Feeding cats natural food - what foods to include in the diet

The health of cats, like any pet, depends entirely on the care of the owner and his knowledge regarding the rules of keeping and feeding habits of the pet. By studying specialized literature and using the recommendations of veterinarians, you can choose the right optimal diet and understand how to feed your cat.

Nutritional balance

What is the best way to feed a cat at home?
Veterinarians recommend choosing one of the options: ready-made food or self-prepared meals. Mixing them is strictly prohibited. When a pet's stomach consumes two options at the same time, it cannot secrete specific enzymes suitable for each type of food. As a result, the digestive system suffers and the immune system deteriorates. Experts recommend using ready-made industrial croquettes or pouches. These products spoil quickly, are expensive, and it is very difficult to calculate the balance of essential nutrients in them.

Natural or prepared food - a dilemma for many breeders

What do cats usually eat? Under natural conditions, they are predators; they obtain their main proteins, fats and carbohydrates from animal products. Porridge, vegetables, soups and other delights of the human table are not only useless for them, but also dangerous.

Important! A cat's stomach is not designed for salted, smoked, fried foods and spices. Attempts to give away half-eaten leftovers lead to a shortening of the pet’s life several times.

For your information! In addition to the desire to sterilize the animal, in order to get rid of the problem of constant marks and heartbreaking serenades, it is necessary to realistically assess the consequences of surgical intervention. Regardless of whether it is a purebred “British cat” or a street cat, the pet will automatically begin to overeat, get sick and spend a long time in a horizontal position.

Feeding a castrated cat must comply with special requirements.

Animals after surgery should eat according to different principles:

  • Reducing portion sizes and calorie intake will be required. Addition to the main diet is strictly prohibited, even if the pet constantly asks for more food;
  • you need to exclude from the menu foods with large amounts of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus;
  • you will have to reduce the amount of fermented milk products;
  • complete refusal of fish.

Important! Table salt is prohibited both after sterilization and for absolutely healthy individuals. Sodium chloride causes fluid retention in tissues, causing kidney pathology

Cats are characterized by a protein-fat metabolism, which should be taken into account when compiling their diet.

It should contain:

  1. At least 25% animal proteins. Veterinarians do not set an upper limit, since cats are naturally carnivorous and are not susceptible to protein poisoning. When creating a diet, you should separate animal and plant proteins, since cats need the former.
  2. 5-20% fat. If it is not possible to satisfy the daily requirement with simple food, you can give the animal butter or vegetable (corn, olive, flaxseed) oil or fish oil in small (0.5 tsp per day) quantities.
  3. Up to 10% carbohydrates. The cat's body does not absorb them well, so the amount is kept to a minimum. The carbohydrate component (cereals, vegetables) is left as a source of fiber.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a cat’s diet should contain minerals, amino acids (there are 22 of them in the animal’s body, of which only 12 are independently replenished), vitamins A, D, E, K, etc.

To ensure their intake into the body, your pet can be given bran, dried kelp, fresh grass, and sprouted grains. If desired, they can be replaced with special vitamin supplements, but you should consult a veterinarian before taking them.

When choosing a diet, it is worth considering the balance of calcium and phosphorus. Normally, it is 1.2-1.3 to 1. Since muscle meat contains a lot of phosphorus, but almost no calcium, the balance is often upset, which leads to health problems.

Giving your pet bird or fish bones is prohibited. You also cannot boil them - then the structure of calcium changes and it will not be able to enter the animal’s body.

Factors influencing diet

The body's need for more or less food directly depends on what physiological changes occur in it throughout life.

If you follow your pet's lead and give him food every time he asks, there is a risk of overeating, and as a result, obesity. Therefore, it is important for the owner to create a feeding schedule and monitor the pet’s weight. The serving size should always be the same and appropriate to the needs of the cat depending on its weight, age, breed, activity.

- We want to eat?..

Attention! If your cat regularly leaves uneaten food, the portion size should be reduced.

