The ugliest cats in the world: a selection of shocking photos

Domesticated about 5 thousand years ago, beloved by many, representatives of the cat family are usually awarded the epithets “cute” and “pretty”. However, among them there are also those that people characterize as “the scariest cats.” But beauty is a subjective category and everyone makes their own judgments about a cat’s attractiveness. The material offered for review about non-standard cat appearances is also not without subjectivity (see photo).

Sphinx: “Am I scary or beautiful? I'm terribly beautiful!

Leader of all ratings

The world of felines is diverse. Among all this abundance, people have long identified their “heroes” and “antiheroes,” and the appearance of cats played a major role in this differentiation. According to the established general opinion, the leading position in the ranking of the ugliest cats is occupied by representatives of the “young” Likoi breed.

Yes, I'm the one leading here!

Kitten Likoy: I will grow up and also become a “leader”!

Hairless breeds

Hairless breeds of cats, which are also called “lunar”, hinting at their unearthly origin, have won the love of many thanks to the magical attractiveness of their appearance and due to their inherent good nature, loyalty and devotion.

The Sphynx is a typical representative of hairless cat breeds

However, quite a few people characterize them as the ugliest cats.

The most common types of hairless cats are:

  • Elf
  • Don Sphynx
  • Bambino
  • Minskin - one of the Bambino variants
  • Canadian Sphynx
  • Sphinx subspecies: Brush, Brush-point, Flock
  • Sphinx of Kohona

Sphinx: I laugh at your ratings!

Strange and unusual

The cat world is about 700 hundred varieties of 200 hundred breeds. There are strange and unusual cats and cats among them. Let's give examples.

The slightly “woolly” Sphynx is an atypical representative of hairless cats

Under the influence of genetic, environmental and other factors, unusual representatives of the mammal family appear in the world every now and then. For example, among humans these are identical twins, who have fused bodies and two heads. Among male cats there are also two-headed representatives. The two-headed cat Frank-and-Louis, who was born in the USA in 1999 and lived, despite the pathology, for 15 years, became famous. Frank-and-Louis had an unusual appearance - nature gave him two muzzles, three eyes (one of them he couldn’t see), two noses and two mouths.

The famous cat Frank-and-Louis

Thanks to the efforts of a caring woman who took him in and took him out, this unusual cat lived a good life by cat standards. His exclusive face is the only thing that made him stand out among other cats. Neither in behavior nor in cat habits, he was no different from them and led a normal life for cats. In 2011, at the age of 12, Frank-and-Louis was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-living cat with this pathology.

Frank-and-Louis with his mistress

A long, slender cat, similar in appearance to the St. Petersburg Sphynx - Peterbald (he was bred in St. Petersburg in the early 2000s), only “woolly” rather than bald, was called an Oriental in 1977. This unusually strange cat was brought to the USA from Thailand. She is distinguished by her friendliness and great affection for her owner.

Many people find her appearance strange, as well as her unpleasant voice. Although, according to connoisseurs of this breed, an unpleasant voice is not characteristic of all Oriental cats, but only of some, being their natural feature.

Oriental cat

The “exotic” cat breed is artificially bred. Although in appearance it is very reminiscent of a Persian cat, it is characterized by stockiness, which is unusual for Persians. She has very expressive eyes, clearly defined cheeks on her muzzle, and a short snub nose. It is unusual because of its fur, which resembles plush, both in appearance and to the touch. It is often called the Persian cat for lazy people - caring for it does not require effort, for this reason the exotic breed is becoming increasingly popular in the world. There are, however, those who consider the breed strange and unusual, due to its similarity with toy plush cats and cats.

Exotic cat: either a cat or a toy

Cornish Rex

The cats resemble sphinxes, but unlike them, the body of representatives of this breed, which continues the “scary cats” rating, is covered with undercoat. Agree that a little fur is better than a naked body. Even if this “astrakhan” fur looks like it was cut to pieces with dull children’s scissors. The picture is completed by long thin legs, huge ears and the complex character of a tomboy.

Cornish Rexes are considered obsessive pets. Not only do cats prevent their owners from taking a step, but they also accompany every step with a loud “Meow!” Animals are very talkative; they have their own sound for every action. Smart pets are better than other cat breeds in learning to walk on a harness, follow commands, and surprise with tricks.


In Russia – 15,000 – 45,000 rubles; 4,000 – 16,000 UAH.

Author's comment

The glands in cats' toes cause their paws to smell like "blue cheese."

Examples of cats with scary eyes

Chinchilla Persian Wilfred Warrior, who has the “title” of “the ugliest cat” in the world, lives in London. This bug-eyed, rarely blinking cat causes laughter, fear or regret in many people.

