Cat food rating 2022 - Top 10 Best cat foods

Cat owners always want to please their pet with tasty and healthy nutrition. Animals, like people, must receive all the necessary nutrients, so it is important to choose the best cat food that will suit its characteristics and properties. Thanks to such a diet, you can influence the health, quality of the coat and the functioning of the digestive system.

For many, the choice seems very easy, but in reality it is not. There are many factors that influence food, so you should know the features of the product from different manufacturers and the TOP rating of the best cat food is suitable for this.

About products

As part of a comprehensive study by Roskachestvo, 39 products of the most popular dry cat food on the Russian market were studied according to 147 quality and safety indicators.
The study was conducted in 2017 and 2022. In 2017, the cost of products ranged from 190 to 1,700 rubles per unit of goods at the time of purchase. Twelve samples were made in Russia, the remaining 27 were made abroad (in the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Sweden).

In 2020, the first seven of the previously studied products were sent for repeated research: Acana, Royal Canin, Whiskas, Sanabelle, Hill's Science Plan, Kitekat, Brit Care. The weight of the packages ranged from 350 g to 2 kg, the purchase price ranged from 19 to 130 rubles per 100 g.

A study conducted by Roskachestvo showed that among the most popular brands of dry cat food in Russia, there is not a single unsafe one. This is the second case in the history of Roskachestvo research (similar results were obtained during testing of dryers).

However, only one of the 39 samples produced in Canada (Orijen) meets the advanced requirements of the Roskachestvo standard. Due to its foreign origin, the product cannot qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.


The standard of the Russian quality system for dry food (for cats), applying for the Russian Quality Mark, has established advanced requirements for the amount of dry matter, raw ash, as well as the acid and peroxide value of fat. In addition, the dry food testing program additionally included determination of the content of amino acids, antibiotics, pesticides, preservatives and dyes. Products that comply with the standards specified in the STO have the right to apply for the Russian Quality Mark. The level of localization of production for the assignment of the Russian Quality Mark must be at least 70% of the cost of the product.

The advanced requirements of the Roskachestvo standard are not mandatory for manufacturers, however, products that do not meet these requirements cannot qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

According to statistical studies, the most popular pet in Russia is the cat. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether she is purebred or not: the percentage of people who picked up a kitten who was wandering along a deserted street in the rain with a pitiful look is very, very large. It is also very common for Russians to be indiscriminate in feeding their pets. True, this is especially true for dog owners: among them there are many who like to feed the dog what is called “from the table”. However, even among the owners of a meowing friend, as a survey by Roskachestvo on social networks showed, there is no unity.

The survey results showed that the majority of voters - 40.7% - diversify their pet's diet with wet and dry food, 30.3% - give their cat exclusively dry food, 17% - feed their pet only natural food. Only 7.3% get by with wet food. Finally, 4.7% of respondents chose “their option.” So, someone’s cat eats both dry and wet food, chicken and fish, another “gourmet” prefers fresh meat in the form of moles and mice, and a third prefers liver. There were also those who feed the cat “whatever they have.”

Since dry food makes up approximately 80% of the entire “cat food” market (and according to the survey results it turned out to be the clear leader), Roskachestvo decided to study it first.


A Danish company that has production in Russia. The company produces premium products, so it guarantees high quality feed. The line for kittens is called “Probalance kitten”. Most reviews indicate that the company lives up to its quality claims, but the use of antioxidants worries some owners.


The main feature and advantage is the composition and 18 herbs. It significantly improves the condition of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Does not cause diarrhea or constipation. Has a beneficial effect on teeth and gums. Since the food is in the budget segment, its price is as affordable as possible, which, combined with high quality, is an excellent offer.


The main disadvantage is the use of antioxidants of group “E” during production, namely E320 and E321. This can lead to an allergic reaction, so carefully monitor the kitten's condition while giving him food. Also, many doubt that domestic production fully meets all quality requirements. There is no evidence, but the full composition is not indicated on the box.

