How to accustom a kitten to your hands: reasons for fear and methods of training

Coat color

A purebred cat has many coat colors.
There is no such diversity of color among all known breeds around the world. This is due to the fact that various breeds were mixed. Also, a purebred cat is characterized by a varied character and appearance. Very often, a cat that lives in the north is massive and has fluffy fur. The cat on the south side is distinguished by its elegance and grace. It has a fine coat and a small undercoat. These are the influences of climate and area of ​​residence. Among cats, there are very often those that have striped colors. With different patterns and spots. You can also find a cat that has three suits together. People also call them happy. The most common color is striped. It helps to camouflage the animal. Helps when hunting birds, rats, mice. A great rarity among these animals is the white cat. There are some countries on the planet that have cats with blue fur. This color developed independently, humanity has nothing to do with it.

Very often such kittens without a breed can be found on the street. Or borrow from friends and relatives. In most cases, if you pick up a kitten on the street, it will be a devoted friend for the rest of its life.

Cats that do not have a breed are characterized by good health. There are no specific diseases such as in purebred animals of this genus. But, if an animal has lived outside for a certain time, it can also get sick.

A mongrel cat that lived on the street is very hardy and resilient. And also has his own ingenuity. Because life on the street is not easy, and without the listed qualities the animal would not survive in such conditions. This hardened them.

Description of yard cat breeds

In recent years, it has become fashionable to keep purebred pets in the house.

But if you are not too concerned about the pedigree of your pet and you just want to have a devoted four-legged friend in your home, you should pay attention to street cats

If you carefully look at the photos of yard cats, you will see that they have certain similarities with purebred cats. Since street animals quite often have admixtures of various breeds, it is very difficult to predict what appearance their offspring will have. Hereditary traits can affect the size and color of the animal; the length of the coat and eye color also depend on them.

It is known that most yard cats living in northern latitudes are more massive in size and have thick, fluffy fur. But their relatives from tropical regions have much less fur, and these animals are more graceful. In addition to heredity, such external signs are determined by climatic influences and habitat.

Ordinary yard cats have one more feature - they always have fur; the absence of fur is characteristic only of certain breeds. Also, among their street relatives, individuals with a white color are rarely found.

The colors of the fur of yard cats are so varied that purebred individuals can envy them. There are animals that have a spotted color, which represents entire patterns. Among outdoor cats you can often see tri-colored ones. This suit has been considered lucky for a long time. Despite the variety of colors, the most common is light wool with dark stripes.

How to tame a wild kitten

First you need to determine how scared or aggressive the kitten is:

  • The most difficult cases are considered to be when an animal hisses at a person or even tries to attack him - such feral cats probably did not receive affection from people for a long time or were born on the street;
  • If a kitten meows and does not run away at the sight of a person, then it was probably recently kicked out into the street.

In the first case, you need to be more careful, since the kitten can respond to any wrong action with aggression and run away.

Try to pick up the kitten carefully, without grabbing its paws or tail. Carrying is also acceptable

The new resident should be allowed to get comfortable in the house on their own. This will help him feel more comfortable. Gradually, the kitten needs to be shown where the food and toilet are. Don't yell at the cat, and especially don't hit him. If the pet sees that it is not in danger, then, having satisfied its hunger, it will look for a place to sleep. After this, you can proceed directly to taming your pet.

You shouldn’t expect a wild cat to get used to the house in a couple of hours; give it a few days and don’t disturb it with unnerving procedures.

When the kitten remembers where his food is and stops hiding from you, try giving him a treat from your hand

If he accepts it, you can try to gently stroke his head and back. Next, there are two options for the development of events:

  • if the kitten runs away from you, then you need to leave it alone, but repeat the steps of feeding it with treats three times a day or more often;
  • If the kitten reacts normally to stroking, making it clear that it likes it, you should try placing it on your lap.

It is better to sit on the floor. This way you won’t have to lift your pet too high, and he won’t be frightened by a sudden change in position. If after this the kitten immediately wants to jump to the floor, do not stop it or hold it by force. It is better to repeat the steps after some time. This will let your animal know that he can feel comfortable with you.

Is it possible to tame an adult cat?

Adult animals can also be tamed and taught to accept affection, but this is more difficult to do. This is due to the fact that they have already formed their character and developed certain habits. In addition, wild animals may remember being hurt by other people.

Otherwise, the methods for taming adult animals are similar to those used for kittens. A calm atmosphere, delicious food, gentle touches and the absence of stressful situations will help turn a wild furry into an affectionate and grateful friend.

