What breed of cat can your zodiac sign be compared to?

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Sometimes it is difficult to choose a cat, because they are all equally cute. Astrology will help you make your choice. Based on the characteristics of the zodiac sign, we can draw a conclusion about the breed suitable for it. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says that a cat is like its owner: similarity of characters is the basis of mutual understanding.

  • 2 Taurus
  • 3 Gemini
  • 4 Cancer
  • 5 Leo
  • 6 Virgo
  • 7 Libra
  • 8 Scorpio
  • 9 Sagittarius
  • 10 Capricorn
  • 11 Aquarius
  • 12 Pisces

Aries is a true Briton

Representatives of this sign are distinguished by perseverance, hard work and determination. Along with this, they are very unrestrained, so they will not remain silent in response to criticism. The British have a difficult character. They value personal space and do not need excessive affection.

For such cats, it only takes a few minutes a day to sit in the arms of their owner to understand that he is loved. The rest of the time they prefer to be alone, preferably in complete silence.

Earth cats

Taurus - born between 04/21 and 05/21 - cats do not like to move a lot, but prefer to eat more and be quiet. They can be a little clumsy and clumsy, but they love comfort and affection. Perfect for those who dream of a plump, lazy cat. The most preferable owners are Libra or Cancer.

Virgo - those born in the period 08.24-23.09 are outright neat people who love to tidy up their fur all day long. Selfish and independent, they do not immediately make contact. The best owners for them are Gemini.

Capricorn - those born in the period 12.22-20.01 - are a faithful and devoted animal, very attached to their owners. They are always nearby in moments of sadness to alleviate the owner’s condition. They prefer security and comfort instead. They are best in contact with the owners Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.

3) Capricorn: Devon Rex

You are a taskmaster who will follow any plan to completion, no matter the cost, and you cannot be distracted. Some people consider you cold and unfeeling because of your unwavering commitment to climbing every step. But those who know you well understand that you have a deep sense of love. You have a playful side that lends itself well to humor. You are a Devon Rex.

The Devon Rex is a thinker with a constantly active brain. So a home full of thoughtful toys and social interactions is ideal, but don't expect that cat to tell you everything he's thinking. The Devon Rex will likely be present in almost all the activities, observing and judging everything. But the conversation is for the right ears at the right moment.

The Devon Rex can have a rougher appearance than many people expect from a cat. But those who choose to meet him will find him gentle and comforting. The Devon Rex is known for sitting taller than everyone else.

Taurus is a fearless Siberian cat

People born under this sign have a strong-willed and straightforward character. Just like the Siberian cat, they are self-confident and completely independent.

Both of them do not like to sit still, wasting time. And if Taurus is constantly on the move for the sake of self-realization, then Siberian cats rush around the house in order to waste at least a little of their endless energy.

5) Scorpio: Cornish Rex

You will be ecstatic about the big, exciting life and will pursue your goals no matter what others may think about your plans or strategies. As a result, people focus on the poisonous "treatment" they will receive for opposing your target, but you don't attack; it's just self-defense.

In reality, you are a goal-oriented individual who strives to reach the top of the world's possibilities. You are willing to put yourself out there to gain favor, and many find your behavior charming. You are a Cornish Rex.

The Cornish Rex can be unemotional, stoic or energetic, depending on the situation (i.e. influencing people). This cat has an undeniable charisma that attracts others to see what new antics she will pull out next. And she's not one to sit idly by when there are mountains to climb.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

According to research, Cancers are natural helpers and true friends. People who celebrate their birthday from June 21 to July 22 fall under the sign of Cancer. They deserve a caring and sweet cat who will surround them with affection and purrs every day. A unique cat of the Laperm breed, which is often called affectionate and gentle, will definitely make friends with this zodiac sign.

Gemini - touching sphinx

On the one hand, representatives of this horoscope seem to be frivolous people whose plans change hundreds of times a day. On the other hand, they are diplomatic and decent individuals with whom it is a pleasure to deal.

Just like sphinxes, Geminis have a soft and flexible disposition. They like to explore the world and lead an active lifestyle. Sphynxes need increased attention and warmth, as their body spends more effort to warm itself up.

Cancer - the mysterious ragdoll

Such people greatly value home comfort and family. It is important for them to know that their household does not need anything. Just like Ragdolls, Cancers are calm and intelligent. These cats will not waste their time running around the apartment and damaging the furniture.

Ragdolls are very diligent, but can show character if they don’t like something. They are not vindictive, so they will not do nasty things to spite their owners.

