ProTail food for cats – popular products and reviews

The best way to show your love and care for your cat is to provide proper, balanced and nutritious nutrition. This is not so easy to do. You need to have considerable knowledge in the field of cat physiology and understand the types of food.

Today you will learn about one of the inexpensive food options for your pet. This article will reveal all the advantages and disadvantages of the Rogue cat food. Let's carefully study its composition and pay attention to the opinions of experts. This product cannot be called common. However, it has both its adherents and opponents.

General information

Some cat owners prefer to feed the animal from their table. They say, I myself won’t eat anything bad and I won’t give it to my cat. This approach is not entirely correct.

Organizing a balanced diet for an animal is quite difficult. After all, regardless of breed, weight and age, a cat should receive a sufficient amount of necessary microelements and vitamins. It is quite difficult to calculate all these parameters on your own. Manufacturers of ready-made food come to the aid of caring owners, promising to provide your pets with nutritious and healthy nutrition. Is it so?

Cat food "ProTail" is a Russian product. The company offers dry and wet food options for animals. The production of animal diet has been established, which is one of the divisions of the Danish company Aller Petfood A/S.

The production is located in the Leningrad region in a village with a telling name - Murino, and the customer is. Those who want to get the most accurate information about all types of Rogue cat food should visit the company’s official website. There you can get acquainted with quality certificates, as well as choose a diet for your pet.

Dry food "ProTail" for cats is available in several versions:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • rabbit;
  • fish.

For small kittens there is also a special “Pro Tail” with chicken flavor. Wet food for cats "ProTail" also has a fairly diverse line of spiders:

  • "Turkey";
  • "Meat platter";
  • "Liver";
  • "Rabbit";
  • "Veal and lamb";
  • "Fish";
  • "Chick";
  • "Beef in sauce";
  • "Chick and Quail."

Those who prefer to buy food in cans also have plenty to choose from:

  • "Rabbit";
  • "Meat platter";
  • "Chicken";
  • "Salmon and trout."

This choice will allow you to make your pet’s diet quite varied. The company promises that products manufactured at the plant have undergone the strictest quality control and meet all standards. There is no reason not to believe such statements.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before introducing this or that food on an ongoing basis, it is worth studying its positive and negative aspects in advance. And don’t buy a big pack right away: your pet may simply not like it, and you’ll be throwing money away.

  • Low cost. Rogue food (PROkhvost) is cheaper than many similar foods, and even people with more than modest incomes can buy them.
  • The range includes both dry and wet options.
  • The feed contains fillet meat.
  • Myco carb preservative is safe for cats. It prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and mold, and prevents toxins from accumulating in feed raw materials.
  • The food contains vitamins and minerals.
  • Rogue food (PROkhvost) is sold in pet stores, supermarkets, and small shops. The company even enters into contracts with cat nurseries and supplies its products there with good discounts.
  • Antioxidants - E 320 and 321 - are synthetic and unsafe. E320 - butylated hydroxyanisole, despite its use in the food industry, has neither nutritional value nor natural analogues. It is a carcinogen in its pure form (proven by international studies), capable of causing genetic mutations. E321 is a synthetic analogue of vital vitamin E, a phenolic antioxidant, which, despite being approved for use, can be harmful. Moreover, it is animals that cause problems in the reproductive system and provoke the formation of malignant tumors.
  • The wording of the ingredients is general, which makes it absolutely unclear how much of what is added to the pack. The percentage of meat components is vague, there is too little pure meat for proper nutrition, how many by-products are added and which ones is unknown. The same applies to grains, fats, and everything else. And under vague formulations waste from meat production is often hidden.
  • In second place in the list of ingredients are cereals. Which ones are again not specified. Wheat, corn, and soy are contraindicated for cats. They cause allergies, diabetes, obesity, and gastrointestinal problems.

Get acquainted with interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Foreign White, Cohona, Bengal.


Those who know even a little about cat food will definitely not be pleased with the composition of the ProTail cat food. The fact is that the manufacturer provides only general information about what is contained in the pack, avoiding details.

In the first place are products of plant origin and cereals. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not specify which ones. However, most feeds of this class use soybeans, corn and beet pulp. A high corn content is not very beneficial for the cat's body. And since plant components are listed here in first place, we can assume that there are most of them here.