Before accustoming your cat to handling, feed him well. A sleepy animal that does not feel hungry will become more docile and will be more willing to be handled. But at the same time, you should not overdo it with food; do not feed your pet just to hold it on your lap.

It is believed that adult cats, unlike kittens, pay attention to the owner’s voice and intonation. Talk to your cat while you feed him, and continue to talk while you pet him, scratch behind the ears, etc.

p. After some time, the cat will develop an associative connection, and he will perceive your voice as a signal for something pleasant. Listening to him, the cat will sit in your arms without experiencing the same discomfort.

In extreme cases, you can purchase cat sprays with pheromones at pet stores, but you should not abuse them.

If your pet has a playful nature, then you can try to lure him onto your lap using his favorite mouse or bow. Let the cat jump on your legs and catch the “prey”, and then release the toy. This way, your pet will unconsciously get used to the fact that it is safe to be on your lap.

Be prepared for the fact that during such games the cat may scratch you; do not scold him for this so as not to scare him away.

Training kittens to use a scratching post

To ensure that the apartment does not lose its original appearance after the appearance of a four-legged friend in it, the cat should be taught to sharpen its claws in certain places from a very early age.

A three-month-old kitten is already beginning to scratch surfaces with its claws. Depending on the breed, the cat may start doing this either later or earlier. Of course, most owners, almost immediately after the furry appears in the house, buy him, in addition to toys, a scratching post

But a cat's character is unpredictable, and the kitten may not pay attention to a useful gift

You need to start accustoming your kitten to a scratching post from a very early age.

In this case, they resort to involving the pet in the device. As a rule, in cases where the kitten’s training does not occur immediately, the process takes a month or a little more. With the right and attentive approach, the animal quickly gets used to the nail clipper.

Kittens and cats are taught to use scratching posts:

  • smells;
  • frequent play with a new object;
  • praise and treats;
  • observation.

Attracted by smell

One of the most favorite cat scents is the scent of valerian. Apply a little valerian to the device. Few cats can resist the pull of this smell. Gradually, the cat will begin to sharpen its claws exclusively on it.


Play is one of the most effective ways to attract an animal to a scratching machine. They play with the kitten, involving a scratching post in the process. For successful training, various toys with tails are used. The tail of the toy is drawn along the surface of the device, and the kitten imperceptibly begins to play with the claw clipper. This way you can quickly accustom your baby to the scratching post.

Note! Play is extremely important for a kitten. He needs to move

Jumping, running, playing hide and seek, especially at night, may not appeal to those who come home from work tired. But if you give your pet time and play with him for a long time in the evening, then nighttime hyperactivity can be avoided.

Affection and delicacy

You need to praise the kitten as often as possible for “communicating” with the scratching post. All animals love praise and affection. This way the kitten will understand that he is being rewarded for certain actions. The best type of reward is a treat.

If the cat does not sharpen its claws on a special board or post after all the described actions, it is necessary to check the device for an unpleasant odor and the quality of the rope or fabric. It is possible that the animal did not like the material of the product. In this case, you will have to think about purchasing another model.


Cats sharpen their claws in different ways. Some prefer vertical surfaces, others tear up carpets and floors. The easiest way to choose the right device is to observe your four-legged friend.

For some time they observe which surfaces the cat prefers. Based on his habit, they purchase a claw tool.

Various toys provide invaluable assistance in training a child to use a scratching post. You can independently attach the toy to a post or board using a rope.

Important! The toy must be secured so that the kitten cannot get tangled in the lace or rope. The baby needs to be supervised during games

How to care for a British kitten

Keeping a British shorthair cat will not cause much trouble for the owner. Only the pet's eyes and ears need enhanced care.

Eye care

To care for a kitten's eyes, cotton pads and a special solution for daily hygiene, for example, “Diamond Eyes,” are used. If you don’t have it on hand, you can rinse your eyelids with warm boiled water, a weak chamomile decoction or saline solution.

A Briton's eyes need to be looked after every day. It is advisable to accustom your cat to this from an early age, so that in the future he will accept the procedure normally.

Before cleaning your eyes, you need to arm yourself with several cotton pads and solution. The British kitten must be in a good mood - you should not tear him away from an exciting game. It's better to wait until he sits quietly.

The pet is placed on the table or in your arms, fixed, and then the eyelids are wiped with a moistened sponge in the direction from the outer corner to the inner. Each side is treated with a clean cotton pad.

Normally, the discharge from the eyes of British cats is light brown or clear. If during the examination greenish, brown or yellow profuse discharge is detected, you need to show the kitten to a veterinarian. This indicates an inflammatory process. You cannot postpone your visit to the clinic; this can lead to complete or partial loss of vision.

