Horoscope of cats by date of birth: their character and compatibility with the owner

Feline zodiac signs and compatibility of cats with humans by date of birth / 1zoom.ru

All cats, like people, have their own zodiac sign depending on their date of birth. And in the same way they determine what kind of character a cat has, what it likes to play with and what is best to feed it.

UNIAN found out how to choose a cat for your zodiac sign - the compatibility of a cat with a person based on its date of birth.

  • Aries: if the mother cat gives birth from March 21 to April 19
  • Taurus: if the mother cat calved from May 21 to June 21
  • Cancer: if the mother cat gave birth from June 21 to July 22
  • Leo: if the mother cat calved from July 23 to August 23
  • Virgo: if the mother cat gives birth from August 24 to September 22
  • Libra: if the mother cat calved from September 23 to October 22
  • Scorpio: if the mother cat gives birth from October 23 to November 21
  • Sagittarius: if the mother cat gives birth from November 22 to December 21
  • Capricorn: if the mother cat gives birth from December 22 to January 20
  • Aquarius: if the mother cat calved from January 21 to February 20
  • Pisces: if the mother cat calved from February 21 to March 20

Virgo: if the mother cat gives birth from August 24 to September 22

The Virgo cat is very sensitive to odors. That’s why, by the way, she doesn’t like to be petted often. She is very clean and prefers to live in the same (as clean as possible) conditions. Doesn't like closed doors.

He loves and knows how to feed by the hour, so electronic feeders are an excellent option for such a cat. Their character is not playful.

Excellent compatibility with owner Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Problems may arise with Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces.


Representatives of the Pisces sign have a calm character. They do not tolerate fussiness. They live by their own rules. They feel good where there are no strict rules and everyone lives the way they want. Graceful and modest cats can look out the window for a long time without showing any desire to go for a walk.

Stars have a great influence on a cat's character. To explain their behavior, just read their horoscope.

  • Author: Elena Romanenko
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Aquarius: if the mother cat calved from January 21 to February 20

The Aquarius cat is very independent by nature. But he loves company and active games. It is better to have them in a private house - the apartment will be too cramped for them. They do not like closed spaces. For such cats, it is better to make folding doors-passages in the doors in advance.

When it comes to food, the Aquarius cat has very changeable tastes.

Excellent compatibility with owner Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra. Poor compatibility with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. Capricorn should take such a kitten into the home with caution.

Which zodiac sign protects your cat and how does it influence his character?

If your pet was born from March 21 to April 19, then it is protected by Aries.

This cat is distinguished by curiosity and willfulness. Attempts to re-educate a furry pet will not lead to anything good. He will do even more mischief and you will not see peace in the house.

Aries cats are very playful. They love to explore new territories and establish their own rules on them. It is better not to have such a pet for a person living in a small apartment. It is more suitable for the owner of a private house.

It is preferable to feed an Aries cat with fresh natural food rather than dry food. He's an excellent mouser. This pet's favorite toy will be an artificial mouse.

A cat protected by Aries should not be owned by a Taurus, Virgo, or Scorpio owner. This mustachioed-striped one is well compatible with an owner born under the auspices of Leo or Gemini.

If a kitten was born between April 20 and May 20, it feels the influence of Taurus.

This pet is distinguished by its beautiful appearance and very difficult disposition. He is very demanding in care, and can be intrusive in expressing his feline feelings.

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This is a homebody cat that does not tolerate noise. He needs the comfort and care of his owner. He will definitely respond to a good attitude towards himself with affection and tender love.

This cat can be called a gourmet. He is a picky eater.

His favorite pastime is playing scout. He will be happy to lie at the observation post all day and watch you and the other inhabitants of the house.

This cat will not get along with an owner born under the auspices of Virgo or Libra. He has good compatibility with those who are patronized by Taurus, Gemini, Pisces.

A cat born from May 21 to June 21 is under the influence of Gemini.

She is curious and very active. This is such a huntress! She is distinguished by a slender figure. This furry pet does not like hands and calf tenderness.

The animal protected by Gemini gets along well with almost any sign of the Zodiac. It is not suitable unless the owner is Sagittarius or Capricorn.

Photo: Depositphotos
If a kitten was born from June 22 to July 22, then it is protected by Cancer.

This cat is a couch potato and a glutton. He is ready to lazily lie on a chair all day and eat something tasty. This pet also has a bad habit of climbing onto the kitchen table in search of prey. Re-educating him and teaching him good manners is not an easy task.

The Cancer Cat can be called a homebody. He is very jealous and will not tolerate other animals in the house. Such a cat loves its owner very much, knows how to console him and cheer him up.

This pet will get along best with those who are patronized by Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio. He is absolutely incompatible with the owner born under the sign of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius.

If a cat was born between July 23 and August 23, he is protected by Leo.

This pet is freedom-loving, active and very stubborn. You can raise him only if he comes into your home as a very young kitten. You will not be able to re-educate an adult cat. You will have no choice but to learn to adapt to him and get along with him under the same roof.

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This mustachioed and striped one is not the best option for an apartment with expensive antiques. He is too active and curious. It is preferable to keep a Leo cat in a house with durable and unbreakable things. This pet also loves hunting. Be prepared for “gifts” in the form of a caught mouse.