The second place in the composition is occupied by “meat and animal products”. The manufacturer also does not specify how many there are and what quality these ingredients are. You can hardly hope that the pack contains natural poultry or beef. Such streamlined formulations usually hide the products of processed meat raw materials: skin, bones, sinews, tripe and other waste remaining after the processing of meat or poultry.

Then there are vegetable oils and animal fats. The presence of such components is very important for the development of any organism. They are important sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Judging by the composition, the food contains a vitamin and mineral complex, as well as taurine - a very important amino acid for cats, which promotes normal growth and visual acuity of the animal. The list of ingredients also includes yeast, natural flavors and flavorings. The only pity is that it is not specified which ones exactly.

Micro Carb is used as a preservative. This component is considered quite harmless and consists of fumaric, propionic and sorbic acids, as well as table salt. But the presence of synthetic E321, E320 (antioxidants) is alarming.

Feed class

Rogue food (PROkhvost) belongs to the economy class. Of course, this division into classes is very arbitrary, but it is easier for consumers to make a choice based on certain factors.

Economy food contains little pure meat (which is the main source of food for cats), but a lot of vegetable protein and grains. Both the first and second are poorly absorbed by carnivores, causing irritation of the intestines and stomach, and allergic reactions. They have little fiber, vitamins and fats.


Unfortunately, there are many more negative points:

  • the label contains only general wording;
  • there is no clear list of ingredients with the percentage of each component;
  • synthetic antioxidants;
  • despite the fact that cereals are in first place in the recipe, the food contains an insufficient amount of fiber;
  • not very common - it can rarely be found in pet stores;
  • the low content of meat components does not allow the animal to eat enough (even after eating 2 pouches, the cat may remain hungry).

Features of older cats

The onset of aging in pets on average begins at seven to eight years of age, when they enter old age.
After 10-12 years they are considered to be old individuals. Of course, such figures are completely arbitrary and depend on the animal’s genetics, lifestyle, and diet. Age-related changes cannot be prevented, but it is quite possible to slow down the onset or mitigate the consequences. Age characteristics are:

  • Changes in metabolic rate, which causes excess weight.
  • Reducing the amount of food consumed due to decreased metabolism, chronic diseases, dental problems or deterioration of smell.
  • The manifestation of a constant desire to eat is due to memory deterioration, as well as the cat’s forgetfulness that she has already eaten.
  • Reduced ability to absorb nutrients: from seven to eight years - fats (their reduction is required in the diet), over 12 years - proteins, which causes weight loss.
  • Decreased bowel activity to move food through, causing constipation.
  • Reluctance to drink water due to loss of sensitivity to thirst with accelerated formation of stones in the urinary tract and a further slowdown of metabolism.
  • Tendency to chronic diseases - arthrosis, heart or kidney failure, gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, fatty hepatosis).

It is recommended to identify signs of aging at an early stage:

  • weight loss;
  • decreased activity;
  • the appearance of coarser hair;
  • behavior change;
  • picky eating;
  • loss of appetite.

What buyers say

Reviews of ProTail food for cats are quite varied. This product has both its defenders and opponents. The first note the low cost of the product, its availability and a varied range of flavors. Many animals, according to their owners, eat food with pleasure and remain cheerful, cheerful and active throughout the day. Those who treat cats with wet food in bags (pouches) note that there is not much sauce in the packs, but there are enough “meat” pieces - the animal has something to chew.

There are also negative reviews about ProTail dry food for cats. Opponents complain about the incomprehensible composition and complain about the deterioration of the health of their pets. The low calorie content of the product also causes criticism. Cat owners say that even after a hearty lunch, the animals very soon begin to beg for food again. That is, they simply do not get enough.

A special dissatisfaction among buyers of dry food is the lack of any kind of fastener on the packs. After opening a kilogram pack, you have to close it with improvised means or tie it in a bag so that the food does not erode.

Review of ProTail food for cats

ProTail is a budget option for cat food. It is made from cheap by-products and a large number of grains, so it costs much less than higher quality feed.

