Are Siamese cats evil? The obstinate and even evil disposition of Siamese cats

Siam is the old name for Thailand. It is from this country that beautiful blue-eyed cats with a special disposition come. The Siamese breed is over five hundred years old. Over many centuries, a stable, specific appearance has developed: light fur on the body combined with dark paws, ears, tail and a mask on the face.

American breeders have changed the silhouette of Siamese cats, making it lighter and more slender, but their character, shaped by centuries of selection, is still determined by pronounced intelligence and high sociality.

Siamese breed and character

Animal psychologists identify certain traits that are inherent in the breed and from which one can determine the degree of nervous excitability or its absence:

  1. A light bone structure and graceful asthenic physique indicate a possible tendency to uncontrollable expression of emotions.
  2. A massive chest and a denser physique indicate melancholy and calmness in the behavior of the animal.
  3. Long hair and light color indicate the calm nature of the cat.
  4. Short-haired individuals with dark-colored fur and spots are more independent, selfish, jealous, and have a vindictive disposition.

Siamese cats prefer company, are attached to people and love to be near them. By temperament they are choleric, and this quality given from birth cannot be changed. This is why Siamese of any age are bouncy, active and spontaneous, and love to openly express their emotions.

Cats show any feelings, be it sympathy, resentment or affection, clearly and directly. They are playful, curious, love to seek attention and explore new places and things.

Tail and minor dirty tricks. Why are cats so vindictive?

Cats rank first in popularity among pets. The President of the International Felinological Association “Rus” (FARUS), Tamara Emelyanova, answered our readers’ questions

-Where did cats come from?

The ancestor of modern tailed cats is the Libyan wild cat. It was domesticated 4 thousand years BC. e. in the Nile Valley. In ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred animals. During excavations, scientists found many mummies of these animals. According to Plutarch, domestic cats appeared in the Roman Empire in the 1st century. n. e. In the 11th century they began to spread throughout Europe. In the Middle Ages in England they were revered, and stealing or killing a cat was punishable by death, but in France, on the contrary, they were considered minions of the devil and were persecuted. In our area, mentions of Siberian cats have been known since the end of the 16th century. Initially, weasels and martens were used to kill rodents. But gradually they were replaced by cats. In the 19th century, domestic tailed cats began to be crossed with European wild cats, and various varieties of domestic animals appeared.

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— Cats are very individual. In dogs, for example, estrus occurs consistently twice a year, while in cats it can be once a month, every few months, a year or several years. Inevitably, the suspicion arises that cats regulate their estrus themselves. It's the same with tastes. It's different for every cat. Most love scratching in the head and neck area and have a negative attitude towards touching the back of the body. Scottish Fold cats often do not like to be petted in the tail area. They have many nerve endings there, and if there are problems with the spine, touching can cause pain. You should not pull the tail and whiskers - there are also nerve endings at their base. Cats do not like to be picked up by the withers. This movement does not hurt, but it immobilizes them, so it causes them to panic a little. But some cats respond well to stroking their back and belly.

How to learn to understand cats? What do their body movements mean?

“If a cat has its tail up, it means it’s in a good mood, confident and friendly; when it’s tucked up, it’s depressed and afraid of something; when it’s wagging, it’s irritated and aggressive.” In dogs, on the contrary, a wagging tail is a sign of the animal’s disposition. The cat's flattened ears, arched back and raised fur indicate readiness to attack. Closed and half-closed eyes - calm and trust. Wide eyes - curiosity, aggression or fear.

How to stop a cat from going to the toilet anywhere and climbing on tables?

- Just scold and not allow it. The cat does not need to be punished painfully. It won't help. You can hiss or hit him with a newspaper and explain why. Cats understand words well, focusing on tone, facial expressions and gestures. According to Japanese and American studies, cats can distinguish up to 500 words. But with the tray everything is more complicated. Cats may not go to the litter box because they don’t like it, for example, color, shape, size, material, filling. The toilet must always be clean and accessible. For kittens, you can put trays in all corners and, after observing, choose where they go most and remove the rest. If they still go the wrong way, then soak a piece of paper in cat urine and put it in the tray. Poking your nose in urine won't help. An adult cat may sometimes go to the bed. This occurs due to hormone disruption during estrus. Sometimes it helps to anoint the area with some smelly mixture. But some cats, on the contrary, will try to drown out someone else’s smell with their own and make a puddle there.

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Are cats really vindictive?

— Cats have long-term memory, literally for their entire lives. If you quarrel with her, then you need to look for an approach, so to speak, to ask for forgiveness - to stroke her and talk to her. If you don’t do this, she will remember the insult and, if the opportunity arises, she will do a mischief.