In terms of nutrition, such a cat is quite demanding. He is especially partial to raw meat.

This pet will get along well with those who are patronized by Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius. It is strictly contraindicated for Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio.

A cat born from August 24 to September 22 is given its protection by Virgo.

This is a wayward, clean, freedom-loving animal that does not like hands. He needs a clearly planned daily routine with meals at certain times.

This pet is not known for its playfulness.

The Virgo cat is compatible with the owner who is patronized by Aries, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Virgo. He will not get along under the same roof with someone born under the sign of Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini.

A kitten born from September 23 to October 22 will be greeted by the zodiac sign Libra.

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This pet is affectionate, friendly, and sociable. He loves hands and affection. He can be called a couch potato, because this cat’s favorite pastime is lying on a soft pillow.

He is unpretentious in food, willingly eats food from his master's plate.

The Libra cat is very compatible with the owner, who is patronized by Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. It will be difficult for him to make friends with someone born under the sign of Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

A cat born between 10/23 and 11/21 feels the influence of Scorpio.

This furry pet is distinguished by cunning, trickery, and the habit of mischief for no reason. He can easily scratch his owner, but at the same time he is very loyal to him. He is also distinguished by his jealous nature.

The Scorpio cat likes to hide in secluded corners of the house. This is an excellent hunter for whom tracking down prey is a real pleasure.

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He loves to eat raw meat.

Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius can safely get such a pet. But it will be very difficult for him to make friends with an Aries, Taurus or Cancer owner.

If your cat was born between November 22 and December 21, she is ruled by Sagittarius.

This pet is willful and difficult to train. She does not tolerate closed doors and confined spaces and constantly strives to escape from the house to freedom. This cat can be called a real fighter for its rights.

Among the positive qualities of the Sagittarius cat, one can note its cleanliness, omnivorousness, and ease of care. She is active and playful.

This animal will get along well under the same roof with someone born under the sign of Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius. For Cancer, Virgo, Pisces this is not the best choice of pet.

A kitten born in the winter, from December 22 to January 20, is under the influence of Capricorn.

This furry baby is distinguished by a proud disposition, narcissism, and stubbornness. He is independent, smart, and does not need human company. This is not the best choice for a family with small children. This cat is more suitable for an owner who is rarely at home.

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With an affectionate attitude towards itself, the Capricorn cat will reciprocate the feelings of the owner. But it’s useless to scold him! This will not achieve obedience from your wayward pet.

This is a hunter cat. He loves to climb to the “high mountains” and from there monitor what is happening in the house.

This cat has a tendency towards obesity, as he is very gluttonous.

Owners of Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius and Virgo should get a Capricorn kitten. But this pet will not get along with Gemini, Cancer and Aquarius.

A cat born from January 21 to February 10 is influenced by Aquarius.

The behavior of such a cat is characterized by independence, activity and playfulness. The owner of a private house or large apartment can afford to have such a pet. A small home will be cramped for this energetic cat. In addition, she does not tolerate closed spaces. She should have the opportunity to take walks in the fresh air outside the home.

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This cat is very picky when it comes to food. She's hard to please.

She will get along well with those who are patronized by Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra. But this kitty will not be a best friend for Capricorn.

If a kitten was born at the beginning of spring (from 21.02 to 20.03), it is protected by the sign of Pisces.

This furry baby can be called a nocturnal creature. It is well suited for an owl owner who also watches at night.

This mustachioed-striped one is serene, calm, easy to care for, and omnivorous. His favorite games are chasing a ball or a ball of yarn around the rooms.

A kitten born under the sign of Pisces can be adopted by Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. It is also highly compatible with Pisces. For Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, he will not be a good choice.

Photo: Depositphotos
Knowing under what zodiac sign the kitten brought into the house was born, you will not only be able to understand it better, but also find an approach to the furry pet, and then you will have the warmest relationship with it.

Tags: pets, pets, Zodiac, kittens, animal behavior, cat behavior, patron, get a cat

Pisces: if the mother cat calved from February 21 to March 20

These are nocturnal creatures. During the day, the Pisces cat prefers to sleep. Therefore, they are excellent companions for night owls, but not very pleasant roommates for early birds. They are serene, unpretentious and calm in nature.

They eat everything that is offered to them - therefore (to avoid health problems), the owner himself will have to focus on the needs of the cat, and not on its taste preferences. Favorite toy is a ball.

Excellent compatibility with owner Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Pisces. Problems may arise with a Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius person.

Cats - Libra

September 24 - October 23 Dominant planet: Venus

Libra cats are very sociable. They need the company of a person or, in extreme cases, another pet. Loneliness weighs them down. At the same time, such cats need a warm and friendly environment in their environment. In a family with tense relationships, the Libra cat will be very uncomfortable.

Libra cats feel equally at home at home and outdoors. But running around the neighborhood, showdowns, hunting is not for them. Libras prefer to nap in the sun in a quiet corner where they will not be disturbed by strangers.

Cats born under the sign of Libra are selflessly devoted to their owner and have a hard time with his long absence. These cats have the ability to harmonize the environment around them and can provide “psychological” support in difficult times.

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