How to house train a cat: simple and effective ways

A cat is a special animal. Unlike dogs, who like to spend most of their time with their owner, cats need their own space, a place where they can be alone.

Therefore, when you take a kitten into your home, you need to think not only about food, toys and health, but also organize a place for the cat to sleep and retire - a cat house. It's the same with an adult cat. There the cat can sleep, warm up, calm down, etc. The owner will always know where his animal is. In addition, not everyone likes to sleep together with animals.

Another advantage of having your pet always sleep in one place is that you won't have to clean up fur if you haven't put it away in the closet in time. And some animals prefer to settle down in unexpected places, for example, on a laptop keyboard. The cat is warm and comfortable, but the owners have questions.

Optimal house arrangement

In order for a pet to recognize a new home, it must meet special cat standards:

  • Dimensions . A cat needs comfort and protection, so you need to carefully select housing according to the size of your pet. If the house is cramped or too large, the animal will refuse to spend the night in it.
  • Quality of material . There is no need to save; preference is given to frames made from natural components - wood. Make sure that the upholstery fabric is soft, pleasant to the touch, and does not electrify, otherwise your pet will refuse to live in the house. Plush and carpet are the most acceptable; other natural fabrics can also be used. Synthetic padding and foam rubber are used as padding for the bed. A good option would be a homemade mattress made from familiar materials. Use an old shirt or robe that your pet likes to lie on. If he has a familiar bedding, move it into the house, making it easier to get used to.
  • Smell . Before purchasing, sniff the house. There should be no strong odors; do not forget that a pet’s sense of smell is sharper than a human’s. If the housing emanates aromas of glue and low-quality materials, the fluffy will refuse to enter it.
  • Sustainability . Cats are frightened by shaky structures, so check the security of the housing and secure it carefully. If an animal gets scared once in the house, it will ignore it in the future.
  • Installation location . Place your pet's home in a secluded corner, not in the aisle. Cats love it when there is a radiator nearby - this provides comfort in winter, but you should not place the structure too close to the heating device - overheating causes molting.

  • Emergency exits . The instinct of a predator makes fluffies care about their safety, so a house with several holes will be to their liking.
  • Ventilation . Cats love ventilated rooms, so that unpleasant odors do not accumulate, and a comfortable temperature in summer and winter.
  • Functionality . Pets are attracted not only by cozy, but also interesting designs - cats are very curious. It could be a multi-story structure with labyrinths. The pussy will be interested in an open complex with a scratching post. Metal parts will not only attract attention, but also ensure the stability and safety of the structure.
  • Gender characteristics . Consider the gender of the cat when choosing a design. Males, by nature, must control the surrounding space, so houses on stands, with several tiers in height, are suitable for them. Females care for their young and tend to live in cozy, enclosed spaces.

Which scratching post to choose and where to install it

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the size of the cat. For example, for a kitten or older cat, it is better not to choose a very high scratching post, as this can cause falls and injuries. For large animals, you should choose designs that are as stable as possible, or opt for floor products with carpet upholstery.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the character of the pet. Some pets like to sharpen their claws in a position on their hind legs (in this case, the vertical option is suitable), others prefer to stretch and sharpen in a horizontal position (here it is better to give preference to floor models or tuberculate houses). If your cat likes to spoil corners, we recommend installing a corner option.

You should start accustoming your cat to a scratching post by choosing the right place to install the product, so that it does not become a useless thing in the apartment. The best place is considered to be the pet's resting area, since after waking up, every cat likes to sharpen its claws.

If your pet has her eye on the wallpaper or a corner of the sofa, install a scratching post in this area. The kitten will definitely be interested in the new product and try out its claws. If the room is quite large, it is recommended to purchase a couple of products and place them in different places.

How to start house training a cat

The process will not take much time and effort if you are just going to adopt a pet. In this case, the house must be purchased in advance, and the baby will immediately know its place. Even if the kitten is already in the house, thanks to its curiosity, it will quickly get used to the house.

An adult animal with established habits is a different matter. It is possible that the cat will immediately fall in love with its new home. But there are some tricks to win over conservatives too.

Using your favorite places

If your pet has lived with you for a long time, there are corners in the apartment where he spends time and sleeps more often. Place the house in such a place, and the cat will enter it, following its habit. Your pet's conservatism will play into your hands - the fluffy will sleep where he loves, and at the same time get used to the housing. If your cat sleeps on the bed with you, you can briefly tolerate the proximity of the apartment next to the bed, or even on it, if space allows.

