How psychics and animals see and communicate with the souls of the dead

There is much speculation about whether cats can see ghosts and the souls of dead people. Skeptics try to explain the atypical behavior of pets by the perfection of the senses, and esotericists claim the unique abilities of animals. To understand which point of view is correct, it is worth considering in detail the positions of both sides.

Mystical abilities of cats

Magicians and psychics are sure that cats see phantoms. They are guardians on the border between the real and astral worlds. According to legends, cats sense “guests” from the other world. As soon as a phantom appears in the house, pets become wary, anxious and aggressive. Some cats have developed intuition. They are able to predict the danger that a person may face. Cats anticipate disasters, earthquakes, fires or floods.

Lithotherapists are of the opinion that the cat senses the human condition. Even if the disease has not yet manifested itself, the pet will feel the special energy of the disease. With his affection and attention, he will inform you about the illness. The animal comes to the owner and lies down on the diseased organ. Healing occurs during purring.

Death in different cultures

2. Celebration, because they have completed their earthly life!

Many cultures celebrate the death of a relative as a real holiday, because their loved one has completed his earthly life and is moving on to a better world.

They also understand that sooner or later the long-awaited meeting with him will happen, because they accept the fact that spiritual life, unlike physical life, is endless.

This understanding makes one feel the sadness and pain associated with the death of a loved one, but at the same time feel joy that they have ended their earthly existence and gone to heaven.

To put it in more accessible terms, it's like a bittersweet feeling, like when a young man graduates from school: he's happy to have graduated, but sad because he's leaving what has become his second home.

Unfortunately, the reaction of many people to the passing of a loved one is quite predictable: severe pain, suffering and sadness. Few people would think of feeling joy because they have lost a loved one.

Agree, rejoicing at the death of a loved one is somehow unnatural and illogical. Think back to times when you felt conflicting emotions and how you dealt with them.

One thing is absolutely certain: in matters of the perception of death, a person is at a rather low level of development, he has not yet learned to think from a spiritual point of view and perceives death as a physiological process, and not a spiritual one.

For a deeper understanding, one more example can be given. Imagine how incredibly sore your feet would be after walking all day in uncomfortable shoes. Now think how wonderful it would be at the end of the day to take off those hated shoes and place your feet in a bath of warm water. Something similar happens to the body after death, especially when the person is old, sick or infirm.

3. They have a wonderful experience.

Remember that your deceased loved one is in a better place now. Of course, provided that it is not Hitler or another vile villain who did a lot of bad things during his earthly life.

Remember your best days, your happiest, healthiest and most energetic moments, and then multiply them by a million. The soul of a departed person experiences approximately the same sensations in heaven if he did not commit evil during his earthly life.

Agree, in this way, death no longer seems so terrible. The soul feels so good that it merges with this light and the pure energy that the other world emits.

Perhaps it sounds too good to be true. But sometimes during earthly life we ​​are accustomed to struggle and experience a lot of disappointments, so that, as a rule, we wait for new bad news.

That is why it is so important to accept that the souls of our deceased relatives live much better and calmer in the afterlife than on earth. They enjoy the light and the freedom that heaven has given them.. Here is another sad story, which, nevertheless, has a very deep meaning

A mother who lost her only son decided to heal her grief by helping other people.

Here is another sad story, which, nevertheless, has a very deep meaning. A mother who lost her only son decided to heal her grief by helping other people.

Every week she brought a bowl of soup to a homeless person, and each time, helping a homeless person, she silently repeated the name of her late son and imagined her dear face. She focused her thoughts on the happy times they spent together.

Instead of wallowing in sadness and pain, she decided to help those in need and remember the joyful moments, thereby easing the pain of loss.

Psychics' opinions on the abilities of cats

Psychics claim that cats are able to communicate with the souls of the dead. The eyes act as unique conductors of the energy flow. Cats have a special structure of their visual organs. Therefore, they can easily see the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum. If paranormal phenomena occur in the room, the animal may behave as follows:

  • hisses and growls;
  • arches his back;
  • freezes;
  • afraid to approach a certain place;
  • concentrates attention on one point;
  • flattens ears;
  • reacts aggressively to any actions.

Sometimes your pet's pupils dilate and his fur stands on end. As a rule, the souls of the dead make themselves known in infrared radiation. For example, during photography.

A little history of cats


Since the times of the ancient Egyptians, cats have been credited with the ability to communicate with the spirits of dead people, and cats themselves were considered guides to the afterlife. In many cultures, cats played the role of companions of various deities. The ability attributed to cats not only to see the souls of the dead, but also to move to the other world was explained by the special vision of these animals. After all, cats perfectly distinguish all objects in the dark, and their eyes glow with mysterious splendor in the dark.