Ear care

The owner of a British kitten should evaluate the condition of his ears once a week. Normally, there is a thin layer of wax in the external auditory canal. It resembles a light waxy coating and performs a protective function. However, its excess must be removed. This requirement does not only apply to British Fold kittens who cannot clean their ears on their own.

The procedure is carried out approximately once every 2 weeks using cotton pads soaked in lotion. If special care products are not at hand, you can use a chlorhexidine solution. The auricle is turned out and wiped thoroughly.

If there is a dark brown mass inside, there are scratches on the skin near the ears, and the kitten shakes its head frequently, you should contact your veterinarian. Such symptoms appear when infected with otodectosis.

Signs of the disease cannot be ignored, otherwise otitis media may develop. Regular care of your British kitten's ears will help prevent infection or detect alarming symptoms in time and begin treatment.


The thick coat of a British kitten needs good care. In short-haired pets, it does not get tangled, but it still needs to be combed out. The British are very clean, they love to lick themselves. This is where the danger lies - the fallen hairs get into the stomach and can cause intestinal blockage.

The wool is combed out with a furminator and a massage brush with silicone tips. The procedure is usually carried out 2 times a week. During shedding, coat care is carried out daily.

Nail care

British kittens often suffer from fungal nail infections, so it is important to pay attention to their care. It is advisable to examine your pet's paws once a week.

If the nails are severely peeling or have dark spots on them, it is better to contact a veterinarian to diagnose the fungus. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the kitten will be prescribed medicinal ointments.

Caring for claws involves shortening them. Even if a cat actively uses a scratching post, the claws still grow back quickly. In advanced cases, they curl up and grow into the pads of the paws, causing pain when walking. Once every 2 weeks, it is recommended for a British cat to trim its claws using a nail clipper.

Attention! Only the very tip, no more than 1 mm long, is cut off, since further on there is living tissue in which the capillaries are located. If it is damaged, there is a risk of infection.

Dental care

British kittens rarely have tooth decay. However, representatives of this breed often suffer from tartar, which leads to the development of gingivitis. To avoid inflammation of the gums, a kitten is taught to brush its teeth from an early age, from about 2 months. You will need a brush for small children and toothpaste for animals, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Cleaning is done once a week. It is very important to try to completely remove plaque. This must be done quickly and carefully. The most important thing in dental care is regularity.

If the cat has already developed tartar, it will be removed by a veterinarian under anesthesia, since this procedure is unpleasant and quite painful.

Hygiene procedures

It is not recommended to bathe British kittens under one year of age. The exception is very dirty fur. Representatives of this breed are not very enthusiastic about being in water; only some enjoy washing. Therefore, the British do not bathe often - 4-5 times a year. Most often this is done before visiting an exhibition.

To care for a thick plush coat, use only cat shampoo. To wash a cat, add a little water to the bath at a temperature of +38...+40 degrees. The wool is wetted using a ladle or shower hose. It is important to protect your ears from water. Then apply shampoo to the wet fur coat, lather it well, and then rinse thoroughly. If desired, you can treat the wool with conditioner to make it softer and acquire a beautiful shine.

Attention! After bathing, the kitten is dried with a terry towel and placed in a warm place without a draft. Failure to comply with this recommendation may result in your pet becoming hypothermic. It is better to place the bed near the radiator or dry the cat with a hairdryer so that it does not catch a cold.

How to handle British and Scottish cats

British and Scottish Fold cats have a wayward temperament and character. By nature, they are independent and love to be alone. But if the owner wants to accustom a small kitten of the British breed to the hands, then in this case it is necessary, first of all, to be patient.

Scottish Fold kittens, like their adult relatives, are extremely touchy. Feeling the timbre of the owner’s voice and intonation, the kitten may become seriously offended and never attempt to jump onto his lap again.

In addition, it is important not to resist the will of the pet. If a British kitten finally jumped onto your lap on its own, then you shouldn’t chase it away

If the baby does not want to sit, holding him is also useless. Some cat lovers advise forcibly grabbing the kitten, holding it close when it struggles, and stroking it vigorously until the pet realizes that it is powerless. This can play a good role with yard cats, and even then not for a long period.

But in the case of British or Scottish cat breeds, this number will not work. At best, the kitten will be offended for a while, and at worst, it will stop taking the owner’s opinion into account. Cats are vindictive, they are great at doing dirty tricks to annoy their owner.

If you can’t lure a cat with treats, you can buy a spray with pheromones or catnip at a pet store. The latter option is preferable, since it is used not only for hand training, but also in the process of training to a scratching post and a house.

Using catnip will not harm your pet either physiologically or psychologically. But it is worth remembering that if you stop using cat grass, the result may decrease, and the animal will again stop jumping into your arms.

