Angry Maine Coon: why the cat bites, scratches and shows aggression, reasons and methods of education

The breed standard describes the Maine Coon as an affectionate and obedient cat. But, despite the fact that several generations of big cats live happily next to people, the animal has retained the habits of a predator. An angry Maine Coon can pose a serious threat to humans.

Let's find out what the cause of aggression is and how to properly raise a cat so that it does not bite.

How to stop a Maine Coon from biting - 7 possible causes of pet aggression

Calm adult Maine Coon cats bite extremely rarely, unlike kittens. If the cat begins to bite and scratch not during games or stroking, the owners should take a good look at the pet’s behavior. Perhaps his condition has worsened and he bites to show that he feels discomfort. In this case, you should immediately contact a veterinarian for help.

Do we bite? Let's wean!

How to stop a kitten from biting and scratching: understanding cat psychology

Not every owner is clearly aware that it is quite difficult to wean a kitten from biting and scratching. It's not a matter of bad character, low intelligence or whim. In the case of cats, scratching and biting are skills training. The baby kitten attacks the owner's hands during play, developing its hunter instincts, but there must be moderation in everything.

Let's figure out where the game ends and the attack begins.

It is unpleasant to feel like a “punching bag,” especially if an innocent game ends in festering or scars. It doesn’t matter whether you understand it or not, but an adult cat and even a kitten will always warn of an attack. Already at the age of 3 weeks, Maine Coon kittens cling to each other, roll on the floor and learn to attack the enemy while lying on their back. When a baby moves to a new home, there are no brothers and sisters nearby, and he begins to hone his skills on toys or the owner.

The most advantageous position for a cat in a fight is lying on its back. The tailed Maine Coon holds the victim with its teeth and front paws, the hind paws with extended claws are used to inflict serious injuries with sharp blows.

An enterprising owner buys a bunch of toys to please the pet, but bad luck if suddenly the balls and mice are not interesting to the Maine Coon. It’s much more interesting for a baby to hide around a corner and suddenly jump to his feet or fight with the owner’s deft hand. Advice: almost all owners violate the basic rule, “DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR HANDS AND LEGS WITH THE KITTEN!”

Are you wondering how to stop a kitten from biting arms and legs? Isn’t it easier not to immediately accustom your baby to this tempting game? You have numerous toys, mice, ringers and cat drags. If you want to play, play with toys, but if you want to caress a kitten, gently and gently stroke the child, scratch and kiss. But as soon as you see that the little Maine Coon is trying to hunt, remove your hands. lower it to the floor and throw him a mouse or a ball.

Krshki Maine Coons are very careful towards people and children, smart and well-mannered. Therefore, if your Maine Coon behaves like an ordinary cat, starts biting and scratching, which happens extremely rarely, figure out what the reason is.

Let's see what they write about the behavior of ordinary cats and cats of other breeds:

“Did you know that cat aggression towards humans is a mental disorder? Four-legged animals have lived next to people for dozens of centuries; friendliness or restraint is “hardwired” into the DNA of our pets. But every rule has exceptions. There are breeds of cats that are prone to squabbles with people, but their incorrect behavior is always understandable:

  • Dominance - perhaps your pet considers you weaker or views you as a competitor.
  • Defense - cats suffering from pathologies or mental disorders know about their vulnerability and attack so that they do not have to defend themselves.
  • Cult of the owner - in this case, the four-legged dog is madly in love with one of the family members and can attack others. The most common example is Siamese cats living with small children. The cat loves and protects the little one so much that it can jump on the face of the parents who scolded the prankster for getting a bad grade.
  • Revenge - no matter how much you love cats, you need to recognize that they are capable of rancor and resentment. Of course, not all breeds have these qualities or take revenge with “physical violence.”
  • Deprivation of care or attention is punishment, this is also attention. A desperate pet can actively attack a person, even for the sake of a slap in the face. The specificity of the breed is that hybrids with wild cats are more aggressive and obstinate by nature.
  • The disadvantage of physical activity is that when the cat has nowhere to direct its energy, it misbehaves, thereby entertaining itself. In the understanding of the ward, nothing bad happens. The owner discovers the upholstery of the sofa torn off or wakes up at night from a bite on the leg.
  • Shortcomings in upbringing - that is, unintentional encouragement of undesirable actions. Complexes are the most common cause, which is very difficult to identify.