Science simply explains this phenomenon. The surface of a cat's eyes consists of special photoreceptors, thanks to which cats can navigate perfectly even in complete darkness. The glow of cat's eyes in the dark is ensured by the special structure of the animals' visual organs and the presence of special “reflectors” that allow even the weakest light to be used to maximum benefit.

Another opinion about whether cats see souls

It is impossible to know for sure whether cats see the souls of the dead. Science has no evidence that the other world exists. Scientists explain the strange behavior of the pet due to the peculiarities of vision, increased sensitivity of the organs of hearing and smell. The animal has an organ that can sense smells and taste. Therefore, there is a theory that this is what causes inappropriate behavior. Insects and mice can also act as provocateurs.

They make sounds that humans cannot hear. If a cat is acting wary, it may be reacting this way to other living organisms. In apartment buildings, a pet is able to pick up many smells and sounds from other apartments. This may frighten some animals. Because of this, they behave aggressively and hyperactively.

Sometimes a cat's unusual behavior can indicate health problems. According to veterinarians, pets often behave inappropriately when they have tumors. Therefore, during aggression, cats are recommended to be shown to doctors for timely detection of abnormalities.

Every point of view has its place. To form your position, it is enough to understand whose opinion is more reasoned and has good reasons.

Animal souls after death

There is only one life for every living being.
The divine spirit touches all living beings who inhabit this planet, and each of us bears the burden of responsibility to each other.

It would be wrong to separate the lives of some from others. All aspects of human and animal life are inextricably linked and must move together. While man was making his evolutionary ascent, the animal was always nearby.


“Sometimes, at night, my wife Jane sees the spirit of our deceased dog, William, lying next to the bed. (When he was alive, he was a special animal.) He still comes back and visits her. I receive hundreds of letters from people wondering what happens to the souls of their departed pets. Others claim that they saw the spirit of their pet, who came to them after his death.

Animals seem to have the ability to anticipate their death, and in some cases seem to accept it. When William's time came, the veterinarian advised that he be euthanized. This decision is not easy for many.”

The medium says that in some sessions, along with the souls of departed relatives, he was also able to summon the spirits of dead animals.

He saw many cry, realizing that their loved ones were not lost forever, and that they had simply passed on to the spirit world.

According to Craig, after death, all pets continue to live with people in the same spiritual world.

To prove this theory, the medium cites an incident that happened to a woman who turned to him for help several years ago. This case was described in one of the national British magazines and was confirmed by journalists.


Some of the ancient Greek philosophers believed in a special doctrine - metempsychosis.

Metempsychosis is a philosophy about the transmigration of the soul of a deceased person into a newly born living being. That is, according to some philosophers, the soul evolves into human form after many lives lived in the form of an animal.

Followers of many Eastern religions believe in this concept. It seems that most mediums and clairvoyants share this view.

However, many doubts arise regarding self-awareness and the ability to maintain this awareness after death. Well, you must admit, it’s hard to believe that, for example, a flea has a soul.

One very famous medium explains what really happens to some animals after they die.

Not all animals survive as individual souls after their death. Some merge with what is commonly called group consciousness


Their souls return to the collective consciousness of one particular species, from which different animal souls are then born. And only when self-consciousness arises, such a soul continues after death and begins the long process of climbing the evolutionary ladder to human and angelic consciousness (to the highest degree of existence).

For many animals, this journey begins when they receive love from a human. In particular, pets acquire a sense of identity with a person due to prolonged exposure to that same person.

Our consciousness seems to influence them, so to speak, forces them to abandon their nature and begins to develop free will in them.

Some people love their pets so much that they treat them like their own children. This attitude helps the animal to advance spiritually.

The love that a person gives to his pet allows the animal to quickly find a sense of identity.

Thus, the owner of the animal, without knowing it, helps create a new soul. Some even believe that pets are, in the literal sense, children, because their souls are completely pure and new...

The energetic power of cats

They say that cats have strong energy. Let's try to look at a pet from the point of view of extrasensory perception.


“A cat is an energetic substance, invisible to us, trembling, of a very high level, high frequency, that is, energy goes back and forth, it is not 220 volts in the current, digital representation. It's probably about a thousand volts. And this energy substance, thousands of volts, has eyes at the top that emit this energy in a living stream,” says psychic Arina Evdokimova.

The energy clot that a cat represents cannot be destroyed, the psychic believes. This is where those nine lives come from. Falling from a great height, finding itself in situations on the verge of life and death, the animal simply reincarnates. Of course, the human eye cannot see this.

The Institute of Ecology and Evolution studies the habits of all felines. Zoologist Anastasia Antonevich says the reason cats are so resilient lies in their behavior before they became domesticated. That is, the conditions of the wild in which they were for a long time were clearly reflected in the genetic code of the animal. This is why cats are so highly adapted to survival.

How to help your pet reincarnate

You can't force a cat to reincarnate, you can't help it reincarnate - because it's impossible. The universe will not consider anyone's wishes or suffering about loss. One of the laws of karma is humility. Any situation must be realized, accepted, dealt with. The thought that the cat was surrounded by care and love will be enough for you. He was reborn into another body or form and went to the afterlife.

