The most beautiful cats in the world: 10 amazing breeds that will delight you

Hello, dear readers!

I am glad to welcome you to the pages of the “Cat City” blog.

Where can you see purebred cats and find out all the news about them? Only at qualifying shows or in official nurseries. But it’s not always possible to go to a show to get acquainted with the color you like. And then photos of beautiful cats of different breeds on the Internet help out.


Despite the fact that representatives of this breed look stately and reserved, at heart they are sweet and affectionate kittens. As children, they are clumsy and love to play, no matter with whom. They are not bored with themselves either.

They are very active and love to explore the territory. Abyssinian kittens are amazing. They can watch TV with their owner, keeping their eyes on what is happening on the screen, or read a book.

Will beauty save the world or there is no limit to perfection

I didn’t think that familiar phrases could become the motto of my new business and hobby.

Processing pictures in Photoshop is an interesting activity, especially for a beginner. Now my mentors are either joking or saying seriously that over time my hobby will develop into remote work and will become the main source of income. I believe them, but I'm still at the beginning of the journey.

And when I look at the above images, I involuntarily tell myself that photography is not only part of the article, it is photographic art.

Beautiful pictures can be used not only in text, but as wallpaper on your desktop. For example, as in the photo:

After all, using knowledge and technical means, you can create photo miracles, for example, invent and create either wallpaper on your desktop, or create photo collages for friends and family. You can also conduct photo shoots and participate in photo competitions.

The main thing is to master the basics of studio photography, photography with window light and flash, and photographing objects. I have free video tutorials for this.

I can share the link if anyone is interested in how to create high-quality photos.

Just click on the image below:


Nibelung kittens are extremely cute and cute. It is extremely difficult to resist buying such a fluffy miracle, because this breed was created to bring joy and positive emotions.

The kitten shows attention to everything that happens around. He can run for hours after a sunbeam or a piece of foil. Light-hearted in character, the Nibelung quickly charges those around him with positivity.

Turkish Angora (Angora cat)

Angora kittens are unusually friendly, sweet and easy-going. They love toys, and it can be an ordinary candy wrapper, and the little fidget will chase it for hours. In fact, this breed is adult children.

There are no aggressive Angoras. They are friendly to everyone. Kittens are very trainable, quickly get accustomed to the litter box, understand who is boss in the house and where the scratching post is.

Who are cats, where did they come from and how many are there?

Times changed, people gained new knowledge that helped in all areas of life, cats traveled with people from continent to continent.
Gradually, breeds were crossed, new animals of incredible colors were born, which prompted people to think about breeding the most beautiful cat in the world.

“Felissilvestriscatus” is the Latin name for the domestic cat, from which “kotka” came in Rus', over time it was transformed into “cat”. They are classified as the Forest Cat species, of the Felidae family. The first mentions of them are found in Egyptian manuscripts, where they were used as guards against rodents in granaries.

Cats owe their appearance, according to felinologists, to the now extinct species “Proairius,” which became the progenitor of modern cats. There is an opinion that the first cats appeared more than 60 thousand years ago, and the first domestic cats more than 10 thousand years ago. Scientists have conducted thousands of studies to understand where they came from, how was man able to domesticate them? According to the results of the research, it was revealed that the animals themselves came to the person and recognized him as their owner and faithful companion.

According to experts, today there are about 200 breeds, more than 600 million animals have become pets, which most owners consider “the most beautiful cats in the world.”


Toyger is one of the unique and rare cat breeds. The animal looks like a small tiger cub with small ears. Little fluffies radiate cuteness, goodwill and affection towards not only their owners, but also everyone who visits their home.

Such a child needs to buy as many different toys as possible, since games are his favorite pastime.

Mr. Cat Recommends: Hairless cats are unique and charming

Hairless cats are officially classified as the short-haired variety. But they differ significantly from them in the almost complete absence of wool. These young breeds appeared initially as a result of natural mutation and quickly found their admirers. “Alien” creatures with pleasant to the touch, very warm skin are extremely beautiful in their own way.

