Purina: food for cats and kittens, about dry and wet types

A beloved pet is a real family member who lives with us and endures all family hardships and experiences. A loving and caring owner always tries to pleasantly surprise his pet and please him with something tasty.

The pet-focused food industry has a huge variety of food options to offer its customers and their mustachioed consumers.

Each animal is individual and has its own character, especially when it comes to cats. These animals are distinguished by their unique character and customs.

Today, the best-selling food in the world is Purina ONE dry cat food. Today we want to talk about this brand of pet food.

Who produces food under the Purina brand?

The parent company is located in the USA, it is registered under the name Nestle Purina. Subsidiaries produce goods in different parts of the world:

  • in Europe;
  • Africa;
  • Australia;
  • Asia;
  • Oceania;
  • South and North America.

Purina is a popular brand in pet stores.

The company's specialists are constantly developing new varieties of food necessary for the normal life of pets.

Important! Purina brand products entered Russia in 1997. On the official website you can familiarize yourself with all types of products and choose the appropriate option

Cat food class from Purina

Proplan for cats and kittens: review of options from Purina

The manufacturer states that Purina for cats belongs to the premium and super-premium categories. This food contains meat and fish ingredients, animal fats, herbal supplements and vitamins. But most experts doubt whether the product quality corresponds to the declared level.

A large amount of cereals, which are useless for the cat’s body, cannot be contained in elite food. The table shows the difference between information from the manufacturer and expert opinion:

Name of foodCategoryExperts' opinion
Purina Onepremiummidway between economy and premium
About the Plansuper premiumno higher than premium
Veterinary dietsuper premiumsuper premium

Video “Purina Food Review”

A video review of Purina One products will once again help you decide more accurately whether this brand is suitable for feeding your pet or not.

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What brands are produced under the Purina brand?

Food for kittens: which is better, rating of dry and liquid options

The company produces 7 varieties of food, each of which is further divided into separate types. Famous series include:

  • Purina ONE. Designed to maintain normal microflora in the intestines;
  • ProPlan. Designed for kittens, older cats, pets with gastrointestinal problems, after sterilization and completely balanced;
  • Cat Chow. It consists of a large number of natural components, it is recommended for kittens and adults, there are types with a therapeutic direction;
  • Gourmet. Exclusively canned varieties with turkey, salmon, trout and chicken;
  • Felix. The range of the series is presented in the form of pieces of meat in jelly and sauce and solid granules. In addition to meat flavors, there is cheese;
  • Darling. Used for feeding kittens under 12 months and mature cats, produced in granules and canned food;
  • Friskies. An inexpensive variety of complete animal food.

Important! Purina Veterinary Diets is a separate ProPlan line designed for pets with medical conditions. It contains types for kittens and adults suffering from diabetes, allergies and genitourinary pathologies.

Purina Veterinary diet intended for sick cats

For the little ones

Proper care of young kittens early in their lives is fundamental to their future health and development. Purina produces a specialized series of food for kittens.

  • Wet food for cats - rating of the best foods, an overview of their compositions and reviews of veterinarians (120 photos)
  • Proplan food for cats: analysis of the composition, veterinarian reviews, price and advice on choosing food (105 photos)

  • Hills food for cats: review of composition, recommendations for selection and tips for use in the diet (130 photos)

Purina ONE food contains no artificial additives, but only the most natural and beneficial substances, such as:

  • Vitamin A, B, C, E.
  • Fats, proteins, carbohydrates.
  • Minerals.

A properly selected food composition helps the young body to properly form the immune system, and also protects the kitten from external irritants acting on it.

It is very important for owners to accustom their pet to proper and healthy food from a young age.

For your convenience and your pet's whim, dry food can be diluted in purified water.

Thanks to its unique composition and beneficial properties, Purina ONE food was deservedly recognized as the best food for small kittens in 2015.

Veterinarians' opinion

Veterinarians have ambivalent attitudes towards Nestlé Purina products. Experts believe that cheap options are a direct threat to the health of pets. The exception is the ProPlan series products.

Purina food for dogs of small and large breeds

Chernyak I. O., veterinarian, Moscow:

“I always recommend ready-made food to my patients. They meet the needs of cats better than leftovers from the owner's table. In my extensive practice, I have never met people who would separately prepare a special menu for them. “Purina has a sufficient number of varieties to choose an option that suits age criteria and individual characteristics of the body.”

Important! Veterinarians do not advise getting carried away only with crackers, since animals need alternating canned food and biscuits. When storing large packages, do not forget about the rules; if the requirements are violated, the cat may be poisoned by spoiled food.

Variety of Purina Van line

Who is the manufacturer?

This is a huge selection of goodies for your pets. It was first patented in 1897 in the United States of America, where within a few years it became well-known among US residents.

