids have turned pale, and the temperature is higher than normal.

While Sphynx cats are walking in position, it is important for the owner to provide them with a balanced diet. In order for the animal to fully receive the necessary vitamins, minerals and other important components, it is better to feed it with commercial food intended for pregnant cats. If preference is given to natural food, care should be taken to ensure a balance of protein and calcium in the diet. During the entire pregnancy period, the cat should be monitored by a veterinarian who will give advice on nutrition and maintenance.

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The rules for caring for the Canadian and Don breeds are no different. When the pregnancy is late, it is better not to let the cat go outside, where she can meet a cat and be re-fertilized even in pregnancy. In this case, the growth and development of other offspring will be inferior, and the expectant mother risks suffering and sometimes dying from complications.

If there are any postpartum complications, your pet should be taken to the doctor.

If the labor function is not disturbed and no complications arose during the process, the new mother will completely get herself in order within a couple of hours. It is important for the owner to follow up. How the cat behaves, does it have anxiety or other problems. If discharge appears from the genitals over the course of a week, but it is not abundant, this is normal, otherwise it is necessary to show your pet to a doctor.

It is also important to monitor the condition of newborn kittens. Children who do not have health problems have a good appetite, good sleep, and active movements. If the kitten is lethargic, constantly meows, refuses to eat and is noticeably smaller in size than its brothers and sisters, it is better to call a veterinarian, who, after an initial examination, will determine what to do next.


New owners are interested in the question: how long do Sphynx cats stay pregnant? Numerous observations and statistical data confidently put the figure at 60-62 days. Of course, the individual characteristics of the pet cannot be excluded.

ATTENTION! Deviations from the given deadline are normal and common. No need to worry about minor discrepancies within 4-5 days. It is also useful to keep a kind of pregnancy calendar, where the due date and condition of a particular pet are noted.

Experts have noticed an interesting pattern: the older the cat, the more kittens it can bear. Let us also note the relationship between the number of kittens and gestational age. The larger the offspring, the faster the birth of the sphinx occurs. This is where the pregnancy calendar will help the owner, since large deviations are fraught with serious illness and loss of kittens.

Hairless sphinxes of various breeds (Canadian, Don, etc.) enter puberty before the body is fully formed. Therefore, pregnancy before a year is undesirable for cats. The optimal period varies around 13-15 months . To avoid health problems, sterilization of the Sphynx (Canadian, Don, etc.) should be carried out exclusively after the first birth.

For clarity, let us note the stages of the sexual cycle of the sphinx:

  • Condition preceding estrus. A kind of preparatory stage. Lasts 1-2 days.
  • Estrus. Lasts up to a week.
  • Condition after estrus. Lasts 3-4 weeks until the cat becomes pregnant.

Experts note some features of bearing kittens and pregnancy in general. Due to hormonal imbalance and lack of progesterone, estrus may become more frequent, which will lead to positive mating. What does this mean? At the time of birth, the Sphynx gives birth to kittens of various kinds.

ATTENTION! The first babies will be healthy, but the rest will remain premature, which will lead to additional illnesses and, more often, death of part of the offspring.

In what cases is owner intervention required:

- wipe the kitten with a towel, cut the umbilical cord (if the mother does not do this)

-remove fluid from the kitten's respiratory tract if necessary

- difficult passage of the fetus (for example, a kitten that is too large). In this case, it is enough to lubricate the cat’s vagina with Vaseline oil.

- the kitten got stuck in the birth canal. This is a relatively rare occurrence, but if this happens, the owner should be able to help the cat even in the absence of a veterinarian. Use a hand towel or flannel handkerchief to make a kitten loop. Carefully place it on the kitten's body. Without putting much effort, pull out the kitten's body little by little, following the cat's attempts.

- weak contractions. Solution: intramuscular injection (in the thigh, with an insulin needle).

Option 1. Gamavit

Option 2. Oxytocin. It is placed only if you are sure that the uterus is OPEN. For a medium-sized cat, you can start with a dose of 0.1 ml... look after 20 minutes, if nothing happens, repeat, but this time 0.2 ml, wait another 20 minutes and set 0.3 ml. We carefully monitor that there is no bleeding (bleeding is the volume of a tablespoon, not a drop)

Option 3. Cocktail that stimulates labor: the effect of the cocktail is fundamentally different from the mechanism of action of oxytocin and similar drugs (oxytocin “works” at the level of nerve fibers, “forcing” the muscles of the uterus to contract, and the cocktail stimulates the contraction of the smallest blood vessels without affecting the nerves .that is why “uterine fatigue” does not occur.). Moreover, if it is necessary to use oxytocin, it is recommended to inject such a cocktail “before that”. The recipe itself: 4 ml (cube) glucose 4 ml (cube) calcium gluconate 2 ml (cube) ascorbic acid, take all components into one syringe, total volume = 10 ml (cube). Single dose for a medium-sized cat = 1 ml. Prick after the birth of the first kitten!

