The cat's appetite is that of a predator. We analyze the new Crave premium diet

What will you learn from the article?
  1. History of Animonda cat food
  2. Types of Animonda food
  3. Benefits of Animonda cat food
  4. Feed disadvantages
  5. Reviews from cat owners and veterinarians
  6. Prices

“Besser heute ein Ei als morgen ein Küchlein,” says a German proverb. Roughly translated, this means: “Better an egg today than a pie tomorrow.” However, if a decent cat were offered an egg, a pie, and a sausage at once, they would hear a satisfied: “Sehr gut!” The German menu for cats in the form of Animonda food will be discussed in this material.

History of Animonda cat food

Animonda is food produced by German specialists in Germany for German cats, as well as for their brothers in 35 countries around the world! The brand name itself is a derivative of the English “animal”. That is, animals are the final target audience for the products of Animonda Petfood GmbH.

Two factories (in Bremen and Hattem) produce premium cat food every day. Considering the age of the manufacturing company (almost a century!), we can assume that Animonda Petfood GmbH knows a lot about good food!

Vom Feinsten – cat foie gras or an incomprehensible mess?

In general, the Vom Feinsten line is represented by a variety of pates in aluminum cuvettes (or lamisters). The range includes: Vom Feinsten Baby, Vom Feinsten Kitten, Vom Feinsten Senior, Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats, Vom Feinsten Adult and Vom Feinsten Select spiders.

Vom Feinsten Baby

Vom Feinsten Baby – intended for kittens from 4 weeks of age. Packaged in lamisters of 100 grams, approximate cost from 80 to 100 rubles. The delicate creamy texture of the pate is undoubtedly the best option for an easy and painless transition from mother's milk to full-fledged food. But what about the composition?

And immediately disappointment. In first place is “meat and animal by-products,” with 25% beef and 8% chicken in parentheses. I would like to hope that German pedantry will not allow beaks and hooves to be put into kitten pate, but alas, friends, these are only hopes. In second place are “vitamins and minerals.” Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10%, fats 6%, ash 2%, moisture 81%.

I’m glad that there are no grains or any plant nonsense, but somehow, you know, it’s suspicious that such a vague composition is for kids. I won't advise.

Vom Feinsten Kitten

Vom Feinsten Kitten is a complete pate for kittens from 2 months. Packed in lamisters of 100 g. The price is the same as the previous product.

It comes in three flavors: beef, chicken and lamb. Similar to the previous product, the composition does not shine: 63% meat and animal products, then slaughtered animals are listed in brackets. The composition contains broth, but its percentage is not indicated, and minerals of unknown origin. Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10%, fats 7%, ash 2%, moisture 80%.

Overall better than premium.

Vom Feinsten Senior

Vom Feinsten Senior is a pate in lamisters, created for picky adult cats from 7 years old. Packages of 100 grams, cost around 80-100 rubles.

Three flavors: beef, poultry, lamb, but the list of products begins again with a disappointing 63% of “meat and animal products.” Next in the composition are broth and minerals. The guaranteed analysis is as always in order: proteins 10%, fats 4%, ash 1.4%, moisture 82%.

Well, you understand.

Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats

Vom Feinsten for castrated Cats - compared to the previous three products, it undoubtedly wins in the quality of meat products.
These pates are created specifically for neutered cats - they need tasty food with a reduced calorie content. Packaged in lamisters of 100 g, the cost is similar to all Vom Feinsten products. There are five flavors available: turkey+cheese, turkey+trout, turkey+tomato, turkey+salmon and natural turkey.

  • In first place, of course, is turkey - it is not specified what exactly: fillet or even just meat, but not “animal products” either, which is good news.
  • Next is the broth and an auxiliary ingredient (trout, cheese, tomatoes, etc.).
  • Calcium carbonate and sodium chloride are also listed.

The presence of salt in food can be confusing, but it is not as scary as it is made out to be - after all, sodium chloride is an extremely important component for all living organisms, which is present in most products (not necessarily those that taste salty). Salt is added to animal feed as a flavor enhancer and also encourages the animal to drink more water.

Guaranteed analysis: proteins 12%, fats 4.4%, ash 1.8%, moisture 80%.

In general, pates for neutered cats are of decent quality.

Vom Feinsten Adult

Vom Feinsten Adult - here we come to the “pearl” of the line, a complete pate for adult cats. Packaging and cost are similar to all Vom Feinsten products.