If the loss is severe, get another pet. It is not necessary to look for something similar and wait for offspring. Adopt any stray kitten or puppy. You will be warmed by the thought that the world's karmic balance has been maintained: someone's favorite in a new form is a member of your family, and yours is someone else's.

Man-made instructions are unlikely to change the mechanism of transformation. Therefore, it does not matter what is in store for a cat after its next earthly life: unlike humans, they have their own karmic laws.

Maybe it really is the ghosts

The son of the famous director of the Cat Theater Yuri Kuklachev, Dmitry Kuklachev, does not wonder why cats see ghosts, but he does not doubt their paranormal abilities. The artist spoke about his confidence in an interview.

Once on tour with Dmitry’s cats, an amazing thing happened. During the rehearsal, the animals did not look at the artist giving commands, but at a completely different point. It turned out to be an ordinary white column, next to which, at first glance, there was nothing unusual. During the performance the situation did not change, and the performance was almost disrupted. Later, Dmitry Kuklachev was told that one day a crow flew into this hall and died near that same white column.

There is also a famous story about a grandmother and her cat. The woman lived with her pet for a long time until she died. Her grandson and his family moved into the apartment. The cat behaved friendly and quiet with its new owners. But when the next anniversary of the death of his beloved owner came, the animal sat for hours at the front door and looked at her.

From time to time the cat meowed, as if he was having a conversation with someone. The new residents noticed the pet’s unusual behavior and, thanks to this, never forgot about the anniversary of their grandmother’s death.

However, there is no evidence in modern science that cats see ghosts, and it is worth noting that all these cases may have completely natural explanations. Therefore, it’s everyone’s personal choice whether to believe mysticism or not. Perhaps a video will help you confirm your opinion and answer the question of whether cats see ghosts.

Ghosts and goblins

While watching your pet, you sometimes notice how his gaze suddenly turns into emptiness. For example, in an empty corner, on a sofa, on a windowsill. She looks as if someone is sitting there. The animal can suddenly jump into this place and meow.

  1. Do not scare the animal, follow further;
  2. The animal quickly calmed down, everything was fine, there was no danger;
  3. The animal continues to be nervous, which means the area needs to be treated;
  4. Read the prayer, sprinkle it with holy water, put an icon there.

Such advice is given by superstitious people. However, do not forget about the special sensitivity of these creatures. Perhaps she just hears what is happening behind the wall, so she reacts in a similar way.

Souls of dead people

But you must understand that no spirit, whether it is someone you knew in life or someone you did not know, can simply gain power over you.

Spirits can only influence your lives by gaining access to it. The space must be open. If you are vibrating at a low frequency, such as being unhappy or experiencing shame, fear, guilt, apathy, depression or anger, then you are opening the door for such spirits and allowing them to enter your life.

But if you live a life full of love, joy, compassion, gratitude, then even the most evil or jealous spirit cannot influence your life.

If you are worried that you may attract the attention of an angry spirit of the deceased who is seeking to bring negative energy upon you, so to speak, close the door to your life. How to do it?. Yes, just stop feeling guilty if, for example, you created a couple with a new partner.

Yes, just stop feeling guilty if, for example, you created a couple with a new partner.

Drive away thoughts that the souls of the dead are watching you or are around you, do not show that you are afraid of ghosts. Don't give them this power over you. Try to get rid of the feeling of fear, guilt in front of them, indulge in kindness.

Positive thoughts, if necessary, laugh more and enjoy life. Do not provoke the souls of the dead to interfere in current events.

Belligerent and negative souls hate this, so they will quickly leave you.

Don't spend too much time wondering what the dead think of you

There are many other earthly things, much more pleasant, that can attract your attention.

Other superstitions associated with cats

If you take a pet into your home in order to protect it, or want to get a reliable guard against diseases, troubles and ill-wishers, choose the right kitten.

In Rus', animals were selected according to the color of the owner's hair. Now experts recommend relying on the color of the animal itself, depending on the following characteristics :

  • Redhead is a solar messenger. Such a kitten will bring health to children and wealth to parents;
  • White - will cleanse the house of negative energy, help fight serious illnesses, and relieve physical stress;
  • Gray - will bring long-awaited love, restore understanding to the family, strengthen relationships;
  • Black is a strong protector, will save you from family curses, remove the evil eye, drive away ill-wishers from the house, reward the owners with wisdom;
  • Siamese Tan - attracts wealth, honor, respect;
  • Tricolors are a symbol of longevity;
  • Two-colored ones – impart common sense and wisdom.

When you bring a kitten into the house, pay attention: he does not sleep, does not play, refuses to eat, which means he is not welcome. It’s better to return the baby back, take another one, he will be of little help.

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