Teaching a British cat to sit on your lap

We carefully place the Briton on our laps and stroke him

Next, he will choose a comfortable position for himself.

Place something tasty in your palm and offer it to your pet.

Pieces of meat, sausage, special food or vitamins are perfect for this.

While the cat is busy eating, pet him quietly. Gradually he will begin to get used to his hands. And then it will be possible to lure him to his knees. The animal should develop a pleasant association with this. So the next time your Brit wants a special treat, he can give you a hint by jumping on your lap.

Sprays and catnip

Use catnip, it's like a drug for cats.
Sometimes owners resort to using cat sprays containing pheromones. You can spray your clothes or hands with the product to attract your pet. Usually cats follow their owners as if spellbound to inhale the aroma. But you can’t abuse this - sprays quickly become addictive . You can replace them with catnip.

Attract your pet with a toy

Cats love to play at any age.

The process of play brings the animal very close to the owner. First, you can play “cat and mouse” with a rope on the floor, gradually bringing it closer to you. And when the animal is on the verge of excitement, throw the “mouse” on your lap.

When the cat is in your arms, you need to release the string so that the cat can heartily enjoy its prey. This way, on an unconscious level, you will become accustomed to your hands and knees.

If an animal bites or scratches you during play, you should never beat or scold it. British cats are very touchy creatures and may not forgive such an act, and you can completely forget about accustoming your pet to handling.

Basic taming methods

It is recommended to take into account several rules on how to accustom a cat to your hands. They will help you achieve contact faster and not scare the baby.

Treats from hand

Treats received from human hands will allow the cat child to calm down and understand that no one will offend him. A well-fed baby relaxes and in most cases allows himself to be stroked or even picked up.

At the initial stage, you can give food from your hands, then put it on your lap. The desire to eat a treat will lead to the pet going to be picked up. However, you should not hold the animal if it wants to jump. This may alarm him and cause him discomfort.

Calm voice

You can attract your cat's attention with scents that are pleasant to him. A curious baby will definitely want to look at what smells so nice and will make contact with the person

In pet stores you can find special sprays containing specific pheromones that attract the animal. As a last resort, you can spray the solution on your palms and let the cat smell it.

Attention! It is not recommended to constantly use sprays that attract your pet to avoid addiction.


When training and raising a kitten, you need to take into account its breed. It is recommended to be aware that not all breeds love affection. British and Scottish Fold cats are very independent and do not want to spend time in the arms of their owner. It is possible to accustom such animals to your hands, but it will require patience and a long time.

A cat should feel comfortable and comfortable in a person’s arms.

It is possible to tame a kitten during the game. The toy is gradually moved closer to you so that the baby follows it. When he is very close, the little thing he is interested in is given away, and the cat is calmly picked up. While the animal is engaged in the object, you can easily stroke it and talk to it calmly. Habituation will occur on an unconscious level.

Important! Your cat should also be toilet trained gradually. You need to show him the tray and try to teach him how to use it

Some people are so good at this that their pets just go to the toilet.

The duration of the taming process depends on the character of the animal and the patience of the owner. It is different for everyone, so it is impossible to give an exact answer - for some the process will take a month, and for others even a year will not be enough. If you do everything correctly and calmly, the result will not be long in coming.

If the cat does not go into your arms, but he is calm, has a good appetite, and there is no reason to worry, then it is better to leave him alone.

Important! There is no need to try to forcibly accustom the animal to contact, this will only make him angry. Knowing how to tame a kitten in your hands, it is easy to achieve the desired effect

If you follow the necessary rules and have patience, you can achieve the desired results in a fairly short time. It is recommended to remember that not all breeds are prone to constant contact with humans, so you should not try to pick up the animal by force

Knowing how to tame a kitten in your hands, it is easy to achieve the desired effect. If you follow the necessary rules and have patience, you can achieve the desired results in a fairly short time. It is recommended to remember that not all breeds are prone to constant contact with humans, so you should not try to pick up the animal by force.

At what age is it better to adopt a kitten?

Owners who are not familiar with the characteristics of the breed try to pick up a British kitten from a breeder at the age of 5-8 weeks. You should not do this, since caring for a pet at this age can be difficult. Of course, I want to watch the baby grow. However, early separation from your cat can have dire consequences for the kitten's health.

The appropriate age for moving to a new home is 10-12 weeks. By this time, the Briton is no longer dependent on his mother. He received a full course of breastfeeding, so his immunity is less vulnerable.