BZHU for cats: about the nutritional value of dry food

Proper nutrition is an increasingly popular phrase that relates not only to a person’s diet. Balance and nutrition are perhaps the main characteristics of dry cat food. In other words, it should contain the optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, or, as a fitness instructor would say, BJU. Crude protein is responsible for the protein content in dry food, crude fat is responsible for fat, and crude fiber is responsible for carbohydrates.

“Raw” is a special term,” explains Lydia Toporova

. – For example, when determining the amount of protein chemically, not only the amount of protein itself is recorded, but also other non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds (amides, urea, etc.). Therefore, by “crude protein” we mean, so to speak, not pure protein, but protein containing a complex of nitrogen-containing compounds.

Test results have shown that most of the samples are balanced and nutritious food for cats. And the proportions of crude fat, crude protein and crude fiber correspond to the amount indicated on the label and are within the recommended limits. However, the study found several products that contained less than the recommended protein content, and several that contained more crude fiber than recommended by regulations. More details about this can be found in the product cards. According to experts, it’s not so scary if the food contains less protein and fat than recommended by standards. The cat is simply not enough to eat: it will meow once again and ask for more.

There were also samples in which the amount of protein and fat differed from the amount indicated on the label. These facts are not violations, but they deprive these products of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

“In general, the situation with proteins and fats in dry food is very ambiguous,” notes Lidiya Toporova

. – There is a lower limit: there should not be less proteins and fats in the feed than what is established by it. However, this is wrong. There must be an upper limit, because with an excess of protein and fat, the cat may begin to gain weight, and liver and kidney diseases may occur.

Meowing (Barking) Heads

It is rightfully considered one of the best food in the world and has a fairly high reputation among lovers of elite cat breeds. It is produced by a British company, which is based on a simple philosophy: “Health begins with proper nutrition.” The manufacturer has not created a separate line of food for kittens, since the food is suitable for any age.


The main positive point is the composition. It does not contain any allergenic substances such as corn/wheat flour or dyes. All food consists of exactly 50% meat, and the remaining half is supplemented with Omega-3, Omega-6 and a vitamin complex. The presence of such amounts of animal protein and vitamins allows the body to grow at lightning speed. Eating this food, the kitten will grow up healthy, active, with beautiful fur. The food is specially designed for kittens, as it comes in small granules that are very easy for even the little ones to bite through.


The main disadvantage of using such food is the price. The product belongs to the premium class category, so the price is appropriate, but so is the quality. You also won’t find it on supermarket shelves, so you’ll have to buy it in a special store.

Imaginary wealth: about vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and so on

Next after nutritional value comes, perhaps, the benefits of the food: how many beneficial acids, micro- and macroelements, vitamins, etc. are in it, will it make the cat more energetic and healthy? Probably, every caring owner wants his pet’s diet to include the required amount of useful elements. That is why he buys dry food labeled “Rich in vitamins.”

“The wording “Rich in vitamins” is, of course, a marketing ploy,” warns Lidiya Toporova
. – One word “rich”, without any specifics about the content of these elements, is nothing for ready-made food; you don’t need to blindly believe such formulations.

You can find out which dry food actually contains the recommended amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements from the Roskachestvo rating.

“In terms of the composition of vitamins, you can focus on Western standards, because our standards only talk about A, D, E and K,” says Lidiya Toporova

. – Unfortunately, the required amount of B vitamins in Russia is not controlled, and, for example, nicotinic acid, choline, pyridoxine play an important role for the cat’s body - the health of the skin and hair, liver, mucous membranes, etc.

The test results showed that, in general, dry food actually contains exactly the amount of vitamins recommended by consumption standards. However, during the study, cases of discrepancies between the actual amounts of micro- and macroelements and those indicated on the label were recorded. In particular, we are talking about the content of iron, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

Also, several samples were found to lack arachidonic acid, which is an essential component of cat food. In some products the proportion of calcium was higher than recommended, in two there was little iron. These shortcomings do not make manufacturers of dry food under these trademarks violators, but they do deprive them of the right to claim the Russian Quality Mark.