After 15-20 minutes have passed after the animal is full, the bowl of food is removed and the remaining food is disposed of. The possibility of a cat being poisoned by a spoiled product must not be allowed. The dishes are washed and dried, preparing for the next feeding. There should always be a bowl of clean water near the food bowl, which is changed daily.

It is important to monitor the amount of water you drink, especially if your pet eats ready-made dry food. Often cats prefer to drink water from household utensils: buckets or basins. It is necessary to ensure that the water in such containers is always fresh and clean. Refusal to drink or excessive thirst is a reason to contact a veterinarian. Perhaps the food is not suitable for the animal, or it is possible that this is a symptom of a disease.

If a cat quickly absorbs food, but does not get enough, constantly begs for food, and does not gain weight, it is necessary to examine it for the presence of parasites.

In summer, a cat's appetite worsens due to the heat - the pet spends most of the day dozing, drinking water, eating little by little early in the morning and towards night. And in the fall, the predator’s appetite increases, because by winter it needs to gain weight and restore its coat.

A cat's health also affects its appetite. The need to take medications, their possible side effects, and the nature of the disease are factors that reduce a cat’s interest in food.

For feeding and drinking, it is best to use wide cups with low sides. If you are keeping several pets, dishes with food should be installed at different levels or in different rooms so that the animals eat calmly, do not rush and do not try to take food from each other.

Daily food intake for cats

During the day, an adult cat eats a volume of food corresponding to 3-7% of its body weight. For kittens the figure is higher - 9-10%. The daily norm is divided into several meals, since the animal needs time to digest it and absorb nutrients. Adult animals eat 2-3 times a day, kittens - 6-8, depending on age.

The exception is pregnant and lactating females: they are not limited in food. Spayed or neutered animals are fed less because they are less active and prone to obesity.

Feeding standards

Manufacturers divide biscuits into several classes: economy, premium, super-premium. They vary in price and quality.

Economy class includes Whiskas, Kitiket, Friskas and Felix. They are distinguished by their low price and bright, memorable packaging. They contain all the vitamins, minerals and proteins necessary for cats, but for their production the manufacturer uses low-quality raw materials. The source of protein in them is not meat products and offal, but cereal plants and bone meal. They contain flavoring additives that are addictive to animals.

Note! An inexpensive representative of the economy class provokes urolithiasis, gastritis, problems with the functioning of the kidneys and digestive tract. Premium and super-premium varieties contain meat proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and antioxidants

A balanced menu should contain at least 30% animal products, and only oats and rice from plant components. Amino acids and antioxidants are also included. Wheat and corn are useless fillers

Premium and super-premium varieties contain meat proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and antioxidants. A balanced menu should contain at least 30% animal products, and only oats and rice from plant components. Amino acids and antioxidants are also included. Wheat and corn are useless fillers.

Good lines are presented:

  • American or Dutch Hills or Iams;
  • English Arden Grange;
  • Canadian 1st Choice or Orijen;
  • German Leonardo;
  • Russian Blitz;
  • French Profine Adult Cat;
  • French, not domestic Royal Canin;
  • Czech Fitmin For Life.

For your information! Not all of the listed products have become famous in the Russian Federation. Some of them can only be ordered on supplier pages.

What to do if your cat doesn't eat as much as she should?

The opposite situations also occur: the owner finds out how much food the cat should eat, and sees that the norm is not being met. What does this mean?

If your pet is active and well-fed, there is nothing to worry about. Some animals, especially older ones, need less food than recommended. Temporary loss of appetite is observed in cats during the period of sexual heat, under severe stress, and problems with digestion.

If you notice that your cat has not eaten at all for more than a day, is not even interested in its favorite treats, and is suddenly losing weight, you should consult a veterinarian. Fasting for many days can cause serious consequences on the internal organs, especially in obese animals.

Diet for urolithiasis

For urolithiasis, veterinarians advise using special industrial feeds designed to combat the disease. If it is not possible to purchase high-quality canned food and biscuits, then you can switch to natural products.