When you need help

There are situations in which the cat cannot or does not have time to cope on its own (short interval between births). Therefore, you should be alert if:

  • The release of amniotic fluid and the birth of the baby coincided. You must make sure that the baby does not choke: turn him upside down and shake him lightly. If he sneezed or sighed, everything is fine;
  • the cat did not have time to free the kitten from the bubble. Tear it, carefully wipe the baby with a soft napkin or cloth, use a syringe or pipette to clean the nasal and oral cavities;
  • the cat did not chew the umbilical cord. To avoid blood loss, tie the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it with scissors. Everything must be sterile;
  • if the kitten is too weak and does not breathe normally. Perform very lightly (with gentle finger pressure) cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • if the movement of the fetus is difficult or stuck. Lubricate your vagina with Vaseline oil. Make a loop from a soft napkin or cloth and slowly help pull the baby out while pushing;
  • weak contractions. Consult your veterinarian and get a stimulation shot;
  • In any unclear situation, call your doctor.

When should you help a cat during birth?

Above we described the normal process of childbirth - the cat gave birth on its own, without outside help. However, there are cases when human intervention is necessary to save the lives of both the mother cat and the babies.

One of the options is when the first kitten comes out along with the amniotic fluid. In this situation, the baby has every chance of choking. In this situation, you should turn the kitten head down and shake it slightly. He will sneeze, the airways will open and the baby will begin to breathe freely.

The next option is giving birth too quickly. Kittens appear faster than the cat can clean them up. To prevent babies from suffocating, you need to help remove the shell from them. Carefully tear it apart, then carefully use gauze to clear the mucus from the nose and mouth so that the kitten can begin to breathe.

We suggest you read: Veterinarian about estrus in cats: how to calm them down

In this case, the cat may not have time to gnaw the umbilical cord. To do this, it should be cut with prepared scissors 3-5 cm from the kitten’s tummy. It is worth remembering that there is a blood vessel inside the umbilical cord, so immediately after cutting the umbilical cord you need to quickly stop the bleeding using prepared means (peroxide, brilliant green, cotton wool). If the bleeding does not stop, tie the end of the umbilical cord with thread. In the future, it will dry out and fall off, respectively, the thread along with it.

If the kitten was born very weak and hardly breathes (or does not breathe at all), then he should be given artificial respiration and indirect heart massage, only very carefully! You need to continue until he starts breathing on his own.

Before giving birth, it is necessary to prepare the birth place

The simplest option is a spacious cardboard box, in which you need to make holes on the sides for additional ventilation.

The future place for the cat to give birth and the future life of the kittens must meet the following requirements: 1. open from the top, not from the side - this will make it more convenient for you to monitor the birth and change the bedding in the future; 2. When the top is closed, there must be an exit for the cat so that the kittens are closed, but the cat can independently go out about its business. Make a side exit for her, and this exit should not be from the floor, that is, it should have a kind of threshold - this will not allow blind kittens to accidentally crawl out of the box in the future.

Place clean diapers or sheets at the bottom of the box. It is recommended to cover everything on top with disposable diapers (available at the pharmacy) and then change them regularly. Place the box in the quietest corner.

As soon as the “hour X” comes and the cat begins to prepare a birthing place for itself: rummaging everywhere, climbing into or on cabinets, collecting material (pieces of newspapers) for the nest, then the first stage of labor has begun. Take her to the box, pet her, talk in a gentle voice, show her that the nest is ready for her.

What happens during childbirth?

A cat's uterus has two horns that meet in the central cavity of the uterus (like a Y). The cervix is ​​at the end of the cavity and is closed during pregnancy. Developing kittens are located in the uterine horns and are attached to the mother with the help of an umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which connects mother and kittens. The role of the placenta is to transport nutrition from mother to kittens and waste in the opposite direction.

The birth process includes three stages.

Childbirth begins with contractions of the uterus. At this stage, the cervix begins to open. Vaginal discharge may occur. This discharge is a mucus plug that was in the cervix during pregnancy and separated the uterus from the vagina. At the first stage, labor pains arise and become more frequent.

Second stage of labor.