Initially, the company produced food only with beef flavor, but later, as they developed, their range grew significantly and began to offer more than 55 different items.

In 1927, it began producing food for dogs in large quantities.

Read here Which cat food is best - 2022 rating, tips and recommendations for choosing from experts (105 photos + video)

In 1998, branches of the brand began to open all over the world and present their products to potential buyers.

In 2001, Purina Van food for sterilized cats was first introduced.

The company is very concerned about the quality of its products and the health of animals, so they actively conduct laboratory research on their feed.

What's in it

Purina food includes the following components:

  • 17% meat or fish;
  • rice, oatmeal, wheat additives;
  • corn flour;
  • vegetables;
  • fatty acid;
  • tocopherol, retinol, calciferol, vitamin K;
  • various microelements represented by magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium, etc.

Note! Components in different series may differ. Before purchasing, you must carefully study the composition.

Assortment and line of feed

There are seven main lines of food, differing in cost and quality characteristics. Each is a separate series with several types of different nutrition.


Dry food is produced in Russia, Italy and France, and belongs to the cheap varieties of the economy category. The series includes species developed taking into account the individual characteristics of cats:

  • Junior is specially produced for kittens, helps strengthen the immune system, normal brain development, and prevent problems with visual acuity;
  • Steriliside was created for neutered pets, intended for weight control, preventing the development of urolithiasis;
  • Delicate is suitable for animals with a delicate gastrointestinal tract;
  • Derma Plus prevents the formation of hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract and is intended for pets with problem skin.

Purina Plan Delicate

The canned food series is produced for cats of different ages. The food from the Purina Pro Plan Veterinary diets line is therapeutic. It is prescribed by a veterinarian in the presence of the following diseases:

  • allergies;
  • problems with the normal functioning of the digestive department;
  • obesity;
  • ICD and diabetes mellitus.

Important! The food series is sold in pet stores, supermarkets and online stores. Average price per pack of 1.5 kg from 990 to 1100 rubles*

Purina One for cats

The line's hard croquettes fall between economy and premium. The products are designed for sexually mature individuals and kittens, and contain predominantly vegetable protein. Purina Van cat food is recommended:

  • for kittens;
  • sexually mature animals;
  • pets over 11 years old;
  • cats with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract;
  • sterilized individuals.

Purina for cats uses a special form that helps activate the immune system. It includes:

  • prebiotics that normalize intestinal microflora;
  • yeast as a source of vitamin and mineral compounds, proteins and beta-gluconate;
  • antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals.

Important! Purina One for cats can be purchased at any pet supply store. A pack of 200 g will cost 90 rubles.


Wet food is produced by Russian and French factories; they belong to the economy category, and not premium, as the advertisement claims. The manufacturer states that the series is intended for cats with increased nutritional requirements.

Several lines are released under the brand:

  • Gold is made in pates, meatballs and terrines in French according to special recipes;
  • Mont Petit is presented in single servings of 50 g;
  • Pearl comes in the form of roasted beef, duck, turkey pieces or as salmon in sauce;
  • A la Carte - a mixture of meat or fish along with vegetables, rice, pasta, which are prepared according to the chef's recipe.

Note! The composition does not meet the requirements of premium categories. In production, processed meat and fish products are used; their grade is often missing on the packaging. Biscuits and canned food contain sugar, dyes and vegetable proteins.

A jar of Gourmet costs from 20 to 40 rubles.


Produced at a Russian enterprise, it is one of the cheapest types of feed. The range includes jelly, granules and sauce, they include dyes, flavoring additives, processed meat and fish products.

The series is divided not according to age, but according to taste preferences:

  • "Appetizing pieces";
  • “Double Yummy”;
  • Felix Sensation.

Felix has a series of treats with vitamins and omega polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is represented by cheese, original, sea mixes.

The average cost per pack of Felix is ​​20 rubles.


Consists of biscuits and liquid feed, produced in Russia. It is an inexpensive variety and was first released in 1956 in the USA. Solid feeds are obtained from processed vegetables and meat products and contain dyes.

Canned food is manufactured taking into account age and sterilization:

  • Purina food for kittens;
  • for mature animals;
  • for pets after castration.

For your information! There is a separate series of products designed to prevent the accumulation of hair in the stomach of cats.

When purchasing, a 300 g pack will cost 80 rubles, 85 g packs will cost 20 rubles.

Cat Chow

Produced at Russian and Hungarian factories, it is an inexpensive type of good food. Created for:

  • kittens up to 1 year of age;
  • adult pets;
  • cats that require special care.

The advertisement states that this type is completely balanced and includes:

  • quality proteins;
  • tocopherol and B vitamins;
  • yeast, whole grains;
  • peas, beets, spinach and carrots;
  • prebiotics and natural fibers.