Products that contain:

  • oxalic acid;
  • flavorings and aromas;
  • potassium and salt.

Note! With increased amounts of calcium, the pathology can progress. The base should include boiled lean meat

When feeding an animal with KSD, you must adhere to the following requirements:

The base should include boiled lean meat. When feeding an animal with KSD, you must adhere to the following requirements:

  • the amount of fermented milk products is reduced by 2 times;
  • Chicken and quail eggs are removed from the menu;
  • Among vegetables, preference is given to beets, pumpkins, carrots and Brussels sprouts.

Important! Urolithiasis is incompatible with meat broths and offal. The latter contains oxalic acid and purines

Sample menu for the week

The approximate menu for the week is compiled individually. When choosing products, the animal’s weight, breed, and activity are taken into account.

Recipe for a balanced natural diet:

  • turkey fillet - 1 kg;
  • chicken hearts - 0.5 kg;
  • beef tripe - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken necks - 0.2 kg;
  • grated vegetables (carrots, pumpkin) - 0.25 kg;
  • dried kelp or bran - 1 tsp.

All meat ingredients are cut into medium pieces, mixed with vegetables and frozen, thus eliminating the need to cook every day.

Laminaria or bran is sprinkled on the food immediately before feeding the cat. The menu is suitable for animals weighing 3.5-4 kg. The diet is good for cats of all breeds, including finicky Burmese or Persian.

The most important features of cat digestion

Cats are absolute predators. According to various studies, from 90 to 95% of their diet is meat. Accordingly, recipes for natural food for cats should mostly consist of meat and offal, and low-fat ones. The share of plant foods should not exceed 10%.

The basis of a cat's diet in natural conditions: small rodents and reptiles, some insects, small birds. The animal eats its prey entirely: with fur, feathers, and sometimes with teeth and claws. Yes, the above parts of the victim are of little nutritional value and for the most part are not digested. However, nature is very prudent: some compounds that make up the bones “go to work.” Therefore, your pet’s diet must include bones or special calcium supplements. As for eggs, quail eggs are best.

The need for a significant amount of cereals and vegetables in a cat’s diet is a myth. The animal takes all the necessary nutrients, and primarily vitamins, from raw meat, and not from fresh carrots or cabbage.

Together with a mouse or bird, the cat receives a very small amount of grains. Therefore, you can include a little oats or buckwheat cooked in water in your diet. Legumes and corn cannot be offered - the animal’s body will not digest them, and at the end you will get completely intact grains and loose stool. Plus the pet’s poor health.

About milk. Most adult cats do not have the enzyme lactase, which is necessary to digest milk sugar. But some cats tolerate milk well, and you can give your pet a little lukewarm milk from time to time. Fermented milk products are healthy and can be given once or twice a week. But not every cat will agree to eat fermented baked milk or cottage cheese.

Although there is an opinion that the main product for cats is beef, this is not entirely true. After all, in nature, murkas are deprived of the opportunity to feast on even a calf. Still, the best (but far from the only) product for feeding a cat is chicken heads without beaks. For the convenience of the animal, they can be cut in half. Chicken necks without skin and fat, cut into pieces or crushed with a hammer, are also excellent. Other parts of the chicken carcass need to be cleaned of bones; your pet will not be able to chew them and will be injured!

Most of the diet should be raw foods. Raw meat contains all the necessary vitamins. To destroy possible pathogenic bacteria, it is necessary to freeze the prepared portions for at least three days at a temperature no higher than -18⁰. The exception is sea fish, which must be boiled and separated from bones for disinfection. A fish dish should appear on a cat’s table no more than once every five days. It is not recommended to feed river fish.

All food should be at room temperature

However, the animal will not eat food that is either too hot or too cold.

In addition to the above products, the following are suitable for a cat's diet: lean beef and lamb, rabbit meat, turkey, chicken and turkey stomachs, hearts (this is one of the best sources of taurine, a very important substance that is not synthesized in the animal's body), liver in small quantities. You can mix carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin, and zucchini into your food.