After three weeks, try to move the house. If the pet does not follow, you need to return the corner back for some more time. Eventually the animal will fall in love with the structure itself, and the cat will willingly follow it.

Using Natural Curiosity

Bring the purchased house into the apartment and place it where it will be immediately visible to your pet. If the cat does not go there right away, take a few days to get used to the new piece of furniture. Then, during the game, you can throw your favorite ball or mouse inside - the first step is taken, the animal goes inside to get the toy. Gradually move your favorite toys inside the structure. The best option is if the cat believes that this is her choice, do not forget that mustachioed friends are very capricious.

Use your fluffy's favorite treat as bait, and visits to your home will become more frequent. Use any of your old things that your cat likes to lie on as bedding - the room will become close in smell. Gradually, your baby will get used to it and begin to sleep in the structure, first during the day, then at night.

Using gentle pressure

Take your pet in your arms and take it to the house, stroking and talking to it as you do so. If the pet settles down calmly in its new home, stroke it while holding it lightly. To reinforce the conditioned reflex, treat him to something tasty. Move the cat during sleep so that he wakes up in a new place, this will speed up recognition.


Praise your baby when he spends time in his house, treat him with goodies. Cats are smart animals; the owner’s approval, love and affection are important to them. This is the best way to reinforce your pet's correct behavior.

Using Tricks

If your pet is stubborn, resort to other tactics. All cats are partial to catnip. Pet stores sell the weed itself, sprays with the scent of mint, and toys stuffed with it. Regularly, until the pet gets used to the house, scatter or spray catnip, the cat will not be able to resist, will certainly enter the house and stay there for a while. Valerian root also attracts fluffies; it can be used, but not for too long - in cats it causes an effect similar to human intoxication.

Method one: take it out of curiosity

Although the tailed ones are conservative, no one has canceled the cat’s curiosity. A new object in the house will definitely interest the cat, and the owner’s task is to reinforce this interest. This can be done by placing the purr's favorite treat or her favorite toy inside the new home. Do this regularly and your cat will develop a positive association with the house. At first she will simply visit it from time to time, and over time she will begin to sleep in it - at first from time to time, and then constantly.

How not to house train a cat

Don't forget that cats are freedom-loving animals. Violence against them is unacceptable. You should not try to push your pet into the house and hold it by force. This will turn your pet away, the structure will become a source of negative associations, and the cat will never recognize it. You can’t take the cat out of the house either; such actions are also harmful.

It is a mistake to scold an animal near its home or after an unsuccessful attempt at training - negative emotions will be associated with a building that is unpleasant for the cat for a long time.

Method two: favorite place

The conservatism of many furry pets is manifested in the fact that they prefer the same place in the apartment to sleep. In this case, we take the house and put it there. Cats are stubborn, they will sleep where they are used to, regardless of what is standing or lying there. It is very likely that the cat will start sleeping in the house, which in a couple of weeks can be moved to a new location. You shouldn’t do this before, or the purr will return to where it slept before.

Reasons for unsuccessful training

If you were unable to house train your cat, you may have made mistakes. The most common is poor choice of location. Experiment, move the house from one place to another, then you will be able to find a zone that is comfortable for the cat. Some pets perceive the installation of housing directly on their favorite place with aggression; in such cases, it makes sense to place the structure in close proximity.

The next mistake is incorrect selection of sizes and design. When buying a home for a kitten, do not forget that it will grow up. At a minimum, the cat should fit comfortably, lying on its side.

Another miscalculation is the instability of the house and the unpleasant smell inside. It is necessary to securely secure the structure; use catnip spray to eliminate unpleasant odors.

It is possible that the pet needs more time to get used to an unusual object. Show patience and love, and your efforts will be crowned with success. How best to accustom a cat to its own house, everyone must decide for themselves. The character of the pet and its habits, which are known only to the owner, are taken into account. Don't forget about endurance and perseverance. Don't get annoyed and upset if everything doesn't work out as quickly as you wanted. As a result, the pet will appreciate your efforts and love, comfort and safety of the new home.

Method three: light pressure plus encouragement

A particularly stubborn cat must be housetrained with gentle pressure. Take the cat (do it softly and affectionately) and put it in the house. Caress her, give her a treat, but don’t insist too much, don’t try to keep her there by force. Just repeat this procedure from time to time, and soon the cat will begin to perceive the house as a place where it feels comfortable.