Contractions become stronger and more frequent, and the cervix opens completely. The cat is ready to give birth. The kitten moves through the birth canal. Pressure on the cervix causes the mother to push the kitten out. You may even see the cat straining to push it out. The kitten is often born in the amniotic sac, or the sac ruptures while the kitten is moving through the birth canal. Typically, the mother cleans the baby's bladder and licks it clean. The cat bursts the bubble and licks the membrane from the face and body, which stimulates the kitten's breathing. The second stage usually takes from 5 minutes to an hour. If the kitten is not born an hour after the start of the second stage, call your veterinarian.

Third stage of labor.

Immediately after the kitten is born, the placenta is usually delivered. As soon as the mother cat has licked the kitten and it begins to breathe normally, she chews the umbilical cord and often eats the placenta.


British cats are pregnant for just over two months. Bearing kittens is divided into several stages. For simplicity, we divide pregnancy into three stages:

  1. Beginning of pregnancy. The first stage lasts up to 25 days. The nipples noticeably turn pink, the belly increases slightly, becomes rounded and flexible. After 14 days, the fruits increase by about a centimeter. Limbs gradually form, internal organs begin to form. The cat eats abundantly, sleeps more often, and begins to look closely at the place where the future birth will take place.
  2. Mid-pregnancy. The second stage allows you to determine pregnancy with the naked eye at home. British cats are gentle and vulnerable animals; pregnancy takes a lot of strength and energy, so it would be a good idea to make an appointment with a specialist. Of course, in most cases the cat is able to give birth on her own, but a little safety net won’t hurt.
  3. At this stage, the brain, bone tissue (at first in the form of cartilage), muscle tissue, and the makings of the genitourinary system are actively formed. Claws are formed, the fetus vaguely resembles a kitten. The stage lasts on average 7-12 days. By the end of the trimester, kittens reach a size of 3 cm.
  4. End of pregnancy (preparation for childbirth). The “interesting” situation is entering its final phase. Due to the large belly (depending on the number of kittens), it is uncomfortable for the cat to walk and lick itself. Much at the third stage depends on the owner. From the attention and guessing of a silent and sometimes overly noisy British cat.
  5. The owner must make sure that the pet has enough food and clean fresh water, and a place for birth is equipped (even if it is a simple cardboard box). You can even turn it into a comfortable place to relax. In addition, at first, the kittens will live near the cat and begin to explore the outside world when they grow up a little. Without supervision, even a small apartment is fraught with many dangers for newborns.

By 40-45 days, kittens develop hair and an individual color. The third stage should be fully controlled either by a specialist or by family members. The cat may experience panic, depression, lethargy, and go to the toilet in the wrong place. If you touch the belly of a British cat, you can feel the movement of newborns.

Which food to choose for your Sphynx

Most breeders prefer to feed Sphynx cats with high-quality ready-made food. They are designed taking into account the characteristics of the breed and best meet the needs of the cat's body.

Dry food of premium and superpremium classes or holistic level is suitable for Sphynx cats. Cheap products sold in regular stores do more harm than good. It contains ballast substances and artificial additives that negatively affect the health of cats.

Popular brands of food that you can feed sphinxes are presented in the table:

Premium classSuper premium classHolistic
Purina Pro PlanJoseraAcana
Royal Canin1st ChoiceCanidae
Hill'sIamsGo! Natural Holistic
EukanubaEagle Pack

Manufacturers produce separate lines:

  • for kittens;
  • pregnant and lactating cats;
  • elderly pets;
  • castrated cats;
  • animals with any diseases.

When choosing food you need to consider:

  • age;
  • state;
  • cat's activity level.

It is advisable to consult with a veterinarian or breeder to receive individual recommendations on food choices. If a cat is sick, she will be prescribed food from medicinal lines.

Important. Breeders advise buying food produced in Europe, the USA and Canada. They meet AAFACO international standards and are tested for nutritional quality.

It is important to carefully study the composition:

  1. The components are indicated in descending order of their mass fraction. In the first place there should be meat indicating its type.
  2. It is advisable that the composition does not contain soy and grains - corn, wheat. They increase the likelihood of developing metabolic disorders and obesity.
  3. It is better to feed Sphynx cats with foods containing a minimum amount of vegetable protein.

The Royal Canin company produces special food for Sphynx cats. It is focused on the increased energy needs of animals. The composition includes useful additives that prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal and heart diseases.

However, the food has received conflicting reviews from veterinarians. It contains dehydrated poultry and grains, which may cause allergies. Therefore, it is given with great caution. First you need to make sure that your pet has no negative reactions.

It is important to ensure that the cat consumes 2-3 times more liquid than it eats dry food. Otherwise, the risk of constipation and urolithiasis increases. If the Sphynx refuses to drink water, you will have to either change the diet or supplement it with a syringe.