But: the brighter the vegetable, the more noticeable it affects the color. Blue cat coats are especially affected, becoming dirty-rusty in color.

Any smoked, salty and fatty foods (for example, pork, butter), sweets, fruits and dried fruits, bread, potatoes, onions, garlic, and spices are harmful to cats.

The statement “an animal senses what is harmful and what is useful” is a myth. Many cats enjoy eating cakes or dried fish. The same myth is that an animal always knows when to eat.

To cleanse the stomach of fur, your cat needs to regularly eat fresh grass. Sprouting oats at home is as easy as shelling pears.

How much food do you need per day to keep your pet in good health? For an adult animal: approximately 50 g per 1 kg of body weight. An older cat needs to cut back on its diet a little to avoid obesity. It is advisable to feed twice a day, morning and night.

How to prepare cat food

I always made preparations for two weeks or a month (it all depends on the size of the freezer).

For this:

  1. Boil the required amount of meat.
  2. We buy frozen vegetables, but in season it is better to give fresh ones.
  3. Separate the meat from the bones (carefully) and divide into portions. I weighed equal portions on a kitchen scale. It is optimal to put meat in separate small jars of baby food or jam. One jar – one serving. Some people prefer bags, but bags are not environmentally friendly - throwing away 30 bags a month all year round for 200 g of animal food, in my opinion, is unacceptable.
  4. You can immediately make pureed meat with vegetables, or you can freeze the boiled meat separately and boil the vegetables separately. Boiled vegetables are stored for three days in the refrigerator.

If the cat is an adult, there is no need to puree the meat. It is better, on the contrary, for the meat to be pieces so that the cat’s jaws work.

It would be a good idea to freeze the meat along with the broth (it should not be fatty). Pieces of meat with vegetables in broth are better eaten by cats.

Never add salt or pepper to your cat's food! I have a separate article about prohibited products. Read it carefully, especially if your cats are naturally fed.

After preparing, freeze the food in the freezer and take out a portion in advance every day for defrosting.

In the morning, heat the morning portion in the microwave, add pre-boiled vegetables - the first meal for the cat is ready. We do the same in the evening.

Don’t forget that your cat should always have clean water available.

Features of feeding cats at different ages

The daily amount depends on:

  • from age;
  • health conditions;
  • body weight;
  • cat breed.

Before the first six months of life, cats require larger volumes for normal development than sexually mature pets. Babies are fed up to 4 times a day in minimal portions.

For cats older than 6 months, the daily dose is divided into three times, for mature animals - into 1-2 doses. Older pets gradually lose their appetite; this problem is associated with slow metabolism and tooth loss. Cats over 7 years old require one meal a day.


Young animals are fed depending on age:

  • from week 5, the special mixture is replaced with goat’s milk and boiled quail yolk;
  • at this time, fermented milk products and meat puree mixed with liquid porridge are introduced;
  • after 2 months they are accustomed to adult food.

Babies have their own dietary requirements:

  • the beef is boiled and crushed to a paste-like mass or given finely chopped. It should make up half of the daily diet;
  • chicken or turkey replace beef up to 3 times a week;
  • After boiling, the lungs, chicken liver or heart are finely chopped. Can be included in the menu no more than 2 times a week;
  • puree from carrots, pumpkin, zucchini or beets is made from boiled vegetables processed in a blender. Puree can be mixed with any of the meat products. Vegetables should make up no more than 10% of the daily value;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir or fermented baked milk with minimal fat content - are given daily.

Important! Children are not allowed to include fish in their diet. Additionally, multivitamin complexes are administered

For the youngest, the first feeding is carried out through a syringe.

The kitten is fed 4-5 times a day

They start feeding the animals with soft meat purees, then gradually switch to minced meat. From 2 months you can give kittens meat cut into small pieces. The body of young predators also absorbs dairy products well: cottage cheese, kefir.