Personal space - sometimes cats feel constant irritation just because they cannot have privacy and rest. An animal cannot sleep when people are walking nearby, music is playing or children are frolicking. The pet, lying quietly with his eyes closed, is dozing, but not sleeping. As a result, the kitten suffers from chronic fatigue and becomes irritable. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to a personal place from the first day of its life in a new home. Confidence ladder – try making a ladder from available materials that leads to a closet or other elevated area. When the kitten feels restless, he will be able to hide and at the same time monitor the situation from above. A number of breeds physically require such structures. Toys are not only a means of leisure, but also a pet’s personal property. Having his own things, the kitten does not feel deprived. Try to choose accessories that match the temperament of your ward. Interactive mouse models, long-handled quills, and peppermint products are usually a safe bet. In addition to toys, the baby must be given his own bedding and small items that previously belonged to the owner. An old sweater collecting dust on the top shelf of a closet can become the strongest psychological support for a still fragile kitten.

It is also important to understand. that safety is very important for a cat when eating - some cats get very nervous if their bowl is in an open space. Perhaps the baby will feel calmer if the feeding place is on the windowsill or in the cavity behind the door.

A daily routine is a truly effective parenting tool. If a kitten is sure that at a certain time he will receive his portion of attention and affection, he will not be nervous and jealous of other animals or children."

Many families with children, after a short period of time, begin to notice that their previously affectionate and well-mannered Maine Coon begins to scratch, bite, or jump on their feet from around the corner.:) Read the paragraphs above, perhaps you will find the reason. More often it’s just fatigue and lack of personal space. After all, the Maine Coon, like an ordinary cat, also sleeps eighteen hours a day. Give him the opportunity to rest.. And stop playing with your hands and attacking the kitten!


“Is it possible to physically punish a cat? Sometimes this is necessary, and sometimes it can lead to a more severe form of aggression. Having hurt the kitten, you explain with your fingers that you are stronger and are able to defend yourself. If the cause of aggression lies in complexes or insecurity, you humiliate your kitten even more than provoke it to more desperate methods of defense. Be that as it may, try to avoid physical punishment, and if the situation is critical, do not break the following rules:

Do not punish with punches or kicks - a rolled-up newspaper, a spray bottle of water, a towel are much more effective and safer. When struck with a palm, a vibration runs through the animal’s body, affecting not only the skin, but also the internal organs.

Do not lock yourself in a confined space - this method is necessary only in case of violent rage or an uncontrolled attack of all living things. Locking a kitten in the bathroom “to make it think” is a critically incorrect strategy that humiliates the pet. Punish only after the fact of what happened - even 2-3 minutes after the offense, punishment is useless and in the gases of the ward, it looks like deliberate humiliation.

Note! The best punishment is ignorance. Believe me, a cat, and even more so a Maine Coon, deprived of your attention, will realize the seriousness of the offense much faster. There is only one nuance - the ward must understand why he is being punished. Revenge is a dish that is served cold.

An offended kitten who is trying to punish you for a “misdemeanor” looks funny, but it’s not always pleasant for you. A grown up baby deliberately makes a puddle on your pillow, and you don’t laugh. The good news is that you can always make amends to your pet. Even if you don’t understand why the kitten is offended, accept it as a fact. Affection and attention will dissolve the offense without leaving a trace.

Naturally, there is a “but” - control the ward and make sure that you are not manipulated. Maine Coons are smart, they are able to understand the “get offended and get your way” pattern. The easiest way to calculate the tactics of your behavior is to compare your grown-up kitten with a teenager. You will kindly feel sorry for the child if he has unrequited love, but you will sharply refuse a request to ride a motorcycle without a license.

Night is a time for pranks. You are at work all day, the kitten sleeps all this time. Night comes, the baby discovers an interesting package, rushes around the house, and for dessert, throws itself at the feet of the sleepy owner. Let's return to the points about daily routine and toys. The animal should have the opportunity to do something during the day - toys, horizontal bars, communication with other animals. Obviously, if a cat is awake and tired during the day, it will sleep at night.

Is it possible to defeat the “master cult”? More and more owners claim that the “cult of the owner” is an invincible “disease”. Cat breeds inclined to worship the owner are ready to rush into an embrasure even for a frivolous reason. The four-legged creatures guard houses, rush into the faces of guests without hesitation, and catch up with the retreating “enemy.” With such behavior, it is useless to “wean” the cat; the only way out is to adapt and try to “live in peace.”