The famous cat Wilfred: either confused or surprised

And the range of feelings experienced by the felines themselves can be traced through the many images of this cat on the Internet. Perhaps every photograph of Wilfred found online is a visual representation of the emotions/feelings he experiences: humility, fatigue, confusion, surprise, despair.

And here Wilfred is tired and lost

The frighteningly captivating look of Wilfred the cat

Another cat with an unusual look lives in the USA, his nickname is Smush. This cat is known for his difficult fate, which, according to many, is reflected in his gaze.

His unusual appearance is very difficult not to notice. Born with a number of genetic abnormalities, the cat with a cut lip was doomed to die on the street when he lost his mother's care - his mother died. However, a happy accident intervened in the kitten’s life: he was discovered by volunteers and taken to the veterinary university. Smush's savior was veterinarian Lindsay Hidenrieth, whose efficiency and professionalism led to the cat quickly recovering.

Smush in childhood

Photos of an already adult Smoosh, often flashing on the Internet today, confirm the proverb “don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy,” because in them the look of Smoosh’s wide-set eyes is wise and calm.

Cat Smush today


Aliens, unknown animals, bald monsters... Sphinxes were called as many names as possible. Their appearance is truly unusual: a large wedge-shaped head, framed by huge, widely spaced ears, which is “decorated” by pronounced cheekbones. The final touch of the look is the protruding brow ridges and slanting almond-shaped eyes.

The body of the Sphynx is strong and muscular. The tail is long and flexible. Of particular interest are the elongated toes on the front paws, which the animals move in a funny way.

The hairless breed appeared relatively recently, although references to hairless cats can be found in manuscripts dating back to Ancient Egypt.

Today the breed is divided into two types: Don Sphynx and Canadian. The difference between them is that “Canadians” are never born naked. They always have thin fibers on their paws and face.

Based on the presence of fur coats, sphinxes are divided into 4 groups:

  • flocks – have a barely noticeable coat of wool “sprayed”;
  • brushes - almost bald with sparse hairs on certain parts of the body;
  • velor – have short fur that is pleasant to the touch and relatively long hair on the paws;
  • naked - cats with completely naked skin that is sticky to the touch and has many folds.

It is noteworthy that the skin of hairless sphinxes “sweats” intensely, releasing fatty secretions. Therefore, representatives of this breed need regular cleaning and water treatments.

These are one of the ugliest cats in the world and are very loyal and friendly. They need constant close contact with humans, which is why they are often called “kissing” cats. And the reason is not that hairless cats need an additional source of heat. They simply cannot stand being alone.

Scary black cats

According to felinologists, there are 22 breeds of cats in the world that are completely black in color. They got this color of their coat due to a gene mutation, which also protected them from many diseases.

I'm used to the fact that people don't always like me

Standard thoughts that arise when meeting a black cat: there will be no luck. However, the experience of communicating with them proves that they are the cutest representatives of the cat family, although among them there may be outwardly unattractive and even ugly ones.

A computer-simulated image of a black cat: many people rate them as monsters

There are more black cats than black cats. I'm black, but not an imp, as many people think

Residents of some Asian and European countries have a special relationship with black cats and female cats. Cats of this color are considered here to be harbingers of a good harvest, and meeting them promises financial success, even if among them there are the following:

In Japan, they symbolize calm and luck; they are even dedicated to special holidays, and in Japanese cafes they play the role of hospitable hosts.

You will definitely be lucky with me

Cafe visitors are touched by the sight of these animals; cats put them in a positive mood.

It is worth noting that in Japan, a good sign is black cats or male cats that the newlyweds meet on their wedding day - this is a symbol that the marriage has been blessed by heaven.

Black Maine Coon: I bless you, my children

These Photos Prove There's Something Demonic About Cats

Cats idolize only themselves. At least that's what many of us think.

However, there are photographs taken by animal owners in which it seems that at least some cats know something about the other world, and in which something seems to have taken possession.

It may seem to you that your cat is just walking around the house or yard, but at this time she may well be performing some rituals. For what? Perhaps this is due to the desire to take over the world.

Here's some hard evidence that cats aren't as fluffy and cute as they might seem, and people might have a hard time:

Scary cats

1. Has the cat opened a portal to another dimension?

2. Demonic dance.

3. The look before you fall asleep.

List of cats with non-standard colors

One of the distinctive properties of cats and cats is their color, which usually indicates that the animal belongs to a particular breed.

Up to about six months, the color of a kitten’s fur may change.

Custom colored feline

Many people tend to choose cats solely based on their appearance. And here human preferences are diametrically opposed: lovers of fluffy cat breeds do not understand connoisseurs of hairless breeds, and vice versa. There are also those who, preferring to stand out from the general background, deliberately look for not a standard cat with a “cute” appearance, but one that stands out among others. For example, the Minskin breed has an unusual color.