Important! The basis of the food is cereals, with a fairly high percentage of meat components. It does not contain preservatives, dyes or flavors.

Purina Cat Chow for kittens - the best choice from the series

You can buy croquettes for 130 rubles. for 400 g, pouches - 40 rubles. for 85


Darling is produced by a domestic company and is part of the economy series. Available in biscuits and canned food. Compound:

  • vegetable fiber;
  • proteins;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Whole and processed grains predominate in croquettes; the share of meat components (processed products) does not exceed 10%. Most of the proteins are of plant origin.

Buying a two-kilogram pack will cost 220-250 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This brand of food has a number of advantages:

  • high protein composition;
  • wide choice of food among wet and dry food;
  • there is a line of medicinal food;
  • the composition contains probiotics and enzymes that have a positive effect on digestion;
  • the composition is carefully thought out and balanced;
  • availability, food is sold even in supermarkets at a relatively low price.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the presence of corn gluten in the composition (this is a strong allergen);
  • a fairly high percentage of aromatic, flavoring and food additives;
  • low nutritional value;
  • low percentage of vegetables;
  • the presence of components that are of uncertain origin (for example, preservatives and antioxidants).

How to choose food

Veterinarians advise choosing a diet in accordance with the characteristics of the animal’s body. Leading manufacturers have feed intended for:

  • for kittens from 1 to 4 or from 4 to 12 months;
  • pregnant and lactating cats;
  • after sterilization or castration;
  • for weakened pets;
  • elderly cats.

Important! Treatment series are not intended for daily use. They can only be prescribed by a doctor who will monitor the entire period of therapy.

Pouch Gourmet with chicken

Popular varieties of Purina food

There are many types of Purina cat food, so you can choose the right food for your pet. The most popular types are:

  1. Purina Pro Plan Junior Cat;
  2. Purina One Adult;
  3. Purina Pro Plan Sterilized;
  4. Purina Cat Chow Hairball Control;
  5. Purina UR;

Want to know more? Then read on for the description of each food listed above. We are sure that this will help you choose the right food for your cat.

Purina Pro Plan Junior Cat

This is a line of food for kittens from 6 weeks to 1 year. Excellent for feeding pregnant and lactating individuals. The line includes spiders and dry food. The composition contains 17% natural and selected meat (beef, chicken, turkey, fish), meat products, vegetable proteins, animal and vegetable fats, and nutrients. Regular consumption of this food strengthens the kittens' bones, improves digestion and has a positive effect on health.

Price: 1,400 rubles for 24 pouches weighing 90 g and 900 rubles for a package of dry food weighing 1.5 kg.

Purina One Adult

This is dry food for adults and active individuals. The composition contains 17% meat (chicken, beef) and other ingredients listed above. The food has a normal smell, but excellent taste, so cats eat it with pleasure. However, many note that it is addictive in animals.

Price: 250 rubles per pack weighing 800 g.

Purina Pro Plan Sterilized

Dry food intended for feeding sterilized and neutered male cats. The main components are salmon (16%) and wheat. Regular consumption will help avoid gaining excess weight and reduce the risk of obesity to a minimum. In addition, the food is an excellent prevention of urolithiasis.

Price: 500 rubles for 1.5 kg.

Purina Cat Chow Hairball Control

It is a dry food suitable for cats with long and thick hair. Excellent for removing hairballs from the stomach. This product differs from other types in its high content of poultry meat - more than 20%. It is recommended to give during the molting period.

Price: 500 rubles for 1.5 kg.

Purina Veterinary Diets UR

This is a therapeutic and dietary food for cats. Should be given for diseases of the lower urinary tract of the struvite type. The product helps maintain the acidic pH of urine, reduces the formation of struvite and fully satisfies the animal's nutritional needs. This food should be introduced into the diet gradually over the course of a week. The recommended feeding period is 5-12 weeks.

The dry product contains at least 15% dry chicken proteins, and the wet food contains 17% turkey, poultry, liver and heart.

Price: 1200 rubles for a package of dry food weighing 1.5 kg and 120 rubles for canned food weighing 100 g.

Important! Medical nutrition should be given only on the recommendation of a veterinarian, as there are contraindications.

Recommended Daily Value

The daily dosage of food is indicated on the product packaging.

  • For mature cats weighing 3 kg - 25 g, 4 kg - 40 g, 5 kg - 55 g. If the pet is more than six kilograms, then the calculation is carried out in the proportion: 12 g per kilogram of weight.
  • During active growth, kittens require more food. The standard rate is: with a weight of 2 kg - 35 g, 3 kg - 50 g, 4 kg - 70 g, 5 kg - 85 g.
  • For cats bearing offspring, their own norms are recommended: with a body weight of up to 5 kg - 55 g, more than 6 kg - 12 g / kg of weight.