For your information. It has been observed that many cats drink better from drinking fountains.

False and frozen pregnancy: diagnosis and treatment

Types of pathologiesCauses of the pathological conditionDiagnostic methodsTreatment options
False (imaginary) pregnancy
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • mating with a castrated cat;
  • stress;
  • psychical deviations;
  • problems with reproductive function.
  • palpation;
  • ultrasonography.
Low-calorie diet, therapy aimed at normalizing the production of sex hormones or sterilization.
Frozen pregnancy
  • inflammation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • pathologies of internal organs;
  • stress;
  • injury.
If not all embryos die, the pregnancy continues. Dead fetuses are released during the birth process along with the living ones. If not a single embryo survives, a miscarriage is expected or labor is induced with medication. After birth, the cat is examined to assess the cleanliness of the uterus. Often an animal that has suffered a frozen pregnancy is sterilized.

Vitamins and supplements in the Sphynx diet

Additional vitamins for sphinxes are necessary if the animals are fed natural products. All the necessary substances are already included in the finished feed. The use of nutritional supplements is fraught with hypervitaminosis.

The sources of vitamins and minerals are:

Vitamins are taken in courses 1-2 times a year. The appropriateness of use and the exact dosage should be obtained from a veterinarian.

You can use complex vitamin preparations. As a rule, they are aimed at solving certain problems:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • eliminating joint problems, etc.

The most popular brands are 8 in 1, Kitzyme, Gimpet, Sanal, Canina.

Maximum delay in labor

When more than 9 weeks have passed and delivery has not happened, the process is called delayed labor.

If the date of conception is known, the veterinarian begins counting down the days, telling the owner how many months the pregnant cat has been walking. It is not recommended to wait more than 1 week from now. Otherwise, the fetuses may experience hypoxia, which disrupts their development. Cubs may be stillborn.

Important! If all reasonable deadlines have passed, the doctor may prescribe medications that will stimulate the labor process.

In this case, he will be able to give birth independently after the onset of the drug and the first symptoms of labor.

Caring for the expectant mother

The cat must be provided with proper care. This guarantees the birth of healthy offspring.

Her sleeping space should be increased if it was small before. You need to constantly change the water so that it is always clean.

At a veterinary pharmacy or pet store, they buy food specifically designed for pregnant pets. It includes folic acid, other vitamins and microelements that promote the favorable development of babies.

Otherwise, the animal’s life does not undergo any special changes. If there is no stress, this is the main guarantee for a normal pregnancy.

In addition to dry food, various types of meat should be included during pregnancy. It could be beef, turkey, chicken. Dairy products are given daily, as they contain a high content of calcium and other microelements. Be sure to use fish containing large amounts of phosphorus.

Attention! The main thing is to give all portions evenly and not to overfeed. Excessive weight gain can lead to difficult delivery.

And a little about secrets.

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself.

What you need to prepare for the birth of kittens

The owner must first prepare the place where the cat will give birth. It must be clean, eliminating the presence of debris, dust, and any contaminants. If a person is not confident in his abilities, it is better to consult a veterinarian. Some clinics offer a function to call a doctor at home at the time of birth, even if it is at night.

If the owner decides to carry out the process independently, the following items are prepared for delivery:

  • bandages, cotton wool, napkins, which must be sterile;
  • diapers with high absorbency;
  • large diapers, sheets, which are pre-washed, ironed, cut into small rags;
  • sterile surgical gloves, several pairs;
  • waffle towel;
  • scissors, surgical thread for tying the umbilical cord, during labor, place in a glass for sterilization;
  • a syringe designed for suctioning liquid;
  • pen and paper to record the moment of birth of all cubs;
  • scales;
  • sterilizing liquids, for example, brilliant green, manganese, hydrogen peroxide;
  • antibacterial agents;
  • disposable syringes;
  • ammonia if the kitten is weak and cannot recover;
  • disposable waste collection bags.

The owner may not need the entire set of tools, but it is worth preparing for all cases.

Newborn Sphynx kittens

How to care for a pregnant British cat

Normal care during pregnancy of a British cat - what is it like?