Video: how to house train a kitten

All cats are individual - some begin to sleep in the house from the day of purchase, and there are those that never recognize their new home. In any case, remember - a cat cannot be forced to do something. Only affection and encouragement (and sometimes cunning) will help convince the purr to do your way.

Where to place the cat corner?

The decision on where to set up a cat corner should be made taking into account the spatial capabilities of the apartment. Sometimes you want to buy your pet a strong, covered home. However, it requires quite a lot of space. It is ideal to place the house in the corner of the room or on the balcony. The corner should be dry, warm, not walkable. Mold and drafts should be avoided.

If there is nowhere to place a covered house, a bed will help out, for which there is always a corner in the house. The bed can be placed on a wide and wind-free windowsill, chest of drawers, desktop, on the floor or rug near the radiator. To protect your pet from excessive attention from children, you should place the bed in a hard-to-reach place (for example, on a high shelf in a closet). The hallway, passage area, middle of the room is not the best option.

When choosing a place for a house and a lounger, you should take into account the cat's habits. You need to observe where she likes to sleep at night and place the bed in exactly that place. The main thing is that the animal has an overview and the ability to control everything that happens in the house.


Follow simple rules:

  • Don't engage in assault.
  • Show the animal that he is not allowed to do whatever he wants. Explain to him that he is not allowed to hang on curtains, jump on shoulders, etc.
  • Buy a special scratching post and teach the kitten to it, then you won’t have the problem of damaged furniture.
  • A cat and a dog in the house is a special situation. Contrary to popular belief, these animals can get along together. It is better to take a kitten and a puppy, rather than adults, then they will get used to each other. Cats and dogs require a lot of attention from the owner, so think about whether you can give it.

Last resort

Pet stores sell special aerosols for training pets to use the toilet and tray. One of them is called "Catnip". The smell of mint is attractive to cats, they instinctively go for it. It is not advisable to use the remedy as a force to stay in a new house, but as a last resort (if other methods do not help) it is possible.

"Catnip" for cats

The usual tincture of valerian works similarly to “Catnip”. Place a few drops in the corner of the house. The trail of aroma will remain there for a long time and will attract the delicate cat's scent.

Valerian tincture

Common mistakes: what not to do?

It is important for the owner to remember that the animal should never be taken out of the house during daytime rest and night sleep. Young children should be prohibited from doing this, since such an act can forever push the cat away from his favorite place. You need to call and wait until the animal leaves the house on its own.

If the kitten cries and wants to leave the litter and lie down with the owner, you should bring him back, stay with him and wait until he falls asleep. It is impossible to teach a baby to sleep in the master’s bed, because it is difficult to wean him from this habit in adulthood. With patience and love, you can accustom your mustachioed pet to its own corner without unnecessary stress.

Why do cats sharpen their claws?

The nature of cats is such that the claws of these graceful animals grow throughout their lives. Gradually, a scaly membrane forms on top of the claws, which causes discomfort in cats. Therefore, they have to periodically grind off this dead stratum corneum. In nature, grinding occurs naturally when the animal climbs trees. At home, cats have to use other available items.

It is also believed that by scratching things, a cat marks them. This happens thanks to the glands located on the animal’s paws. Cats tend to leave these marks when they are stressed, angry, or want to mark their territory to other cats.

My cat is more accustomed to sharpening his claws outside, using poles and trees for this purpose. If the cat is not released outside at his first request, then he begins to sharpen his claws on the sofa. Slowly, but clearly making it clear that he was unhappy with being ignored.

In addition, cats sharpen their claws due to predatory instincts. The grinding process allows them to keep their claws sharp and ready for catching small rodents or birds. Therefore, you can often notice that furry pets try to sharpen their claws on furniture or carpets while playing with their toy.

Accustoming a cat to a scratching post is safe and painless for the animal, which cannot be said about cutting and completely removing the claws.

If nothing works out

If you can’t housetrain an adult cat despite all your efforts, you can resort to a trick. The pet store sells catnip spray. Its smell attracts cats, so if you spray a house with it, the pet will immediately rush into it. Regular use of the product will allow you to accustom even the most stubborn pet to a cat's home. You can use valerian tincture in the same way.

It is very good to quickly accustom a kitten to a house, to offer him such a cozy refuge on the very first day of the appearance of a small pet. You need to prepare it with everything else that the new resident will need: a tray, a scratching post, dishes and toys.

It is always possible to train a cat to sleep in a certain place - in your personal home, if you choose the right technique and show sufficient patience and perseverance.

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