As a rule, a kitten at 12 weeks is already accustomed to the tray and knows how to use a scratching post. But the most important thing is that upon reaching the age of three months, the first vaccination against deadly diseases is carried out:

  • rabies;
  • chlamydia;
  • panleukopenia;
  • calcivirosis.

Taking an unvaccinated British kitten from a cattery is risky. Moreover, in case of complications after vaccination, the problems will fall on the shoulders of the new owner, not the breeder.

Spray bait

Sometimes a cat must be accustomed to being handled using a special bait spray, which is sold in a pharmacy and usually contains catnip extract; this is necessary in cases where the kitten has been running wild for a long time and categorically refuses to make contact. Most often, this phenomenon is observed if the animal has suffered from people and because of this cannot help but fear even its owner, who loves it and has created comfortable living conditions for it. Also, basement kittens, which have largely returned to the behavior of their wild ancestors, are often distinguished by distrust.

The spray should be applied not to clothes, but to the palms of the hands, so that the kitten gets used to the person, and not to the thing. The smell of the product acts on the animal like a drug, and therefore the pet will, despite its fear, still run to the owner and rub against the hands. Gradually, the kitten will understand that there is nothing dangerous or unpleasant when communicating with a person. As a result of this, in the future, even without a spray, the pet will be willing to be handled.

When using a spray, it is important not to exceed the norm so that the baby does not become accustomed to it and begins to suffer from the lack of the drug. Because of this, you cannot use the product more often than once a day.

This remedy should be used more often if you had to take an adult cat into your home.

Pros and cons of petting

The domestic weasel, like any animal, has the strengths and weaknesses of living among people. The advantages include:

Weasels are active and playful, move a lot, love attention, and enjoy frolicking with children and other pets. Predators do not require constant walking, but they will not refuse a walk in a harness. Animals have a high level of intelligence, so they are easy to train (go to the litter box, perform simple tricks). Despite the fact that in nature animals are nocturnal, they can easily adapt to the daily schedule of their household. Weasel fur is less allergenic than that of dogs and cats. Sterilization improves the quality of the coat and increases the activity of the animal.

The weasel is an animal that, at home, quickly becomes attached to its owner. This predator, with proper training, is suitable as a friend for a middle-aged child.

The domestic weasel quickly becomes attached to its owner

An inexperienced breeder may encounter a number of problems when keeping a predatory weasel in the house. Cons of the content aspect:

  • Unsterilized males mark territory.
  • When purchasing adult individuals, it is necessary to protect children from bites, since adult weasels cannot be trained.
  • When in danger, the weasel emits a specific odor that lingers indoors for a long time.
  • An unbalanced diet can lead to the death of your pet.
  • Animals can hide things they don't like.
  • Non-breeding animals should be neutered at six months of age.
  • Only babies aged no more than 1.5 months can be trained.
  • While walking around the room, the weasel gets under your feet and demands attention.

If rabbits, hamsters, decorative mice or parrots live in the apartment, the weasel must be very carefully let out for a walk, as the predator may succumb to natural instinct and begin hunting.

What not to do

During the training process, you need to be careful and not show negative feelings so as not to scare the cat. There are a number of actions that cannot be performed:

There are a number of actions that cannot be performed:

  • Raise your voice, shout. Cats get offended very quickly and remember for a long time, so next time there will be no result at all. The animal will scratch, hiss and even bite.
  • Show aggression, punish, deprive of food and attention. Such actions are also unlikely to give the desired result.
  • Hold forcibly. If the pet begins to get nervous, wriggle out of his hands, and release his claws, then you need to let him out. Holding in one place causes the animal to panic and develop fear that will be difficult to overcome.
  • It is better to protect kittens from small children. A child does not always understand how to behave correctly with an animal. As a result, both one and the other may experience stress.

The most important thing in the training process is calm. Cats are very sensitive to the mood of their owners and will also be nervous and worried.

It is easy to accustom a kitten to your hands while playing

Schedule of antiparasitic treatment and vaccinations

To prevent infectious diseases, your pet is vaccinated. The first vaccination is carried out at the age of 12 weeks, each subsequent one – annually. It is recommended to treat cats for worms and skin parasites twice a year.

Information about vaccinations performed is entered into the veterinary passport. Without it, the animal cannot take part in exhibitions, travel and is not allowed for breeding.

Many people dream of a British kitten, but not everyone understands how big a responsibility this is. An animal needs care like a small child: it requires love, care and attention. Those who are not ready to spend their time and money on a pet should not get one.

The best bait for a cat

Treats will help attract the cat. Which one is best to choose? If you catch your runaway pet, be guided by its food preferences. A universal option is ready-made food. Dry formulas for feeding cats are considered more convenient to use. You will appreciate all their advantages as soon as you try to lure out a cat hiding in a secluded place.