Remember that you are responsible for those you have tamed and have no right to turn your ward’s life into hell just because your life plans have changed.”

Maine Coon character

Cats of this breed are friendly, kind and quite affectionate. If the pet is in excellent health and well-being, it is not aggressive. However, the cat is initially a predator, so the animal may develop habits of attacking moving objects or biting when it is stroked. According to the breed standard, the cat is ideal, without characteristic habits that are unpleasant to humans. But individual behavior is not excluded and often depends on several factors:

  • Upbringing. Sometimes owners do not take care of their pet at all, and as a result they end up with many unpleasant nuances in the pet’s character.
  • Genetic predisposition and breed characteristics.
  • Experienced events. Injuries, shock situations, loss of an owner, and excessively frequent visits to veterinary clinics can change the animal’s behavior in certain situations.

Cat lovers often see their pet biting and scratching, but it is better to determine the exact cause of the behavior, because after eliminating it, life is easier for the cat, and therefore for the owner. Maine Coon cats have a very balanced character. Their excitement and return to calm alternate very smoothly. Moreover, the excitement is not too noticeable. Some cats are generally slow to react to what has happened and are often calm. Cats of this kind are able to adapt to various situations and changes of owner in a short time. It is extremely rare to find choleric cats, which are restless and timid. An experienced cat breeder will be able to solve the problem without wasting time and effort thanks to training and education, without the use of brute force.

Why does the Maine Coon bite?

The cat often shows aggression and hisses if something bothers her. If you eliminate the cause, you can get rid of the problem. When stroking, a cat may bite due to overstimulation. Common reasons why a Maine Coon is angry and aggressive include aspects such as:

  • pathological processes and poor health;
  • stressful situations, anxiety and panic;
  • the appearance of a new pet (at the same time, the cat’s territory is reduced);
  • irritation;
  • playful mood;
  • nurturing and educational process of offspring;
  • conflict situations and showdowns between feline relatives.

In case of deterioration in health, the cat looks for secluded places where it can calmly lie down and recover. It is better to immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic so as not to waste time, because some processes are irreversible. The longer the owner delays, the more the fatality rate increases. Maine Coons can be frightened by many factors in the hospital, which is why they are angry there.

The kitten bites and attacks people when it learns about the world around it. It is recommended to purchase a scratching post or play corner, treats and toys for your pet. In adolescence, biting and a hyperactive mood are often due to the change of baby teeth to molars. Playing with feet is not excluded; this is one of the options for communication. As cats grow older, they become calmer, but then puberty follows. Increased functioning of the hormonal system leads to increased activity. If the owners bought a coon not for exhibitions and breeding, breeders recommend sterilization. Neutered cats are less active and aggressive, and will not run away to the cat. The risk of losing your pet is reduced. Adults bite extremely rarely.

Why does the Maine Coon bite?

There are not as many reasons for cats to show anger as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to understand the origins of the Maine Coon’s discontent and try to avoid the sharp edges of risky relationships in the future.

  1. Genetic predisposition – the presence of aggression in one or two parents.
  2. Mental disorders in the early period. These include the loss of a mother, early release of kittens from parental care, and intra-litter bonds.
  3. Self-defense in the face of everyday or behavioral stimuli. For example, some cats guard food like dogs and get angry when they are approached while eating food.
  4. Painful sensations and hidden injuries are a common cause of anger in Maine Coons. If at such a moment you show careless initiative and try to pick him up, then angry bites and deep scratches will be a completely logical reaction on the part of the cat.
  5. Hormonal disruptions, protection of personal territory and interspecies struggle are in last place on the list of reasons for the attack. The breed is quite stable in genetics and willingly shares space with people and other pets.

The most common excuse for an attack is dislike for a specific person. This rarely happens to animal owners, and “uncomfortable” guests may well suffer from the sharp claws of an angry cat.

What should I do to wean myself off?

To wean your coon from biting, maintaining the following rules will help:

  • Do not use body parts in games.
  • Provide the animal with a sufficient number of toys.
  • Punish for biting and scratching.
  • Allow dynamic entertainment.
  • Adopt a kitten from a breeder from 12 weeks of age;
  • Provide a balanced diet.

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Raising a cat

An experienced cat breeder carefully selects the animal, taking an interest in its ancestors and habitat.