  • Mandatory examination by a veterinarian. It makes sense to carry out the first such examination 2 or 3 weeks after the expected conception. While the cat is bearing offspring, only a specialist has the right to prescribe research methods and medications. A pregnant British cat perceives even previously familiar anti-parasite medications differently. Inspection should be regular. The last week is a must for him.
  • Is weight control necessary? Extremely desirable: while the pregnancy lasts, the expectant mother should walk more in order to avoid obesity. In addition, muscle tone is maintained. True, the last period requires increased control over the pet’s activity - when conquering great heights, excessively active play with other animals or people, injury is possible.
  • Reasonably organized feeding is an important stage in caring for the expectant mother. It is recommended to feed her with special food for kittens for about a month. She also needs calcium, protein and other nutrients, just like a kitten. Balance is extremely important, so you should not feed your pet at this time with the usual delicacies, table scraps. So she will not receive nutrients. After a month, you should pay attention to food with a high protein content. A week before an important event, the cat loses its appetite. She should not be forced to eat - the abdominal cavity is filled with offspring, so there cannot be an increased appetite.
  • It is worth helping to organize a cozy place for the expectant mother. At critical times, she will prefer to stay in a dry, warm, calm, quiet, semi-dark place. No strangers, no noise! A spacious, durable box with a removable lid and an opening at cat level is ideal. It is recommended to use several layers of newspaper as bedding.

Premature birth and its dangers

To prevent premature birth, you should know how long typical pregnant cats walk. If the birth is very premature, that is, earlier than 5-7 days before the due date, this is dangerous both for the cat itself and for the fetus. The following complications may develop:

  • bleeding from the uterus because the body was not ready for childbirth;
  • childbirth can last many hours, worsening the pet’s well-being;
  • the birth of kittens whose lungs are not ready to open, which will lead to immediate death;
  • kittens may be weak, they may lack a sucking reflex, which will lead to gradual exhaustion;
  • inability of cubs to move independently;
  • underdevelopment of the brain, serious neurological damage.

We suggest you read: The cat is sneezing and green snot appears, how to treat it at home

Most abnormalities that occur after early birth lead to depletion of the body of newborn kittens. There is no further development and the risk of death increases. For the domestic cat itself, complications arise in rare cases. More often, deviations for her health occur if kittens are born post-term.

For reference: British cats are prone to early birth of offspring.

Premature kitten

What does (low) multiple pregnancy depend on?

There are both a huge number of hypotheses and scientifically proven facts on this matter. Our topic is not a dissertation for an academic degree, so we will lump all theories and evidence into one common pile.

  • Proper and nutritious nutrition has an important influence on conception, subsequent pregnancy and childbirth: the worse a cat eats, the less likely it is to become pregnant. There is such a thing as nutritional infertility - in this way nature tries to prevent the appearance of non-viable or sick offspring.
  • The weight of the pet also plays an important role in the production of eggs and subsequent pregnancy. It is well known that obese females not only do not become pregnant, but they, in principle, do not go into estrus - what kind of multiple pregnancy can we even talk about in this case?
  • Living conditions: comfort, warmth, cleanliness, lack of stress, etc.
  • Hereditary factor: if a cat was born from a low-fertility mother, then the likelihood that she will also produce “a little” kittens is very high!
  • A history of infectious diseases that somehow affect the development of reproductive function.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system and injuries also affect the number of eggs produced.
  • The temperament of a cat, no matter how strange it may sound. After all, it is well known that ovulation in cats occurs at the moment of coitus, and the sexier the male is, the more he cares for the bride, the more eggs will be released.
  • Incompatibility with the opposite sex, which also occurs in humans. So, for example, there lived an allegedly infertile cat who was in heat, and they bred her with three different cats, but there was no effect. Until her permanent fiancé appeared in her living space. Apparently, the every minute presence of the cat, its smell, awakened hidden possibilities in the “woman’s” body.
  • Let’s remember once again about cats, or more precisely about the quality of their sperm. The weaker the sperm, the smaller their number, the more underdeveloped among them, the less the chance of getting healthy, and most importantly, multiple offspring from a healthy cat. In turn, the quality of sperm depends on the nutrition of the reproductive system and the frequency of its use (both excessive use and abstinence have a negative impact on reproductive function).
  • Low hormonal levels of the expectant mother, when the follicles produce few eggs ready for fertilization.
  • Long-term use of antisex hormones will not only affect the number of offspring, but also its viability. Most often, a cat mated after such therapy brings 1-2 kittens, while they are weak or not at all capable of life outside the womb.
  • Individual characteristics of the body, size, weight, age, etc., etc.
  • Breed is another factor. For example, outbred cats can give birth to many kittens in the first, subsequent, and very last pregnancies. Whereas blue-blooded animals rarely bring more than 5.
  • It is believed that the number of matings affects the number of kittens. Allegedly, after the first mating, the animal brings 1-2 kittens, by the seventh it reaches its natural maximum, and after that the number of offspring decreases again.
  • Another theory, more like nonsense, says: the sooner insemination occurs from the start of estrus, the more kittens will be born.
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