You can also use fish, seafood, meat, and sausages as bait. Be sure to finely chop the selected product. If you are giving meat or fish, first boil a piece and remove all bones. You should not feed your cat milk and dairy products. It is unknown who came up with the myth about cats’ love for this product. In fact, not all cats love milk. In addition, its consumption harms the digestive system of these animals.


British cats are often obese. Therefore, it is important to provide your pet with not only good care, but also proper nutrition. You can feed your cat natural products or ready-made industrial food; each owner makes his own decision.

The main thing is that the diet is varied and includes everything necessary for the health of a Briton - protein, fiber, vitamins and microelements.

Natural nutrition

Some owners of British kittens prefer to feed their pets natural food. The main product that a kitten should receive is lean meat. Its share of the daily food volume is 80%. These are rabbit, veal, beef, turkey loin, chicken.

Also, British kittens are offered offal once a week - heart, stomachs, liver.

In addition to meat, the cat menu includes:

  • cereals - wheat, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat;
  • vegetables – carrots, spinach, broccoli;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • fermented milk products – low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, classic yogurt;
  • sea ​​fish - no more than 1-2 times a week.

Cats should not be given bones, sausages, sweets, beans, potatoes, or salty foods. Fatty foods are strictly prohibited: pork, goose, duck and lard.

Ready-made feed

Most owners of British breed cats confirm that ready-made dry food is very convenient:

  • dry granules do not deteriorate in a bowl and therefore do not cause poisoning;
  • the owner does not have to figure out what to feed the pet every time;
  • Ready-made mixtures already contain everything you need in the right quantity - protein, vitamins, fiber, amino acids.

Manufacturers of dry food offer lines for picky cats, allergy sufferers, animals with sensitive digestion or those suffering from various diseases. The main thing is to choose high quality food - premium or super-premium.

How to accustom an adult cat to being held?

Cats naturally have communication skills. Four-legged animals never run wild just like that, and aggressive or inappropriate behavior towards people indicates a very low level of socialization. Many feral cats are born and raised outdoors or abandoned by their owners at a young age.

Regardless of their origin and lifestyle, feral cats are afraid of communicating with people. Obsessive attempts to contact a feral cat most often lead to scratches and bites. Let us immediately note that fear of communication with people is a complex problem that will take a lot of time and effort to correct.

A feral adult cat should remain in a confined space until she calms down and feels safe. It takes 1 to 3 days for adult animals to adapt to a new environment. It is most convenient to isolate the cat in a small room, such as a bathroom. During isolation, all the animal’s personal items are brought into the room: bowls, tray, toys, house or bed.

During the adaptation period, you need to make sure that the cat cannot escape. For safety reasons, all shelves that can be removed and objects that the cat could drop are removed from the room. To make the animal feel safer, the premises are equipped with the most secretive and comfortable shelters.

For faster comfortable adaptation, you need to place several of your things in the room with the animal, for example, an unwashed sweater, old slippers, etc. After placing the animal in an equipped room, try to visit it as little as possible, at least for the first 2 days.

As soon as the pet gets comfortable in its new shelter, it must be shown to a doctor. Using heavy-duty gloves, place your cat in the carrier and take it to the veterinarian. Believe me, these measures are necessary, since feral and outdoor cats can be carriers of the virus.

The next step in establishing interpersonal space is play. You can play with your cat without tactile contact, for example, using toys on handles. At first, the cat will only play in your absence.

When a new pet realizes that its new home is safe, tactile contact is required for further taming. Carefully monitor the animal’s body language; if the cat is tense, hisses, or raises its fur, leave immediately and do not provoke further conflict. Any manifestation of aggression on the part of an animal is nothing more than a defensive reaction.

The next step is taming the cat. Your pet must understand that your hands are not dangerous, so demonstrate open palms at every opportunity. If the cat is resting, place your palm on the floor next to it, hold it for a few minutes and gently remove your hand. If your cat reaches out to your palm and tries to sniff it, freeze and wait until the animal loses interest.

The first stroke is the most crucial moment. As soon as the cat comes up to you and sits next to you, extend your palm towards it. If your cat calmly sniffs your hand, try stroking the bridge of its nose and forehead.

Then there are two options: acceptance of affection or fear (with a possible attack). To increase your chances of success, carefully monitor your cat's behavior before you begin petting. Raised ears, relaxed facial expressions and dilated pupils indicate a feeling of security.

Features of training pedigree cats

Some cat breeds naturally have a distant attitude towards people. Some animals remain in the country because they do not need a lot of communication; there are active breeds that simply “have no time” to contact the owner. In any case, you cannot raise your cat until you earn its trust.