An adult cat is capable of making his own rules. Often this only happens at the beginning. With a neutered Maine Coon or kitten, such nuances are excluded. If a coon attacks, you need to punish him: lightly hit him, shake him by the withers, or press him to the floor. It's important not to overdo it. After this, aggressive pets are not given attention for 30 minutes. Biting games are ignored. If there is excessive activity and there are no contraindications, the veterinarian offers a mild sedative so that the adult uncastrated cat does not bite the newly arrived kitten. Therefore, before adaptation, it is important to pay due attention to cats. If you suppress impulses of aggression and gradually accustom cats, the Maine Coon will not be able to bite the baby.

Education at home

Maine Coons are not unteachable animals, but in order for a small kitten to grow up to be an obedient pet, it needs to be raised from an early age. The breeders in the nursery are also involved in training the litter box and scratching post, where the kitten begins to socialize. After the Maine Coon moves to a new home, the owner needs to clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted for the pet and patiently explain to him the rules of behavior.

What is allowed to a kitten will also be allowed to an adult animal: it is almost impossible to wean an adult Maine Coon from anything.

The easiest way to find a common language with your pet is to use the method of prohibitions and rewards. With correct behavior on the part of the owner, raising a Maine Coon becomes not a routine, but an exciting activity.

Education and ways to combat aggression

Sometimes even a kind Maine Coon can show anger. Recommendations from experienced breeders will help prevent this behavior in both a small kitten and an adult animal.

  1. The first commandment of proper upbringing is that a young Maine Coon needs to be given a lot of time. Through play, cats not only develop and learn about the world around them. This is how they get used to the voice and behavior of the owner, understand the limits of what is permitted and punishable, form stereotypes of intra-family relationships, recognize the seniority of a person and even some of his superiority. In the future, socialization continues, and the maturing cat finds a comfortable place within the family “pack”.
  2. The second rule concerns respectful treatment of the Maine Coon. Anger in cats almost never manifests itself without a reason. Each such case is a misunderstanding between the animal and its owner.
  3. You cannot show weakness in your relationship with your Maine Coon. This applies, for example, to permission to get angry, scratch and bite during games. What is permissible to do once will certainly be repeated and fixed in the mind. Maine Coons are smart and learn quickly, which is how they find their owner’s weak points.
  4. Punishment for an evil offense must be immediate and clear. If in a game the cat has crossed the boundaries of what is permitted, the joint fun should be stopped immediately and your dissatisfaction should be shown to the animal (for example, by the intonation of your voice).

Adult Maine Coons that have had to change their home may bite and scratch. In such a situation, you should pay a lot of attention to the cat so as not to provoke an attack on the person.

Representatives of this breed have a strong nervous system and good character, so they quickly adapt to new conditions. If the owner is able to show restraint and does not turn the cat against himself at the start of the relationship, the animal will not show anger.

Maine Coons are not naturally prone to disobedience, obstinacy and the desire to dominate. The wild habits of this cat develop mainly under the influence of the situation and the people who surround him.

Felinologists believe that a scary Maine Coon that bites, which often gets irritated and attacks a person, is very rare. All a big cat needs is a little patience, attention and love.

Common problems

The main problems that you may encounter when raising a Maine Coon and how to solve them:

  1. The cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place - sit the pet next to a puddle, sternly say “No!”, and then take him to the litter box.
  2. The Maine Coon climbs into places where it is forbidden, for example, on a table - spray water into it from a spray bottle. This action is unpleasant for the cat; it will serve as a kind of stop signal.
  3. The pet scratches the furniture, ruins the curtains with its claws - use a spray bottle, sternly say “No!”

Also often noted is the tendency of Maine Coons to chew on wires, which can be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous due to the risk of a short circuit. If it is impossible to hide the wiring, you should spray it with citrus juice - this smell is unpleasant for cats.

Training and communication

Maine Coons are freedom-loving and independent, so you should not expect unquestioning obedience from them. However, this breed can be taught some commands and, more importantly, proper behavior around the house. First of all, it is necessary for the pet to remember its name and associate it with something pleasant, after which more intensive training should begin.

The most suitable way for Maine Coons to learn and consolidate skills is through play.

You need to take a closer look at your pet and understand what he likes - every cat has favorite activities and individual inclinations.