Air cats

Aquarius - those born in the period 01/21-19/02 - are somewhat arrogant, do not like to be squeezed, preferring to be admired from afar. They are touchy and can draw the attention of their owners to injustice towards them in various ways. They have ideal contact with the owners Aries, Libra, Virgo and Gemini.

Libras - those born in the period 09.24-23.10 - love the house in which they live. They are stable, have a balanced character, are very friendly and easily make concessions. They need their owner’s love and adoration, in return they are ready to share the same - cats are incredibly happy to meet “their” person in the evenings and try to spend as much time with him as possible. They combine harmoniously with the owner of any zodiac sign.

Geminis - born between 05/22 and 06/21 - love to explore everything around them, are restless, cheerful and cunning. But they won’t sit on a person’s lap all the time, although they don’t mind being pampered sometimes. Better than with others, they will be able to cohabitate with their Sagittarius owner.

Aquarius: if the mother cat calved from January 21 to February 20

The Aquarius cat is very independent by nature. But he loves company and active games. It is better to have them in a private house - the apartment will be too cramped for them. They do not like closed spaces. For such cats, it is better to make folding doors-passages in the doors in advance.

When it comes to food, the Aquarius cat has very changeable tastes.

Excellent compatibility with owner Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra. Poor compatibility with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. Capricorn should take such a kitten into the home with caution.

Leo is a typical Abyssinian cat

People belonging to this sign are very wise and temperamental. They always clearly know what they want and are ready to make many sacrifices to achieve their goal. Abyssinians are similar to Leos in their gracefulness and friendliness.

These pets are not capable of showing aggression, so they can be safely adopted by families with animals. Just like Leos, Abyssinian cats are very affectionate and need constant attention from their owners.

12) Aries: Egyptian Mau

You are a courageous leader who is always ready for the next adventure and rarely stops to consider the consequences before charging forward. Although you make a formidable foe when enraged, you are generally a pleasant companion who enjoys socializing and gaining loyal followers. You are an Egyptian Mau.

These adventurous pranksters are daring pranksters who love to take things to new heights; In pursuit of new toys and, unfortunately, in search of new places to scratch. The Egyptian Mau is well suited to living in homes with a large cat tree and a variety of unique cat furniture and games for distraction. They are also incredibly fast.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Passionate and assertive, people born between October 23 and November 21 fall under the sign of Scorpio. Scorpios need a hidden true predator. Described as intelligent and good to train, the active Abyssinian cat will be able to fearlessly stand up to the strong personality of Scorpio.


Those born between September 23 and October 22 belong to the sign of Libra. They are intelligent, dreamy, have artistic taste, love everything beautiful. But they don’t like responsibility and are sensitive to criticism. Prone to mood swings and activity.

An unusual and graceful Angora cat will be a good companion for Libra

Turkish Angora cats, which have long been considered an attribute of the aristocracy, are suitable for Libra. They are smart, graceful, beautiful, so they are perfect for an owner who loves beauty in everything.

Virgo - an easy-going Persian cat

This zodiac sign is characterized by balance, justice and wisdom in life. Persian cats are similar to Virgos in their calm and affectionate nature. They love attention and are able to give their love to caring owners.

Persians are not particularly touchy, but if something happens they can demonstrate their displeasure by hiding in a dark corner. Just like Virgos, these cats are very sensitive to cleanliness and love water treatments.

1) Pisces: American Bobtail

You are extremely adaptable, easily fitting into any group and finding your footing in any scenario. You have an incredible level of emotional intelligence; This way, you are the one everyone turns to when they don't have time for current problems or don't feel like solving them. Your intuition is priceless, but you get carried away easily.

The American Bobtail is a cat that everyone can count on. This cat is a lover who wants to make his human family happy and usually knows how to make things happen. The American Bobtail is adaptable, going where the current flows as if the physical world doesn't matter.

Most cats are overly territorial, but the American Bobtail is unusually flexible and can move from room to room without fear of attack.

I hope you enjoyed our list of zodiac cats. Who is your zodiac sign, kitten? Let us know!

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

According to the astrological zodiac sign, Taurus, born between April 20 and May 20, are known for their stable and practical nature. They are calm and hardworking, and quite rarely enter into conflicts with others. They would likely appreciate the company of the American Shorthair, which is considered to be even-tempered and friendly in nature.

Scorpio is an emotional Siamese cat

Representatives of this sign have a difficult disposition. They are stubborn and obstinate, so forcing them to do something against their will is almost impossible. Siamese cats also have complex personalities, which has given them a bad reputation. They are unpredictable and can accumulate grievances for a long time in order to one day commit some dirty trick.

