White cats with blue eyes and paws: features and care

Many people have a pet in their lives. There are so many types of them that everyone can find a friend that suits their preferences. These animals differ in color, character, abilities, characteristics of care and behavior, they can have smooth or long hair, a variety of eyes and noses.

There are cats of stunning beauty that not only evoke affection, but also make them attract attention. They always evoke emotions, even if you are sure that you don’t like cats that much, then you definitely can’t help but stroke a beautiful snow-white cat with blue eyes.

Here you will find out what breeds of completely white cats with blue eyes can be.

White cats with blue eyes

The amazing combination of a beautiful white coat and expressively bright blue eyes attracts attention. An insufficient amount of melanin pigment produces a white color. Blue eyes are due to the same factor, but not all white cats are blue-eyed. Sometimes the cells that produce melanin are much more active, in which case white cats may have yellow, green or even orange eyes. Animals are also born with eyes of different colors. This is called heterochromia. This happens when melanin is produced in only one eye, then the other eye remains blue. This sight is also fascinating, but, unfortunately, cats with heterochromia are most often born deaf in one ear.

More than half of cats are white with blue eyes and are born partially or completely deaf. This does not prevent animals from being able to navigate the area well, perceiving more sounds and vibrations.

White cats with snow-blue eyes are often equated with aristocratic breeds. Thanks to the dominant gene, the blue color of the iris appears, the color changes from light blue to deep blue, it is often called royal.

Snow-white beauty is found in many breeds of cats; you can, at your discretion, choose a fluffy or short-haired, or even curly, snow-white cat with blue or multi-colored eyes. Despite the characteristics, breeders claim that animals with this color are very affectionate and sociable. They require a lot of attention, love, affection and care.

Khao-Mani breed

Cats with white coats and blue eyes can be found in a wide variety of breeds. They are found among British and Scottish cats, as well as Persian white cats and even Maine Coons. But the white color is very important along with the blue eyes of this particular species.

White cats of the Khao Mani breed come from Thailand. If you dig into history, snow-white cats used to be considered holy animals; only representatives of high society had the right to own a cat of this type. They are most often born with blue eyes, but many of this breed of cats have heterochromic eyes. Now it is very difficult to buy such a cat; there are very few purebred breeds left in Thailand.

Their fur is short but shiny. There is a small undercoat, it is practically not felt. The ears are small but neat, the nose area is most pronounced. A harmonious, elongated body, a very mobile tail and strong paws. The coat is short and dense. Kao-Mani are very trusting, receptive even to strangers, and easily establish contact with humans and other animals.

Experts are working to restore the breed; it is considered the most unstable. These are the most expensive cats in the world.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora breed with white wool is one of the most popular and famous. Cats of this species are very harmonious, flexible, and graceful. The eyes are wide open, located slightly obliquely, but look very fascinating. The original breed indicates the presence of an exclusively snow-white coat with blue or green eyes. It is believed that the variety allows the presence of orange, yellow and other eye colors.

Fluffy's tail is much longer than that of other cats. Graceful long legs complement the slender, strong body. The origins of the Turkish Angora originate in Turkey and are still highly valued to this day. Despite the fact that there are cats with heterochromia, they are valued more than those with the same eye color, for example, with green or amber eyes.

The character is very soft, affectionate, Turkish Angoras are very calm. They love attention; if the fluffy feels that he likes the person, he can come up to him and play. Playful, active appearance, but at the same time with character. If he understands that they are being treated rudely or disrespectfully, you will recognize this by his behavior.

A remarkable fact is that until 1978, Turkish Angora cats were registered exclusively in white. Since this time, cats of other colors have also been gaining popularity, but if you have a preference for a snow-white color, such a cat can be easily purchased from trusted breeders.

Breeds for which only gray coat color is acceptable

Among the varieties of cats, there are those that are characterized only by an ash-colored coat. These breeds include:

  • ;
  • chartreuse;
  • Nibelung;
  • korat

Russian blue

Representatives of this breed are medium in size and have a slender build. But the main feature of Russian blue cats is considered to be their unique color, emphasizing the bright green color of their eyes. Their coat has silver ticking, which gives their short, thick coat a snowy effect.

According to the standard, a Russian Blue cat must have uniform fur without yellowness, streaks or inclusions.


These are large, well-built cats with well-developed muscles, a cheeky muzzle, a round head and small ears. Their soft, plush coat with a thick undercoat is colored only a uniform gray.

Blue cats' irises can be dark orange or bright yellow. And each chartreuse paw has soft gray-blue pads.


This is a long-haired variety of Russian Blue cats that has inherited all the characteristics of its ancestors with the exception of the structure and length of the fur. The Nibelungs got their name (translated from German as “creature of fog”) due to the unique color of their fur coat.