In short: this is high-quality nutrition, presented in nine mouth-watering variations, with detailed composition. In the first place is meat and meat products and then the ingredients are listed in parentheses, for example, 23% beef, 10% lamb, turkey, chicken, rabbit, pork. There are no intestines or bones in the pate, since all products are meat. Next is a “side dish” (pasta, potatoes) or an additional meat ingredient (shrimp, ocean fish). All types contain broth and, of course, minerals.

Guaranteed analysis: proteins 11.5%, fats 4.7%, ash 1.6%, moisture 80.5%. You can give these pates to your pet without any worries.

Vom Feinsten Select

Well, let's move on to the final delicacy - Vom Feinsten Select. These are no longer pates, but 85-gram pouches in six variations with whole pieces of meat costing from 80 to 100 rubles.

Its composition is excellent: the main ingredient is chicken breast 49%, followed by broth and an additional ingredient that gives the dish a “zest”: cheese, ham, white tuna, shellfish, eggs, aloe vera and sea bass.

Guaranteed analysis: proteins 12%, fats 1%, ash 1%, moisture 83%. As an addition to dry food - simply wonderful, and without harming the cat's waistline.

Types of Animonda food

The developers of Animonda cat food emphasize that their brand creates a special menu for any cat. Animonda has food for kittens (from 4 weeks), grain-free food, for pregnant and lactating cats, for adult cats, for large breed cats, for neutered cats, for show-class cats and for elderly animals!

It is important that all Animonda cat food contains easily digestible protein. What sauce is it served with? With milk-yogurt, herbal sauce, heart sauce. We wiped our mouths and read on... Dietary sea fish, game, rabbit, turkey, shrimp, beef and chicken - it seems that the menu was created by a Michelin-starred chef.

Dry food is sold in three packaging sizes: 0.25 kg, 1.75 kg, 10 kg.

Wet food can be purchased in cans (200 g, 400 g) and in pouches (85 g, 100 g).

Animonda pates and stews are available in packages of 80 g and 100 g.

Animonda food line

Since today we are looking at wet food, we will omit dry food; besides, it is of absolutely depressing quality and, to be honest, does not deserve a review.

Animonda's assortment is quite rich:

  • spiders;
  • pates in lamisters;
  • canned food;
  • pieces in sauce - and each type has many flavors.

Canned food has an excellent reputation, but don’t delude yourself – not all Animonda is equally healthy! Let's not waste time and immediately proceed to a detailed analysis of the products.

Sit back, there will be a lot of letters!

Benefits of Animonda cat food

The main advantage of Animonda food is its honesty! The developers openly indicate the presence of by-products, their quantity and quality. However, offal is not the main type of protein. There is also a decent amount of meat in Animonda food.

The meat, by the way, included in the food is not pre-frozen, that is, it retains all its beneficial properties.

All types of food are additionally fortified and mineralized.

The fact that the German manufacturer produces both dry and wet food can also be considered an advantage, since many pets are very selective in their preferences.

Finally, the availability of Animond’s food is also encouraging. If you run out of food at home, then there is no need to order it from other cities and wait a long, long time for the parcel. All you have to do is visit the nearest supermarket.

Based on only meat

Let's take a closer look at the composition of Animonda Carny Adult Cat Rind Pur canned food. As analysis shows, the first component here is a mixture of beef muscle meat and many different offal (heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and udder), which is collectively called “beef”.

In our opinion, only fillet could be called premium beef, but not such a mixture of various offal with the addition of meat. But in general, this is a good source of animal protein, and the fact that it contains 68% is good news.

Number 2 on the list is occupied by broth - it is 31% in the food. We can assume that this is beef broth, but nothing is said about this on the label. Since only balancing supplements come next, we calculated the points of this diet based on the first two components - their total dosage in the Animonda Carny Adult Cat diet is 99%.

The composition also contains balancing vitamin and mineral compounds, as well as taurine, an essential amino acid for cats, which is often added even to canned food rich in meat to prevent the loss of this essential element during the production process.

Reviews from cat owners and veterinarians

Surprisingly, numerous reviews of Animonda cat food do not provide an opportunity to seriously criticize it - cat owners are favorable to Animonda and mostly praise this brand.

Miroslava : “I bought Animonda for pampering - I took a few spiders to try. Inside were pieces of chicken meat in jelly. I couldn’t pull the cat away from the plate by the ears. I tried to take a couple of photos, but the cat wouldn’t let me, he even got his nose into the open spider. I will buy, but not often - it’s too expensive for us.”