Young animals are fed more often than adults. At 1 month, food is given 6-7 times a day, at 2 - 5-6, at 3 - 4-5. They must have access to clean drinking water at all times.

Reasons for adjusting average standards

There are several nuances that affect these numbers:

  • a cat eats more food than a cat;
  • more high-calorie food is necessary for an animal with high activity;
  • after giving birth, the cat needs to be fed as many times a day as she asks;
  • large breeds of cats also need to increase the average standards;
  • Some cat breeds are prone to metabolic disorders. For them, dry food that is more balanced in composition is preferable;
  • To maintain good reproductive function, a purebred stud cat must eat food with a high content of vitamin E.

When an animal begins to beg for food between set feedings and exhibit uncontrolled apatite, this may be a signal of parasite infection. Pets must be given deworming medications regularly.

To make sure your cat is getting enough food and has not lost or gained too much weight, regular weighings are recommended. If the indicators go significantly beyond the limits, it is necessary to reconsider the diet, its type, composition, and calorie content. The optimal average weight for most breeds is 2-4.5 kg.

What products are prohibited

The list of permitted foods includes:

  1. Various types of meat and poultry (beef, veal, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey). You can feed the animal with day-old chicks and feed mice sold in pet stores.
  2. By-products (liver - except pork, chicken hearts or stomachs, kidneys, beef tripe, lungs) contain vitamins and microelements that are not found in plain meat, and therefore are considered an essential part of the diet. They are given in small quantities, otherwise the animal may have problems with stool.
  3. Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yoghurts without additives). Fat content should be no more than 5%.
  4. Vegetables (zucchini, lettuce, carrots, pumpkin, greens, broccoli, cauliflower) can be given raw, boiled or steamed. If the animal does not like the taste of vegetables, they are ground into puree and mixed with the meat component.
  5. Eggs can be given raw or boiled. Only the yolk of chicken eggs is useful to a cat, but quail eggs can be given whole.
  6. Fish (only sea fish, low-fat varieties, boiled). You can supplement it with seafood - shrimp, cod liver.

Other food supplements (eggs, fish, etc.) are given in small quantities as treats. It is not recommended to feed your cat more than 1-2 times a week.

Prohibited foods for cats:

  • onion and garlic;
  • whole milk, cheeses, sour cream, fatty dairy products;
  • eggplant;
  • tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • Solanaceae;
  • any canned and pickled foods;
  • potato;
  • fried food;
  • food with hot seasonings, spices, salt;
  • chocolate;
  • sweets;
  • flour products;
  • mushrooms;
  • White cabbage;
  • beet;
  • hot peppers;
  • River fish;
  • coffee, alcohol;
  • meat and poultry of fatty varieties - pork, duck, lamb.

Feeding nursing kittens

Lactating kittens are fully weaned after about 8 weeks, so it is recommended that they not be fed anything other than breast milk until then. They do not need any additional foods that provide them with more nutrients. Breast milk contains absolutely everything these little animals need, so don't worry about kittens consuming the right amount of milk. If we see baby cats wailing or fussing, they may not be full and need more milk.

© shutterstock

If you are unable to give them breast milk, ready-made milk replacers are available from veterinarians and specialty stores, but it is always recommended to feed them naturally from their birth mothers.

From the fourth week we can introduce solid food/special kitten food, crushed and soaked in water to a puree consistency. Then they can begin to get used to this food. The first weeks of a cat's life are critical for healthy development and growth.

Natural cat food recipes

The desire to switch your pet to a healthy diet raises the question of how to feed the cat. The transition takes place in stages with the replacement of some of the usual cat food with a new one.

Of chicken eggs, only boiled yolks are suitable for cat food. They are given to sexually mature individuals several times a week.

How to properly feed cats vegetables? They are given raw and boiled. To enrich the diet use:

  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • green beans.

