The heaviest cats in the world and their owners - photos, interesting facts.

Almost every family has cute creatures - domestic cats. Thanks to them, our homes become more comfortable and warmer. Often they replace our friends and even doctors. It’s nice to feel a warm, living lump on your lap, listen to its purr, and feel joy.

We forgive him even scratches made through negligence and torn curtains on which he loves to frolic. And the larger our kitten is, the more pleasant it is to snuggle up to him.

Before we determine the biggest cat in the world, let's look at the smallest ones. It is believed that these include pets of the Singapura breed; this title is secured by the Guinness Book of Records. These crumbs weigh up to 2 kilograms. The tiny Himalayan cat was recognized as the smallest, weighing 680 grams. Tinker Toy the cat has grown to a height of 7 centimeters and a length of 18 centimeters. But it turns out that his small size was associated with hormonal imbalances in his body.

See photos of the smallest cat in the world.

If we consider the largest cat by weight, we may encounter a similar problem. The fattest cat is not a completely healthy individual. The Australian pet Himmy, recognized as the fattest cat in the world, surpassed the cat Spice, who lives in Connecticut.

The heaviest cat in the world - Himmy

The owner of the cat was Australian Thomas Vyse. The weight of the heaviest cat in the world was 21.3 kilograms, the owner drove him in a wheelbarrow around his garden plot. When the animal was measured, it turned out that it was 96.52 centimeters long, almost a meter! Himmi's waist circumference was 83.82 centimeters, and her neck - 38.1 centimeters. For comparison, the norm for an adult man is a neck circumference of about 38.8 centimeters!

The cat did not move well on his own, was extremely lazy and loved to eat. This led to excess weight. Unfortunately, the cat died at the age of 10 from respiratory failure. Apparently, Himmi suffered from heart failure due to his obesity. He left his owner on March 12, 1986. It was after this that this category was closed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Few people know that the record holder had a predecessor. There is more than one heaviest cat in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. There are only two of them!

Everyone knows about Himmy, but before him, the title of heaviest cat was held by the cat Spicy, who lived in Connecticut. Her weight was 20 kilograms, and she died in 1977.

Maine Coon

Animals of this breed are also called Maine cats. The Maine Coon breed held the title of the largest cat in the world for a long time. An adult individual reached a weight of up to 10 kilograms. A very beautiful individual, similar to both a jungle cat and a wild lynx.

It differs from cats of other breeds in its tiger-like gait and tufts on its ears. It differs from its wild counterparts in its friendly disposition. There is so much kindness and beauty in your home. Even the wild cat, the Pallas cat, is somewhat similar to the Maine Coon.

Cat Katie, who lives in Russia

The last mention of Katie on the Internet was in 2003. She lived in the city of Asbest with her owner Tamara Yagupova. The cat weighed 23 kilograms, she overtook the heaviest cat in the world by a couple of kilos. The hostess said that Katie does not eat as much as she might seem.

The cat was of normal size, young and healthy. And then the darling went on a spree. Tamara started giving Katie hormonal drops to suppress estrus (heat). Taking the drug led to sad consequences, the cat became fat before our eyes. Currently nothing is known about her.


This green-eyed guy ended up on the vet's table weighing 16 kg, arthritis and almost completely immobilized. The owners brought him to euthanize so that the animal would not suffer. By the way, it was they who fed the pet to such a state. The veterinarian suggested an alternative option in the form of a strict diet. After a couple of months, the animal lost more than 3 kg. Otto runs around again, shows interest in everything that happens around him and looks like an absolutely healthy and happy pet.

Prince Chunk - a mongrel but famous cat

He weighed 20 kg and ended up in a shelter in New Jersey after his owner went bankrupt and became homeless. Chunk was famous and appeared on various American talk shows. Then his fame subsided; the fat man was taken from the shelter by a married couple. Their last name was Damiani. The couple subsequently launched the Prince Chunk Foundation to support people experiencing homelessness and their pets.


The world said goodbye to the most obese cat in the United States quite recently - on May 18, 2018. He lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and in just two years of his life, Meow gained 18 kg. The glutton's story began in April 2012 with the fact that an 87-year-old old woman brought Meow to an animal shelter. The pensioner made this decision because she was no longer able to guarantee her beloved cat the necessary care. Specialists prescribed a rehabilitation course for the cat, and at the same time, photographs of the fat white-and-red cat were distributed everywhere.

After publicity, Meow's story hit the press and he was bombarded with invitations to various kinds of TV shows. The shelter workers decided in this way for TV viewers to learn more about the history of the cat, and also focused the attention of the breeders on the problem of excess weight in pets. Meow was immediately put on a strict diet, and he even managed to lose a few kilograms, but due to serious obesity, the cat’s lungs failed.

