Amazing cat with vampire fangs finds a new home

One of the most unusual breeds you can imagine is the Oriental cat. It is distinguished by its thinness, thin tail and sharp muzzle, but its large ears, which seem lowered and spread to the sides, make the pet’s appearance somewhat angry, and in some ways pitiful. Everything will depend directly on what mood the animal is in.

History of origin

This breed was first registered in 74 of the last century, although its predecessors entered the annals of history at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of the Oriental cat came from Thailand, from where they were taken to England.

In their homeland they were considered almost sacred, which is why they took root well in Buddhist temples. The breed is classified as a Siamese-Oriental branch due to its habitat. The first specimens were recorded in Siam. It was impossible to take them out of there for the same religious reasons, which was even punishable by law.

Expert opinion

Slanimsky Alexey Georgievich

Veterinarian of the highest qualification category. Has extensive experience in diagnosing and treating diseases in animals.

The breed standard for an Oriental cat and a Siamese cat are almost the same, although they are radically different in appearance and character.

Mr. Cat recommends: ways to solve the problem

In most cases, the behavior of an overly aggressive animal can be successfully corrected by the owner himself. You should contact an experienced felinologist or veterinarian if the reasons are clear and all methods have been tried.

Recommendations for owners of wayward cats:

You should be attentive to the health and behavior of the cat so as not to hurt him by touching him. At the slightest sign of unmotivated aggression, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.



If we note the common physical traits for all representatives of the breed, then the following stand out:

  • Slimness and flexibility;
  • Long, refined lines;
  • Grace;
  • Well developed muscles;
  • Not bony or doughy;
  • Brilliant eyes.

The most outstanding features of these cats are their apparent external thinness, shiny eyes on a pointed small muzzle, and large ears compared to the skull.

Expert opinion

Danilova Maria Alekseevna

Therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, express tests, ratologist, groomer.

Oriental cats can weigh up to 7 kg and grow up to 35 cm at the withers. But the length can be up to 90 cm. Life expectancy is variable and depends on the conditions of detention and initial health. On average they live about 15 years, but can reach 20.

Most often, the breed is represented by short-haired cats, although sometimes long-haired ones are also found. In the latest version, the lines of the body and muzzle are somewhat smoothed out. If we consider individual parts of the animal’s body, then:

  • The head is represented by a wedge-shaped triangular shape, starting from the nose and ending with the bases of the ears. The distance between the eyes is on average the width of one eye. the skull is flat, in profile it appears elongated due to the line from the crown to the tip of the nose. The latter is distinguished by a smooth shape without bulges or transitions. It continues the line of the forehead without a break. The jaws and chin are medium and cannot be overly massive according to the breed standard.
  • Cats' ears are their main distinguishing feature. They are large, wide at their base and slightly rounded. They are a natural extension of the wedge of the muzzle. It is through this part that the special internal state of the animal is expressively conveyed.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped. Set on slightly obliquely and slightly inclined towards the nose. Thanks to this arrangement, they harmonize perfectly with large ears. But this breed does not have strabismus.

The breed standards for the body indicate that it is slender, without signs of obesity and long. The animal ideally combines strong bones and well-developed muscles. The body is tube-shaped. Males are often larger than cats, although this is not a requirement. Pets' bellies are usually toned. Oriental cats have shoulder girdles and pelvic bones that are equal in size and fit organically into the overall skeleton. If the hips are wider than the shoulders, this is already a defect in the breed.

The neck of cats of this breed is slender and long. The same goes for paws. Moreover, the hind legs are somewhat longer than the front ones, but at the same time they look organic during a general examination. The paws themselves are small, oval-shaped and graceful. The tail is long and thin, tapered to the very tip.

The shorthaired version is very similar in structure to satin - thin, short, smooth, shiny and close to the body. In the longhaired Oriental it is of medium length. It is silky to the touch, thin, but without undercoat, which is why it may seem somewhat shorter than it originally is. The longest hairs are located on the tail.

The variability of colors is quite wide: solid colors - from lilac to beige, as well as striped, marbled and other similar options. Eyes can be any color - blue, green, golden, and so on. In some cases, a combination of blue and green colors is found.


Malocclusion in cats is any deviation from the norm.

Malocclusion in a cat: photo

A cat has an incorrect bite if it is:

Malocclusion in cats: photo

There is an opinion that the bite can be corrected by massaging the gums and teeth, but this has not been proven in practice.

Cats with malocclusion often exhibit external signs:


A misaligned or crooked jaw is very common in Persian and Exotic cats. Rarely, but still happens in British cats and other breeds.

Dental medication:

In difficult cases, when malocclusion interferes with the pet’s normal life, this can be corrected. The process is not easy and morally difficult for the animal and its owner. In most cases, the first couple of days are difficult, then the animal gets used to it. This procedure can be compared with the so-called braces that are installed on people. Everything can be corrected with the help of orthodontic structures. Correcting the bite is possible only after the pet has already grown and the teeth have changed.