Scorpios and Siamese cats are united by devotion to home, responsiveness and peacefulness. If you do not provoke them into aggression, they will become the most affectionate and attentive members of the family.

10) Gemini: Siamese

You have a reputation as a social butterfly with so many interests that you are often pulled in two directions at once and have a hard time keeping your mouth shut. People love your witty comments, but this can go on forever. You are always looking for new experiences to try and tell your friends about. You are Siamese.

The Siamese cat, being the most talkative of all cats, has a lot to say about everything and will spend most of the day answering anyone who will listen. They tend to jump from one activity (or person) to another without warning, but this has more to do with their intelligence than snobbery.

Sagittarius - brave Maine Coon

People belonging to this sign are moderately sociable and temperamental. Unnecessarily, they will not engage in arguments or show anger and resentment. Sagittarians are very similar to Maine Coons in their agreeableness and self-sufficiency.

Just like cats of this breed, they love company and calmly endure the turmoil of home. Maine Coons recognize the owner only in one of the family members, focusing on who pays more attention to him. They can easily tolerate loneliness, but still prefer to be in company.

Pisces: if the mother cat calved from February 21 to March 20

These are nocturnal creatures. During the day, the Pisces cat prefers to sleep. Therefore, they are excellent companions for night owls, but not very pleasant roommates for early birds. They are serene, unpretentious and calm in nature.

They eat everything that is offered to them - therefore (to avoid health problems), the owner himself will have to focus on the needs of the cat, and not on its taste preferences. Favorite toy is a ball.

Excellent compatibility with owner Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Pisces. Problems may arise with a Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius person.

Capricorn - an obstinate oriental cat

Representatives of this sign are especially patient and balanced. They love order in everything, be it human relationships or home comfort. Like Oriental cats, Capricorns need regular communication. This breed is known to be extremely chatty, and sometimes their meowing can get a little annoying.

Both Capricorns and Oriental cats are good with children. Therefore, having a pet of this breed, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your kids. The main thing is that he is surrounded with love and care.

Cats - Taurus

April 21 - May 21 Predominant planets: Venus

Taurus cats are quite calm, lazy, and love comfort. They are ideal for keeping in an apartment - a cozy and familiar environment, a bowl of delicious food attracts them more than street adventures. At the same time, they respect the owner’s property and, as a rule, do not damage things, furniture and other interior items.

Cats born under the sign of Taurus can be picky eaters. Adult Taurus rarely retain kitten enthusiasm, therefore they are passive and inactive.

Taurus cats are distinguished by their devotion and tender love for their owners. They need constant attention and affection. Such cats subtly sense the mood of the owner and guess his intentions.

Cats - Gemini

May 22 - June 21 Dominant planet: Mercury

The Gemini cat is hyperactive, interested in everything new, enthusiastically perceives a change of environment, and cannot stand boredom and monotony. Gemini cats are suitable for people leading an active lifestyle. Being in the whirlpool of events, the cat will truly enjoy life.

Cats born under the sign of Gemini have very changeable moods. They are charming, but you never know what to expect from them next minute.

Gemini cats are extremely curious, smart, inventive, and have heightened intuition. They are friendly and affectionate with their owners when in the mood.

Which cat breed suits your zodiac sign?

Cats, like people, have their own personalities. And a person’s character depends on what zodiac sign he was born under. What cat breeds are suitable for Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn and other zodiac signs?

Cat for Aries. British shorthair cat. These cats attract people with their calm disposition, bordering on phlegmatic, well-mannered and incredibly pleasant to the touch plush fur.

Cat for Taurus. Taurus is considered the most practical sign. This sign is easy to make friends with the Persian cat. This true aristocrat combines an unparalleled appearance and regal manners.

Cat for Gemini. A Bengal cat is suitable for the fickle and easy-going Gemini. The small domestic “leopard” has not only an attractive appearance, but also intelligence, curiosity, activity, and friendliness.

Cat for Cancer . Cancers need to choose a cat who will not present an unpleasant surprise in the form of a trashed apartment. The best breed for Cancer is the Norwegian Forest cat. She is active and playful, but she is not prone to destructive pranks. She does not tolerate forced loneliness well, but demands that her personal space be respected.

Powerful and proud, the Maine Coon is the ideal animal for Leo . These furry giants have developed intelligence, but are absolutely not vindictive. They can read people's emotions.

Cat for Virgo. Virgos are demanding of themselves and everything that surrounds them. The Canadian Sphynx is a loving, sophisticated and sociable pet that easily wins the hearts of Virgos. Large ears, expressive eyes and a gentle disposition are the hallmarks of this breed.