Note! Vegetables can be mixed with meat dishes or chicken egg yolk

What cats eat with pleasure is sea fish. It is boiled or frozen, cleaned of fins, bones, and skin. You can feed your pet with it only twice a week.

Some cat owners prefer to serve their four-legged salmon with rice:

  • steam 150 g of fish;
  • boil 1/3 cup rice;
  • take ½ hard-boiled egg;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed.

They add a vitamin-mineral complex and calcium carbonate (1 tablet each). After stirring again, serve to the cat.

Important! Self-prepared food does not meet the animal’s body’s needs for vitamins and minerals. During cooking, you need to add multivitamin complexes to them.

When feeding cats, it is prohibited to use fatty, harmful and irritating products to the gastrointestinal mucosa. They should not be given:

  • pork, lard;
  • lamb, duck, goose;
  • store-bought minced meat;
  • bones, river and fatty varieties of sea fish;
  • garlic, all types of citrus fruits;
  • grapes, beans, soybeans;
  • onions, peas, avocado;
  • sausage, fatty and smoked products;
  • sugar, chocolate, sweets;
  • baked goods, table salt.

Important! Violation of nutritional rules can lead to the development of urolithiasis, cystitis, pancreatitis, renal failure, poisoning

Pros and cons of natural feeding

In fact, I didn’t find many advantages for myself in this type of cat food.


  • It's not very expensive. You do not overpay for ready-made food, you have the opportunity to choose the optimal price and quality. You can buy a whole chicken, boil it and feed it to your cat. It works out economically.
  • You can be confident in the quality of the prepared food. Since you chose the products yourself and prepared them yourself, you are sure that the food is absolutely natural and healthy.

However, this type of food has more disadvantages:

  • Time costs. Each time the preparation takes several hours.
  • It is very difficult to perfectly balance the diet in terms of dietary supplements and vitamins and minerals. Naturally fed cats most often have a deficiency or excess of certain substances in the body. If your cat's fur is dull, not shiny, greasy or falls out excessively, it is likely that the cat's natural diet is not balanced. My cat sometimes had problems with fur on natural food and never on factory food.
  • It is necessary to buy vitamin and mineral supplements. High-quality vitamins and minerals, if given to your cat frequently, are not very cheap. In addition, not all vitamins are eaten by cats on their own and you need to spend extra time giving vitamins to your pets.
  • Waste of freezer space. 30 jars of food takes up a lot of space. Not everyone has such large freezers or freezers.
  • Some capricious cats may refuse natural food. And in the case of an allergy to chicken, you will have to switch to more expensive beef.

Of course, you don’t have to bother and buy baby food for cats in jars. It (for the little ones) does not contain salt, but it contains meat and healthy vegetables.

But, firstly, 2-3 jars of baby food a day are expensive. 150 rubles a day for a cat is a high amount, the costs are unreasonable. Secondly, all baby food is puree. A young animal should still eat meat in pieces, and not constantly eat pureed food.

Energy needs of a cat

Before looking for an answer to the question of what to feed your cat, you need to find out the quality characteristics of the food. The diet should contain a certain set of useful elements that replenish energy expenditure and maintain skeletal muscles in good shape. A sexually mature individual outside the period of gestation and lactation requires about 75 kcal per kilogram of body weight.

Feeding a cat requires special rules

The list includes the following elements (calculation is carried out per 1 kg of body weight):

  • arginine - 0.38 g;
  • protein - 6.3 g;
  • valine - 0.34 g;
  • histidine - 0.19 g;
  • isoleucine - 0.38 g;
  • leucine - 0.47 g;
  • lysine - 0.57 g;
  • tyrosine - 0.63 g;
  • threonine - 0.28 g;
  • tryptophan - 0.07 g.

The maximum proportion of organic substances falls on plant fiber, sugar and starch. They are an important source of energy and provide up to 70% of the calorie intake.

For your information! Cats are carnivores and their main diet is meat. Attempts to increase the proportion of plant components at the expense of meat can cause serious diseases.

Wet food is rich in many vitamins and microelements

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