It is with the development of these talents and inclinations that it is worth starting, consolidating successes with affection and delicacies. One of the characteristics of Maine Coons is hunting for various objects. They love to carry toys in their teeth and often bring them to their owner’s feet, hinting at a desire to play. This trait can be developed and your pet can be taught to fetch thrown objects on command.

Another common command for training Maine Coons is to give the paw. To do this, you first need to carefully lift the paw of a sitting cat, making sure to accompany your actions with the command “Give me your paw” and treating the animal with a treat. Then you should extend your palm, repeat the command and reward the pet if it is completed. If the cat does not respond to the command, the training should be repeated from the beginning, gradually strengthening the skill.

You are a new character in the anime "Toilet Boy Hanako-kun"

You are the eighth secret of the school!;) You are the 8th secret of the school. You have pale scarlet eyes and long hair that starts from dark brown and ends in light peach. You wear a white dress with lace just below the knee and white knee socks. You also wear shoes with low heels. You are very beautiful, although you are cold towards strangers, but with your friends you are sweet and kind. I advise you not to cross your path, unless of course you want to die in slow and terrible pain. Your story: You are the eighth secret of the school. And also one of the strongest ghosts. You were an ordinary girl at school, you could say you loved studying and were one of the most beautiful in the class, but neither the teachers nor the students liked you, you were often bullied and detained. Your mother died during childbirth, and your father drank all the time. Your only consolation was the backyard of the school. Where there was a large garden with roses that you looked after. However, your garden was often damaged, flowers were torn out and the like. You ended up committing suicide in the backyard of the school. And now there is a rumor going around the school that if you come to the backyard at night and pick a rose, the “Bloody Lady” (you) will drag you into the darkness, and in the morning they will find a body wounded by “bloody roses.” Persian reaction: Hanako: Hah, maybe will you also drag me into the darkness to the roses? You: … Hanako: … Isn’t it funny? Well, okay, I'm sorry. *hugs* *You may be more than friends, Hanako seemed to have changed since you appeared, maybe you are in his heart? It's up to you Kou:* at first he didn't like you, but after that we became friends. And now every Tuesday you bake something for Hanako.* Yashiro: you are very beautiful, why am I not like that!? You: Well, everyone has their own beauty) *You are good friends, Nene often comes to you for advice about love and the like. She considers you the most beautiful ghost.* Akane: *It's good to be friends, takes advice from you about Aoi* Aoi: *Told Nene about you as the eighth secret of the school* Mei: Hello, what do you think I should draw? *Be friends, you often come to her* Mermaid: *Afraid* Mokke: *They beg you to play and give you treats* Hyuga: *Knows about you* Sakura: You are an interesting ghost. You: You are also an interesting person. *You communicate* Tsuchigomori: How are Hanako, what did you do today? * You always come to him at the end of the day to tell him what happened today. Tsuchigomori is like a father, which you missed so much* Mitsuba: Ah!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! You:'re already dead Mitsuba: ...IT DOESN'T MATTER! YOU CAN STILL KILL ME! *I was afraid, but Kou convinced him and now you are friends* Teru: *Treats the same way as Hanako* Yako: *Considers you a beautiful and powerful girl. Be friends* Tsukasa: *I tried to pick you up, but it turned out the other way around...he will remember this for a long time* And this is you: Z +3

This is prohibited

It will not be possible to avoid absolutely all problems when raising a pet, since each Maine Coon is unique, and it is impossible to foresee everything in advance. It is important to know the basic principles of behavior in case of problems and adhere to them:

  1. The use of physical force is prohibited. You cannot hit a kitten with your hand or any other object; this will lead to the fact that it will not only grow up to be a fearful cat with an unstable psyche, but will also begin to see its owner as an enemy.
  2. You cannot punish for something that was done a long time ago. If the consequences of a pet’s prank were not detected immediately, then there is no point in scolding him a few hours later - he will not understand what caused the owner’s dissatisfaction.
  3. Praise more than punish. The kitten should be praised and encouraged even for the most insignificant successes, but scolded only for serious offenses.

It is important for Maine Coons to understand and feel that the owner is, first of all, a friend. In this case, cats try their best to please the owner.

What did you miss in the movies? All Easter eggs and references from the movie "Spider-Man: No Way Home"

What references are there in the latest Spider-Man movie?