Cat for Libra . The desire to evaluate, weigh and demand equality makes Libra ideal owners for a Burmese cat. Burma is docile and gentle, with good, almost aristocratic manners. Sociability is combined with intelligence.

Cat for Scorpio . Of course, Siamese cats. Like Scorpios, they are smart and mysterious.

Cat for Sagittarius. For cheerful Sagittarius, the German Rex is suitable. Active, loyal with a wonderful character.

Cat for Capricorn . Capricorn chooses a cat to match himself: smart and demanding. Such as an oriental cat. They are called telepaths of the world of cats and cats. Orientals very subtly and accurately perceive the slightest changes in a person’s mood and respond to them accordingly. The cat is one of the ten smartest breeds.

Cat for Aquarius. Originality of thinking, intelligence and freedom of expression are the hallmarks of Aquarius. Aquarians are great originals in terms of choosing pets. For them, the ideal cat is an ordinary yard cat. Outbred cats are no worse than purebred cats. In addition, they have strong immunity and health, and in intelligence and intelligence they often surpass their purebred counterparts.

Cat for Pisces. The romantic nature of Pisces requires a tortuous cat. Siberian cats are an ideal option. They are beautiful and respectable, delicate, sensitive and balanced.

Aquarius - a sensible Burmese cat

People born under this sign are very sociable and active. Sometimes they show frivolity and speak without thinking, but they do not do it out of malice. Aquarians are similar to Burmese cats in their curiosity and trainability. Both of them like to be in silence, but calmly endure rare cheerful gatherings.

The Burmese have refined manners and constantly demonstrate their high intelligence. There should be no problems with such cats, since if desired, the owners can even train them to use the toilet. These pets are easy to train and not capricious.

Cats - Sagittarius

November 23 - December 21 Dominant planet: Jupiter

Sagittarius cats love freedom and adventure. They are sociable, keenly interested in the world around them, strive to take part in everything, and easily find a common language with people and other pets.

Cats born under the sign of Sagittarius are the best cats for children. They will participate in games with enthusiasm. Sagittarius cats love to act as fashion models and will agree to bows and outfits.

The huge expenditure of physical and mental strength on an active lifestyle is compensated by an insatiable appetite. Sagittarius cats are not gourmets, they eat very quickly - they instantly empty the contents of the bowl and will never object to more.

Fire cats

Aries - those born in the period 21.03-20.04 are loving and energetic pets who are interested in everything in the world. They are very interested in the opposite sex and prefer to fully occupy the public's attention. These animals don't like to wait. Owners born under the sign of Gemini, Libra, Aries or Aquarius are ideal for them.

Leo - those born in the period 07/24-23/08 - feel like the center of the Universe, the master of the house, they are proud and elegant. Cats look very presentable, and cats look majestic and unapproachable. But they take better care of their offspring than others, and they become deeply attached to people. Such animals will get along well with Cancer or Libra owners.

Sagittarius - those born in the period 23.11-21.12 are very cheerful, restless, inquisitive tricksters. They even sleep less than others in order to be active and learn more about the world around them. But they do not want to be “tame”, so they will not be in the arms of people much. Also, Sagittarius cats are often susceptible to diseases caused by parasites. Such animals are suitable for owners belonging to the signs of Aries, Leo, Aquarius and Gemini.

Cats - Aries

March 21 - April 20 Predominant planets: Mars

Cats born under the sign of Aries have a huge supply of internal energy. They are born leaders - courageous and fearless. If there are several animals in the house, then the Aries cat often becomes the leader. They have a lot of stubbornness and fighting spirit.

Such cats need freedom, do not tolerate restrictions, and are difficult to train. If there is an opportunity for free walking, the Aries cat will take advantage of it with joy, expending its indomitable energy, climbing trees, hunting, defending territory, etc. Energy locked within four walls can go in destructive directions.

Aries cats can show affection towards a person, but very indulgently and on their own terms. They will let you know when they can be petted.

Pisces – cheerful Russian blue

Representatives of this sign have a soft and pliable character. They are non-conflict and kind. The Russian Blue cat is similar to Pisces in its incredible tact and obedience. These are affectionate and intelligent animals that only occasionally show their displeasure.

The Russian Blue cat needs personal space, so she will not like excessive squeezing. Just like Pisces, they are not vindictive or vindictive. It is easy to find a common language with them and teach new skills.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Responsible and independent people born from December 22 to January 19 are ruled by the sign of Capricorn. Known for being intelligent and attentive, the American Curl cat should pair well with a Capricorn companion. The animal will quickly be able to find a common language with its strict and cold owner.

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