Feel sorry for the poor thing? Is it possible to pick up a kitten on the street according to signs?

The cat is a mysterious and mystical creature, it is the first animal to enter a person’s home, living next to him since primitive times. The first domestic cats appeared in ancient Egypt several thousand years before the birth of Christ. Since then, many signs and superstitions associated with cats have arisen. Some of them have survived to this day, remaining quite entertaining and curious.

Luck and protection

According to Russian beliefs, if a person adopts a furry animal, there is nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, both adult animals and kittens are able to have a beneficial effect on the energy in the house, protect owners from possible troubles, improve the well-being of their owners and support them in difficult periods of despair or illness. Of course, before you take a charming tramp into your family, you must definitely get rid of the parasites that are probably bothering him. You need to show your four-legged friend to a veterinarian and get the necessary vaccinations.

Meeting with an angry dog

A situation in which you had to meet an evil dog promises huge material losses. If the animal not only barked at you, but also attacked you, then you should take a close look at the people in your close social circle, since a traitor could well be hiding among them. To ward off danger, do not forget to spit over your left shoulder three times and say the phrase: “I expect forgiveness from the offended, and mercy from fate.” In this case, the two-faced person should lose interest in you.

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Did a dog burst into your yard without an invitation and start barking at your household? Do not panic and do not try to drive the mongrel away by force, but rather greet it as a dear guest, treating it to something tasty. If the animal changes its anger to mercy, then expect a gift from fate in the near future. However, if the dog has not accepted food from you, then exercise extreme caution on the way from home to work (study) and back, since danger may await you even in familiar places.

Street cats

Furry female animals, as a rule, have an open, sociable and extremely affectionate character.

“Girls” quickly get used to their new home, they love to climb onto their owner’s lap, rub against their legs and purr loudly. Scientists have proven that cat owners live longer, are less susceptible to various pathologies and have a strong nervous system. In addition, the homeless beauty who was saved by the man treats him with boundless love, devotion and gratitude. It is believed that female animals are more suitable for men.

Ancient signs

Cats have been living next to humans for a very long time, so the signs associated with them are more than one thousand years old. Among the Old Slavonic beliefs the following can be distinguished:

  1. Teeth and claws are a good amulet against evil spirits. They must be sewn into a bag and carried with you.
  2. You can't kiss a cat on the nose - it will lose its sense of smell and won't catch mice.
  3. If a cat in the house dies, you cannot take a new one for 21 days, otherwise the brownie will be offended. It is believed that he is friends with the furry inhabitants of the house, and after their death he misses them for exactly three weeks.
  4. The animal often lies on the table - family members will quarrel among themselves.
  5. For a black cat you can exchange from the devil not only an irredeemable coin, but also an invisibility hat.
  6. In the next world, cats help a person climb to heaven. If during his lifetime he caused pain to these animals, they will throw him into hell.
  7. A strange cat entered the hut - an old omen promises an addition to the family.

Street cats

Mustachioed “men” have an independent and strong character. They often seem proud and more reserved than cats. However, despite the fact that male animals do not strive to show their feelings to their owners, they are able to protect their owners from negative energy, heal various pathologies and lift their spirits. It is believed that cats have a beneficial effect on people suffering from leg diseases. According to superstitions, cats get along better with women. For girls with an unsettled personal life, the appearance of such a companion promises happy changes.

Signs about death

Since ancient times, representatives of the cat breed have been associated with the other world. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many “cat” signs regarding death:

  1. The animal suddenly began to meow loudly near the front door - leading to the death of one of the owners. By screaming, the pet tries to warn people and ward off trouble.
  2. According to legend, if a cat sits near the bed of a seriously ill person, but does not jump onto the bed or caress the patient, it means that he will die in the coming days.
  3. An animal often lying on the kitchen table is a sign of trouble. People said that it “watches out” one of its owners, that is, it predicts death for him.

Color matters

In ancient times, it was believed that the color of a pet determined how its appearance in the house affected its owners. For example, if a couple has long dreamed of an heir, a white kitten will help them fulfill this secret desire. A cub of this shade, if it is of the same sex as a person, foretells to a young man and girl who are preparing for a wedding that the engagement will be upset. However, if the groom takes home a “boy” and the bride takes home a “girl,” family life will turn out well.

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Animals with a red color promise material well-being, unexpected and useful acquisitions, and gifts.

Striped and gray pets, according to signs, help housewives find lost objects.

They willingly play with children and make sure that unfriendly people do not appear in the house.

Three-colored pets promise success in any endeavor, support the health of their owners, and cure serious illnesses.

Don't be afraid of black cats.

Such animals protect people from the influence of dark forces and warn of possible danger. For example, when the owner is talking on the phone and the pet does not give him peace, this means that the decision made is incorrect, and it is better to cancel things planned for the near future. In addition, black cats sense places with bad energy and do not allow their owners to approach them.

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Beliefs about these pets in the house

Today, these mustachioed pets, which were the first to appear in a person’s home, live in almost every apartment: someone keeps them to get rid of mice, someone keeps them for the soul. Cats have the ability to take away all the negativity , making the owner more balanced and happy.

Since ancient times, it was believed that Murka could improve well-being and improve health. Nowadays, it has become prestigious to have purebred cats. The widest variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet that completely suits the owner both in appearance and habits.