The thin silky coat of the breed is colored blue, in harmony with the green eyes. According to the standard, these gray cats have weak ticking.


These elegant gray cats were brought to Europe from northern Thailand over a hundred years ago and were long considered a cull of the Siamese. Korats are medium in size, flexible muscles and have an unusual heart-shaped head.

The hallmark of the breed is its olive-green eyes and short, silky coat, the color of which varies from blue-gray to lavender.

Foreign White breed

Breeding such a breed was a real discovery. The Foreign White cat breed is the result of crossing a Siamese and a regular white domestic cat. Unlike other breeds, despite its white color, it does not suffer from deafness. The history of the breed dates back to the 1960s in Great Britain. This is a short-haired breed, the cats are 32 cm tall and weigh up to 6 kg. As a rule, cats of this breed live up to 20 years, so they are ready to spend a lot of time with their owner.

The character is very similar to Siamese cats. They are quite smart, they can even learn some commands and, if they try, even perform some tricks. They are very talkative, but they won’t just talk like that. They make sounds only if they need affection, a request or food. It may seem that Foreign Whites are a bit arrogant. But this will only appear if there is already a four-legged roommate in the house.

They are very attached to people and love children. Cats have short hair, large ears, a slender body, and strong paws. They are unpretentious in care, but every owner of a white breed of any breed with blue eyes knows that they always require additional care.

Health, tendency to disease

Genetic diseases: not identified. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by good health.


  1. Obesity, which can cause the development of diabetes, arthritis, and heart pathologies. Prevention measures: controlling the diet, following a feeding schedule, eliminating snacks between meals, including low-calorie foods in the menu.
  2. Food allergies. It manifests itself as severe itching, redness of the skin, and increased shedding. What to do: identify the allergen product and exclude it from the diet.

To maintain your pet's well-being, it is enough to provide good care and proper feeding. Regular vaccination and preventive treatment against helminths and fleas are necessary.

Javanese breed

Until 1984, this breed of cat did not even exist. Then it was officially recognized, and cats began to be actively sold. They are light in color, usually with bright blue expressive eyes. The coat is white, silky, there is practically no undercoat. There is a notable feature - it is a small collar. These cats are very playful and active, you always need to play with them. They are medium in size; when compared to a Siamese cat, Javanese cats are slightly larger. On the middle legs there is a muscular body, elegant, allowing constant active movement. The muzzle is thin, small, the nose is straight and long. They may be born with small spots on the body. Over time they disappear.

The character of cats can be viewed from two sides. On the one hand, they are very affectionate and sociable, active, requiring a lot of attention. On the other hand, they are proud and independent, they love to be praised, and are proud when they receive approval. They love to hunt and are constantly on the move. Life expectancy is 15 years.

Why are Russian cat breeds valued?

Russian cat breeds are valued for their uniqueness, beauty, short pedigree and high life expectancy. We have both unusual hairless sphinxes and curly rexes.

By default, both Neva Masquerade and Mekong Bobtails are beautiful, since blue eye color is very rare for the cat family. “Siberians” attract cat lovers from abroad with their good health, and bobtails with their wonderful short tail.

In addition to appearance, foreigners also note their extremely affectionate and devoted character. Most representatives resemble dogs in their devotion, which goes against the classic image of a stern Russian.

Persian breed

According to the canon, snow-white Persian cats must have large expressive dark blue eyes. The eyes are round and look like buttons. Heterochromia in this case is also allowed; sometimes the eye color can be dark orange or yellow. The coat is long, fluffy, and has a soft undercoat. The flattened small muzzle looks very cute. The head is round, expressive eyes, no matter what color they are, they are always bright and noticeable.

The ears are small, covered with white hair, the body is massive, but hidden behind a lot of hair. The legs are short, powerful, allowing you to move quickly and clearly. If we talk about character, such cats are very quiet and calm, they can rest almost all the time.

Do not forget that long fluffy fur often gets dirty, so caring for such an animal will take much longer. In exchange for this, cats provide virtually no hassle, are not lazy and phlegmatic enough, and can spend a lot of time lying on the sofa.

Interesting Facts

White British Shorthair cats are unusual. There are a number of unusual facts that few people know about, but in vain.

Among these:

  1. Short-haired breeds do not have eyelashes on their eyes. In addition, the eyeballs are located disproportionately in relation to the body, but this does not in any way affect the visual perception of the world by animals.
  2. Cats have excellent hearing. This is possible due to the nerve endings located in the eyes, due to which any noise immediately enters the auricle.
  3. The British have an excellent sense of smell, which is fourteen times stronger than that of other felines. This is due to the antennae, which are also responsible for the sense of smell.
  4. Representatives of the breed are real sleepyheads, because they must sleep at least 14-16 hours a day to recuperate. Some animals spend 18-20 hours sleeping.
  5. The British are hardy animals, four-legged excellent hunters and can easily catch a mouse or rat.
  6. Cats rarely meow, which is explained by their reserved and calm nature.