Brit Care

Another Czech manufacturer that has become known in the CIS market quite a long time ago. Popularity is ensured by high quality products. All food for kittens is produced in the “Brit Care CRAZY KITTEN” line.


The food does not contain allergens such as wheat or corn. Protein in an amount of 50% is provided by meat components, the remaining half of the composition is responsible for vitamin A and the supply of carbohydrates in the form of rice or starch. A distinctive feature of the line for kittens is the increased protein content for rapid growth. Small granules are ideal for kittens as they are easy to chew.


Based on many reviews, it is easy to conclude that the food is quite individual and is not suitable for everyone. There have been complaints about loss of appetite due to weight, so before a full transition it is better to test on a small batch for 1-2 weeks. It is also worth considering the fairly high cost, as well as availability only in pet stores.

Expectations - reality: about discrepancies with labeling

A study by Roskachestvo revealed a very important problem: the actual composition of feed does not partially coincide with what is indicated in the product labeling. In most samples, deviations of the actual composition of feed from the information stated on the product labeling were recorded. We are talking about deviations:

  • by the amount of crude fat;
  • by the amount of crude protein;
  • by the amount of iron;
  • by the amount of manganese;
  • by the amount of selenium;
  • by the amount of phosphorus;
  • by the amount of raw ash;
  • by the amount of potassium;
  • by the amount of zinc.

The legislation of the Russian Federation and the treaties of the European Union do not establish mandatory requirements for feed labeling, as well as permissible deviations of the actual composition of products from the information stated on the label. This legal gap contributes to a) misleading consumers, b) incorrect formation of animal diets.

It is for this reason that in 2022 Roskachestvo sent proposals to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture to establish mandatory requirements for food and other products. In particular, proposals to include in the draft technical regulation “On the safety of feed and feed additives” being developed, requirements for the reliability of labeling for the content of individual components and their range in pet food.

It was proposed to include the relevant provisions in a separate section of the draft regulation “Requirements for pet food”, in which it was planned to establish permissible deviations from the declared values ​​of complete nutrition indicators, indicators of nutritional value and safety of food for cats and dogs.

Subsequently, in 2022, the Russian side supported the proposal to exclude feed for non-productive animals from the draft regulations and the advisability of developing a separate technical regulation of the EEC “On the safety of feed for non-productive animals.”

The project is still under development

In July 2022, the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, in response to a request from Roskachestvo, reported that the draft regulations, finalized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (project developer), have not yet been submitted to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture for consideration.

Cat Chow

This brand is a subsidiary of the Purina company and belongs to the premium category. The line for kittens is called “Cat Chow Kitten”. The line has gained quite a lot of popularity due to its price and trust in the Purina company. In general, most reviews are positive, but there are rare allergic reactions.


The main positive point is the price-quality ratio. Regarding the second point, this line of food is exactly in the middle between the budget option and extra-premium, but at the same time has the most affordable price. There are no toxic or addictive elements. The nutritional value and presence of nutrients is at a minimum, so the kitten receives only the minimum necessary elements.


The composition contains a lot of vegetable fat, which is a high allergen. Accordingly, it is necessary to extremely carefully give such food in small doses and observe the reaction. If any irregularities are found, you will have to go to the veterinarian and most likely switch to other foods.

All the best for cats: about the safety of dry food

Of course, no matter how nutritious and rich in nutrients the food is, if it is unsafe, you cannot feed it to your beloved pet! That is why the study paid special attention to the presence of toxic elements, nitrites, radionuclides, pesticides, heavy metals in the feed, as well as microbiological indicators, including salmonella (intestinal bacteria that cause infectious diseases), toxin-forming anaerobes (these are causative agents of various infections), intestinal stick, etc.

To the general joy of caring owners and their pets, all the food studied was found to be safe and non-toxic.

However, there is a small caveat regarding pesticides. The fact is that in some samples the presence of trace amounts of various pesticides (for example, permethrin, deltamethrin, etc.) was determined, which could have passed into feed from plant raw materials during production or were used in storage of raw materials and finished products as an insecticidal agent.