Note! Elderly animals often refuse the specified amounts of food. If the cat does not have serious illnesses, then this behavior is normal and should not alarm the owner.

Composition of Pro Plan food

Let's look at the main composition of Pro Plan using the example of standard dry food for adult cats and cats, Original Adult. The manufacturer guarantees that the food contains:

  • proteins: 36%;
  • fat: 16%;
  • fatty acids: Omega-6: 2.5%; Omega-3: 0.4%;
  • raw ash: 7%;
  • crude fiber: 1%.

Let's study in more detail.

  1. The composition includes: chicken 21% and dried poultry protein. Compared to other premium brands, Pro Plan puts chicken meat first. The percentage of poultry protein is not indicated, and the word “meat” is not used, so it cannot be said that this is pure chicken meat. According to the American AAFCO standard, the ingredient called chicken also includes chicken bones, skin and offal.
  2. Wheat and rice are in second place. Both ingredients are sources of carbohydrates, with rice being the most palatable for cats.
  3. Corn and wheat gluten and corn. These are quite allergenic products, especially corn, which is almost always GMO. Corn is cheap and profitable for the manufacturer, but the most harmful product for cats: it often causes allergies in animals with hair loss, bald spots and scratching. Wheat gluten, like corn gluten, contains a lot of vegetable protein.
  4. Animal fat is a source of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, but the origin of the fat is not specified.
  5. Powdered eggs are an additional source of protein.
  6. Minerals: iron, copper, iodine, manganese, zinc and selenium.
  7. Vitamins: A: 37000 IU/kg, D3: 1200 IU/kg, E: 670 IU/kg, C: 160 mg/kg.

Also included in the composition, without specifying the percentage: dried chicory root, fiber, flavoring additive, yeast, preservatives, amino acids.

The manufacturer also claims that the food contains a natural probiotic, but what percentage it is and what exactly it is called is not provided.

Let's summarize: if you analyze the origin of the protein in the amount of 36-40% (this is the norm for a healthy cat), declared by the manufacturer, you can understand that animal proteins contain exactly more than 20%. But since the amount of dry poultry protein is completely unknown, the remaining 16-20% of proteins are most likely of plant origin.

Regarding the dosage of dry food:

Cat weight, kgFeed rate per day, g
2 – 435 – 65
4 – 665 – 95
6 – 895 – 125

According to reviews, 1.5-2 kg of dry food for a month is enough for one adult medium-sized cat. For example, with a cat weighing 3.5 kg and a norm of 50-55 g, 1,500 to 1,650 g of food will be enough for her per month. There is no need to buy vitamins and mineral supplements separately. Each product in a separate line has its own feeding recommendations.

Comparison of dry food Purina Van and Perfect Fit

Both foods are similar in component ingredients: the amount and types of nutrients in them are not particularly different. The exception is the mineral supplements in Perfect Fit; there are more of them, and they are described in more detail on the packaging.

The price for the Perfect Fit package is lower than the cost of Purina Van, starting from 66 rubles. for 190 g and ends at 740 rubles. for 3 kg. Veterinarians do not see a serious difference between them and believe that they can replace each other without compromising the health of their pets.

Perfect Fit is the main competitor of Purina

Feed cost

Pro Plan is sold in any pet store and supermarket with a small selection both online and offline. The price varies depending on the weight purchased and the type of feed. In 2022, average prices for Pro Plan for the Adult series ranged from 480 to 700 rubles. for 1 kg of dry food:

Feed package weightPrice per package, rubCost per 1 kg, rub
Dry 0.4 kg280700
Dry 1.5 kg990660
Dry 3 kg1890630
Dry 10 kg4810481
Wet in pouches 85 g49 – 65576 – 765

Owners' opinion

Owners of four-legged animals react differently to Purina products. Some complain of complete denial by cats, for others it is the ideal solution to the problem of daily feeding.

Fedor, 43 years old, Volgograd:

“After buying a Persian cat, we became acquainted with the problems of this breed. She suffers from allergies; any natural product or ready-made food causes hair loss and skin ulcers. After a month of taking special hypoallergenic food from Purina, the cat stopped itching, and the defects on the skin began to heal. Now we visit the veterinarian’s office less often.”

Maria, 19 years old, Omsk

“I bought the vaunted Purina and treated my cats for diarrhea for a week. I can’t say that the food is disgusting, but my animals’ bodies reject some of its substances. I won’t risk purchasing this “happiness” a second time.”

Purina brand food is intended for feeding cats living in low- and middle-income families. You should not expect from them quality equal to holistic specialists. For their price level they are quite balanced and safe.

*Prices in the article are indicated for October 2022.

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