Comic horoscope: what kind of cat are you according to your Zodiac Sign?


A Taurus in a cat's horoscope would be an Abyssinian cat. These are discreet and impressive animals. They are distinguished by amazing intelligence and intelligence. This breed of cat chooses its own owner, and the rest of the family members are not authorities for them. They do not strive for an active lifestyle; rather, on the contrary, most of the time you can see them resting near the bowl.


Air Gemini - Bombay cat. You won't get bored with her. The character is easy-going and sociable. Finds an approach to everyone. Gets along with both adults and children.

Graceful body, black lacquered wool. Her amber eyes are mesmerizing and impossible to forget.

The Bombay cat cannot stand being alone and must always be surrounded by people. Dull vegetation is not for her. Prefers active, cheerful and cheerful owners.


This sign would be the Russian Blue cat. The breed is aristocratic and tactful. Such cats do not impose themselves on anyone, but thanks to their natural charm they are always the center of attention. This breed's innate delicacy helps it behave respectfully even with strangers. They are not vindictive; they trust only those they know well. They prefer to play at night when everyone is sleeping.


Aries corresponds to the American Curl cat breed. Just like representatives of this sign, curls are active and adapt well to new conditions.

The cat loves to be aware of all events in the family. Energetic and restless curls, if ignored, are capable of mischief. Torn wallpaper or marked shoes of a guest are the least of their pranks in response to inattention.

American Curls, like Aries, remain children all their lives. At heart they are carefree kittens.


These are philosopher cats. They would have been born Sphinxes. Mysterious animals, but they look straight into the soul of their loved one. They create the wrong first impression of themselves. Even if passions are raging in their souls, such a cat will never show it. It is always difficult to find her in the house; she likes to choose cozy and inaccessible places where she can reflect on the meaning of life.

a lion

If you are a Leo by zodiac sign, it should not surprise you that according to the cat's horoscope you are also a Leo.

The proud, powerful king of beasts is lenient towards those to whom he is sincerely attached. He loves to feel like the head of the family, to protect, protect and provide food for its members.

You can feel safe next to this big cat, of course, provided that his superiority is fully recognized.


Adventure cat. If Aquarius were a cat, he would definitely be born a British Shorthair. They have fun and are alone; they can easily find entertainment and adventure in one place. Many are sure that this breed is independent, and on the one hand, it is. But on the other hand, they would be glad to find a soul mate and give her their love.


Virgo is a Persian cat. It has a soft, accommodating character. Clean, neat. Forms sustainable habits and follows them. Like Virgo, the Persian cat loves orderliness and subordination to established traditions.

Although Persians strive to be loved and given attention, they will not obsessively demand care. A Persian cat will truly feel affection and show devotion only to someone who sincerely loves her.


These are performing cats. In the cat world they would be Cornish Rex. An intelligent and unpretentious breed. They love to communicate, are non-aggressive and unpretentious in everyday life. He purrs as if he is telling you a poem or a fairy tale. They have a fine mental organization, good upbringing and are very refined.

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Comic horoscope: what kind of cat are you according to your Zodiac Sign?

The line from the song “Probably in the next life, when I become a cat” begs the question: what kind of cat would you be in a past life? A gently purring cat, a stray cat or a rat-catcher? Or maybe a domestic kitty lying on the couch all day long?

It is not necessary to wait for the next life, and even more so to become a cat, when there is our comic horoscope, in which astrologers presented each Zodiac Sign in the form of a cat.

Read and recognize yourself in your prototype!

Aries is an energetic cat

Aries would become a beautiful, fluffy and stately cat. You can't help but love such a cat! True, sometimes he destroys everything around him, scratches the walls and jumps on the cabinets. He admits guilt for his cat pranks, but rarely corrects himself. It’s unlikely that you’ll shit in your beloved owner’s slippers, but guests are welcome.

Taurus is a cat with a capital letter

Taurus in the comic horoscope personifies the real image of a domestic cat. He spends most of the day lying on the couch or by his bowl. As a rule, as an adult, such a cat gains weight and becomes like a large teddy bear. He easily gets along with children and can even tolerate being pulled by his tail and whiskers.

Gemini is a cat you won't get bored with

This cat's energy is simply overflowing. He will find a common language with any other pet - he will teach the parrot to speak and the dog to meow. Sociable, inquisitive and active. Sometimes his desire for new things and curiosity leads to bad consequences. The Gemini cat boldly climbs into the washing machine or oven, without thinking about what might happen.

Cancer is the most affectionate cat

This cat appreciates home comfort and loves its owners. He prefers to watch guests from under the sofa or from the height of a closet. You shouldn’t offend him - he can be offended, and then take revenge by messing with his owner’s business. In general, this is a friendly cat who lives by the principle: how they treat him is how he treats others.

Leo is a cat with royal demeanors

Leo in the comic horoscope represents the king cat. He loves surroundings, attention and praise. As soon as you say “meow,” everyone immediately begins to flicker in front of him. This is a real master of the house, who, due to his generosity and mercy, allowed people to live next to him. “Feed me and pet me!” - you can read it in his eyes.