Canadian Sphynx

The Sphynx differs from later hairless breeds in that the kittens are never born completely naked. Small, fine and sparse fur is found on the body of any animal. They were first born in Canada, but breeding work has stopped. American breeders returned to it and the breed was registered in the USA in 1966.

Pets have surprisingly pleasant hot skin that feels like velvet or corduroy. The price for kittens is from 400 to 800 dollars depending on the class.

Read about the Canadian, Don and St. Petersburg Sphinxes. And also about this breed in general, see photos.


The Neva Sphynx is a Russian cat breed registered at the end of the last century. Oriental and Don Sphynx took part in the selection.

The colors of these cats are very diverse. Just like Donchak, they can be born completely naked, with “rubber” skin.

St. Petersburg Sphynxes are active, affectionate and dependent on their owner. The cost of kittens as pets is low - about 10 thousand rubles, but breeding and show classes are in a different price category. Their cost can reach 1.5 thousand dollars.



Canadian Sphynxes and Munchkins took part in the selection work. The experimental breed was recognized by the international felinological organization TICA in 2006. Completely hairless cats have very short legs, are intelligent, obedient and highly trainable. The kids have excellent health and wonderful character. Kittens cost from a thousand dollars.

About the charming Bambino.


A young and unique variety was obtained as a result of selection of three breeds: Sphinx, American Curl and Munchkin. These dwarf pets are not found heavier than two kilograms. Short legs, a strong hairless body, large ears and expressive blue eyes are the distinctive features of these cats.

Gentle, intelligent and trusting creatures are still a rarity; their cost ranges from six hundred to two and a half thousand dollars.

Scottish fold

An affectionate, calm and trouble-free creature - this is about the Scottish Fold. A kind and balanced character is one of the main advantages of a pet.

The incredible poses that a kitten takes while sleeping will amaze anyone who watches the animal. Scottish Fold kittens are able to stand on their hind legs like gophers, which attracts attention and is very touching.

Specifics of studio shooting

Behind every photo there is painstaking work, knowledge and many years of experience.
Only at first glance, purebred cats and kittens in photographs look like models. But in reality they have no idea what is happening. Interesting and useful, from the point of view of conveying breed qualities, photographs are obtained only thanks to the experience and perseverance of people who are well versed in this topic and have been photographing animals for a long time. Studio photos of cats and kittens

on the site pages look somewhat monotonous. But this is the law of the genre. The photographer must show the characteristics of the breed. And this is the correct pose for showing the breed, turning the head, length of the tail and its position in the photo. And this is not always possible. Finding an approach to these animals is very difficult. The shooting is carried out to order, time is limited, but the “models” do not know this and the owners do not prepare them for this. Work from scratch! This is more difficult than catching simply successful, from the point of view of most photographers, shots. Staged shooting with an unpredictable subject! In one minute, determine the cat’s condition, its character and immediately develop a strategy and tactics for the upcoming work! And it’s even more difficult to work when asked to film a group of animals. And, therefore, the price of such work is very high. Successful photos of cats and kittens, from the point of view of breed transmission, are worth their weight in gold. But there are few who understand this!

If the cat is not afraid of the photographer, is led to play and takes different poses, then you can take a lot of gorgeous photographs, which can then be sold through photo banks. What we have never done is to avoid conflicts with the owners. Because there are owners who start making a scandal if you use photos of their animals anywhere and start writing nasty things about the photographer on various forums (And this despite the fact that they have to work at minimum prices in order to have sufficient volumes of work. Regardless of behavior cats that are brought to the shoot). Although the laws do not prohibit the photographer from doing this, unless the contrary is stipulated in the contract.