However, there are still those among animal lovers who are able to pick up and love a homeless, mongrel poor fellow who, by the will of fate, ended up on the street.

Why pick up a kitten from the street?

Children with mustaches often find themselves thrown out onto the street due to human cruelty. Anyone's heart will tremble at the sight of a hungry and frightened homeless kitten, mewing heart-rendingly and crying out for help. According to folk superstitions, if you take a purr into a homeless person’s house with pure thoughts :

  • There will be an unexpected and miraculous healing from all diseases and ailments that come from negative emotions and mental anguish.
  • You are guaranteed financial abundance and material well-being.
  • A family that shelters a mustachioed fluffy will forever receive protection from evil forces and negative emotions. All household members will be happy and successful in their endeavors.
  • There is a sign that if a kitten appears in a family where they cannot have children for a long time, the long-awaited baby will soon appear. A rescued cat will be a harbinger of the emergence of a new life.
  • If a little foundling appears in your home during a major religious holiday, this is a good sign; a cat in the house will always represent the protection of higher powers; this strong family will have a happy future, success in all endeavors and material well-being.
  • A tricolor cat is considered a particularly strong talisman for home and family; if it appears in the house, good luck will not keep you waiting.

Attention! Kicking out a kitten is considered a very bad omen; it will prevent a childless couple from giving birth to a long-awaited baby.

If there are two mustachioed pets in the apartment

If two murkas have settled in your house at once, this creates a favorable energetic background for its inhabitants; all troubles and misfortunes will bypass them.

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Cat beliefs about the weather

Cats are weather-dependent animals that can predict the weather forecast no worse than a weather forecaster; they are sensitive to weather changes. It is believed that the pet's vestibular apparatus plays the main role here.

The eardrum subtly senses changes in atmospheric pressure and air humidity and causes the animal to change behavior. Moreover, cats that spend a long time outdoors predict the weather more accurately. They will tell you exactly what surprises nature has in store:

  • If the temperature should drop, the furry sissy will take a place in advance by the stove, on the radiator, under a warm blanket or on the owner’s lap.
    At the same time, he will certainly curl up into a ball and hide his nose under a soft, warm paw. Important! You can't target cats without hair. The Sphinx will sleep curled up under the blanket in the rain, in the cold, and in the heat.
  • Before it warms up, the cat will roll over on its back, and if the heat is approaching, it will spread its paws in all directions to allow its body to cool down as much as possible. Now he can lie down anywhere - on the floor or windowsill. It’s not for nothing that they say: a cat on the floorboards means warmth is knocking on the house.
  • If your cat doesn't want to go outside, doesn't want to play, is lazy and thoughtful, get ready for heavy rain. The desire to pinch grass and increased thirst also indicate the approach of cloudy weather.
  • If your pet is restless, constantly spinning and turning, and not sleeping, expect a gale. The cat will try to jump onto a higher object, sharpen its claws and rush around the room hysterically.
  • A thoroughly licked and then fluffed tail warns of the approaching blizzard. And the wind, according to popular belief, will blow in the direction in which the cat turned its head while washing.
  • If a hurricane, earthquake or tsunami approaches, cats begin to run wildly around the house, trying to escape, and meow heartbreakingly, as if warning of great trouble. Some try to hide in a secluded place and visibly tremble. This phenomenal sensitivity is explained by the growth of static electricity before earth vibrations, which greatly frightens the sensitive animal.

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If you want to pick up an animal

Sometimes the kitten initially does not like the new owner. Then the pet begins to create trouble: damaging furniture and things, biting, scratching. Then the owners will have more serious problems. The animal will knock over dishes with food or drinks onto a person’s clothing, break souvenirs, play with keys, watches, jewelry and other valuable items. In this case, you should find another owner for the kitten or wait until the pet grows up and release it back into the wild.

When meeting a stray animal on the street, you need to stretch out your hands and ask: “Will you come to me?” It is believed that if a four-legged friend approaches a person on its own, it means that the animal has chosen its owner. Before bringing a stray cat into your home, it is better to feed it. When the animal has eaten, it can be taken away.

It is believed that if a stray animal approaches a person on a day that coincides with a church holiday, this means that the pet is a messenger of a guardian angel and is intended to help the owner achieve a certain goal.

Interpretations by day of the week

In many cases, the correct interpretation of a sign depends on what day of the week a particular situation occurred. Here are some interpretations of stories with a stray dog:

  • Monday - the new work week promises to be difficult;
  • Tuesday - one of your friends began to be very jealous of you;
  • Wednesday - beware of betrayal from a loved one;
  • Thursday - it's time to put your thoughts in order;
  • Friday - expect a visit from guests;
  • Saturday - get ready for an unexpected journey;
  • Sunday - spend more time serving God.

No matter what day you happen to meet a homeless dog, don’t be too lazy to go to the store to buy the animal a treat. If you give your pet a treat with the words: “I wish you a well-fed life, and I wish you a calm life,” then you will definitely attract good luck to your side.

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Kindness always helps

Of course, compassion for a homeless animal is a good feeling. There is nothing bad or dangerous in wanting to adopt a kitten. You should not give up this aspiration.

After all, having a pet can change your life for the better. A furry friend has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and mental state. In addition, the pet will always be grateful to its owner for saving it.

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