Note! Even the most temperamental pets quickly begin to trust owners who observe the principle of constancy. To help your cat get used to you faster, feed her on a schedule and try to communicate with her at the same time.

To prevent your cat from feeling discriminated against, be sure to provide her with a personal place to rest. When a pet sleeps on a bed, it should be untouchable. If there are small children or other animals in the house, set up a place for the new pet in a remote room that is locked.

How to hand train a British and Scottish cat

Experienced owners believe that taming a British or Scottish cat is very simple. The breed standards indeed indicate that its representatives are sociable and people-oriented. However, many potential owners are unaware of how self-sufficient these breeds are.

Note! The experience of owners shows that self-sufficient cats are easiest to tame by sleeping together. If you're opposed to your cat sleeping in your bed, pick him up when you're about to watch TV or relax.

Without establishing a close interpersonal space, the cat will remain distant. If you like to hold your pet in your arms and communicate closely with it, you will have to devote time to establishing a close interpersonal space.

Let us immediately note that British and Scottish cats are not prone to destructive behavior in the home, but they can completely ignore the wishes of an owner who is not trusted.

How to hand train a Bengal cat

Many potential owners dream of owning a Bengal cat, without even knowing how active this breed is. Establishing interpersonal contact with active cats occurs only during games. To train a Bengal, you need to play with it at least three to four times a day.

Note! Active four-legged animals positively perceive verbal praise and rewards with treats, but only during play.

The best way to establish close interpersonal contact with an active cat is to teach it to walk on a leash. When in an unfamiliar environment, a cat instinctively reaches out to someone who can protect it (the owner). I gradually get used to walks, the pet learns who the owner is the source of security and begins to trust him.

Sources: https://

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the fact that yard cats do not have such exclusive characteristics as their purebred counterparts, they are nevertheless not without merit.

  1. Lasting immunity. Breeding breeds using selective breeding methods has greatly weakened the immune system of animals. This is why the life expectancy of street cats is many times higher than that of purebred pets. Yard cats have strong protective functions of the body and are able to resist many infections.
  2. Personality Such animals tend to be docile in nature. They become very attached to the owner who picked them up on the street.
  3. Reproduction. Since yard cats do not need a purebred partner, finding a mate for them to reproduce will not be difficult.
  4. Indispensable in the household. Outdoor cats are excellent mouse hunters. Nature endowed the animal with these qualities, and it is among the domestic representatives of the family that this instinct is much more developed.
  5. Price. You don't need a big investment to get a pet. You can pick up a cute, albeit not purebred, kitten on the street. Some cats even choose their own owner, coming to visit and “imposing” themselves.
  6. Exhibitions for yard cats. You heard right. Indeed, there are special exhibitions designed for outbred cats. On them, judges evaluate the external characteristics of the animal and its grooming.

The disadvantages include the inability to make decent money on the offspring of a pet and the excessive sensitivity of non-pedigreed cats. These animals are very sensitive to any changes that occur in their usual habitat. Noisy feasts and even rearrangements in the house can negatively affect the pet.

How to accustom a kitten to a name: ways

To get the fastest and most guaranteed results, you can use various techniques and strategies to accustom your cat to a name.

With food

You can build learning based on scientific facts and theories. For example, based on Pavlov's experience. Surely every schoolchild remembers the experiments this scientist performed on a dog. Its essence is to develop an unconditional reflex to the desired stimulus. In this case it is the name. The easiest way is to accustom the kitten to its name while eating. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to prepare the food in advance. In order for the kitten to get used to responding to its name and not stomping into the kitchen in response to the opening of the refrigerator.

When the food is ready, you need to call your pet using a familiar sound. For example "ks-ks". This sound is then combined with the name. In this case, you need to point your finger at the bowl. While the kitten is there, you need to affectionately call him by name and stroke him.

Cat eats cake

You can also use treats to train your cat. The treat is used at the moment when the cat has done what they wanted to train it to do. For example, I responded to a name. To use this method, you need to know what treat your pet will be interested in and always carry it with you: in your robe or trouser pocket. When the kitten does what is asked of him, he gets a treat.

To ensure that the kitten does not get confused, all family members should call it the same. Variety can be added later, when the kitten gets used to it and remembers its name. When he appears in sight, you need to take out a tasty treat and call him by name. Thus, over time, the animal will get used to it and begin to associate the name first with the treat, and then with the owner.