Peter : “I'm looking for the perfect food for my recently neutered cat. Animonda is still at the top of the rankings. My cat is allergic - Animonde contains wheat-free food. The pieces of food are large - and that’s exactly what he likes. Protein content of 34% is normal, does not starve. All in all. A well-fed, satisfied cat and without erotic fantasies!”

Olga and Sergey : “We have two three-month-old kittens, we fed them super-duper food and went broke within a month. We looked for a compromise solution and found it in Animonde. Golden mean, not fodder! The composition is excellent (54% beef, 14% turkey heart), smells appetizing, and the price is two times lower than premium food. Overall, a good alternative."

Rafine – seven grain soup

This category of food is in turn divided into Rafine Petit, Rafine Soupe Adult, Rafine Soupe Kitten.

Rafine Petit

Rafine Petit is a pate in a funny shaped lamister packaging with a cute cat face, weighing 85 g.
Its average cost is about 100 rubles. per package. But is it worth the money? In the composition, in first place... yes, yes, and again “meat and products of animal origin”, and 4% of more or less real meat lurks next to it.

Next are the laconic and unknown “oils and fats”, “minerals” and the boring “products of plant origin”. There are only three flavors: rabbit, heart and fish.

The 4% monkfish is intriguing, but damn it, forgive the involuntary pun, I personally don’t want to pay 100 wooden ones for 4% noble fish, and I hope you don’t either.

Guaranteed analysis: proteins 10.5%, fats 6.8%, ash 1.8%, moisture 79.5% - considering that proteins and fats are boiled from unknown husks and boots, we will simply close our eyes to it and move on to next product.

Rafine Soupe Kitten

Rafine Soupe Kitten meat “sticks” for kittens in 85 g packets. It is rare in Russia, but the average price is about 80 rubles.

Includes only two flavors: poultry cocktail with shrimp and turkey with heart and carrots.

The composition, in general, doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out: meat and meat by-products (the key word is “meat”), a decent amount of meat products (for example, 15% chicken, 15% turkey, 8% duck + 4% shrimp) , but again, further “no name” cereals and cereals with minerals.

Guaranteed analysis: proteins 8%, fats 8%, ash 2.5%, moisture 80%. Overall - better than Royal Canin, and the money is the same.

Rafine Soupe Adult

Rafine Soupe Adult pouches, packaged in 85 g, which are mouth-watering pieces in Schleck sauce. The average cost is approximately 75-80 rubles.

With the composition, the story is more interesting. In first place is “meat and meat by-products.” Please note that the offal is meat, which means that not skins and intestines were used, but valuable liver.

Meat products with animal origin are already in more decent quantities: 20% duck, chicken, pork (8-10%) veal, rabbit, goose. There are also delicacies (4-8%): cheese, ham and mortadella. There is an option containing 4% paste, and even 0.1% curry!

But, sadly, the next ingredient is an unidentified “plant product” or “grain”, and that ruins the mood created by mortadella. “Minerals” are also shrouded in a veil of terrible secrecy.

Guaranteed analysis is in order: proteins 8%, fats 5%, moisture 81%.

Our verdict: if the store already has a promotion on these spiders or all the chezir in the world has run out, buying a couple of packages will not be a crime, especially if you choose the option with more meat. The quality of such spiders is clearly superior to any premium-class moisturizer. But overall, better pay attention to the following two products!


The domestic cat, according to scientists, descended from the African steppe cat and is still genetically very close to its wild ancestor. It is no coincidence that people who encounter wild cats - for example, a jungle cat or a forest cat - often mistake them for domestic ones, especially if the animal is quite well-fed. What do wild cats eat in nature? Yes, whatever you can catch!

  • Rodents, birds and bird eggs
  • Snakes and lizards
  • Fish, frogs and turtles

All this diversity is united by the most important component - protein. All wild cats, from the tiny rusty cat, which weighs just over a kilogram, to the mighty 250 kg Ussuri tiger, are strictly carnivorous, so their diet is rich in protein.

Carnivores obtain all the vitamins and amino acids that are necessary for life from food. And the body of a domestic cat in this sense is identical to the body of a wild cat: it must constantly receive many vital substances from food, since it cannot synthesize them itself.


Karmy food is produced in the Belgorod region on.
It has been operating since 2003 and, in addition to food for pets, also produces food for valuable fish species. This is a modern enterprise, well equipped with the latest equipment.

German and American technologies, Dutch vacuum deposition, and Italian equipment for the production of packaging are used.

The territory has its own research laboratory: analyzes of incoming raw materials, as well as finished products, are carried out there.

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