It’s certainly beautiful and impressive when cats in the pictures stand on their hind legs, kittens lie in baskets among flowers, or just look sweetly into the camera lens. If there are adequate animals, I can take thousands of such photos. But, I repeat, owners of purebred cats need photographs that hide the shortcomings and highlight the advantages of the breed of their animals!

And this already requires knowledge of breeds and extensive experience in photographing pets. At the same time, animals can bite and scratch a person who has to force them to take a certain position. Shooting, as a rule, is carried out against small backgrounds, in a limited space, where the photographer needs to keep the model from escaping, entertain her, and wait until she takes the optimal pose for showing the breed. Many people take pictures with an assistant who is well acquainted with the breeds and understands how to pose or seat the cat so that the resulting photograph will correctly reflect the breed and be attractive in an artistic sense. The result is beautiful photographs of purebred cats and kittens, which are highly valued by both nursery owners and other animal lovers.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Kittens in this category are small and friendly pets, but very active. You shouldn’t expect peace in the house while the kitten is small. Game is his constant occupation. He runs absolutely everywhere, plays with everything that comes his way.

Silence in the house will come only after the kitten grows up a little.


Ragdoll kittens are very playful but obedient. Indescribable sensations and emotions arise when you hold a kitten of this breed in your arms. This is at the same time a delicate flower, a soft fabric doll, and a flexible wire.

You want to hug such a creature close to you and not let go. Kittens of this breed, like adults, have strong sensitivity and know how to treat ailments.


Like the Toyger breed, the Snowshoe was bred in 1980. She was born in Philadelphia. This breed is also called the snow shoe. This shoe looks original and unique - one white spot on the chest, one white stripe on the chest and four white paws.

Manipulating the white gene has always been a difficult task for geneticists, so it is very difficult to get perfect faces and socks. The voice of cats of this breed is beautiful, just like themselves. They also love to sunbathe and swim. The snow slipper has an additional nickname - cat no problem. And all for the reason that he has a balanced character and good health.

Canadian Sphynx

Unusual representatives of this type of cat have a curious and playful character. Little pets charge you with their cheerfulness, energy and desire to please everyone around you. Their eyes glow with impatience, and the tenderness they show towards their owner and his children will melt the hearts of even those who do not like this breed of cat.

Pets are kind, sweet and affectionate. Very flexible and loving. It is almost impossible to anger a kitten of this breed.

About failures when photographing cats and kittens

Unfortunately for the photographer, the nature of even purebred cats is such that, leaving their place of permanent residence, they cease to feel safe and their main desire at this moment is to hide, to become invisible to others. And this greatly affects the results of the shooting. Images of scared cats are a pathetic sight. The photographer will not make much money from such photographs, and will lose more time than taking pictures of adequate animals! I am writing this about the profitability of this type of shooting. Specifically, about photographing purebred cats and kittens

. There are cats that give beautiful offspring, become winners of exhibitions, but it is impossible to photograph them as representatives of the breed.

Next, I want to give examples of photos of cats and kittens from my practice in which, due to fear, they were unable to open up and demonstrate themselves, but the owners really asked to somehow take them off. This often happens when you work at exhibitions. The owner hopes that an experienced specialist will cope with his pinned cat and create another masterpiece, but the photographer and assistant waste a lot of time working with such an animal. But the cat doesn’t need this. She doesn't care whether she is purebred or not. She doesn't need photos! She wants peace! And even valerian doesn’t help. By the way, the use of various substances at the exhibition, such as valerian, etc., is unacceptable! After filming, the animal may become overexcited and bite or scratch the expert during examination.

British Shorthair

Lazy and affectionate bun - this is how this breed can be called. Since childhood, the British have not been distinguished by their love of movement and choose the former between sleep and play. This breed does not accept abundant displays of love from humans. They are not interested in excessive attention; they do not tolerate prolonged carrying and constant squeezing.

But British Shorthair kittens are fascinating because they get along with all family members. Upon the owner's return, they always sit on the threshold and greet him with affection and purring.

