The kitten is teething: what to do and what not to do?

When do kittens get their first teeth?

Cats, like other mammals, are born toothless. In this way, nature protects their mothers from bitten nipples and pain. The first teeth appear at about two weeks of age. Then only the incisors come out, but our pets acquire fangs only by 3-4 weeks. So imagine, if you take home and wean a kitten from its mother at 4 weeks, you must understand that it has just started to have teeth. But at 2-3 months, cats already have all two rows (26 milk teeth) - and their owners are able to absorb even pieces of meat.

Kitten teeth at 2 months

Main causes of diarrhea

Eating disorders can lead to diarrhea

There are several very common causes of diarrhea that cause loose stools. They are harmless and do not require treatment. Such reasons include the following:

  • power failures;
  • an abundance of eaten fruits and vegetables;
  • climate change;
  • excited state;
  • ARVI;
  • taking medications to lower the temperature;
  • teething

The leading indicator that special treatment is not required is the child's good condition. If a baby is breastfed and develops diarrhea, it is likely that the mother is eating unwanted foods or her milk is not sterile. In this case, an examination of the nursing woman is required.

There are other causes of childhood diarrhea. They require specialist consultation and comprehensive treatment. This type of reasons includes the following:

  • gastroenteritis;
  • intolerance to gluten, cow's milk, enteroclitus;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • binge eating.

When do kittens change their teeth?

Cats' baby teeth begin to change to permanent ones at about 4 months. That is, if you see that a 4 or 5 month old kitten is losing teeth, this is normal. The process begins with the incisors, then moves to the fangs, and then the rest change. As a result, by 7-8 months the cat already grows 30 teeth instead of 26. They are permanent.

2-12 weeksThe appearance of the kitten's first teeth (2-5 weeks: incisors, 3-8 weeks: canines, 4-10 weeks: molars, 5-12 weeks: premolars)
3-5 monthsThe beginning of the change of baby teeth
5-8 monthsFormation of the root system (teeth change in the same order as baby teeth appear: incisors, canines, molars, premolars)

How to notice that a kitten's teeth are changing?

In most cases, owners may not even notice this moment. Especially if small teeth fall out, not fangs. If so, this is good: it means the process is proceeding normally. If not, then you will definitely notice that something is wrong - at least because the cat will eat worse. The problem can also become noticeable externally: if the fangs fall out, they pull back the folds of the mouth - and you will immediately notice that there is something wrong with the cat’s face. Once you open his mouth, you will understand why.

Also, one of the symptoms is increased salivation: the cat may smack its lips and lick itself more often than usual.

In addition, the cat may try to get rid of teeth with its paws. If you notice this, it means that the tooth will soon fall out. But there is no need to help: the kitten will cope on its own, without outside help, which can only do harm, because you do not control your strength and can pull out a tooth that is not yet ready for this. However, if the tooth has almost fallen out, you can help it with a very gentle movement.

Features of tests for diarrhea

It is necessary to monitor the general condition of the child

To determine the causes of stool disorders, several tests are performed. Each of them is fundamentally important, helping to create a complete picture of what is happening in the body and make the right prescriptions.

  • A CBC is needed to determine the severity of inflammatory processes. If diarrhea is infectious, there will be significant changes in leukocyte counts and ESR.
  • Coprogram. This examination reveals malfunctions in the enzymatic system, shows the functioning of the pancreas, helps to find out what the nature of the problem is, how severely the intestinal function is impaired. If diarrhea is in the acute stage, you won’t get the full picture. Therefore, it is necessary to first stabilize the condition, and then conduct an examination.
  • A stool test for dysbacteriosis identifies bacteria living in the intestines. The resulting list of pathogenic microorganisms will help prescribe adequate therapy. After all, Staphylococcus aureus is susceptible to the effects of some drugs, and Klebsiella – to others. Timely detection of enterococci and Proteus is important. The same analysis shows whether there are beneficial bacteria. As a rule, with diarrhea they are present in minimal quantities and may be almost completely absent. This type of examination has its drawbacks. It is not done quickly: at least 5 days. And in most cases it is offered to be done at the paid services department.
  • A stool/worm test is necessary to rule out helminth infection. After all, the vital activity of worms often provokes attacks of diarrhea.
  • Stool culture. Such an examination gives a picture of infection with infectious diseases. The analysis takes about a week. Moreover, they can prescribe cultures for dysentery, typhoid group, staphylococci, etc.