Skinny the cat, who was simply thrown away

The cat weighed 19 kg when he was found wandering the streets of Richardson, Texas. It was in 2012, Skinny was taken to a pet shelter. The clinic determined his age; the cat was about five years old. Veterinarians suspected that the owners had gotten rid of an overweight cat who was very clumsy and lazy.

Skinny found a family in a large house with three children, two dogs and three other cats. He was well cared for and after two years he was down to 11.5kg. He's just smart! Not many people can do that. He was one of the heaviest cats in the world. Photos prove that Skinny looked like a real hero.

Xiong Yurong

A fat cat named Xiong Yuzhong comes from China. The mustachioed pet's body weight is 17.5 kg, which does not bother the owners at all. They admit that they dote on him and continue to indulge the cat’s unhealthy appetite, including a portion of fresh meat in the animal’s diet, the minimum portion of which is a kilogram.

Xiong Yuzhong is not interested in either mice or adventures on the street. This rotund glutton's favorite activity is to sit on the couch and watch those around him fuss.

Sassy cat Sassy from Canada

His photo on the Internet has long been considered a hoax. But the cat actually existed, and was very arrogant and voracious. According to the owner, Sessie’s character changed after castration. The cat began to gain weight at warp speed.

Having become lazy, he simply lay there and meowed, forcing his owners to carry him in their arms. He slept constantly, and when he woke up, he ate a lot without getting up from his bed. That's probably why his owners nicknamed him "Sassy Sassy"

The cat's diet was cut, and he lost weight to 14 kilograms by 2001. That same year, Sessie died of cardiac arrest.


Nine-year-old Tulle has surpassed previous participants in the ranking of fat cats. The red-haired pet, which has gained 20 kg, lives in Denmark.

A cat, when it lies motionless, can be confused with a small fluffy pillow or ottoman. The owners cannot refuse the cute little cat his constant desire to eat something tasty. Over time, Tulle lost interest in outdoor games and indulged in laziness. It is difficult for the cat to walk, and in order not to get up, he has learned to roll like a ball, and in this way he gets to the bowl of food. Of all the activities, Tulle chooses sleep.

Currently, the hero is following a diet, because his weight is approaching a critical point.

Kylie's cat from Minnesota was happy with life

The owners adored him. Kylie ate about 9 kilograms of food a week, and managed to steal food from the family's second cat. His weight in 2007 was 18 kilograms. He had only 3 kilograms to eat before he became the heaviest cat in the world.

The animal's health was normal, according to the owners. The cat had normal cholesterol and blood sugar levels. But since 2007 there has been no information about him.

As you have already noticed, the heaviest cats in the world either die or there is simply no mention of their fate on the Internet. They are unlikely to be in good health. It was not for nothing that representatives of the Guinness Book of Records closed the category “heaviest cat in the world.” Animal owners, out of the kindness of their hearts, often feed their pets to enormous sizes. And if they put it in the book of records for this...

Veterinarians do not approve of the actions of owners of fat cats. Obesity is dangerous for any animal; it leads to problems with the heart and blood vessels. Doctors advise not to overfeed pets, observing the dosage of food in accordance with the age of the animal.

The largest breeds of domestic cats mixed with wild ones

Due to their close relationship with wild cats, all representatives from this group have quite impressive dimensions. When maintaining them, it is very important to take into account one point - the danger of the first generations. Due to their developed predatory instincts, they often show aggression and can injure their owners.

Savannah (10-15 kg)

The African serval hybrid is notable not only for its weight, but also for its length. Its maximum value reaches 1 m. The heaviest and largest are savannahs of the F1 generation. With the decrease in the amount of wild blood, the animals become more and more like an ordinary “murka”.

The innate tendency to dominate in savannahs is successfully eliminated by castration. After the operation, they become calmer and more tolerant, but they can still periodically show their leadership habits.

Savannahs are especially indignant at strangers, perceived as potential invaders of the territory. If guests come to your house, don’t be surprised that your pet greets them with grumbling and a terrifying hiss.

“ More about the Savannah (Asher) breed

Caraquet (10-15 kg)

Due to its close relationship with the caracal, the caracal reaches 1.5 m at the withers and 1 m in length. The animal's ears must have tassels - the calling card of the steppe lynx. Caraquet wool has a hypoallergenic property, which explains the popularity of the breed among allergy sufferers.

Docile and friendly, caraquets love to travel and become very attached to their owners. They show wary curiosity towards strangers, and in case of danger, they yelp like dogs.

Serengeti (10-15 kg)

These cats were obtained by crossing "Bengals" and "Orientals" with a spotted color. As a result, the Serengeti received large sizes and exotic colors, but retained the ability to reproduce in the first generations. This distinguishes them from Savannah males, which are sterile until the F4 generation.