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The Siberian cat is a little charmer that immediately attracts attention with its unusual fur and playful eyes.

They are kind and delicate, they love to play, but they will never impose themselves if the owner is busy. Siberians are loyal and love children.


Bengal kittens need attention and affection almost like little children. They become very attached to their owner and follow him around until they get used to the territory.

The four-legged friends of the Bengal breed are sweet, active and, with proper upbringing, very loyal creatures. The main thing is to accustom your fluffy to affection and tenderness from childhood.

The author of the blog asked himself a question

Cat owners and bloggers work together to organize forums, public pages, and websites on social networks in which they talk about the character of animals, give detailed descriptions of their beautiful, purebred charges, and post photographs. And although the standards are standards, until you see the beauty described with your own eyes, at least in a photo... You cannot give an objective assessment and you cannot express a personal opinion. Especially if the photo is of poor quality.

But bright, juicy pictures do not just decorate a website or page, but complement the content of the text and attract subscribers.

For example, if you look at two photographs of two tricolor cats: a simple one without processing and one after a photo editor, then everything will become clear without words.

So I started asking questions:

  • Where can I get unique photographic material for articles?
  • Is it possible to edit old photos with captions?
  • How to remake unsuccessful, dull photos on the site in a new way?

I decided to get to know Photoshop better and began studying free lessons. Such as in the photo below, and if you are interested in more details, then click on the arrow on the picture

In the meantime, I’m learning new skills, I don’t forget about my blog. On its pages I talk about the most interesting and beautiful purring breeds, about keeping and caring for pets.


Little peaches bring aesthetic pleasure to the family with their upturned nose, chic fur coat and intelligent eyes. They are very loving, have an easy-going character, restrained and noble.

Loyalty to the owner is a distinctive feature of the Persians. They follow him around the house, rarely leaving him alone. The Persian breed needs to give their love, so they sleep with their owner and stay close while he takes a shower. They are happy just to be around.

Russian blue

Cats of this breed are considered absolutely problem-free. Whims and deliberate sabotage are not their story. But plush aristocrats are sweet and affectionate only with their owners. They ignore strangers.

Furry pets accept affection, but in doses. They delight the owner with their purring, but you can’t force the kitten to sit on your lap for a long time.

Maine Coon

The kittens are friendly and moderately calm. They love to curl up at their owner's feet and sleep. Having singled out one person from the family, they will constantly follow him with their tail.

Representatives of this breed pick up on their owner’s habits from childhood, so when a Maine Coon ballerina brings pointe shoes in her mouth, you shouldn’t be surprised.

Photos of beautiful cats

I know from myself that I can admire high-quality photographs of charming cats with breed names “from A to Z” ad infinitum.

Therefore, I made a small list of the breeds that I like the most. I selected beautiful pictures for them from professional photo stocks so that I would know what to strive for in my new business.

I invite blog readers to appreciate not only the beauty of purebred animals, but also the quality of these images.

The Abyssinian cat is grace itself. And this kitty is not lacking in grace. Has great agility, flexibility and intelligence.

The American Curl is long-haired - the peculiarity of these beauties is the unique structure of their ears. The curling of the ears is inherited. The breed is very young, it was bred in the 90s of the 19th century.

The American Shorthair is an unpretentious, independent animal with a cute face. HER image can be seen on the packaging of dry food - “the face of the brand.” The beauty loves to hunt rodents. The purr's thick fur must be constantly combed to prevent tangles from appearing.

Bombay. Bright orange eyes and black, shiny fur are reminiscent of a mini-panther from the fairy tale “Mowgli”. He is famous for his kind character and pretty, round face with a snub nose.

British shorthair with silver chinchilla color. Black silver expressively emphasizes the round eyes and snub nose. The pads of the toes are also black. Any beauty will envy such contrasting makeup.