“Pesticides should not get into the feed,” says Lidiya Toporova

. – Most often they come from cereals, dry vegetables and other plant components into dry food. This does not relieve the manufacturer of responsibility: he must check the incoming raw materials so that pesticides do not get into the finished product.

The permissible amount of pesticides is not regulated at the legislative level, however, samples in which they were found, even in small, trace quantities, are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the Russian Quality Mark.

The same goes for antibiotics. Traces of antibiotics were found in 4 out of 7 products in a 2022 study. This is not a violation of the law, but the advanced requirements of the Roskachestvo standard do not allow the presence of antibiotics and pesticides in the composition, even in trace quantities. Products with these comments cannot qualify for the Quality Mark.

There is an opinion that dry food is produced from low-quality raw materials, waste, which is scary to even think about. However, research has shown that this belief is nothing more than a myth. All dry food studied was produced from high-quality, fresh raw materials.


Food from a Czech manufacturer who is a “veteran” with more than 20 years of experience, which is the best proof of product quality. The model range for kittens is “Fitmin cat Purity Kitten” and is designed for cats up to 12 months. There are also lines for cats and much older cats.


The food is filled with animal protein, which comes in the form of poultry, beef or fish. For rapid growth of the kitten, the composition includes liver and egg. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats are provided by the presence of fish oil and flaxseed oil. The special formulation allows the kitten’s body to quickly absorb all the necessary substances with a minimum amount of waste. It is also important to have special elements in the composition that suppress the unpleasant odor of excrement.


Thanks to the high-quality raw material base, the quality of the products is completely free of shortcomings. The main negative is the small assortment on the CIS market, which forces you to order food from specialized places. Unfortunately, even then the flavors are limited to salmon and beef.

For reference:

When purchasing dry food, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date (as a rule, it is displayed quite large on the packaging). Most often this is one year. However, some manufacturers can extend this period both by introducing new modern technologies and packaging materials, and by adding preservatives to the composition, which should be indicated on the label. Experts do not recommend storing open food for such a long time.

“It’s impossible to say with certainty about the expiration date,” notes Lidiya Toporova
. – I allow storage for six months, but it is better to store no more than three months: during storage, especially if the relevant requirements are not met, undesirable chemical and microbiological processes occur in the feed, which leads to a decrease in the content of nutrients and micronutrients.

It can be assumed that if the manufacturer indicates a certain expiration date on the packaging, then, most likely, he vouches for the preservation of the taste and nutritional value of the dry food throughout this period. However, there are indicators in which violations may indirectly indicate that the taste of the food will deteriorate by the end of its shelf life: it will become rancid. We are talking about the acid and peroxide numbers of fat. As the results of the study showed, deviations in this indicator were found in some samples. Thus, from the product cards you can find out which food tastes deteriorate over time.


Another Briton from our list, but with a slightly different biography. This food has not yet gained great popularity, but this is not at all due to quality. The point is a short time on the market. But during this period, the company has proven to many owners of purebred cats that it produces food that is fully worthy of being called one of the best on the modern market. The manufacturer does not have a separate line for kittens, as the food is suitable for any age.

All products are manufactured exclusively according to a special recipe developed by technologists, which makes the food unique. After analyzing 1000 years of cat nutrition, the ideal combination of elements was selected for the fastest and highest quality absorption.


The main positive features are in the composition. A complete absence of grains will not cause allergies, obesity or diabetes. In addition to a huge amount of protein (75% of the total weight), the food is supplemented with minerals, vitamins and herbs. This amount of resources allows the body to grow quickly and get stronger every day. It's also worth noting that Canagan is 90% digestible, which means minimal excrement.


It is difficult to find any shortcomings among the product reviews. Apart from the high price, there is nothing to note, but this is quite logical, considering that the food is premium. Also, in some cities there is a problem with the availability of food in stores, which forces them to order it online.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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