Minskin kitten

Unusual two-color colors of hairless cats, as a rule: white-gray, gray-lilac, black-chocolate, are found in hairless cats - Sphynxes. There are also bicolor (white color combined with the main color), tabby color (pattern on the skin) and color point, reminiscent of the color of Siamese cats.

Gray-purple sphinx

In Bulgaria, in the city of Varna, a green cat lives on the street.

This is not photoshop! I am real!

Residents of Varna thought about the origin of such an extravagant color for representatives of the cat family. Bulgarian veterinarians rejected the version of its natural (natural) origin, the anthropogenic version was also excluded - humans were not involved in this. Everything turned out to be much simpler: this street cat chose an abandoned garage as a place to sleep, in which green powder paint was stored, on which the cat often slept. Having learned the answer, many regretted that nature itself did not give cats such a color, people loved it so much.

Top 5 scary breeds

According to many, the scary cat breeds are Lykoi, Sphynx, Devon Rex, Ukrainian Levkoi and Minskins.

Lykoi breed is associated with their external resemblance to werewolves, or lycanthropes (from the Greek wolves) - this is how werewolves were called in the Middle Ages in Europe. Lykoi became known about twenty years ago, their country of origin is the USA. Such unusual-looking cats appeared as a result of a natural mutation in the fur of the domestic cat.

The lack of hair on the face of Lykoi is the reason for their external resemblance to a werewolf. Their demonic, evil appearance arouses people's surprise and curiosity.

The fur of this cat resembles the fur of an opossum animal, its color is black mixed with gray hair. The body of the Lykoi is massive, but flexible and without excess mass. These cats have a special property: when they grow up, they shed completely. When their fur grows back, depending on the season, they shed again, etc.

A typical representative of the Likoi breed

The version that Lykoi is a subspecies of the Devon Rex or Sphinx has not been scientifically confirmed. It was found that the first Lykoi kittens appeared before their supposed ancestors. Today this breed is bred in a nursery in the state of Tennessee in the eastern United States.

Sphinxes are next on the list of ugliness.

Sphynx kitten

The reason for the lack of fur in representatives of this cat breed has not yet been fully established. The stable scientific answer to this question has been gene mutation. The characteristic feature of the sphinxes is the adoption of the “dreamer” pose.

Adult sphinx dreamer

Representatives of the Devon Rex breed are extraordinary in appearance: they have a small head and at the same time disproportionately large eyes and ears. The antennae on their muzzle are strongly curled and therefore almost invisible. They also have some curly fur. They are friendly by nature.

Young Devon Rex

Ukrainian Levkoys are fold-eared representatives of the cat family, they are distinguished by long legs, flexibility and grace. The breed owes its origin to the Don Sphynxes and Orientals.

Ukrainian Levkoy cats are noticeably larger than cats of this breed.

Ukrainian Levkoy: she and he

The top 5 of the ugliness rating is completed by the Minskin breed, a variety of the Bambino or “cat dachshund” breed. This cat breed was created in 1998 by crossing a Munchkin and a Sphinx with the addition of a Devon Rex and a Burmese. Representatives of the Minskins are, as a rule, feline “intellectuals”.

Minskin is a cat with highly developed intelligence

Devon rex

Hairless breeds took all the top positions in this ranking. Devon Rex is an exception! He has fur! A cat with a unique exterior resembles an alien. So he doesn’t look like the usual cute earthly cats. The thin body is covered with a suede curly fur coat. The awkward neck is completed by a tiny head with huge ears. And the expression of his elven face cannot be confused with anyone else.

In life, these pets are incredibly playful; cats occupy all the owner’s free time. As befits real space aliens, Devon Rexes are attracted by heights. Animals seek out and occupy the highest point in the room. It could also be the owner’s shoulders, if one is not found. Cats of this breed are extremely smart, easily learn commands, and perform tricks like a dog. The only command that Devons do not accept is “No!” when it comes to food.

What is the price

Kittens in Russia are offered for 25,000 – 75,000 rubles; in Ukraine – for 5,000 – 17,000 UAH.

Author's comment

These alien cats do not know moderation when it comes to food, often behave as if they have not eaten for a week, and do not disdain food from the human table.

Terrible on the face, but kind inside

In conclusion, we note: the eternal truth about the deceitfulness of appearances can also be applied to cats and kittens. Thus, the leaders in the rating of cat ugliness - Lykoi, are quite friendly, their disposition and behavior are not distinguished by any disgust, as many tend to think, looking at their specific appearance. They are very vulnerable and sensitive, however, they are not vindictive, and are strongly attached to their owners.

Thanks to their good nature, loyalty and devotion, hairless cats have won the love of many people.

A non-standard appearance, ugliness or a threateningly gloomy look is not a reason to consider cats as such inside. Often, it is these feline representatives who are good-natured and easy-going, which is what attracts people to them.

Lykoi: appearances are often deceiving

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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