The Burmese is one of the most expensive breeds. A distinctive feature is a uniform sable color with smooth shade transitions, without sharp spots and stripes. Several other colors are acceptable according to the standard.

Devon Rex. A “heart-shaped” head, wide eyes, large ears with small tufts and a wavy coat distinguish the charmer from other feline relatives.

Egyptian Mau. Rare and one of the most expensive breeds. The letter “M” is formed from spots on the forehead. The spotted skin pattern has been preserved since ancient times, and breeders do not change it.

Jungle cat. A domesticated predator retains independence and severity in its genes. Hausa babies have a bright, pronounced pattern on their skin. And with age, all the spots and stripes fade and become barely visible on the gray-brown body of the jungle cat.

The Kurilian Bobtail can jump high and be a real furry friend. The short tail is a distinctive breed feature.

The Cornish Rex is a kind, non-aggressive breed with curly, short hair and bat-like ears. Popular with people with allergies.

The Munchkin is a plush cutie with short legs and a long body, like a dachshund. The cutie has the most varied coat colors. The coat can be short or long.

The Maine Coon is an affectionate, gentle giant friend with the character of a dog. The tassels on the ears make it look like an indoor lynx.

Neva Masquerade. The Siberian beauty in a mask wins the love of fans at first sight. Despite the long hair, the animal is considered hypoallergenic.

The Norwegian Forest is an animal that loves snow. Because it knows how to adapt to harsh winter conditions. “Norwegian” has an external resemblance to a small lynx, apparently its ancestors are wild cats.

The Ocicat is a sociable mini-leopard with an independent character. It’s better not to pet an animal against its will – it doesn’t like it and begins to “radiate” aggression.

The Persian kitty has an exotic appearance and a calm disposition. Distinctive features are a flattened face and thick, long hair. And next to her, the bald sphinx looks great in contrast.

The Russian Blue is the queen of the cat world. Her aristocratic appearance, deep gaze and elite color with a bluish-blue tint are worshiped by all cat lovers.

Regdoll. As soon as you take a huge handsome man with a fluffy tail in your arms, you will immediately understand why he is called “rag”. He trusts the person and completely relaxes in his arms.

Serval is the kindest cat with a wild appearance. The animal loves to walk on a leash, like a dog. Your daily diet should include raw meat.

The Siberian cat is a beautiful Russian lady, has long, coarse hair with a double undercoat, which almost does not get wet in the rain. The standard allows for a variety of coat colors.

Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight). The cat is very similar to the British cat, but it has a more rounded head and is smaller in size.


“Mysterious”, “cosmic”, “miracle of nature” – these are the names of these hairless cats. Nyashki love to communicate with people, but are cold without clothes.

Turkish Angora. Kisunya has graceful forms and is famous for its diversity of eyes. She may have eyes: one is blue and the other is yellow.

Chausie. A large cat with the appearance of a swamp lynx. The weight of a male can reach 16 kg. Semi-wild kittens are fed beef and poultry 1-2 times a day, no more. Premium dry food is not suitable for them.

Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold). Foldik with strongly curved ear tips is most valued among admirers and breeders.

Exotic shorthair. Despite the offended expression on their faces, exotics are playful and loving. But they absolutely cannot stand air travel, and they like to eat soft food with their paws.

Japanese Bobtail. The Japanese believe: the shorter a cat's tail, the less bad it is. This means the cat will bring more luck to its owner. The “symbol of good luck” lives in many apartments in Japan.

Burmese cat

Burms love affection and require constant attention from their owners. This is exactly the breed that you can squeeze all day long, and the kitten will only be happy.

Fluffy cats respond to their names, love to lie on their owner’s lap, and also very quickly get used to being handled.

How can you resist little kittens whose noses and paws look so adorable that you want to pet them for hours? Resistance to cute kittens is useless. You don’t even have to try to control the level of cuteness when the most beautiful kitten lies down on your lap and purrs.

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