"Folk" way:

Often they resort to removing one of the fangs, which prevents the jaw from aligning. If this is done at about 1-1.5 months, then there is a high probability that the jaw will align and fall into place.

*Important! Please do not do anything yourself unless you are confident in what you are doing. You could cause serious harm to your kitten.


A kitten's malocclusion can be visible on its baby teeth already from the first month of life. Also, even with normal milk teeth, the prerequisites for an incorrect bite may be visible, for example, the fangs rest directly on the gums, are not pressed tightly, the distance between the teeth is too large or too small, the lower fangs touch the incisors, etc. In any case, upon examination, an expert will give his assessment and recommendations. Perhaps problems can be avoided in the future.


A cat may have an incorrect bite for two reasons: acquired or congenital.


Oriental cats, despite their sometimes sad and sometimes disapproving appearance, are extremely friendly and even somewhat loving towards their owner. They are very affectionate and talkative, attracting people's attention with a whole range of different sounds.

Given this degree of attachment, they do not tolerate loneliness well. Therefore, if possible, owners often take them on trips, which the animals love very much. The pet's life is focused on the family that took him in. If you leave them alone for a long time, there is a risk of paying for it with interior items. In this way, the animal shows its attitude towards the act of the “forgetful owner.”

Another characteristic characteristic of Orientals is playfulness. They love to fool around and play with toys and their owners. Moreover, they maintain such high activity until old age.

Expert opinion

Danilova Maria Alekseevna

Therapist, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, express tests, ratologist, groomer.

Some owners of Oriental cats say that one of their most favorite games is the pure dog trait of running and fetching a ball.

Sometimes there are certain traits that can disturb the owners in a cat - a loud and somewhat obnoxious voice and a desire to climb curtains. There is a myth that these two components are the distinctive features of the breed. But it is not so. Regarding the voice, it is important to say that it depends on the specific individual and its initial data (like any other creature). But their love for curtains disappears as soon as the cat grows up.

Cats get along well with children. Moreover, they manage without claws even when I squeeze them excessively. The only way they can attract the owner’s attention is to loudly call for help. They also get along easily with other animals.

Useful video

Characteristics of Oriental cats:

TOP 10 angry cat breeds (prone to aggression)

The reason for the evil behavior of cats is always the same - fear. Most often, inappropriate reactions of pets are caused by owners’ ignorance of the basic behavioral motives of animals. Nevertheless, we can distinguish the most aggressive cat breeds, which, due to their natural characteristics, have a wayward character.

Watch a video about the most evil cat breeds on our Youtube channel Mr. Cat:

Care and maintenance

Orientals are cats that do not particularly need any super complex care. All they need:

  • Periodically clean your ears, which work like a real dust collector;
  • Trim claws;
  • Bath once every 6 months;
  • Clean the skin of short-haired dogs with a rubber glove or brush, and of long-haired dogs with a special comb (not a slicker brush).

They are also unpretentious in content. It is necessary to provide a sun lounger in a secluded corner without drafts, as well as a scratching post so that the furniture remains intact. If it is a multi-level playground, it will be even better. If not, you need to provide the cat with a sufficient number of different toys and spend enough time playing with it.

You need to feed balanced food in accordance with the age and weight of the animal, as there is a risk of obesity. Fatty meats and fish should be avoided. The water should be changed regularly.

Oriental cats are oriental animals, and therefore are picky about cleanliness. Therefore, owners should clean trays with enviable regularity, otherwise the animal will look for other “cleaner latrines.” The same applies to bowls - if they are poorly washed or there is old food in them, the animal may even refuse to eat.

Causes of aggression in cats

The cat is never the first to go into open confrontation; it always tries with all its might to avoid conflict. To do this, she uses body signals. For example, it demonstrates how big and strong it is - it raises its fur on end, visually increasing in size, and hisses. Or it shrinks into a ball, presses its ears, and twitches its skin and tail. And, only if she cannot get away from danger, hide, she chooses a forceful method of solving the problem, and is forced to defend herself by attacking. It is important to understand your pet’s behavior without provoking it into an inappropriate reaction.

Main types of cat aggression:

According to the degree of manifestation of aggressiveness, they are distinguished:


  • Lifespan: 12-14 years
  • Temperament: affectionate, sociable, intelligent, gentle, friendly, energetic, curious
  • Color: spotted in silver and brown tones, marbled in brown and blue tones, snow with spots and marbled patterns
  • Height: 25.4-35.6 cm
  • Weight: 3.6-5.4 kg
  • Comparable breed: Bengal cat, Ocicat

The Cheeto was developed by crossing an Ocicat and a Bengal cat. The breed was first bred in 2001. Breeder Carol Drymon of Wind Haven Exotics hoped to create a domestic breed that resembled a wild cat. It was officially accepted in 2004.

These cats are very affectionate, sociable and love human company. They are also energetic and playful climbers. They enjoy hunting toys and climbing cat trees. After active games, they happily rest on the laps of their owners.

Chito is quite noisy and loud . He will let you know when you need to feed him, take him for a walk, or just talk to him. Be prepared for destructive behavior if the kitten becomes bored or lonely.

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