In their courage and devotion to man, the Serengeti resembles dogs. To protect their owner, they are ready to fight with a dangerous enemy.

Due to the minimal blood content of a wild animal, the Serengeti is very good-natured and sociable. Aggression on their part is possible only for two reasons: defense of territory and irritation against the background of prolonged loneliness. Due to their innate dominance, the Serengeti does not get along well with other pets, but they enjoy playing with their owners’ children.

Chausie (10-15 kg)

Chausie is the result of natural hybridization with jungle cats. Despite subsequent matings with the “Abyssinians,” they still retained their impressive dimensions.

Chausies are clean and balanced intellectuals. They easily learn to use the litter box, do not engage in exhibition fights with other pets, and spend time with their owners with great pleasure.

Due to their high intelligence, the Chausie can be taught basic commands. The easiest one to perform is fetching, as these cats love to chase balls and toy mice.

“ More about the Chausie breed

Toyger (7-10 kg)

Those with a luxurious brindle color are another close relative of the Bengal. Unlike the Serengeti, ordinary outbred cats were used to produce them.

The final size of the Toygers turned out to be larger than that of the Bengals. According to the developed standard, an overly refined silhouette was equated with a disadvantage, and a muscular and strong body with a weighted front part of the body was taken as a model.

Toygers love to be the center of attention and are not selective in their communication. They quickly find a common language with other four-legged animals, strangers and small children.

Bengal (4-9 kg)

It was obtained by crossing a purebred black cat and a wild leopard cat. The unique bright color is the result of the influence of the genes of the second parent. Animals from the first three generations reach their maximum weight. Starting from F4, their body weight ranges from 4.5 to 7 kg depending on gender.


Bengals are prone to viral leukemia. It cannot be treated, so to prevent it it is very important to take care of vaccination against the pathogen.

Bengals retain their energy and playfulness into old age. Lack of activity has a destructive effect on them. If your cat has nothing to do with himself, then furniture, wallpaper and curtains will be the first to suffer.

“ More about the Bengal cat breed


The breed was obtained by crossing a Bengal cat with an African Serval. The serval weighs 8–18 kg, reaches 65 cm at the withers. The length of the body with tail is 90–135 cm. Savannah was registered in 2001. The height of the miniature relative of the cheetah at the withers reaches 60 cm. Weight is 15–18 kg.

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In 2007, a new breed of Asher was introduced to the public. Upon careful analysis, it turned out that the cat belonged to the Savannah breed. Although some sources still believe that the Asher is a separate breed.

Gentle, purring creatures. How to choose just such a cat

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In fact, the secret is simple: the most affectionate cats only come from loving owners. If you give an animal your tenderness and care day after day, then it will answer you in kind. Cats are quite vindictive; once strongly offended, she will look at you for a long time before she believes you again. Do you want the most gentle and kind creature in the world? Take a cat from the street. Devoted, she will forever remain grateful for her salvation.

If you choose a purebred pet, then the most affectionate cats are Russian Blue, Sphynx, Burmese, Cornish Rex. We must make allowances for the fact that each breed has individual personalities with their own character. Love your pet for who he is.

Often the opposite question arises, so to speak: “Which cats are the most aggressive and evil?” Indeed, there is something to think about. Just imagine: proud posture, mysterious look, demonstrative independence, and if something goes wrong, then fangs and claws are used! And if there is a small child at home, the question becomes very acute. These breeds include the magnificent Siamese. Amazing coloring and wonderful blue eyes are often decisive when choosing a kitten. But these “princes” and “princesses” are very freedom-loving, they will come into their arms only when they want, and will never allow themselves to be dragged by the tail!

Moderately aggressive dogs include Maine Coons and Britons. It is quite possible to come to an agreement with them, if you are not too familiar.


Preventing obesity in cats is quite simple - there are a few simple rules to follow:

  1. Do not overfeed! And also monitor the quality of the feed. Don't skimp on it. Do not mix or alternate “drying” and “natural”. You can often determine by eye how much food is normal for a cat and how much is not. And even if your plump pet furry demands his portion - be adamant and feed on schedule. Week 2 and he capitulates.
  2. Don't limit your pet's play. Provide sufficient physical activity, because the cat is a predator by nature and must run to feed itself now. Do not deprive the mustache of this opportunity. They put food in his bowl at the first “meow,” so where does the energy go? Play more often, let the cat run, otherwise he will quickly become fat.
  3. Change your diet. If your mustache is castrated/sterilized, then be sure to review the diet and choose a special diet. And be sure to play with your furry four-legged friend more often.
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