Maybe there are some particularly harmful breeds? Which ones are considered the kindest?

— Many people say that Siamese cats are evil, but this is not so. One litter can contain both bad and good kittens. The British and Scottish Folds are considered less sociable. They are as serious as bears. The most sociable and friendly breeds are considered to be hairless, especially Don and Canadian Sphynxes, and toy beans. In addition, they willingly communicate with children. Do not forget that litters of other breeds may have kittens of different characters that will fit perfectly into your family.

What is best to feed cats and what is not recommended?

— It’s better to select food individually, depending on what the cat likes, how it looks after eating and how it goes to the toilet. While the cat is growing, up to a year, you should be especially careful about nutrition. It is better not to give kittens dry food until they start drinking water. From 3 weeks, kittens can be fed meat baby food. Kittens digest cow's milk normally, but adults do not. It gives them an upset stomach. It is preferable to give cats wet food that contains poultry meat, especially turkey, beef, lean lamb, and rabbit. It is better to feed eggs and liver no more than twice a week. Rolled oats, buckwheat, rice porridge and fermented milk products are allowed. Sausages, smoked meats, pickles, sweets, and ice cream are not advisable. Raw meat should be frozen first and, after defrosting, doused with boiling water to prevent the cat from getting parasites. Fish is contraindicated for cats with urolithiasis, as it contains minerals that promote stone formation. Castrati who are prone to obesity must be handled carefully. It is better to buy specialized food for them. If your domestic cat does not eat in moderation, then control it. For one meal, for example, do not give more than 100 grams of meat.

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Is sterilization beneficial for a cat?

Can pets' nails be trimmed and should they brush their teeth?

— It is advisable to trim your claws with special nail clippers if you don’t want your furniture or children to be scratched. But brushing your teeth is more of a pampering activity. In nature, no one cleans them for cats. For oral care, you can give soft cartilage, chicken necks or solid food.

Why do cats hate water?

— There is no point in bathing cats unless necessary. They don't like to go into water because their fur gets wet and they feel uncomfortable. In the cold they can freeze, and in extreme heat they can overheat. Water removes the natural lubricant from the coat, which protects the hair from breakage and makes it shiny. Wet wool smells stronger and attracts dirt. But not all types of cats have a negative attitude towards water. Many sleek cats calmly take baths, and Manx cats can even swim and fish.

Can cats be taught any commands and tricks?

— Dogs are happy to obey a person and follow his commands. Cats will only do things that make sense to them and that they themselves will enjoy. They do not accept force. At best, they can treat a person as their equal, at worst - condescendingly or with fear. To teach your cat some tricks, you need to observe what she likes to do. These skills can be developed through praise and play. For example, many cats love to jump. They can easily be taught to jump over hoops or benches placed in a row.

Why does the mother cat lick the kittens every time they are petted?

— Many mammals are wary of other people’s smells and always lick themselves after being petted. This helps cats and kittens retain their own scent and distribute it throughout their body. The rough tongue of cats contains many capillary papillae, shaped like hooks. With their help, the mother cat removes dirt, dead hair, foreign odors and dust from the fur to keep the skin clean and healthy. Also, licking stimulates the blood circulation and digestion of kittens, massages their tummies and helps in the act of defecation until they leave the “birth nest.” In addition, in the process of licking, cats distribute sebum, a fatty lubricant, throughout the fur, which makes the fur water-repellent.

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Why does a cat sometimes hide her kittens?

- There may be several reasons for this. Mother cats love secluded and quiet corners. If children are constantly peeking in, the cat may be annoyed. She will not like a draft, from which it is easy to catch a cold, and too bright light. It is contraindicated for babies whose eyes have not yet fully opened. Peristalsis in kittens begins to work independently after two weeks. The mother cat may not have time to clean up the nest after the cubs and, in order not to be detected by the strong smell, hide the newborns in a cleaner (in her opinion) place.

How to get rid of fleas forever?

— It is impossible to get rid of fleas forever. The folk remedy tansy will not help. The most effective ones include putting collars on the cat, spraying it on the fur, or injecting special preparations under the withers. If the fleas continue to suck blood, they will soon die and fall off. But this can help temporarily, for a season. There are no ways to get rid of fleas for small kittens. You must wait at least three months before you can use any funds.

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Is it necessary to get vaccinated?

— Vaccinations are given no earlier than three months. Definitely for rabies, especially if the cat is to be transported somewhere. For other vaccinations, a doctor's recommendation is required. After arriving from the dacha, it is worth giving anthelmintic drugs.