Regardless of what kind of British dog you buy: white, with a silver tint, black, brown or with a different coat color, he will become a true friend and family favorite.

White cat breed

Scottish white cats

One of the most beautiful and popular breeds is the Scottish cat with a white color. They boast large expressive bright blue eyes and short, very soft, white, pleasant fur. These are literally the dream cats of absolutely every kitten lover. If a cat has blue eyes, this is definitely the result of albino parents, or the dominance of white cats. It is very interesting that it is the blue-eyed Scottish Fold cat that is highly valued.

In fact, this is a great rarity, one might even say unique, and its snow-white coat is smooth and even, over the years you will not notice the appearance of yellowness.

By nature, Scottish white cats are very soft, incapable of conflict, affectionate and gentle. This allows families with older people and small children to easily adopt this breed, because the cat will find a common language with literally everyone. A special feature is intolerance to various changes in the environment. Be prepared for Scottish cats to express their displeasure very clearly. If a cat lacks attention, you will definitely understand this, because she immediately loses her appetite.

The ears are very small and forward, distinguishing cats from other species. The head is small and round, the body and neck are quite strong. The paws are strong, of medium length, the pads are a pleasant pink color, as is the nose.

How to care for a white cat's fur

How to care for a white cat's fur? The key to an animal’s beautiful coat is high-quality nutrition and constant care for its “coat.” Everything that a pet receives in food is reflected in its coat. If the food is balanced and has all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients, the coat will be shiny and shiny.

If the cat does not have enough vitamins or the food is not suitable for its type, the fur will be dull, sparse, and prone to loss. In some places, bald spots and bald spots may appear, which will not be easy or quick to heal.

From the first months of life, the cat needs to be taught to brush itself, especially if the animal is a long-haired breed. If the process is started, the fur will begin to roll into tangles, and the cat will stop brushing it out. Three types of combs should be used: for long, medium and short hair.

White cats get dirty with food while feeding, which can stain the fur around the mouth, eyes and on the paws after washing. You should choose the right food for your cat, which does not contain a coloring pigment.

White cats often suffer from allergies. This is a feature of the color. Seals lick themselves more often, this procedure changes the color of the saliva, the fur becomes dull and acquires a yellowish tint.

To avoid this effect, you need to carefully monitor the animal’s health and promptly eliminate the causes of illness, without waiting for the cats’ appearance to deteriorate.

In addition to these procedures, you should:

  • periodically bathe the cat using gentle and conditioning products,
  • do not walk the animal when it is slushy outside, and do not let it out alone,
  • take care of your eyes and ears, clearing secretions in a timely manner,
  • keep the cat's litter box clean: wash it in time and fill it with fresh litter,
  • do vaccinations and give antihelminthics on time,
  • Do not allow contact with street and sick animals.

See also: Singapore cat

Maine Coon breed

Everyone has probably heard about the Maine Coon breed. It seems that in comparison with regular-sized cats, this is not a cat, but a full-fledged small dog. Although the animals are large, they surprisingly combine the appearance of a hunter, calmness and an obedient character.

White Maine Coons are one of the best family cat breeds; they get along well with their owners and other pets in the house. Outwardly they are very powerful, important and serious. But in reality they behave like kittens, very playful and sociable. The Maine Coon with blue eyes is very massive, has a large head, and lynx ears with tufts. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, expressive, the neck is muscular, and there is a small collar of dense wool. Despite the large dense coat, the body is developed, it is muscular and allows you to move quickly. The paws are massive, covered with dense hair. The weight of such cats can be up to 12 kg, but they are excellent companions in the house. Sometimes they are born with spots on the head or body, but this is not scary. The color will take on a snow-white appearance over time.

Like other cats, the Maine Coon devotes the daytime to sleeping, but at night it can cause inconvenience. Up to 5 years old, pets are very active and playful, but as adults they become calm and lazy. Up to 5 years of age, you should pay close attention to nutrition; it should be as balanced as possible.

Cat health

This is another indicator of the unprecedented popularity of the Russian Blue breed. They do not have any hereditary or congenital diseases. In most cases they have excellent health. There are also no special contraindications.

The only thing you need to keep an eye on is your diet. Only in cases of a balanced diet will the cat retain its predator instincts and be active throughout the day. Overeating has negative effects, just like any other animal.