Possible problems

During one of the surveys, some cat owners admitted that teething problems with their animals were not much less than with children. They, of course, got excited, because cats do not experience the same suffering from this process as people do. But still, let's figure out what unpleasant things can await you.

Kitten swallowed a tooth

If your kitten has swallowed its fangs or other large teeth, there is no need to worry about this. This happens often, but the tooth, without being digested, comes out in the feces. It does not damage the mucous membranes.

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The kitten stopped eating

The most common complaint from owners during teething is loss of appetite. It happens that cats refuse to eat even their favorite meat. This is understandable, because at this time it may simply be painful for them to eat. Remember yourself at this time. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much, but try to monitor your pet so that he eats at least 1-2 times a day. If this does not happen, your oral discomfort may be greater than it should be. Then you should immediately contact your veterinarian so that he can eliminate this discomfort.

The kitten is lethargic and sleeps all the time

For a kitten whose teeth are changing, lethargy and sleepiness are normal. In addition, at this time, the animals’ immunity also decreases: they become susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, if you notice such behavior in your kitten, provide him with rest, proper and regular nutrition and vitamin supplements. Also try to keep your pet warm. Do not get vaccinated during this period. In general, lethargy, without an increase in temperature, can be called the norm, and there is no need to worry about it.

The tooth can't fall out

Ideally, the growing tooth should push out the baby tooth, eventually replacing it after it falls out. But sometimes a new tooth grows, but the old one still doesn’t fall out. On the one hand, there may be nothing terrible here: sooner or later it will still fall out. On the other hand, if this situation lasts for a long time, the kitten may develop a second set of teeth and an incorrect bite. In addition, the situation can cause serious physical discomfort. If you are faced with such a problem, you should not pull out the tooth yourself. Let the vet do it.

Suppuration of the wound

In most cases, the wound after tooth loss heals quickly and without outside intervention. But it also happens that it becomes infected, resulting in suppuration. One of the signs is bad breath. In addition, the problem can also be noticed when examining the mouth, which should be done regularly when changing teeth, but with clean hands and very carefully.

If you discover that your cat has pus in his mouth, there is no need to take any action on your own - you may only make the situation worse. Instead, be sure to call your veterinarian or go to the clinic. The doctor will examine your kitten and only after that will prescribe treatment and carry out the necessary procedures.

The kitten chews everything

While teething, the kitten will, of course, chew on everything - your hands, shoes, clothes, wires... While some manifestations can be tolerated, others are simply dangerous. Therefore, you must make sure that the kitten has the opportunity to “scratch” his gums on something that is specially designed for this. You can buy special treats for such occasions at a pet store, or try giving your pet a silicone ring. In pet stores, such products are already sold with mint impregnation. If you are confused about the effect of catnip on your cat's body, instead of such rings, try giving your pet baby latex rings without any odors or impregnations.

The kitten meows all the time

If your kitten is talkative or likes to complain, then during the period of dental changes he may talk and meow plaintively more than usual. Don’t be alarmed: this is also normal, because he’s not feeling well right now. Try not to disturb the kitten at this time, but talk to it gently and calm it down. It is advisable to do this in a gentle voice, because cats are very sensitive to intonation.

Oral care

To maintain healthy teeth for your pets, you need to follow three basic rules:

  1. From an early age, it is necessary to provide the kitten with a healthy, balanced diet, sufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins. The veterinarian will help you choose food in accordance with the age and physiological characteristics of the cat. Cleaning of the incisors occurs naturally: when the animal chews solid food. That’s why the presence of dry food and large pieces in a cat’s diet is so important. Mechanical action on the surface of the teeth cleanses them of plaque and protects them from the formation of tartar.
  2. Compliance with the rules of basic oral hygiene. The list of kitten care procedures should include mandatory cleaning. Baby teeth can be cleaned with a soft cloth. The kitten will enjoy this procedure if a special paste for cats is applied to the fabric - it has a pleasant smell and taste. Changing incisors can be cleaned with a brush: the kitten will happily chew on the soft bristles, which will help cope with the itching. As your permanent teeth grow in, you can move on to brushing with a stiffer bristled brush. The procedure is carried out with light movements from roots to ends. Regularity – 2–3 times a week.
  3. Constant availability of sufficient clean water.

If tartar or other pathologies appear, you should contact your veterinarian. The treatment takes place under anesthesia, so there is no need to worry about the moral and emotional state of your pet.

Self-examinations conducted by the owner and regular visits to the veterinarian will help raise a strong, beautiful pet and maintain the health of its teeth for a long time. Regularity is important - this will allow you to identify problems in time and help the animal.

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