At what age is it best to spay and neuter cats?

— Males should be neutered no earlier than 7-8 months, and cats should be sterilized after a year so that they grow and are fully formed. It is not advisable to give injections or pills for estrus. They can lead to inflammation of the uterus, have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys, and do not help all animals. A recommendation from a specialist is advisable here.

How to choose the right kitten?

— It is better not to take kittens from photographs, without prior acquaintance. Cats often choose their owners themselves. Once my sister adopted a one-year-old Persian cat. She started shitting and was returned. So the sister gave the cat away three times with the same result. The fourth time, when a new person arrived, the cat itself went to her and hugged her neck. There were no further complaints. Some say that active kittens are healthier. It is not true. There are also calm kids with good health. They just have a quiet character. Healthy kittens do not have watery eyes, clean ears and no snot flowing from their noses. Animals need to be housetrained with food and affection. Cats are telepaths. You need to communicate with them - talk and play. If you don’t buy a cat, but adopt one from a shelter, then it will pay off for you a hundredfold. Cats understand everything and will be very grateful to you.

Causes of aggression

Siamese cats love to vocalize if they don't like something. Often this behavior is perceived as aggression, but in fact it only expresses their disagreement with external circumstances.

Important! A loud voice is not a sign of anger or deceit, but only emphasizes the independence of the animal and its right to its own opinion.

The reasons for the aggressive behavior of Siamese cats are associated with their origin:

  1. There is a legend according to which a feature of ancient Siamese and Bengal cats was an uneven tail, with pronounced knots and creases. This anomaly was a disorder in the structure of the bones and was characterized by various diseases of the joints and spine. Therefore, any attempts to pet such a cat caused her unbearable pain and caused justified anger, which was preserved in the form of an unconscious instinct.
  2. The presence of a special genetic disease, convergent strabismus, causes Siamese to have difficulty distinguishing objects. Therefore, any rapidly approaching object causes an aggressive reaction in him in the form of attack or defense.


This is an interesting breed of cat. They are not too aggressive, but not particularly friendly either. They behave a little like dogs.

Cymrics enjoy playing with their owners, but ignore other people. They do not like other animals and shower strangers with cold contempt. However, they rarely show aggression without provocation.

Behavior correction

If you create the necessary living conditions for a Siamese cat and surround him with affection and tenderness, this affectionate and friendly animal will answer you in kind.

Any cruelty on the part of a person, which the kitten remembers in childhood, can leave a negative imprint on the psyche of the cat, which will not forget the incident even as an adult and will be afraid of people.

If you do observe signs of dissatisfaction in your Siamese, in this case you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be more attentive if your pet is nervous, scratching furniture, or showing other signs of destructive behavior.
  2. Provide reasonable alternatives, such as a tray instead of a flower pot and a scratching post as a substitute for scratching the sofa and wallpaper.
  3. Adhere to the chosen training model and prohibitions to consolidate skills. Siamese cats are highly trainable and can be trained if treated consistently.
  4. Do not hit the cat or scold him in a raised tone, otherwise she will not change her behavior, but will do forbidden things in the absence of her owners.

The opinion that Siamese cats are aggressive and evil is unfairly associated with their breed. External similarities make it possible to confuse Siamese and Thai cats; the latter are not as loyal and more self-sufficient, but not vindictive, and do not have mental problems in the form of outright aggression towards humans.

Correcting the behavior of a Siamese cat both in childhood and in adulthood can help your pet get rid of destructive manifestations of character through consistent actions, excluding aggression towards him.


Feeding and caring for Siamese kittens

It's good that short hair doesn't require as much care as long hair. Although the undercoat of Siamese cats is thick, it is easy to comb and should not be done more than once a week.

You can wash your beauties once every six months with a suitable foaming shampoo.

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Discharge from the eyes can be removed with a damp cotton swab, but if it becomes excessive, contact a specialist.

Caring for your ears is simple: large ears can be easily cleaned with a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. If necessary, special drops are placed in the ears.

Once every two weeks, your pet needs to have its nails trimmed, but it’s better to brush its teeth every day.

Proper maintenance of a pet at home is impossible without proper nutrition. The kitten should be fed strictly according to its age by month.

What to feed a Siamese kitten at 1 month

The ideal food consists of meat: beef, horse meat, veal and poultry. But it is better to exclude grains from feeding, as well as excess fish, which they love. Cats will also readily eat specialized food from various super premium brands, such as Royal Canin and others.

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