ProTail goes on sale both in the form of crispy croquettes and in pouches containing pieces of food drenched in sauce. Manufacturers have taken care of the convenience of cat owners by providing food packaging with a tear-off edge. If you give this food not only to your own pets, but also, for example, feed animals on the street or at your place of work, you may not have scissors at hand. Instead of calmly feeding the cats and going about your business, you will be forced to search for a suitable object to open the package or try to tear it, inevitably spilling half of the granules. With ProKhvost food, such a problem will not arise: its packaging can be opened in one motion.

To the attention of fussy tailed owners: if your pets, having tasted a certain dish, turn away from it the next day, demanding something new, ProTail will help you diversify their menu. The wet food produced by this company will satisfy even the most picky cat! Whatever your pet wants - chicken, rabbit, turkey, beef, veal or fish - there is sure to be something he likes in the ProTail food range.


In retail outlets, Pro Tail cat food may cost differently. But if you rely on prices from the official website, the cost will be as follows:

  • 13.5 rub. — “Pro Tail” spiders (85 g);
  • 50 rub. — “Pro Tail” canned food (415 g);
  • 49 rub. — dry food “Pro Tail” (350 g);
  • 120 rub. — dry food “Pro Tail” (1 kg);
  • 1030 rub. — dry food “Pro Tail” (10 kg).

Price and where to buy

ProTail food can most often be found in stores like Auchan or Fixprice. It is occasionally found in pet stores.

Cost of dry food ProTail:

  • from 50 rubles for a three hundred and fifty gram package;
  • 125-130 rubles – per kilogram;
  • a ten-kilogram package costs a little over 1,000 rubles.

The cost of eighty-gram ProTail spiders starts at 15 rubles.

Canned food (four hundred and fifteen gram packaging) costs from 60 rubles.

Leaders in the premium feed group

  1. Royal Canin - French cold cuts, including meat (8%), animal and plant by-products, vegetable protein, vitamins, mineral supplements. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage of products. The brand is not very popular due to its lack of popularity, although the quality of the product is high.
  2. Happy Cat is an excellent German-made wet food that sometimes appears in a higher category. Includes 4% veal and lamb, green beans, vitamins, a rich spectrum of microelements, and the antioxidant taurine. The buyer can choose other flavors - duck, sea fish, venison. Has an affordable price.

General feeding recommendations

The formation of a cat's taste preferences occurs at an early age. The owner must take this into account and accustom him to a specific diet and diet from newborn age. Adult cats should not be switched to a new food through extreme measures; this can lead to digestive problems and stress. Any changes in diet should be made gradually and carefully.

The right choice of bowls is important: they should be comfortable, stable, and made of safe, odorless materials. For solid food, massive bowls that are difficult to move are suitable; for water, plates that are convenient to lap from. It is advisable for the cat to see the fluid level. Dry food is poured into deep bowls to prevent the granules from scattering in different directions. Ideal materials for cookware are metal, porcelain or ceramics. Plastic bowls in bright colors scratch easily, harbor germs, and can release toxic substances.

The cat owner should monitor the freshness of water and food, especially if the animal eats dry food. Food should be at room temperature: you should not offer your cat hot meat or cold pate. Veterinarians warn against feeding refrigerated foods to pets.

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Conclusions about Protail food

There are both positive and negative reviews about Rogue cat food. There are more of the latter. Considering this and the poor composition, the PetObzor website does not recommend using it as the main diet for your cats.

If you are looking for inexpensive but more or less good food, then pay attention to Probalance or Blitz dry food. Although they were made in Russia, their composition is much better than economy class.

Verdict: Highly not recommended (?)

  • Economy class food for cats
  • Russian cat food


Looking at photos of wet cat food, you can immediately notice a significant difference between holistic food and the compositions of other categories. Here the composition includes products that would be quite suitable for humans, that is, the level of quality is maximum.

Having examined reviews of wet cat food, we can name two leaders in this category:

  1. AATU is a British food consisting of 97% chicken and quail, with the addition of chicken broth, berries, vegetables and many medicinal plants. For animals that do not suffer from allergies, this is an ideal food. Although the creators may have overdone it with herbs and medicinal plants.
  2. GO! – Canadian composition based on chicken (70%). Nothing extraneous (grains, offal, etc.). They eat with gusto. Not available everywhere. Plus it's quite expensive.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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