Virgo is a decent cat

Virgo in the cat's horoscope appears in the form of a neat and decent cat. Tall landscapes from closets in the house and scattered slippers of the owner, with which you can have fun not for him. He seems to be responsible for the cleanliness and comfort of the house, and will never ask for more, as he monitors his health and figure.

Libra - a cat with aristocratic habits

This cat is distinguished by its beauty and lordly habits. He is picky and knows a lot about food. Loves to attract attention. She values ​​her appearance very much and takes good care of it. It plays mainly at night, when no one sees, since it is not a royal thing to run, bite and scratch.

Scorpio is a philosopher cat

Looking at this cat, one gets the impression that he came from an enchanted forest, where he lived for a long time with a witch. This is a philosopher cat who loves to sit in the most comfortable places in the house and reflect on life. You have to guess about his desires, since he will never show that he wants to steal the sausage from the table.

Sagittarius - hunter cat

The Sagittarius cat looks very warlike. All dogs, birds and even the neighbor's cockroaches are afraid of him, as he protects his house from the invasion of uninvited guests. He is friendly with others and can cheer you up. But everything changes when he feels that the house is facing an apocalypse in the form of an invasion of some living creature. He will not give up his territory to anyone.

Capricorn is a wise cat

This cat has true feline dignity. He is smart and not intrusive. Purrs on weekends, and only if the plan for catching rats can be fulfilled. He is emotionally reserved and allows himself to be stroked only by those closest to him.

Aquarius - a cat with adventures

This cat is constantly finding adventures. He would like to become a ship's cat and surf the oceans, or fly into space and study the Moon. But no! He has to sit at home and play the role of a pet. Although even at home he will find something to have fun with. Why is a bathtub not an ocean, and a microwave not a space plane?

Pisces - cat artist

This cat has a fine mental organization. His purring is like a song or a poem. He should perform in Kuklachev's circus. Already there he would have shown all his talents! The cat of this Zodiac Sign is very sensitive - you cannot be angry or scold him, as his revenge will be poured out on your shoes in far from purring songs and poems.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Passionate and assertive, people born between October 23 and November 21 fall under the sign of Scorpio. Scorpios need a hidden true predator. Described as intelligent and good to train, the active Abyssinian cat will be able to fearlessly stand up to the strong personality of Scorpio.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Responsible and independent people born from December 22 to January 19 are ruled by the sign of Capricorn. Known for being intelligent and attentive, the American Curl cat should pair well with a Capricorn companion. The animal will quickly be able to find a common language with its strict and cold owner.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

According to research, Cancers are natural helpers and true friends. People who celebrate their birthday from June 21 to July 22 fall under the sign of Cancer. They deserve a caring and sweet cat who will surround them with affection and purrs every day. A unique cat of the Laperm breed, which is often called affectionate and gentle, will definitely make friends with this zodiac sign.

Earth cats

Taurus - born between 04/21 and 05/21 - cats do not like to move a lot, but prefer to eat more and be quiet. They can be a little clumsy and clumsy, but they love comfort and affection. Perfect for those who dream of a plump, lazy cat. The most preferable owners are Libra or Cancer.

Virgo - those born in the period 08.24-23.09 are outright neat people who love to tidy up their fur all day long. Selfish and independent, they do not immediately make contact. The best owners for them are Gemini.

Capricorn - those born in the period 12.22-20.01 - are a faithful and devoted animal, very attached to their owners. They are always nearby in moments of sadness to alleviate the owner’s condition. They prefer security and comfort instead. They are best in contact with the owners Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.


Capricorn is a Nibelung. This is a noble cat with a calm character. She is cautious and distrustful of strangers. Time must pass before the Nibelung gains confidence in strangers. Being a conservative, it takes a long time to get used to the new environment.

The cat chooses one family member and spends time with him. At the same time, it does not impose itself, and can easily endure loneliness.

The Nibelung is not very talkative and only speaks up when absolutely necessary. But it can silence an annoying source of sound with one blow of its clawed paw.

Air cats

Aquarius - those born in the period 01/21-19/02 - are somewhat arrogant, do not like to be squeezed, preferring to be admired from afar. They are touchy and can draw the attention of their owners to injustice towards them in various ways. They have ideal contact with the owners Aries, Libra, Virgo and Gemini.

Libras - those born in the period 09.24-23.10 - love the house in which they live. They are stable, have a balanced character, are very friendly and easily make concessions. They need their owner’s love and adoration, in return they are ready to share the same - cats are incredibly happy to meet “their” person in the evenings and try to spend as much time with him as possible. They combine harmoniously with the owner of any zodiac sign.

Geminis - born between 05/22 and 06/21 - love to explore everything around them, are restless, cheerful and cunning. But they won’t sit on a person’s lap all the time, although they don’t mind being pampered sometimes. Better than with others, they will be able to cohabitate with their Sagittarius owner.


Sagittarius - Egyptian Mau. A very active and lively cat. She is interested in everything, she needs to reach everything and taste everything. Like Sagittarius, the Egyptian Mau strives to climb higher and look down on others.

A born hunter, endowed with excellent reflexes. Shows persistence and achieves what he wants.

Being sincerely attached to the owner, the cat happily walks on a leash, without trying to break free and escape to freedom.

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