When considering an animal for a country house, you should not forget about its teeth. Catching dirty mice can partly be a consequence of the development of various dental diseases. If you are unable to brush your teeth, you can turn to the so-called dental bones for help. They consist of durable fibers that effectively remove any plaque from the enamel.


Given the absence of any hereditary diseases, you can count on a life span of 12 years. Long-livers are those who have reached the age of 20. Old age usually proceeds in moderate activity.

British breed

Thoroughbred British dogs with blue eyes are an extremely rare phenomenon. At the same time, the breed remains the most popular throughout the world. They are very good-natured and phlegmatic, they like to spend a lot of time alone, but they are also friendly.

Not only his appearance, but also his excellent, easy-going character was able to conquer many cat lovers. British cats have an expressive small muzzle and a characteristic small smile. The eyes are large, round, different colors are allowed. The wool is white, very pleasant to the touch, it can even be called plush. At the same time, the head is round, and the body is proportional and dense. Due to their phlegmatic nature, British cats can get along with literally everyone. They are not prone to active movement; their behavior is calm and gentle.

As a kitten, the British cat is playful with his toys, and is even able to overcome some obstacles. After a few years, British cats move around the house very quietly, imposingly, you can hardly hear them.

Features of breeding work in Russia

The new trend reached Russia with a long delay. The first association was created only in 1986. This date marked the beginning of the growth in popularity of Russian cat breeds, as not only our closest neighbors, but also countries very far from us began to learn about them.

Working methods

According to discovered chronicles, the first “mustaches” in Rus' appeared thanks to sailors in the 11th century. Due to the lack of interest in artificial crossing, new varieties developed independently - through free mating and natural selection.


Most Russian cats have a toponym in their name - the name of a geographical object. He points to the place of their origin.

World felinological organizations adhere to one of two methods of work:

  1. European. It is an association of amateur clubs. At exhibitions, judging is carried out in a closed format, excluding direct contact between judges and participants. After grading, the final decision is documented.
  2. American. It is an association of nursery owners. The examination of exhibition participants is carried out in a show format. Judges express their opinions publicly and are close to the audience. Drawing up a score sheet at the end of the event is acceptable, but not mandatory.

In Russia they are guided by European principles. For this reason, it is important to be a member of a club to participate in competitions.

Felinological organizations and their activities

Russian organizations followed the same path as England. Following the Felimur club, which organized the first exhibition of Russian cats in Moscow, the larger SFF, or Soviet Felinological Federation, was established in 1989. She united 14 cat clubs. After 2 years, she was accepted as a member of the WCF, registering under a new name - FAR, or Felinological Association of Russia.

Regardless of the size of the activity, all felinological organizations are engaged in the following tasks:

  1. They work through the basic subtleties of breed standards, trying to bring the characteristics specified in them to perfection.
  2. They systematize cat exhibitions and regulate the order of their holding.
  3. Standardize the rules for registering new breed varieties.
  4. They regulate the work of cat clubs and nurseries, and also monitor the correctness of its implementation.
  5. They are working on rules that control the work of felinologists - experts involved in cat shows and breeding new varieties.

Thus, in addition to consulting and issuing licenses to new clubs, the tasks of the FAR include representing their interests at the international level. With the help of this organization, breeders and felinologists constantly improve their professionalism by attending special internships and seminars.

Norwegian Forest cat with white color

This breed is the very personification of friendliness, restraint and seriousness. Despite their strict appearance, cats love people very much, they are open, but at the same time unobtrusive. At first it may seem that the cat looks serious, but cats of this breed are wonderful friends, and the best place for him would be a country house. A Norwegian Forest cat will get the greatest pleasure only when it is in a large family, surrounded by attention, care and affection.

Cats of this breed have a round head, wide ears with small, faintly defined tassels. The body is powerful, the paws are strong, the tail is large and fluffy. The coat is slightly tousled, there is a large thick undercoat. Norwegian cats are quite active, love active games, affection, and hunt a little, indicating their origin with their entire appearance.

Scottish Fold or Scottish Fold

Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, with a balanced disposition.

This is a very interesting breed of cat. The main difference between its representatives is the unusual auricle. The ears of these cats are curved forward and down. This feature is a consequence of a gene mutation. The breed was developed in 1961 in Scotland. Fold cats are very playful, intelligent, and have a balanced disposition. They get along well with both adults and children. In addition, the Scots have a number of unique characteristics. The first is their extraordinary voice. It is more creaky than that of ordinary cats. Also, “Scots” can stand on their hind legs for a long time and look around. Fold cats love to sit in an L-shaped position with a straight back and outstretched paws. The cost of cats ranges from $300 to $1,400.

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