Many have already watched the latest comic book movie “Spider-Man: No Way Home” from Jon Watts . If not yet, read our review and go ahead. It's time to figure out what references to comic books, other Marvel and pop culture the filmmakers hid. Turn on music for inspiration and let's go!

When reality begins to crumble at the end of the film, we see an endless array of silhouettes of villains, including Kraven the Hunter and the classic Rhino. The number of villains breaking into the world of Spider-Man is a reference to the fact that Sony has been trying to make a separate movie about the Sinister Six for about 10 years.

Read more about the Six in our guide.

Three films have been released about Tom Holland's Spider. The first is “Coming Home”, the second is “Far From Home”, the third is “No Way Home”. This is a reference to the drunk Tom Holland trying to get home from the bar after calling Bob Iger.

The demon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is believed to be Mephisto, but in reality the main devil turns out to be Peter, who did not call the college. This is a reference to all the Mephisto stories.

When Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker has a bad back, Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker rubs it out for his new friend.

This is a reference to wrestling in a gym, where 2 ♂FUCKING SLAVES♂ crush each other's ♂ASS♂ in a similar way.

Another source claims that this is a film adaptation of a famous meme.

In the first act of the film, we again see Betty Brant reporting at Peter Parker's school. Back in Homecoming, many thought the character was actually Gwen Stacy. After all, she is very similar to Gwen. There is also a Green Goblin in the film. This is clearly a reference to how in the comics Norman Osborn slept with Gwen and fathered her two children without Parker's knowledge.

By the way, not so long ago this was retracted out of harm’s way, read our guide.

At the end of the film, Peter Parker makes a new suit with bright and shiny red and blue segments. This is a reference to Spider-Man being Pepsicoal.

When Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield appear in the film, they try to dilute the scene of the return of the 2 Spiders with jokes from Ned’s aunt (or grandmother?). This is a reference to the fact that at any party there are welcome guests, and then there is that cringe man whose presence is not welcomed by anyone, and everyone is waiting for him to leave or for someone to throw him out.

Electro (Jamie Foxx), having entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe, loses his blue skin tone and behaves much more adequately. This is a reference to the fact that after The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage, people were getting heartbroken by the way Electro was written.

Featuring the human form of the Lizard (Rhys Ifans) and the Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), the film uses footage from old Spider-Man comic books. This is a reference to Zack Snyder, who used a similar technique in his Justice League. The great is referred to the Divine.

At the end of the film, Peter Parker moves into a new apartment. He places a Lego minifigure of Emperor Palpatine on the table. This is a hint that the filmmakers put more meaning into the Palpatine figure than Caitlin Kennedy put into the real Palpatine, bringing him back in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Sunrise".

In No Way Home, various film versions of Peter Parker appear, but for some reason, actor Nicholas Hammond, who played the role of Spider-Man in the films and TV series of the 70s, is not present. It’s likely that the creators didn’t invite him because no one cares about the first movie adaptation of Spidey.


In one scene, we see Norman Osborn (Willem Dafoe) stealing donuts from a table while Aunt May (Marisa Tomei) talks to Peter. This is a reference to the actor's fee for returning to the role of the Green Goblin.

J. Jonah Jamison (J.K. Simmons) has no influence on the plot in this film and does not even have personal contact with either Parker or Spidey. This is a reference to the fact that there is no more useless person in the world than a blogger.

Andrew Garfield zealously denied his participation in the film in all interviews, deceiving everyone to the bitter end. This is a reference to how Mysterio (Jake Gyllenhaal) tricked Spider-Man in the previous film.


In the post-credits scene, Tom Hardy's Venom appears and is immediately thrown back into his universe. True, the symbiote managed to leave a piece of itself in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is a reference to the fact that no matter how much you shake, the last drop is always in your panties.

You've read the second absurd analysis of GeekCity references and Easter eggs. Don't forget to refresh your memory about the first one. Whether this is a deconstruction of YouTube bloggers' videos, like 's Watchmen deconstructed superheroics, or whether the site's authors have simply gone crazy - decide for yourself.

Read our review and (non) review. The film "Spider-Man: No Way Home" based on Marvel from director Jon Watts with Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Zendaya, Marisa Tomei, Jacob Batalon, Willem Dafoe, Alfred Molina, Jamie Foxx, Charlie Cox, Jon Favreau , Tom Hardy , Benedict Wong and Benedict Cumberbatch are already in cinemas.

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