Recommended reading:

The average lifespan of cats and how to extend it

Cat eats cake

Through games

When the kitten gradually gets used to its name, you can consolidate the result with the help of a game. Each time you play, you need to say the name of the animal. You can also use a bow on a string for the game and call your pet by name only when he catches the bow. The nickname should be pronounced in a gentle and calm voice. If the kitten experiences negative emotions while learning its name, it will be more difficult to continue the process.

kitten playing

When the kitten gets used to the name, you can complicate the task. For example, calling him from the next room, if he comes to the call, you need a reward. You can call your baby from different rooms, the main thing is not to forget about his unconditional motivation to respond to his nickname.

With the help of caresses

Weasel is a universal language used by all creatures with communication skills. For a small kitten, recently in the caring arms of its mother, affection is very important. She allows him to feel safe and remember his very first pleasant memories.

Photo of a purring cat

When petting, you must call the pet's name, then it will be associated with the owner, safety and tenderness. If the conditioned reflex to a treat can go away over time, especially if there is no nourishment, then the reaction to tenderness and affection will always be the same.

Domesticating a kitten

But you can train a small kitten much faster. This can be done literally in just a few days. However, if he is too shy, the domestication process will take a little longer. But it is still possible to do this, and not only with the help of affection and kindness, but also with the help of delicious food. For training, you can use both different toys and regular rope.

When people first bring a small kitten into the house, then first of all it is necessary to exclude any contact with both other people and other pets. To do this, you can place the animal either in a separate room or in a small cage. In the second case, the cage should be placed in the most remote and quiet corner in the room. In addition, it must be covered on top with any fabric. You also need to put two bowls in it. One of them should be with water, and the second with food.

After a few hours, you need to go up to the cage and try to talk to the little pet. In addition, you can give him something tasty, such as boiled meat or fish. The kitten must eat from the owner's hands. This way he will quickly get used to it and understand that he is getting food from a friend and not from an enemy.

If the small pet still hisses during feeding and does not want to eat, you need to leave it alone for a while longer. After he calms down, you can try opening the cage a little and extending your hand

This must be done very carefully, without sudden movements, so that the kitten does not get scared. He may still hiss, but you shouldn’t pay attention to it, because this is a simple defensive reaction

When the owner pets the kitten and it calms down, you can give it a small piece of treat. You can feed the animal fully only after 10–12 hours, when it is hungry enough. In this case, the baby will come out of its hiding place and may even take food from the hands of its new owner. This will only mean that the person did everything right.

Even when the kitten has begun to eat from your hands and is a little used to it, you should not speak too loudly in his presence, because he may get scared and run away, which means he will need to do everything all over again. In order for a kitten to be gentle in communicating with a person, you need to devote a lot of time to him: you need to play with him more, stroke him and pick him up. When he is fully domesticated, you can introduce him to small family members, if any.

Why is the cat not affectionate?

If a cat scratches and bites as an adult, the owners themselves are to blame. While still playing with her, they allowed her to “claw” in excitement. At first it's funny, then the adult:

  • bites legs;
  • does not allow himself to be combed;
  • spoils things, marks territory.

The simplest veterinary examination and medical procedures (injections, enemas) turn into a nightmare for the owner.

The independence and aggressiveness of a mustachioed cohabitant should not be shown towards family members. If the owners are afraid, the pet will become impudent. It is recommended to hold the cat in your arms more often and show affection. After taming, release it for further exploration of the area, praise and treat it with something tasty for good behavior.

Gradually the cat will understand: nothing bad is happening. If you do this regularly, at the same time talk affectionately, give a piece of “yummy” - after a while you can add short-term combing, examining the ears and other manipulations.

An irrepressible desire to “cuddle” can also be the reason why a cat becomes less affectionate. Small children will happily play with the kitty and pull its ear or tail.

Adults sometimes don’t lag behind (especially if the cat is not their property): they shamelessly shove pieces from the table, try to stroke them and pick them up against their will. It's not the cat that needs to be blamed, but the owner:

  1. If the cat is not the highlight of the program, it is better to isolate it in another room. Or warn the guest about correct behavior.
  2. For children, it is better to find other fun, otherwise the simplest scratch on the hand of an uncontrollable child will ruin the evening.
  3. When neither the person nor the cat is particularly anxious, let them interact as they wish.

Advice. It is advisable to wash your hands not only after interacting with an animal, but also before. Precautionary measures apply to small unvaccinated kittens.

The selection of some breeds followed the path of consolidating external characteristics. Such cats are more attached to the territory than to the owner. For example, bobtails and Norwegian forest cats do not recognize excessive affection.

It is better to choose a Burmese, Siamese, Sphynx or Rex or an ordinary yard cat - a “mongrel”. “Human-dependent” cats can hardly tolerate loneliness, they are easy to tame and they love the affection of their owner.

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